• Member Since 11th Jan, 2012
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Lord King Cocoon

I am the lord of the changelings, King Cocoon!

More Blog Posts52

  • 36 weeks
    Correcting the Critics #2: "Save MLP"

    It's been a while since I did my last part in the series. But recently, I saw something that encouraged this installment. A tweet pointing out what someone said 10 months prior. On November 25th 2022, Fluttercheer made a blog post on this site about Save MLP and sent a message about how supporters of that

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    9 comments · 261 views
  • 50 weeks
    ChatGPT came up with AU fanfic ideas

    I'd say that the title of this blog post says it all, but I'd be lying. I'm not the type who would rely on ChatGPT. But I would certainly consider it once in a while and would most definitely recommend it, especially if you have writer's block.

    Some of these ideas I may use sometime. Or anyone reading this blog can use them for their own inspiration.

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  • 54 weeks
    Great Stories Done Better #2: The Music of Ponyville


    If you haven't read the original story and do not want to be spoiled, visit the link here and read it. The Music of Ponyville

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  • 69 weeks
    Great Stories Done Better #1: Project Ascension


    If you haven't read the original story and do not want to be spoiled, visit the link here and read it. The Music of Ponyville

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  • 70 weeks
    Correcting the Critics #1: "Why Couldn't MLP been more epic?"

    I've chosen to begin a new blog series where I look at the claims of trolls, haters, and ignorant people and pick apart their claims. I can't promise how regular or frequent this series will be. But I wanted to make a proper series with a straight-to-the-point name. In this series, I will also avoid actually posting any links or saying names. I don't want to give the people or groups any

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"De-Bunking (Scribbler's Criticism & Equestria's laws/stats)" Debunked · 5:54am Nov 1st, 2021

Seeing as I am now a Noble Lord, perhaps someone with some actual importance should debunk Mykan now. This is "De-Bunking (Scribbler's Criticism & Equestria's laws/stats)" Debunked.

It surprises me how much my decorators claim they do their research, and yell that everything I say is wrong...

Normally, I wouldn't address spelling and grammar errors...actually, that's a lie, but I'm trying to cut down on it. Because how something is said isn't as important as what is being said. But I just had to point this out because I didn't even know that "decorators" was supposed to be "detractors" until a little later. Now, I can forgive scrambling up the letters. I can forgive hitting the wrong key. Typos happen. It can even surprise me how often it can happen to me. But not only is a combination of scrambling and hitting the wrong key, it was done in a perfect way to spell and existing word.

But enough about typos. Let's see what Mykan has to say about his decorators.

One thing it fails at is the fact that Equestria, for the better term, is a Despotic Absolute Monarchy.

First of all: DESPOTIC means TYRANNICAL

Fun fact about language. If perfect synonyms existed, synonyms would be useless. Why would "despotic" exist if we already have a word for "tyrannical"? The answer is that the devil is in the details. Most synonyms are the result of colloquial definitions, not true definitions. Despots can lead to tyranny. But that doesn't mean they are tyrants just because they're despots. A better synonym for despot would be totalitarian.

I also noticed that you didn't address the "Absolute Monarchy" part of the claim. First of all, it makes the word "despotic" redundant, since a despot is someone with absolute authority. As for it being a monarchy, that's more complicated. For a while, it was a monarchy. But before Luna was banished to the moon and after her return, it was a diarchy. But that's just semantics I suppose.

I very much doubt that Equestria is run by Tyrants.

Morons... yes... (That's my view of them) but not Tyrants...

Have you ever read your own fanfics before? I mean, they're also morons in your fanfics.

Besides, I thought my detractors didn't like Tyrannical governments? They went to incredible lengths to name Grand Ruler Celesto "Hitler" and call the entire Space Pony race "Nazis" or "Donald Trump"

And now here they are calling the Equestrian government Despotic (Tyrannical)

They're not calling the Equestrian government tyrannical. And the one person that used the word "despotic" is in fact just one person. He's just one of you decorators. So your decorators aren't calling the Equestrian government despotic, just one decorator is calling it despotic. And I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he meant tyrannical, but wasn't referring to canon Equestria, but your specific version of Equestria.

And though I wouldn't use terms like "Hitler" or "Nazis", I would certainly compare Celesto to Trump. Because just like Trump, Celesto is a tyrannical moron.

The Four Princesses are the rulers of Equestria

First of all... Celestia and Luna are the rulers of Equestria; therefore there are only TWO (That is until Twilight takes over)

That's just means that Celestia and Luna are the highest authority, which I won't argue with. But being the highest authority doesn't mean being the only authority.

Princess Cadance rules the Crystal Empire, but that's it (She has her limits) She may rule the Crystal empire, but Celestia and Luna still hold more authority over her and can overturn any of her decisions.

That is actually not true. The Crystal Empire is a semi-autonomous territory of Equestria. Although Cadance can't pass laws that would directly oppose any other Equestrian laws, Equestrian laws dictate what any laws that can and can't be part of the Crystal Empire's government.

And just so we're clear, this is something we see her in the U.S.A. There are U.S. territories that are not part of the 50 states. But they are part of the country though.

Granted, Cadance only has authority over the Crystal Empire. But seeing as the Crystal Empire is a part of Equestria, that doesn't make Cadance one of Equestria's rulers, especially considering that Celestia and Luna have no authority there.

Also, Fun Fact: Cadance and Shining Armor are legally the Empress and Emperor. So even though that authority doesn't extend beyond the Crystal Empire, they actually have more authority inside the Crystal Empire than Celestia and Luna. So technically, Cadance and Shining Armor are a higher authority, even if you take into account the fact that Celestia is legally a Queen and is only Princess in name only.

As for Twilight, I like many others still hold our grounds that as Princess of Friendship... it is just an Honorary Title. She is not a TRUE Princess...

Having a crown, castle, and people CALLING you "Highness" means nothing...

You like many others? Who are these "others" you speak of? Because I can assure you that a significantly more people than your "others" say that she does have that authority.

At best, if I grant that she's not a "true princess", it only applies to politics. Twilight's authority legitimately comes from the Law of the Land. And in MLP, the Law of the Land is Harmony itself.

-She does not run the country...

That doesn't mean she can't or doesn't have any authority.

-She does not make laws...

That doesn't means she can't or hasn't. We've never seen Celestia or Luna making any laws, therefore they can't. We never see Cadance or Shining Armor making any laws, therefore they can't. Just because we don't see it happen, it doesn't mean she doesn't have the authority.

Also, Mayor Mare has the authority to make laws for Ponyville. Are you really trying to tell me that PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle has less authority than a mayor of a single town? You know what, who am I kidding? Mykan probably does believe that.

-She does not collect and impose taxes

Okay, now you're stretching. We can't even confirm if taxes exist in MLP, let alone whether or not Twilight has the authority to collect or impose them.

As Princess of Friendship it is her task to promote the understanding of friendship, and to maintain peace and order in Equestria.

...That is still not a real... POLITICAL Princess.

Why does she have to be a "political" princess to be a real princess? Last I checked, politics takes a back seat in MLP. The closest I've seen to politics in MLP canon Mayor Mare, though a close second is the EEA.

I stand by that, and so do others. (Even Starlight Glimmer pointed this out in one ep that's she's not a real princess)

And just like anything else in the fandom, you hold a minority position.

Also, in what episode did Starlight say that Twilight's not a real princess? (And how does Starlight saying it make it true?)

So in all terms, the Princesses are the Highest level of Lawgivers in the land so saying that they can't do anything will not work in that form of government.

Still rather they be Tyrants with the whips, eh?

First of all, that's not a position your decorators hold, that's a position you hold. Secondly, the quote you used doesn't even imply any form of tyranny.

Twilight Sparkle: "I order you to accept friendship and be happy all the time."

Celestia: "You are obviously a non-conformist, and a rebel!"

No... Celestia and Twilight don't want Equestria to come to that, especially considering that's not friendship at all, and it only proves me right when I call Twilight out...

That can only prove you right if you're right. The quote mentioned lawmakers, not dictators. Fun Fact: Laws have no authority whatsoever to tell you what to do. Laws are only restrictions that tell you what you can't do. And that's why you're proven wrong. Because Twilight has never once ordered anyone to accept friendship or be happy all the time.

you just can’t seem to take “No” for an answer. Whenever you come across some creature that doesn’t share your view, or live the way you prefer them to be, you constantly stalk and harass them hoping they’ll cave in and do a 180 on their lives to satisfy you!

That’s not being liberal, that’s being a control freak!

LIBERAL: willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.

Where is that quote from? Is it from the show or one of you fanfic caricatures?

Also, that is not the definition of liberal. Simply put, liberal simply means free. (And just so nobody gets on my back about my comment about no true synonyms, the meaning is more nuanced than that.)

Scribbler threating to sue Twilight or even trying to sic the Guards on her would Not work because Twilight is a princess and in AN ABSOLUTE Monarchy, she is the law.

No... she is not. This was already covered since she is not a Political Princess... also... as was just covered by the laws of Magna Carta, she, too, must abide by the laws.

Since it was never canon that she is not a political princess, the only thing that was covered is an assertion. Also, a Magna Carta of such style wouldn't work in MLP, because the princesses would've had absolute power before it was written. King John was too weak to resist the nobiles passing it, a problem that Celestia never had.

And harassing someone is indeed a crime, which can land her in the same trouble as anyone else (Good intentions or not)

And it's a moot point, since there has to be harassment in order for Twilight to commit the crime of harassment. That and the fact that laws mean nothing if law enforcers refuse to enforce laws. Especially considering how many of them believe they are above the law because of the legal protections they are granted. It's why it's significantly more difficult to enforce laws on law enforcers.

Case in point, the murder of George Floyd. Yeah, that cop get punished. But he wasn't as punished as he was probably supposed to be because of the protections provided to by being a law enforcer. And if those protections weren't there, George Floyd would most likely still be alive today.

Just like being a police-officer-- you break the law, you answer for it just like anyone else. (You are not exempted)

What rock have you been living under to think that what works on paper works in reality? On paper, law enforcers are not exempt from laws. In reality, most law enforcers aren't just granted legal protections, but law enforcers will defend each other. Also, it's up to law enforcers to enforce laws, or in some cases, choose not to enforce them. Jaywalking is in fact a series crime. However, the reason you never hear about it is because it's such a mundane action that police just ignore it. In fact, the average American breaks on average 7 laws a day simply by ignorance of these obscure laws.

Also, while in Arkansas, you'd better not mispronounce the states name. Because that can land you in prison. That's how stupid some laws are. For example, it's illegal to time travel without the permission of the government. That law only makes sense in the context of having the ability to time travel. Since we don't, that's a useless law that's just filling up space in law books.

Now I talked with people who studied law, and did a little research myself about this...

I call BS. You probably went onto r/legaladvice, and your research was probably just googling until you found something that agrees with what you want it to say.

-He is refusing to take what has been legally granted to him (Which he has a right to do if he chooses)

I dare you to use that reasoning if you get stopped and handed a speeding ticket.

-He is voicing his anger at people for "Ruining his life" (He is not insulting them, not directly)

There are more ways to be in concept of court than insulting people you know.

-He is stating how angry he is and how he wants others to feel like him.

Depending on his tone, that actually can be something that can get him in contempt of court.

Yes, that does sound threatening, but he also openly states he has no intention of law-breaking. He hasn't really insulted the court or the judge, and therefore, he cannot be held in contempt. He can only be warned not to break the laws or he'll face consequences.

Him stating that he has no intention of law-breaking would mean absolutely nothing. And as stated before, of course he can be held in contempt. insults are practically the bare minimum for contempt. Any form of speaking out of line can earn you contempt.

Also the idea of him not needing mental help might also send warning signs. The Royal Guard would be watching him as he could be seen as a danger to the public.

The guards probably WOULD keep an eye on him, like they keep an eye on all citizens. (They are Equestria's version of Police on the Beat) if something goes bad, you call for the Guards.

That is demonstrably false. When's the last time you saw Royal Guards on duty doing anything that's not related doing as their name suggests and guarding royalty? If Royal Guards were the Equestrian version of Police, then they'd just be called Guards. They're called Royal Guards for a reason. That's why the Royal Guards keeping an eye on you is such a series thing. Because it's not normal for royalty to send their personal guards to watch an individual civilian.

But even if they watch him... there's still THIS factor...

Unless he has been PROVEN that he is in fact a danger to himself and those around him... no case can be used against him, or anyone simply for THINKING of things but not actually doing them.

Again, what rock are you living under? Granted, you can't be charged of anything for just thinking something. But the fact is that they can only know you're thinking something if you say it out loud. And if that's the case, that's reason enough to put you on high alert.

Conspiracy means you actually PLAN to do something harmful or unlawful.

That's not what conspiracy means.

But just thinking about it (Like all people do when they have violent fantasies or what not) that's not the same thing.

Normal people don't have violent fantasies. Anyone who has violent fantasies is to be considered high alert or potential risk. Learn the difference between thoughts and fantasies. Because anyone who has violent fantasies is someone to be weary of at the very least.

...Another example is people think I should be thrown in jail or mental institution... for ridiculous reasons

I call BS because his reasons are BS.

-Not wanting to get married

I know for a fact that nobody has said that to you. There are far too many people in the world, including myself, who have no desire to get married for anyone to think someone should get institutionalized for it.

I'm willing to bet that what you're actually referring to is your desire to cause pain to anyone who is happily married.

-Using my fiction/art as a creative, therapeutic outlet

Writing and art alone can be therapeutic. So what therapist recommended it to you? Wait, let me guess... you self-diagnosed it as therapeutic, didn't you? Because it's clearly not actually working, since something being successfully therapeutic implies that progress would me made on your character.

I'm willing to bet it's what you right about that's why people think you should be institutionalized. Because what you write about reflects the mind of the author. And when it's a common theme, that demonstrates issues. What you write about, the fact that you admit that you are writing your desires for what to do to those characters, and the fact that you just admitted that it's a form of therapy for you proves that you need professional help.

-Refusing to "Grow up" and "Mature" the way THEY want me to.

Again, I know for a fact that nobody says you should be institutionalized for now growing up the way they want you to. I don't even have an interpretation of what that could've meant. That's just false.

The only possible interpretation I can think of is removing the claim that you should be institutionalized for this reason. I am however quite confident that nobody is telling you to grow up/mature in a way they specifically want you to. They're just telling you to grow up/mature in general. There are children who are significantly more mature than you are. So I feel confident in saying that I am vastly more mature than you are and will be for the foreseeable future.

Fun Fact: I've heard that you're autistic. Well, you can't use that as an excuse, because so am I.

...No, the law does not work that way, and neither do courts. It's all based on FACTS, not Opinions or assumptions.

It's a fact that most of what you think are just opinions and assumptions. And I'm sure your decorators will agree with me.

You cannot and DO NOT go to jail if you are under suspicion of committing a crime.

This is true.

The police need PROOF that you did something wrong before an arrest can be made.

This is unfortunately not true. Let me guess. You think that getting arrested and going to jail are the same thing, don't you?

Pinkie: "We all KNOW Flimm and Flamm are sabotaging our freighters. Why can't we just arrest them?

Lightning: It's not that simple Pinkie. We have to have PROOF before we can do that. Just knowing isn't enough. It's our word against theirs."

Actually, they can arrest the Flim Flam brothers. They just can't be sent to jail. Proof is what you use in court, and you can be sent to jail without a trial. If not arrested, they can simply be issued a restraining order. And if they want proof, I'm sure they could easily set up security cameras.

...Scribbler isn't breaking the law with what he's doing.

-Being angry

Granted, you can't be punished for having emotions, as long as any thoughts born from those emotions are kept in check.

-Telling people to "Bug off"

That depends on the context. There are what's known as fighting words, which actually aren't defended in the 1st Ammendment. "Bug off" probably wouldn't be considered as fighting words, since it's not threatening. But under the right context, it could be.

-Refusing to live a sociable life

That depends on how far it goes. Being anti-social in general isn't illegal. But if you go too extreme, it can lead to illegal actions.

However, just because being anti-social isn't illegal, it also isn't without consequences. People at the market will be less willing to sell you anything. Private businesses like most restaurants and stores can refuse services. Seeing that Equestria doesn't have any strict pricing laws, instead of refusing to serve you, people can ramp up prices just for you. Extreme cases can result in you having to leave a town, state/territory, or even the country.

-Shunning his ex-wife and their son

Illegal, no. But there's nothing acceptable about shunning anyone. Because it can ruin lives. Shunning is what cults teach their followers to do to anyone who doesn't comply.

He's being a JERK, yes... but not a criminal or someone deranged. You may want him to be thrown in jail just because of that, just like people want ME to be thrown in jail for my way of thinking...

It may not be criminal, but that is far more than being a jerk. Shunning your child is as deranged as you can get without being directly abusive.

-He's not hurting anyone physically

Harm is more than just what's physical.

-He hasn't violated anyone's space or property, nor has he made the moves to do so

Not yet anyway.

-He hasn't stolen or broken anything.

Or at least he wasn't caught doing it. Who knows what the future holds.

-He makes good income and takes care of himself

After people learn that he shuns his kid, that can easily change.

But this fic shows one thing: Mykan's twisted world view and his LACK of understanding of The Law.

I believe I've just proven OTHERWISE, and I've also proven my detractors are sinking pathetically lower in this "holy crusade" of theirs to bring me down. (Their desperation is quite amusing)

You haven't proven anything.

And you're bringing yourself down. You don't need your decorators to help you with that. The irony is that you claim we're the ones who are amusing. And yet we're the ones who are living rent free in your head.

I did a little research,

Emphasis on "little".

and I spoke with my online friend who knows about this stuff,

And that equates to... *gets out calculator*
...carry the 2...
...that was supposed to be +, not -...
*puts calculator away* That equates to nobody.

even visited other sights to confirm it.

r/legaladvice isn't not a good source for actual legal advice.

So don't tell me I don't know how the law works. I don't know everything, but I know some things.

I know you don't know how the law works because it's complicated. So you don't know enough to know how the law works. Then again, I don't know what country you're getting your laws from. I'm pretty sure it's not on this continent though.

I intended not to go too in-depth about Mykan's moaning. But that's what it ended up being.

TLDR: Mykan is full of BS and can't stand that we live in his head rent free.

Your Changeling Lord King Cocoon has spoken.

Click here for Part 2

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