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trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns

More Blog Posts42

  • 20 weeks
    My Girlfriend Needs Help :(

    Hey y'all, I know it's been a while since I've been active on here (and I do plan on coming back, don't worry). This is mostly due to being in my last year of college and dealing with burnout and insane schedules, but I've come back to ask for help on behalf of my girlfriend whom I love very much.

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    4 comments · 306 views
  • 44 weeks

    Wow!!! I just hit 300 followers a few days ago, and I meant to make a blog post right when it happened but unfortunately, it happened while I was busy, so I couldn’t.

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    10 comments · 179 views
  • 70 weeks
    Where Am I? (no im not dead)

    I swear, I’m not!

    I know uploads have been scarce but you must believe me. I just don’t have time.

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  • 82 weeks

    The winds are blowing and a cold front is coming in. You look up and notice the sky is already transitioning into those ever-stunning shades of oranges and reds as the sun dips lower into the sky toward the horizon. A quick glance at your watch confirms what you were wondering; it’s not even five in the afternoon yet. Before you can continue to wonder about the early sunset, a single white flake

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  • 83 weeks
    Im Making Some Changes


    Yup, I’m making some changes. As in, changes to how I do things around here.

    I’ve always tried my best to have a story a month, and I’ve only failed at this once. Or I guess, twice now.

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i swear to god i am not gonna let this streak end... (an update of sorts) · 9:28pm Jun 30th, 2022

I don't know if any of you have noticed (also hi I’m alive!) but since I joined FIMFic, I've been uploading at least one story a month without fail.

It is now the last day of the month and I have no story up. And on pride month?!?! how dare I!

NOW. I am making this statement so I actually have to do it. I will not be made into a liar. I will upload a story today. I will. It is not the story I had planned to upload this month, but it will be a story. Currently, I'm 5.4k words in. I've written 3kish words in the last two days, which is more than I've written in the past month and a bit, and I will get it done today or I’ll retire or something drastic, I don't know.

Let me tell you, originally, I had planned to do another Transverse universe fic, one focusing on Twilight this time because the boy needs more love. However, I just have been unable to actually write that. I don't know why. It’s not just that story, though. I just... can’t seem to write.

But I have to. And so, to those lovely readers of mine who have read a certain story, I’m happy to announce that the story I will finish today is a sequel to a story I wrote a while back! I won’t reveal which one just yet, but you’ll see soon enough. All I’ll say is that it’s... the weirdest pairing I’ve written. And I just had to write it again.

It also features a short little scene in which they watch a certain movie, but I can’t talk about it... it’s rule number one...

Anyway, here’s a tiny little out-of-context snippet to prove that yes, I have been working on this and that I will get it done today unless I die or something.

Pinkie Pie took a long slurp of her milkshake and set the glass down heavily on the counter. “Someone has unspilled beans at this table and it isn’t me, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, or Applejack!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Finally given the chance, Sunset gave a tiny wave. “Hey, yeah…” She glanced at the door. “So…. Um?” Sunset smiled and crossed her arms, letting her voice trail off.

After a moment of awkward silence, Rarity—to no one’s surprise—broke through the veil. “What do you mean, ‘Um’?,” she demanded, interrupting the greetings that were awkwardly started around the table. “You said you had something very important to tell us, and I know we have all been eagerly awaiting your arrival!”

If anyone was going to demand the details on something that could be labelled as ‘drama’, it was definitely Rarity. Sunset held on to this fact as she shyly smiled. “Yeah, I do.” Her eyes flicked to Twilight, who had set her stare steadfastly on the still full glass of soda in front of her. She must have felt Sunset’s gaze because for a moment, her purple eyes met Sunset’s. A brief grimace was all that she could offer before averting eye contact again.

Pinkie Pie practically vibrated next to Sunset, who nervously glanced at the pink ball of excitement. “Your beans are still unspilled, Sunset!”

Wow, great writing. I know. Look, in my defense, I can’t even seem to think right now, so my writing is gonna be astronomically bad. But hey! Any guesses on what this story is a sequel to just from that? What beans has Sunset not spilled?!?!?!?!

Anyway, that’ll come soon... Enough... I hope... God...

For anyone interested in different updates, here we go!

I have a bunch of stories that are in various stages of WIP. The one I have been working the hardest on has been that one AppleDash fic I have been talking about for forever! Almost 40k words right now and I’ve still got a ways to go. I just need to find the time and motivation to get that ball rolling again, but it’s definitely one I’m excited about. Hopefully, that’ll get done before the winter. It’d be nice to start uploading it then since it would be... seasonally appropriate...

I’m also still working on Letting Go Of The Reins, no I have not forgotten about that story. I just... I’m having a hard time writing, and I always swore to myself I wouldn’t try to force that story out since it’s supposed to be more of a passion project. I still have a LONG long time until that story is complete, and it’s definitely looking to be the longest story I have planned so far, but I don’t wanna tarnish it by making myself feel obligated to write. I love that story, and because of that, I will write it at my own pace. I’ve done a lot of research and a lot of planning and work for that story. I promise it’ll update soon, I just need to write the second half of this next chapter so I can finally move the plot forward a bit more.

I have a shitty little one shot that I wanna polish up and post just cause hey, I wrote it. Anyone who does QnS stuff might recognize it once it goes up as I wrote it for a thing there. Might have been a panic, I don’t know. Probably. Anyway, that won’t be the main story of the month, but I’ll likely upload it next month.

Anything else, I’ll leave for a different blog post. My brain is just really foggy and I can’t really think straight right now, but I’m doing my best! Hopefully, you’ll see my name in the new stories box later, alright?

Have a good one

Comments ( 10 )

Well, either way, your "Story About Applejack Where She Must Suffer" streak remains unbroken.

i am right there with you jay let us die getting our Pride Month fics out together

I don't-... uhm. I'm not a regular reader of your blogs, and know little to nothing about you personally. Which is my way of preemptively saying 'I might be misjudging stuff here'. You know, because people tick differently. But this blog post reads like... pressure. A lot of it. And it seems to me that you put it on yourself, for the most part. Now, as I said, I might be misjudging greatly, but... putting pressure onto myself to write never worked out well for me. Ever.
Whatever you might want to call it, a muse, inspiration, creative flow - in my experience, it's a rather fickle thing. And few things kill creativity faster than demands, expectations and rigid order.
Having a 'streak' or a personal tradition or something like that can be nice, sure. It can be important. Highly valued by oneself and/or others. But there's surely a point at which it turns into something less beneficial and worthwhile. And I don't think traditions are worth upholding if they get in the way of something you deeply care about.
What I'm trying to say is... maybe slowing down wouldn't be such a bad thing? Better to take a step back and adjust the pace than to risk piling on more and more pressure until eventually, the mere thought of 'having' to write is associated with dread and dislike, no? (I just don't want to see yet another talented writer burn out or leave.)
Just... take it easy. And I hope your head sorts itself out soon. (I at least know the feeling of not being able to think straight.) Good luck.

Now that’s one that I certainly cannot break. It’s just too much fun! I love hurting my faves. How else am I supposed to show that I love em?

I am glad we have this solidarity. To the new stories box we go! Hopefully.

I figured that someone would leave this comment. Yeah, I am putting a lot of pressure on myself with the whole one story a month thing. You’re absolutely right about that, and you’re right that it’s probably not the greatest choice. I used to write a lot more often than I do now. I mean, hell, I’ve had a few months where I’ve uploaded various stories! That’s pretty crazy.

I’ve definitely eased down, trying to keep the one a month alive. It’s still a lot of pressure, but I find that it can be manageable. I definitely don’t want to burn myself out, I love writing. I’ve kind of burnt myself out with art, but that was a result of my academic year and having seven or eight art related assignments due almost every week. I never want to feel that way with writing.

The thing is, yes, it may seem hard to write right now, and i’m walking a very fine line between over-exerting myself and simply pushing myself, but I fear that if I don’t do this, I might completely lose the writing thing altogether. If it becomes too much for me, I’ll definitely take a step back and take a break. Don’t you worry about that! But for now, I’m going to test where my limits are.

Thank you for being concerned! And you’re right about everything you said. I’m just extremely stubborn and when I say I’m going to do something and I mean it, I really mean it. Even if it’s a bit of a hassle. I’ve just been trying to relax a bit. I think I’m just getting into another (more than usual) depressive episode, but I don’t want to shut down cause of it, y’know?

I’ll do my best to stay afloat. Definitely would love to keep writing stories, so don’t you fret! Thanks again :)

That's a relief to hear, on multiple levels. And stubbornness can be a blessing/good thing. Persistence is just... the other side of the same coin.
I obviously don't get 'the full picture'. How could I. But I think I might understand well enough. I personally tend to read and write more the worse it gets. To an unhealthy degree, at times. I suppose one could argue which is worse. Either way, I'm just glad to hear that you're, well... okay-ish.
And it might be naive, but... I don't think you'll ever truly 'lose' something you deeply care about. You might put it on ice. For weeks, months, years. To the point where you might even forget all about it. But in the end, it might require little more than a single spark to reignite both fond memories and passion. It's obviously still preferable not to lose that connection in the first place, though. So best wishes and good luck with your recovery.

At least you didn't have three Pride Month stories you wanted to write coming into June and have only written one as of last night - and have written said story last night.

slams head on desk

Argh thats okay! One is better than none. At this point, I’ve accepted the fact that the story just isn’t happening today… But i’ll do two July stories to make up for it!

Yeah. It's just that that's also what I wanted to do this year - a story a month. And I too have been falling behind. x__x

Thats alright, sometimes ya gotta take what ya can

Same here.

And yeah, don't put too much pressure on yourself to churn out a story. We can wait.

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