• Published 5th Feb 2019
  • 14,487 Views, 260 Comments

My Life As An Interdimensional Insect - XenoPony

A new world, a new place. A bunch of pastel coloured talking horses, and turns out I'm some kind of strange insect monster responsible for almost the ending the world. This is shaping up to be a hell of a new life.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Changeling Instincts

Sunset appeared to fidget in her throne uncomfortably at the idea one of her fellow princesses would be harmed, let alone dead. "Yes, she's alive and well, ruler of the prospering Crystal Empire and northern kingdoms, why would she be otherwise?"

The sense of unease that I could sense permeating the room like a heavy cloud shifted to more of a kind of spiny suspicion, all eyes were piercing Flurry far more closely in search for any cracks in her seeming obliviousness, as if expecting her to suddenly lash out and cackle some kind of evil plan to take over. Yet I could only assume my friend had some grasp on the situation, she'd made no effort to harm any of them, or suggest where she really came from. The whole thing really forced me to wonder what exactly was in this weird, twisted realty's past to cause these feelings of distrust.

No matter what she'd figured out about where we'd ended up, however, right now Flurry seemed lost for words as she glanced around, eyes passing from puzzled face to puzzled face as she ruffled her wings and fidgeted.

By Celestia, this is all my fault. How could I bring her here? I inwardly cursed, fully aware of the impact having both of her parents could have on my friend. It's all she's ever wanted, but this is not her world.

"Erm... No–no reason... It's just... well... where I come from..." Flurry stammered, confusion seeming to spread like wildfire among the alternative versions of our friends.

"What do you mean where you come from, where's that exactly," pressed Rainbow Dash as she hovered up from her own smaller throne.

"You gotta admit she's got a point, Sunny. Remember what the last alicorn to just randomly show up did?" Ginny was swift to back up her prismatic idol as she sat perched on the side of Sunset's throne.

"That's right, exactly a year ago on the Sunfall celebration, if I'm right." Rainbow pressed, hovering up toward the princess. "It's too big a coincidence that it's happened again this year, Sunset."

"Now, Dash, what did Sunset say 'bout gettin' all defensive, ah'm sure there's a reasonable explanation fer this," Applejack reasoned, and once again all eyes set upon the fiery maned princess, as the farm-pony went on. "This one ain't exactly threatening a solar war like the last one."

Sunset still looked unsure, biting her bottom lip as she glanced at each of her friends. "While I do understand how suspicious this is, I'm going to have to agree with Applejack," she declared, and Rainbow Dash huffed as the princess went on. "She's not made any hostile motions towards any of us, unlike last time."

"So, Flurry Heart was it?" she asked, getting up to stand on the small platform at the top of the stairs leading to her throne. "We can maybe drop some suspicion, but you'd have me do, what? Because your story is very hard to believe."

"Yes, Flurry Heart, that's me Sun– I mean, Princess Sunset," the younger alicorn responded. "And, if I may... If it's a possibility I... I would very much like to speak to the ruler of the Crystal Empire."

"Ya know, Sunny, if what she's saying has any merit to it, maybe Cadance can shed some light on the situation," Applejack suggested, and I saw Flurry's expression shift at the name.

"Quite so, darling. I think it's pretty clear at least so far that Flurry here does not mean any harm. Is it too unreasonable to set her up with a guarded room here in the castle and plan a trip to the Empire as soon as possible?" Rarity offered, as to her left Pinkie shot up and beamed.

"Ooooo, we can have a super-duper 'new alicorn in Equestria' party!" Safe to say, the alabaster unicorn beside the bouncing, pink pegasus almost leaped out of her skin.

It's at least good to see that no matter where I go, Pinkie is always Pinkie. I thought as Rarity collected herself with a huff.

"S–she's right... I–I'm sure she'll recognize me... Or at least notice me," Flurry perked up, and knowing what I did about the reality we were in, to see her so hopeful shattered my heart.

"Hmm, it would have to wait until after the Sunfall celebration and I'd have to ask Princess Luna about it," Sunset thought, tapping her chin with a forehoof.

"Seriously, Sunset. This could be a changeling infiltration attempt or something!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Possibly, but a rather poor disguise to pick, don't you think, Miss Dash?" Rarity countered. "Don't you think any infiltrators would be better off as... Oh, I don't know, guards? Or at least somepony less conspicuous?"

At the fashionista's words, a sickening sense of irony poured over me. I glanced down at my furry gray legs, then over at Cicada who was also listening to the conversation intently.

"Okay, okay, you both have good points. We'll do it both ways," Sunset declared, spreading her wings to silence the rest of the room. "Flurry, you are to stay here in the castle, under guard, with both magical and flight restraints on at all times. If Luna approves, we'll see if Cadance can indeed tell us anything about you."

I didn't need to guess who that spark of hope I felt was coming from as Flurry bowed her head and stammered. "T–thank you, Princess."

Wow, I've never seen her so willing to be somepony's prisoner before. I observed before my thoughts added. Yeah, but no pony has given her the opportunity to see her mother again before, have they?

"That settles it then, see, we're gettin' good at this whole council of friendship stuff," Applejack proclaimed as a very unimpressed looking Rainbow hovered back down to take a seat beside him.

"I–I... Well, I think it could do with a little less shouting," Fluttershy chimed in, backed up by a nod from Rarity.

"So is that a yes or a no on the alicorn party?" Pinkie asked, lifting a forehoof like a foal asking a question for the first time in class.

"Maybe later, Pinkie," Sunset responded, stepping down towards Flurry before adding. "And you're welcome, just please, if there's anything more, telling us can only help."

To her credit, I was pretty sure Flurry had failed to mention me, Cicada or even the Queen. That lie seemed to be maintained as she shook her head and apologized to Sunset.

"I'll take your word for it," Sunset responded, before tapping a forehoof on the floor. "Rainbow, how about you make sure she gets to her room."

The prismatic pegasus gave a swift wing salute before darting to the alicorn's side. "Right this way, Flurry."

There was no resistance from my friend as she nodded to Sunset and started to follow after Rainbow Dash.

"Psst, Digit, move." It was only when I heard Cicada hiss at me through clenched fangs that I remembered exactly where I was standing.

I glanced her way to see she'd took up a guard position at the side of the door, and at the sound of approaching hoofsteps, I was swift to do the same. The doors swung open seconds later, and Rainbow stepped out. Flurry was right at her side, head held high and tall ears seeming alert. Her eyes passed over me, and for a moment I could have sworn she knew. Yet neither she nor Rainbow spared us any more than a fleeting glance as they passed by. At least until the beating of small feathered wings heralded Ginny swooping onto the pegasus's back.

"Hey, Squirt, thanks for the backup in there," Rainbow said, and the little griffin puffed up.

"Ha, it was nothing, Dash. You're right, this is really suspicious," she declared, her eyes fixed on Flurry.

It was only a second later that the curious little griffin saw us and cocked her head. "Funny, I don't remember Sunny having guards here."

Oh pony feathers, how long until she figures it out!? I could feel sweat forming on my brow as I waited for Cicada to say something, yet she remained as stoic as a statue.

"Can't be too careful with an alicorn in the castle, huh?" Rainbow added, before looking at Flurry. "No offense, you're just kinda unnerving."

It was pretty clear Flurry didn't quite know what to say as she muttered. "None taken... A lot of things around here are pretty unnerving if you ask me."

The griffin and the pegasus looked at one another, then shrugged before leading my friend off into the halls. Only after they were gone, and I was sure the others were still busy talking in the throne room, did I relax.

"T–that was too close," I declared as a long breath of relief escaped my mouth.

Cicada was still as calm and collected as ever as she peeked around, then moved over to me. "You better get used to it, it's..."

"Our thing, I know I know..." I responded as I calmed my breathing and composed myself. Before asking "So what do we do now?"

"We follow them and get your friend, plan's not changed," she assured, but I winced, very aware that Flurry may not be so eager to leave anymore.

"Maybe we..." I started to say, but Cicada was already marching after the others before I could finish. "Hey, wait!"

I called after her, stumbling as I struggled to catch up to her in the awkward armor. It wasn't until we reached the section where the corridor split that I finally laid a forehoof on her shoulder and said.

"How about you let me talk to her before we do anything, you have no idea what she's gonna think about what they just told her in there." My fellow 'night guard' turned to me, yet where I was expecting a disapproving scowl, her eyes widened again.

I cocked my head. "What..."

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" My ears fell flat to my mane as the voice of the guard behind me rumbled.

The hairs of my newly furry neck standing on end, I stiffly turned my head back to see the cat-like eyes of the armored thestral staring into what felt like my very soul. My mane crawled and my words died in a throat that felt like it was stuffed with cotton as I bit my bottom lip awkwardly.

"Erm... You know... Just guard stuff." For a changeling, I was literally the worst at improvisation in the whole multiverse.

"Just routine guard patrol, sir. The princess requested an upgrade in security whilst the new alicorn is present," Cicada intervened, shoving me aside just as my fangs started to dig painfully into my lips.

The guard's eyes snapped from me to her, narrowing. "Yes, I am aware. Yet I do not recall there being enough soldiers for another extra patrol?"

Oh, they're going to find out the truth and then what, lock us up and throw away the key? I wondered, wings ruffling Ugh, I have the most powerful artifact in existence here and it's useless?

"Wait, you did not hear? There were new orders from Princess Luna only minutes ago, when she was informed of the situation she had extra security teleported here," Cicada insisted and the guard raised a forehoof to his chin.

"Hmm, I was not informed that word got back to Canterlot yet," he responded. "Though reinforcements from the capital would be in line with protocol. Still, why are you here and not at a post?"

He fixed us both with a glare that could break steel, and it was pretty clear that he took his job very seriously. I did my best to stand up straight and presentable, mimicking Cicada as she responded.

"To tell you the truth, we're lost. We were teleported so suddenly and the aim may have been a little off," I could feel sweat under my mane as the guard's eyes passed between us and he huffed.

"Damn, horn head at the university sent you to the wrong rally point? Typical..." he grumbled, starting to pace around us. "Where exactly where you supposed to be heading?"

Damn it, even if he buys into her lie no way is he gonna let us just walk after Flurry, my thoughts noted as he passed by the back of us, seeming to eye every detail.

"To wherever we're needed, sir. Orders were to seek out the princess and see where she wanted us," Cicada went on as I awkwardly swept my tail between my hind legs.

I don't care what he's looking at, the less I have ponies looking at this stupid disguise like that, the better, I mentally huffed, as he passed around to my left side.

"That won't be necessary, soldier. I can take care of you in the meantime, we're not to disturb the princess unless absolutely..." I felt his wing jab at mine, right where I had the leathery limb folded over the cartographer.

Before I knew it, he flipped his wing up, unfolding mine like a frail piece of paper and letting the small pyramid clatter to the floor.

"And what is this?" he asked suspiciously as I moved a forehoof to catch it, only for him to effortlessly sweep mine aside with his and scooped up the cartographer.

I saw the smallest break of panic in Cicada's illusion, yet before the fake-thestral could even open her muzzle to salvage the situation panic forced me to stammer.

"I–It's a device for Princess Sunset, she's supposed to use it to test the alicorn for any chance that she may not be who she says she is." Gears I didn't even realize I had in my brain shook of dust and cobwebs as they rattled to life and I instinctively improvised on top of the lie Cicada had established.

"Princess Luna did not wish for any panic or suspicion so we were ordered to break off and get to the throne room as fast as we could, before anypony took notice," I blurted, glancing at Cicada, who nodded.

The bat pony guard looked between us, down at the artifact in his forehoof, and then back at me.

"You're serious?" he asked bluntly, and as I forced another stern nod, he sighed. "Damn bureau, Canterlot tells us nothing until after they've stuck their hooves in and messed everything up."

"Not to disagree with you, sir. But we're only the messengers, you have an issue with it, you'll have to take it up with them," Cicada stepped in, reinforcing the lie I'd spontaneously conjured. "That's if you don't want to be the one who has to explain why it didn't get to where it was needed."

What did I really just do, where did that idea come from? I wondered, realizing just how fast I'd gone from wanting to run to trying to talk my way out of danger. Is that changeling instinct or something?

The guard grumbled something about how poorly Canterlot treated security and that he'd have words before he offered the cartographer back to me.

"Just to keep the bureau off my tail, you get this to the princess as ordered," he declared as I took the thing and once again folded it under my wing.

"Thank you, sir," Cicada added, giving a salute with her wing that I swiftly mimicked

"No, it only takes one soldier to deliver a message. You can come with me and we'll see just what Canterlot had to say over the telegram," he instructed, jabbing a forehoof at her. "I'm sick and tired of how they keep us in the dark all the time."

I once again felt the blood drain from my face and my mane buzz with anxiety, yet Cicada maintained her act perfectly and nodded.

"As you order, sir. So long as Princess Sunset gets what she needs," she responded, before adding in a hushed voice. "Plus, I can't disagree with you about Canterlot and security."

The guard looked at her sternly, before waving a wing down the hall, indicating for her to follow him as he began to trot off.

"You make sure that thing gets where it's needed, I'll meet you with you later." I barely caught her wink as she marched off after the guard and I was left standing stunned in the hall before the bat pony leading my friend barked.

"Don't you have somewhere important to be, soldier?!"

Oh goddesses, it was like that one time training with Flurry again! My thoughts recalled, as I jumped and bolted like somepony had stuck my rump with a lance.


"Damn it, why do things have to be so backward?" I muttered under my breath as I slammed shut the door on another bathroom where I was sure there was a hallway in my world.

Here there were bedrooms where I thought there should be dining halls, stairs went up instead of down and I didn't even want to think about what the Twilight I knew would have to say about the library here. Though the small statue of Princess Luna in there, along with the multitude of books I'd seen on her while creeping through, lead me to believe that she was not quite the same as back home either.

And yet you made up a lie that she was the one who sent you here. My brain scolded, as in my wondering, I'd started putting things together.

It's pretty clear that in this world, Celestia is the one who did something awful. I noted as I passed another banner sporting Princess Luna's cutie mark alongside Sunset's. And I don't think Luna's been as benevolent when it comes to keeping ponies in line as her sister was back home.

I did not want to think too hard about what may have happened to a world that had possibly been ruled by Luna for a millennium instead of Celestia, yet from what I knew about the nightly alicorn, she did not seem to have the same approach to things as her sister.

She's the sword to Celestia's shield, Twilight told me once. I recalled as I darted down another hall to avoid a pair of bat-winged guards. And if we're found out here I don't want to imagine what'll happen.

I was so afraid that this version of Equestria was ruled far more harshly and that I may have accidentally sent Cicada to where she'd be captured, or worse, that I failed to pay full attention to where I was going. Therefore, rounding the corner to avoid one set of ponies lead me right into another, or more specifically a griffin. A griffin with far more suspicion than any guard.

"Hey, watch it!" Ginny declared as she jumped up to fly over me, balancing a silver tray laden with food in one foreclaw. "Silver Rose just cooked this up and if it gets dropped I doubt she'll whip up another."

I took a step back, before staggering and landing flat on my rump. Ugh, this body... Everything feels too weird as a mare! I almost feel light as a feather compared to when I have to lug around all my chitin.

"Oh... M-my apologies... I did not see you there," I stammered, trying desperately to imagine just what Cicada would say in this situation.

She flew down to the floor, placing the platter on her back and dusting herself off as she scowled at me.

"Yeah well..." she grumbled, and once again every moment her eyes were on me I felt my mane crawl. "Hey, aren't you guys supposed to have super senses or something, what gives?"

By Celestia, this griffin could perceive something even if it were completely invisible! My panicked mind worried as my ears folded back and I responded.

"W–well... Yeah, you know living in the dark and all." I tried not to rub my forelegs together nervously, desperately seeking out that improvising instinct that I'd tapped into with the guard.

"But things have just been so crazy lately, we just got sent over from Canterlot after reports that an alicorn appeared from nowhere," I added, hoping the lie I was going with would be enough for the young griffin.

She cocked her head. "Yeah well, I guess that makes sense, though why are you bumbling around like you have no idea where you're going?"

Damn, is it really that obvious? I thought before once again, an idea came to me. She's gotta know where they're keeping Flurry for sure!

"That's just it, Princess Sunset ordered me to guard the alicorn's chamber and I don't really know where it is or where I'm going," I admitted, and she smirked.

"It's more complex than the library was, I'll give you that. But it's not hard to find your way once you know the place. The prisoner's in the guest-chamber, down the corridor, take the second left, then a right, third door on the left. The one with the big Luna symbol on it."

She elaborated the directions as if she'd memorized them perfectly, motioning with a claw as she grinned.

"Though I'm with Dash, I think it would be much safer that she be transferred to the Canterlot dungeon, rather than getting Luna's cushy guest room." She mocked a gag. "We don't need another world-ending threat at the celebration tomorrow."

Okay, let's try and get her out before they go that far, I concluded as I glanced back over my shoulder and in the direction Ginny indicated. If what she's saying is right then here the guest room must be where Twilight's room is back home.

"O–okay, thanks for the directions," I responded, collecting myself and trying to act as stoically guard-like as possible. "I'll leave you to your duties, I'm sure you're quite busy."

Duties? Oh sure, because that sounds like exactly what she's tasked with, I thought awkwardly as Ginny blinked. She looks barely older than Spike!

"Actually, all I was asked to do was take this food to the prisoner, thought I'd save Dash the trouble," she began, then trailed off with a groan. "But I always get the boring jobs.

She doesn't want to be here, think, Digit, you can use this! I thought, digging up what changeling instincts I could.

"I–I could take it for you... I'm going that way anyway and... Well, I exist to serve such a devoted friend of the princess," I improvised.

Oh, because that drivel does not sound awkward and forced at all! my mind screamed. Okay, I'm not a very good changeling, I get it, brain!

She cocked her head again, beak scrunched with confusion as she regarded me. "Wow, you guys back in Canterlot really don't play around with all the fancy talk, do you?"

There was sweat under my mane again as I manufactured my best smile. Even so, Ginny continued. "Though it would give me a chance to talk some sense into Sunset, like Dash said. Ooo, she'd be so proud of me if I got Sunny to listen to her idea!"

She became a feathery blur, jumping up and down on the spot at the idea she could gain more of Rainbow's favor. Before I knew it, the platter was dumped on my back as she flew over and said, "You know what, yeah! Serve me or whatever it was you said. Just make sure it gets there, Dash is at the door, tell her Ginny sent you!" Her words gushed like a river torrent as she beat her wings and flew off down the hall, leaving me standing stunned.

"Erm... sure." The words left my mouth as a low mumble before I shook out of my stunned stupor and collected myself.

Okay, I've got my ticket in, now just gotta find my way there. The more sensible part of my brain elaborated, spurring me on as I recalled the directions Ginny had given me.

That, coupled with what I already knew of the castle from my world, led me right to the room. Nevertheless, rounding the final corner, I saw two guards on either side of the door. Furthermore, just as Ginny had indicated, Rainbow Dash was positioned at the front, golden helmet still atop her head. I took one brief peek then fell back out of sight and took a deep breath.

Okay, here goes nothing. I'm a changeling, pretending is what we do, just like Cicada said. Mental pep talk complete I steadied the platter on my back and stepped out.

The two bat-winged guards did not so much as spare me a glance as I trotted towards them. Rainbow on the other hoof, marked each of my steps with a subtle look, before finally stepping out to greet me.

"Food for the prisoner," I stated in the best, gruff voice I could, even if having the vocal cords of a mare threw off my attempt.

Dash glanced left and right, seeming momentarily confused, before asking. "I can see that, but where's Ginny?"

This is it, time to really test my kinds' merit!

"She handed it to me when we met in the hall. She said she had something important to say to Princess Sunset, so I was only too happy to oblige," I stated and Rainbow smirked.

"Handing out jobs to others, just like a griffin," she chuckled. "Still, if anypony's got a chance to talk some sense into Sunset it's her."

I gave a nod as the prismatic mare chuckled, then motioned to each of the guards beside her with her wings and added. "The prisoner's magic is restrained, so just go in and leave the food on the table. Call out if she tries anything."

Wow, she really does not trust alicorns? I noted. What in Equestria did Celestia do here to make them all so terrified?

"Yes, ma'am," I responded with a wing salute that Rainbow very much enjoyed, before moving past her and through the door the guards had opened in my path.

They slammed it shut behind me a moment later, and I glanced about. The room was almost identical to the one I knew from my world, save the change in coloration and the fact that every piece of furniture was on the opposite side from where it was supposed to be. The four-post bed was to my left, not right, and the table in the middle was slightly off-center. I trotted up to that first, shrugging off the platter of food.

"You look like you're about to run out of here crying," came the familiar voice of Flurry as my friend stepped up to me from where she'd apparently been gazing out of the window. "You really don't have to be so afraid, I'm not gonna hurt any of you."

She gave a dismissive flick of her forehoof, wings ruffling under their restraints as I glanced back at her and whispered. "Flurry, it's me, Digit."

She blinked, the reassuring demeanor she'd adopted dropped. "Digit? But you look like a bat pony... You're a mare!"

"Yes I'm very aware, and no, I don't know how to do it myself. Cicada was able to transform me," I elaborated, and Flurry glanced around as if a monster would jump out to grab her.

"Your little friend is still here then?" I was not so fond of the way she asked that, but shook it off as I responded.

"No, one of the guards took her, but she's disguised and can handle herself, she'll be fine. I came to save you." At that, it was apparently her turn to look confused.

"Yeah, well, I shouldn't have been locked up here in the first place. I woke up in the forest and five bat ponies were on me with spears in seconds, like I was going to burn the whole place down," she declared.

"And you just let them capture you?" I asked, cocking my head as I recalled all the times she'd been able to disarm whole groups of opponents.

Granted that was training, and they were not going hard on her. I noted. Those guards were always too afraid of Shining Armor.

"I only fight if I have to, not to mention I had no idea who they were. Do you really think they'd be so lenient as to put me in here and not a dungeon if I'd have done that?" she asked and I had to admit she'd considered the consequences better than I had.

"I figured after what you told me about what Chrysalis said, that this was not home. Then again, I also figured they'd just bring me to a version of auntie Twi and she might understand," Flurry went on.

So most of it was an act? Wow, I knew she was a quick thinker, but not that good. I thought.

"They're not the ponies you know, this whole place is just a parallel version of the world we come from. I don't know what happened here for sure, but they're super paranoid about anypony with wings and a horn," I added, noting the suppressor around her horn and the bands on her wings, even if they'd at least had the decency to take off her shackles.

"Really, you don't say," Flurry deadpanned as she turned and walked over to the window. "Still, if you can stay like that maybe... Well, they said they'd take me to see my mother."

I swallowed, a deep, guilty feeling that literally made me sick to my stomach welling up in me. It was hard not to gag on the taste as I scuffed a forehoof on the carpet.

Maybe we can wait, we can just leave at any time. I considered, before reason and a good bit of what Cicada had told me corrected my thoughts. No, this place is not our home, it's dangerous and the queen could find us at any moment, not to mention what they may do to Cicada if she's discovered.

"F–Flurry, they won't take you to see her," I stammered, words like sharp glass cutting up my throat. "Because whoever that mare is in charge of the crystal empire, it's not her."

Flurry turned, an unsure look on her face. "I know, it's just another version... But to see her again, try and talk to her, to hear her voice."

"And she won't recognize you, she'll be afraid of you like Sunset, and then what?" I pressed, but she shook her head.

"They're not afraid, just cautious. But I know my mother, she'll listen no matter what the circumstance," I bit my tongue, not sure how much logic was winning over sentiment in Flurry's head.

"W–we can't go, we have to find Cicada and leave this place before something really bad happens," I declared and she snorted.

"Like what, the queen already took us from home? How in Equestria are we supposed to get back there?" she asked, marching over to me.

For a moment it was hard not to wilt away at the sight of her. "We can still use this." I opened my wing to show her the cartographer. "We just have to make sure we do it right this time, Cicada can..."

"She can what, she already said she doesn't know how it really works, so how's she any help?" Flurry cut me off.

"She listened to all of the queen's theories. Chrysalis was obsessed with trying to get the thing to work for her," I admitted, yet that seemed to do nothing to lighten her mood.

"Oh, because I trust anything the queen says. You know this could all be one big trick, right? That's what they do, make you think one thing, when really you're playing right into their hooves," she declared, lifting one forehoof in emphasis.

"In that case, what's to say our whole life's not a lie then? What's the point in anything if it could just all be one big trick? You're overthinking it," I countered, and she rolled her eyes with a snort, stomping her forehoof down.

"Because I grew up being told nothing more than how to protect myself from an enemy that's invisible and still it did nothing to help me save my mother," she declared, and at the taste of her sorrow, coupled with tears in her eyes, I had never felt worse.

"And here I am, I could see her again, at least some version of her and there are changelings trying to stop me. Look what they've done to you." She jabbed a forehoof at me. "It's only been a few days and you're prancing around with some other mare's stolen identity."

Her words hit me like a brick wall, knocking me back as my legs turned to jelly. I shrank, my ears folded and I looked at each of my gray coated forehooves. They felt so much like my own while I was disguised, yet looking now, I almost felt mutilated.

"I... I... You know I'm not like them, I came to save you," I stammered, but she only closed her eyes and shuddered as she took a breath.

Family, is all she has left to lose, is she going to think she's losing you too? I wondered and without thought, I focused. She knew I'd do anything for her, right?

My face scrunched, thestral fangs gritting before I finally felt it. The sensation was not quite the same as when Cicada had done it in the woods, it was more staggered and left me utterly drained. Yet with a flickering green flash, I was able to turn back to the body my friend knew. Then fell flat on my face as exhaustion swiftly overtook me.

"Digit!" Flurry cried, and despite our disagreement, it did not seem she utterly disregarded my well being yet.

"What are you doing? You'll hurt yourself doing that, like last time," she exclaimed, before muttering about how she'd kill Cicada under her breath.

"You were right, that's not me," I muttered, even if the sentimental part of my mind was being utterly slaughtered by the logical side. "But we have to go."

"But you look like you... I... Urg, I'm so stupid, they'll lock you up for sure," she snapped, pressing a forehoof to her head.

"T–they won't, I think I can manage to change again, just give me a few moments," I assured, recalling what Cicada had done, and feeling the love she'd given me. "I just wanted you to see that it's still me, I'm not going to abandon you for any changeling."

She looked down at me with a small smile, even as I forced. "But we can't go to the Crystal Empire, I'm sorry."

"Hey, what's all the shouting in here for..." Lost in our argument, neither of us noticed the doors to the room swing open.

That was until Rainbow Dash called out, only for her words to die as she saw me. A changeling slumped in the arms of the suspicious alicorn she really wanted to lock up.

Oh, I don't care if they look exactly like my friends. I'm really starting to hate this place!

Comments ( 20 )

Noooo, what happens next!!!:pinkiegasp:
Thanks for the chapter!

Honestly, my first thought : Gandalf??

Cliffhanger! Eeep! So much to break down with this dynamic, and the turn around of how Digit has become the changeling keeping her from seeing her mother.* That kind is a little pinch in the feels. Glad to see this story continued and thanks for sharing it!

So.... what are they even doing anyways? None of this makes sense! He's working with people who can't be trusted, for someone cruel and abusive who demands his slavery and says her hatred for him is love, at the manipulation of another person who is s rewing over his mind as "punishment" for shit she won't elaborate on.

None of what is happenong makes any sense, and nobody can be trusted. Not even the protagonist, given he's working for people outright malicious towards him.

... Now I want churros.

Is there going to be another chapter in this story?

9945184 There is more, but finding time to devote to fanfiction writing is so hard for me right now, sorry.

By any chance is this chapter the alternate universe this is taking place inspired by this story, A Different Sunset

Any update as to if this story will continue?

since this seems dead, not even going to bother reading even though it seems like an interesting story from the desc.

Comment posted by Raissa deleted Feb 16th, 2022

Predictable. Proof evident he's no changeling. 😄

Oh, its dead.
I started to like this story, and then it just ends.

This is such a fun story! Can you please continue? Its a shame to stop here.

Can you continue this story? Please.

Comment posted by XenoPony deleted May 10th

11897071 11521341 11513337 It's been a long time, but there are at least three stories I need to bring back, and time/income these days limit the time I once had to make these stories.

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