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Character Profiles: Beatrix · 1:43am Mar 23rd, 2022

Beatrix Belladonna

Age Immortal (physically appears 23)
Race Unicorn
Identity Female
Cutie Mark a swirling starry cosmos
Voice Erica Lindbeck

The Wayward Witch and the primary protagonist of the series. She is the daughter of Trixie Lulamoon and Shining Armor from an alternative dimension. Beatrix's magical prowess is only matched by her thirst for adventure. A powerful spellcaster, Beatrix lives to defy destiny, having broken free from becoming the 'dark messiah' as prophecized in the Necronomicon. With the vastness of space at her disposal, Beatrix travels between the different planes of reality to see everything the universe has to offer.

Over the course of the series, she's had plenty of flings and made many friends and enemies over her journies. Beatrix also has plenty of teachers, one of whom would become her lover, Oona.

Beatrix wields the Demiurge that resides in her Prima Materia, which gives her access to Astral Magic, allowing her to summon portals and store items within the amulet. Her Onoma is named after the Greek God of Darkness, Erebus, amplifying her dark magic for creative spells and amorphous shapes.


  • Action Girl: She's a cunning spellcaster that can dish out a lot of damage.
  • Action Mom: Parenthood hasn't slowed her down one bit! This role is later shared with Oona after restoring the Lightendark Prophecy.
  • Always Someone Better: Is this to Bellatrix and Shadow Scythe, the latter especially after awakening her empathy in the climax of Forbidden Manor at the End of Time. Beatrix herself realizes Tatyana is a much stronger sorceress than she is after their duel in Everywhere and Nowhere.
  • Amicable Exes: Her relationship with Zeloph becomes this near the end of Everywhere and Nowhere. Both admit that what love they shared wasn't going to last due to the latter's influence. And while Beatrix hasn't fully forgiven Zell for his actions, she is happy to have him as an ally.
  • Anything That Moves: Thanks to her enhanced libido, Beatrix has no qualms when it comes to who she sleeps with. To date, she's been with ponies, humans, goats, minotaurs, tentacle beasts, changelings, abominations, and borderline gods!
  • Archnemsis: Has quite a few. For a while, it was the Cult of the Nemesis until their demise. Then it was Shadow Scythe and, later, Zeloph before their eventual Heel-Face Turn. Currently, Queen Tatyana is a strong contender.
  • Attention Whore: A downplayed variation, but whenever knowledge of magic is the subject, expect Beatrix to take ample opportunity to strut her stuff.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Having the last name 'Belladonna' certainly adds a bit of flair.
  • Badass Bookworm: Travelling alongside her mother has brought Beatrix to a lot of libraries, where she honed her skills in magic and alchemy. The only topic she has yet to properly study upon is sword-fighting, relying mostly on her friends.
  • Badass In Distress: This usually happens when Beatrix travels to a world where magic isn't as potent (most notably the Cyberverse world).
  • Bad Powers, Good People: It's because of this trope that Beatrix lived most of her childhood without any meaningful friendship. The Cult of the Nemesis and, later, the Eldritch sought Belladonna as their 'dark messiah' to fully unleash the terrible might of the Necronomicon. Doesn't help that most of her origins are tied to that accursed book. But through it all, Beatrix is a heroine through and through and has done her best to use her abilities to help save lives, despite the hardships and criticisms.
  • Battle Couple: with Oona, having fought against the likes of Varys and Zeloph well before they became an item.
  • Because You Were Nice To Me: The primary reason she fell for Oona. for most of her life, Beatrix has only known people interested in either her body or her potential for destruction. Upon their meeting on the Paradise World, she found unconditional kindness, wisdom, and compassion from the azure sheep. Values Beatrix considered dead until that point. And their romance only continued to flourish from there.
  • Beneath the Mask: Sometimes, Beatrix turns up that flamboyant personality to hide how scared and insecure she is. When her foe is especially crafty, her mask falls very quickly.
  • Berserk Button: Do not threaten the livelihood of her friends, family or child. It's a guaranteed ticket to suddenly be stranded in the deepest depths of space.
  • Bi the Way: She is Bisexual.
  • Boobs of Steel: One of the bustiest characters in the stories and easily one of the strongest magic users.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Subverted. Once she discovers that Midnight is actually her half-brother, she loses all interest in having sex with him. This also extends to her half-sisters, Flurry Heart and Bellatrix.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Likes to poke fun at her enemies, even when they boast the capability to kill her. Shadow Scythe is a frequent target of this, best illustrated during their temporary truce in Forbidden Manor at the End of Time.
  • Buxom is Better: She certainly thinks so, given that she magically enhanced her already sizable breasts to be bigger.
  • Casting a Shadow: Knows a couple of dark spells thanks to the teachings of Sombra during the Depths of Oblivion. Erebus amplifies this magic further by transforming the aura into the essence of space itself!
  • Character Development: As the stories revolved around her continue on, Beatrix mellows out from her childish naivety into a more confident mature mare. Once only caring about the pleasures and always prepared to flee the scene should things escalate, she now values the company of friends and is much more cautious about who she trusts and what effects her presence has on each world she visits. The witch that defeated the Burning King is not the same witch who tried to outrun her pursuing destiny.
  • Cleavage Window: Beatrix wears a playboy bunny-style leotard that barely contains her massive mammaries.
  • Child Raises You: It's easy to believe that her pseudopregnancy with Abadonna helped Beatrix shake off a bit of her careless attitude. Throughout Everywhere and Nowhere, she has acknowledged the consequences of her actions along trying to fix her daughter's dwindling existence.
  • Color-Coded Wizardry: Her magic aura is black with a deep purple glow and faint sparkles. Using Erebus at full power turns it completely black with glimmering star effects.
  • Cool Sword: Her Swept Helt Rapier, which she forged from her father's blade during the climax of Fire and Shadow.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Played with. It's heavily assumed that Beatrix's anomalous nature (due to her ability to travel through different dimensions ) has drastic effects on everywhere and everyone she comes in contact with. Her wanting a brother is what led to Midnight becoming the son of Shining Armor and a Hyper-Stallion. And it's been hinted that the birth of her friend Cerise and her entanglement with Abadonna's prophecy is because of her innate loneliness. Tatyana exploits this to not only rile Beatrix up but plant seeds of doubt within her allies.
  • Cosmic Reset: Achieved in Everywhere and Nowhere, once she and Oona secured Abadonna in Enock's library. The celestial owl-griff notes that they've created a whole new timeline. Unfortunately, this is what also fulfills the Omega Propechy and frees the Burning King.
  • Dark is Not Evil: Extends this belief to other characters who have dabbled in the dark arts, most notably Sombra.
  • Dark Messiah: Subverted. The Cult of the Nemesis believed she was this since her birth as a result of Trixie using the Necronomicon's power. But Beatrix refused to view herself as such.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Suffers this trope quite a lot.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu??: She has spat in the face of many beings that are much more powerful than her. Special mention goes to the Burning King, who is destruction given flesh! Yet upon his release, Beatrix threatens to open a massive black hole that would send him packing. She succeeded.
  • Distracted By The Sexy: A lot of people find her attractive, so it's not hard for her to employ this tactic.
  • The Dreaded: Shadow Scythe and Iclyn see Beatrix as this due to the previously mentioned anomalous nature. Though in fairness, it's a legit worry that Beatrix has yet to find a solid solution for as the effect continues to reshape reality.
  • Expy: Outside of being an obvious one of both Trixie and Twilight Sparkle, her author, Sharaz, stated that they based her on the character Magilou from Tales of Berseria.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her over-reliance on magic is a big one. Beatrix is borderline helpless if she can't perform a single spell to defend herself. She spent most of her time in the Cyberverse Equestria unable to spell weave due to the rampant increase of technology, which severely weakened the Tree of Harmony to extinction. It was only due to Varys' experimental capsules that she was able to awaken a bit of spirit energy to seize the day. She has taken up sword fighting to compensate, but even then, she barely holds a candle against skilled duelists like Dion, Penumbra, and Zeloph.
  • Fire Forged Friendship: Shadow Scythe and Zeloph were bitter enemies of Beatrix until they all put their differences aside to stop Doppia and the Burning King. By the end of Everywhere and Nowhere, they're on friendlier terms.
  • Fire, Ice, and Lightning: Like a traditional mage, Beatrix possesses high-tier magic that can summons one of each. And, if she's feeling fancy, all three under one storm.
  • Friends with Benefits: Dion, the Twins, and Moxxi are good examples, but this can apply to anyone Beatrix is friends with. One exception to the trope is Zeloph, who is both not sexually interested and committed to his blossoming romance with Shadow Scythe.
  • Full Contact Magic: Spells that use her Onoma often employ combat tentacles or various shapes to help deal with her opponents. Also applies to her sword, which can channel her archaic energy.
  • Genki Girl: Not as blatant, but nonetheless peppy, full of energy, and always thinking on her feet.
  • The Hedonist: Pretty much her entire lifestyle. Whether is traveling to new, undiscovered dimensions or making friends (and potential sex partners), Beatrix always takes pleasure wherever she may roam. Though this can lead to issues where she's living it up so much, she's distracted from those around her.
  • Hot Witch: Well... Look at her!
  • I Just Want To Have Friends: A deep-rooted fear of Beatrix is that she will cause something to happen that will result in her friends abandoning her. Besides her high sex drive, it's likely why she slept with so many people throughout her journies; if only to have some companionship. Thankfully, she's come a long way and has made many friends who'll stand by her side.
  • Immortal Procreation Clause: Being essentially immortal due to her portal hopping ability has rendered her incapable of bearing children. This was temporarily solved when she eloped with Zeloph, whose divine genetics and innate healing bypassed this law until his banishment.
  • In Series Nickname: Friends tend to shorten her name to just "Bea." Oona often calls her "Ceann Oga", meaning 'young head'.
  • Irony: Beatrix once claimed that she would never have children due to her immortality. Many stories later, she is destined to become the mother of Abadonna.
  • Kicking Ass In All Her Finery: Her last fight with Zeloph in Everywhere and Nowhere happened during the middle of a banquet, where she wore an elegant ballroom gown.
  • Leitmotif: "Starchaser", a whimsical jazzy piece befitting of a showy, alluring vagabond like Beatrix.
  • Mama Bear: Develops into this off her false pregnancy with Abby in Fire and Shadow. Beatrix was hellbent on rescuing her child, no matter what or who stood in her way. Some of those maternal instincts may have extended to her tulpa, Mini-Trix.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Sometimes, when a character is small or within distance, Beatrix may squish them into her buxomness just to tease them.
  • Meaningful Name: A few examples. Outside of being related to Trixie, Beatrix also means 'traveler'. Belladonna is the name of a poisonous plant, which may bring into mind remedy brewing. It also means 'beautiful lady' in Italian.
  • Merlin and Nimue: Has been in love with the experienced sorcerer Sombra and the wise sage Oona, the latter of which became Beatrix's marefriend.
  • The Missus and the Ex: The Missus in the case when she meets Oona's Ex, Iclyn.
  • Ms.Fanservice: With voluptuous curves, skin-tight attire, and an estimated bust size of, at least, triple D cups, Beatrix is walking sex appeal in thigh high heeled boots. Needless to say, most of the smut in the series revolves around her.
  • Mystical Pregnancy: Had this with Zeloph when the fallen angel fertilized her barren womb through his impeccable healing prowess. Unfortunately, this came to end when Zeloph (and all his magical effects) were banished. Thus forcing Beatrix to go through a psychic miscarry that damaged Abby's potential existence.
  • Nice Hat: A wide-brimmed witch hat with Ursa minor fur!
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Upon creating a new timeline for Abadonna, she also fulfills the Omega Prophecy, freeing The Burning King in the process.
  • Official Couple: Happily with Oona
  • Older Than They Look: Due to the anomalous effects of traveling through multiple dimensions, her body no longer ages. It's hard to pinpoint when exactly this started, but Beatrix looks to be around her early to mid-twenties.
  • One Night Stand-Pregnancy: With Zeloph.
  • Parent-Child Team: Beatrix hopes to take Abadonna on adventures once she's born and has a better grasp of her magic.
  • Parental Incest: While she is disturbed at the idea of sleeping with any of her half-siblings, she has slept with a version of Shining Armor before. Though this was likely due to the Necronomicon's power considering him a worthy mate. Later encounters with her father have ranged from uninterested to... unwelcomed.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: On a small scale compared to other beings like Zeloph or the Burning King, but an interesting case. While by no means intentional, Beatrix's anomalous ability to warp reality everywhere she goes is treated as a dangerous thing, considering that entire lives and even worlds have been altered drastically. Only time will tell when Beatrix comes up with a way to counteract this effect. If one exists.
  • Polyamory: Due to her enhanced libido, she and Oona share an open relationship. While the latter isn't always comfortable, she is nonetheless supportive. This may extend to Oona herself when Omen gets heavily involved with her pregnancy.
  • Power Makes Your Hair Grow: When unleashing Erebus' full might, her hair grows lightly longer as it wisps behind her head.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Violet is her main color and is exceptionally gifted in conjuring massive spells.
  • Really Gets Around: It would save time listing the name of people Beatrix hasn't slept with yet.
  • Reality Warper: Again, not fully intentional, but Beatrix is responsible for altering space and timelines. Probably the biggest example comes during the final chapters of Everywhere and Nowhere, where her fixing Abadonna's stability causes the whole multiverse to become different.
  • Red Baron: As of Everywhere and Nowhere, she has been referred to as "the Wayward Witch."
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Compare Beatrix's childish excitement, social behavior, love for adventure, and loudmouth temper with Bellatrix's mature mindset, preference for solitude, content for being in one space and quiet fury.
  • the Sacred Darkness: Her true power in Erebus. Unlike the pitch-black shadows of most darkness users, Beatrix's magic glitters in stars and glimpses of light. This reflects her curious nature in exploring every reach of the cosmos perfectly.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Like her mother, Beatrix may strike a pose before performing her next spell.
  • She's Got Legs: Long, supple legs that strut around in thigh high heeled boots.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Most frequently in Everywhere and Nowhere, Beatrix has been ruthlessly antagonized by her foes in an effort to break her by talking. And, more often than not, the witch refuses to let them talk down to her or her friends, earning one of these responses.
  • Stepford Smiler: Even during harsh times where she feels like a nuisance or is hurting really bad, Beatrix will do her best to smile through the pain as not to draw concern from her allies.
  • Stripperific: Is often not taken as seriously due to her choice of wardrobe.
  • Super Mode: When she wields Erebus to its full potential, her body becomes wrapped in flowing cosmic essence, highlighted in starlight. Her violet eyes also glow brighter while her Sclera darkens.
  • Summon Magic: Thanks to the Prima Materia embedding her cape, she can pull out and store various objects into it like pocket dimension. It's also the source of her ability to create portals.
  • The Tease: Comes with being a promiscuous thrill-seeker, letting whoever's gawking her see a little bit more if she's nice enough.

This page will go through continuous edits as the stories go on. If there are any tropes you think should be added, feel free to make suggestions!
Special thanks to Midnight for helping me compose the music!

Comments ( 18 )

Suggested Trope:

  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Upon creating a new timeline for Abadonna, she also fulfils the Omega Prophecy, freeing The Burning King in the process.

Looking excellent so far!:heart:

Ooh, that's a good one!

I'm glad you like it. :twilightsmile:

I very like the title. Sounds like an Achievement from a game when in reality it's roasting the player.

Oh and you're welcome Nota. It was fun making the song. I hope to continue the rest of the characters that I have left to do.

Its late for me, but I plan on commenting on every single point. Like the fact that Beatrix is now Triple DDD?! Damn! That's an F right? It was just double DD before right?

Also, love the "Did You Flip Off Cthulhu?!". Sounds like an Achievement from a video game.

DDD is basically an E Cup.

Very nice, got informed about it through Blitzer.

I find curvy/busty always looks nice. And her being insecure, i guess she might have some understanding with my oc hanzal. Just thinking out loud

You're welcome. And yeah, Bea be very hot

I never thought it sounded like a game achievement. It always seemed clear that this trope is supposed to reprimand the hero of the story for doing something incredibly stupid that tips the odds in the villain's favour.🤷

Nota, can i ask something about bea?

You may, though she is Sharaz's character. You might be better off asking from them.

Okay then. I wondered how understanding she can be

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