• Member Since 16th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen January 12th


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update about summoned goddess on nightmares · 1:41am Jan 4th, 2022

Hello! First of all I want to say I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy new year!

After that I also want to apologise for not updating it for a while. I did originally plan to do more quickly but ended up procrastinating pretty badly. I still want to continue the story and plan to do so at some point, as it has been on my mind regularly. I feel like it still needs more work, planning, editing, etc. before more can be posted. Even then I feel like I can only do so much for its quality.

I have looked over the comments at one point or another and thank everyone for their advice and support. No one has said anything mean, which is nice. Strangely I find myself dreading reading the comments. Perhaps it’s some an innate reaction to anticipating any sort of criticism? The feeling is the strongest in the process of actually reading them; particular anything that can be remotely considered a criticism. Just to be clear as to not get the wrong idea, no one has been mean. It’s just me having weird reactions to things.

It does not help that I have gone for a somewhat darker story over all with what that may entail.
People definitely think of things and interpret things in ways that don’t cross my mind as I’m writing.

I also have noticed in particular some comments pointing out how weird, to put it mildly, Niles comes across as. It’s not really intentional. Sure he is more into Nightmare than most, but a lot of his interactions were meant to be more care free and playing around with a lot of his comments. Seems like someone I will need to sort out more as the story progresses. I’m not sure if I should go over the already posted bits and try to sort it out better, as I don’t want to keep changing things for people that have already read though what exists. it seems i most likely need to work on characterization in general, which is something i have been most concerned about messing up.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. I hope everyone has a good day!

Report Jstarter · 443 views · Story: Summoned Goddess of Nightmares ·
Comments ( 3 )

but ended up procrastinating pretty badly

Story of my life. Don't worry about it, really. Unless you're writing for a publisher, you can take as much time as you want. After all, you don't actually owe us anything and anyone that pretends otherwise is an entitled *fluffy bunny*. That's one of the reasons why I mainly work on my stories until they are mostly finished, I guess. I understand not wanting to disappoint anyone in that regard.

Strangely I find myself dreading reading the comments

That's something I think every author feels, to be honest. There's always an idiot that will say something or another. What matters most, though, is that you don't let it get to you and try to not outright dismiss critque (tempting, I know, but sometimes even *fluffy bunnies* can be helpful). Unless it's some phobic git spouting off hate left and right, then totally dismiss them. :raritywink:

I’m not sure if I should go over the already posted bits and try to sort it out better

That's something you usually do when you are making no progress whatsoever in the story and should not be done lightly. If you do it, though, try to not make it too drastic unless you think it absolutely necessary and a major improvement to what you wrote previously. You aren't yet at a point where it would be a huge inconvenience to re-read your story (even if it were, people would still re-read it if they really like your story), so you don't have to worry that much about it causing confusion and whatnot.

Well, that's all I really wanted to say in response to this, I hope you had a good holiday season and happy New Year. :3

Well I still enjoyed what’s been posted so far, probably better than anything I could put out, XD, I’ve tried writing but it never really came to me well, maybe I’ll try again in the future, anyway, it’s a good read.

It's pretty normal to be afraid of the judgement of others. Me? I doubt I'll ever put anything out into the public. Burnt too many times, too afraid. You're really brave for writing a story on the internet.

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