• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 358 Views, 3 Comments

A Dream that Never Was can Still Be - Mechscout

Life is a constant journey, who says you're allowed stop halfway through? Anon and Rarity find this out the hard way when an accident leads to them meeting. Yet, from tragedy something beautiful can be born, after all they're both hopeless romantics.

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Welcome Home

Anon’s eyes shot open. Sunlight was barely creeping into his room, but he was already out of bed and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Back home he’d always take his time in the morning, drawing out the time before work as long as he could. Right now, he was a motivated man and he was going to start his day strong.

A quick shower and change of clothes into what he considered his best outfit later, he was making his way downstairs. He had hoped to beat Rarity to the kitchen to make her breakfast, but it seemed he’d already lost on that front.

“Good morning Anon,” she spoke with a slightly smug tone. “I’m a tad surprised at how early you got up today. I was starting to worry that you were making a habit of sleeping in during the mornings. To think you’d break that bad habit for little ol’ me!~”

“Good morning to you as well, dearest Rarity.” He countered, though he knew the light blush on his face counted as a defeat here. “I had simply been indulging in lazy mornings seeing that I didn’t have to get up early for work anymore. I wasn’t aware you were starting to worry about me becoming a lazy bum.” He joked lightly, though it was true he’d been sleeping in far more than he should in the brief time he’d been living with Rarity. A slippery slope if he ever saw one. It was one thing to enjoy sleeping in every once in a while, and another to do it because you never felt well rested. “Plus, it would be a poor show for me to wake up late today of all days.”

“My my, you best make sure to wake up just as early tomorrow for the wedding then.~ Though I suspect you also had some ulterior motive for making your way to the kitchen specifically in such a hurry?” His sheepish smile was incriminating enough that she had caught him.

“You’d be right, I had planned to surprise you with breakfast. Yet here you are, already prepped to make breakfast.” He wasn’t about to admit defeat so easily though, “doesn’t mean I can’t help you out.”

“While I’d normally ask you let me handle this as you are my guest, I feel you’d be particularly stubborn today, darling.” She used her magic to float over an apron for him to use. She had made him one when he had shown his interest in cooking during his stay with her. It was a simple affair and she would be aghast if any of his clothes were stained during his cooking endeavors.

“You already know me so well, now what do you need me to do?” He put on the apron and stood near her in the kitchen.

Smiling at his antics, Rarity made good use of her human assistant to make a very filling and delicious omelet for breakfast. She was honestly surprised at how well they establish a rhythm to their work, never bumping into each other and always knowing what to do and when without needing to be told by the other. Such synergy was appreciated as breakfast was quickly ready.

The table was set by Anon as he figured that Rarity did the majority of the cooking so he had to do his part too. Not that she minded, it was oddly cute to see him trying so hard to do as much as he could for her.

When was the last time I was catered to with such care? I didn’t expect him to make such an effort to win my favor. What a silly stallion, so young and determined to impress a mare. Despite this thought, she found herself smiling at the so considered fool.

“I didn’t think our first time cooking together would go so well.” Anon began as they ate, “I honestly expected to bump into each other a bit, but I’m very glad nothing like that happened.” While she had given him pointers in the kitchen a few times, they had never actually cooked at the same time.

“Oh my, darling. What’s this about first times?~” She teased, nearly causing Anon to choke on a bite of omelet. She wasn’t done yet, “And would it truly be so bad for you to bump into this poor old mare?~”

“Come on, that’s a low blow. You know I meant nothing that scandalous.” His light glare did nothing to wipe the smug smile on her face. Dammit, why is she so pretty when she’s smug?! “Plus, it’d be awful of me to cause you harm by bumping into you while cooking. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you and your beautiful white coat after all.” He smirked a bit as that last comment managed to cause her to blush lightly.

“Its good to see that you understand the value of a lady’s appearance. I will commend you for taking care not to damage my well cared for coat.” She sipped some of the coffee she had brewed, he still had plenty to learn about brewing before she let him take this duty. “Though if you do really well I might let you ruin it just a little.~” She smiled slyly seeing him struggle to remain composed despite his scarlet tinted face.

He didn’t know where all this teasing had spawned from, seeing as she’d been quite the prim and proper host up to this point. Had he awakened a sleeping beast with his admittedly risky and sort of desperate actions? I’m still surprised my gamble paid off. I’m still an idiot for asking her out after having only lived with her a week. I just happen to now be a semi-successful idiot. He cleared his throat before speaking, hoping his blushing would subside soon.

“You said there was plenty to do before the wedding and our date tomorrow. Do you have a schedule for us to follow?” He raised an eyebrow at her, truly curious. She was a well-organized mare, even if her workshop could look a little haphazard it was exactly how she wanted it to be. Something he learned when he tried helping her clean the place up and got chewed out for moving what he had assumed were scraps.

“You would be right, darling.” She took a final sip of her coffee before floating it over to the sink along with the rest of their dishes. She could see him resist the urge to offer to wash the dishes. Good, he was starting to understand when to let her handle things. Good boy. “Being friends with Princess Twilight for so long means some of her habits begin to rub off on you. I made a short list of the important matters we must handle today.” With a poof a scroll appeared on the table. He’s adorable when he gets surprised by magic. “First off, we must drop off all the wedding outfits over at Sweet Apple Acres where the wedding is going to take place. They should be finishing up setting up the venue for tomorrow, but asked for my input on a few things. Plus, I think it’d be wise to inform our hosts that you’ll be accompanying me so they can prepare for an extra guest. From there I’ll treat you to some lunch at one of my preferred restaurants in Ponyville.”

She gave him a pointed look, as if daring him to challenge her on this front. He remained silent, knowing this wasn’t a battle he could win. He still had much to learn about Ponyville so he had no say on the matter of its premier establishments. Very good boy. So why did he feel a slight chill at the smile she gave him when he remained silent?

“After lunch it would be prudent to return here so I may get your measurements. From there I’ll be occupied tailoring your suit for the wedding. It will most likely take me the rest of the day to finish it, but I’ll need you on hoof to make sure it fits you perfectly. I would appreciate it if you did not venture outside the boutique during that time. It would be best if you found something to occupy your time while I work.” Before she could think of something for him to do, he already had an idea.

“In that case, I could use the time to get some reading in. Last time we visited Princess Twilight I went to the library and asked Starlight for a book to borrow.” He hadn’t had much time to read with all the adjustment he had to go through this past week. He had tried to read to help him fall asleep, but his mind had just been too much of a jumbled mess.

“Oh? No offense, but I didn’t take you for an avid reader, darling.” Considering how bold he had shown himself to be, she had taken him for someone more inclined to physical activities. “I am curious as to what book you requested, if you don’t mind indulging this nosy mare.”

“You’re not that nosy, plus I’ll admit gossip has its fun,” much to Rarity’s surprise he lightly booped her snoot at the nosy remark. Anon continued, not paying his actions that much thought, “and I’m sort of happy I managed to surprise you. I’ve enjoyed reading since I was a small kid. The problem currently, is that adjusting to and accepting my situation has been occupying far too many of my thoughts recently. Although, I think my mind has settled down enough now for me to take up one of my favorite hobbies again. As for the book, it was a simple anthology of local myths and legends. I always find it intriguing to learn about other cultures by the stories they’ve passed down.”

“My,” Rarity began, a bit flustered, “you are quite full of surprises then. That definitely gains you some points. Not enough stallions see much value in reading beyond enjoying a few comics or learning new spells. Not to say those are bad, but its quite refreshing to see your thoughts on reading.”

“Good to know that I’m endearing myself you more and more. How else would I be able to live up to my boast if I wasn’t able to impress you?” He gave her his most confident look.

“That is all good and well darling, but never feel like you have to push yourself to impress me in every matter.” The look of understanding she gave him nearly made his knees weak, to the point he was glad he was still sitting down. “If I’m going to fall for you, I’d rather it be your true self rather than a mask you’ve put on simply to impress me.”

“You’re right, I was getting carried away with my need to meet that boast of mine.” Anon gave a contemplative look, “I’ll be sure to stay true to myself while still aiming for the boast all the same. I made it with the intent to show you every bit of myself, its my gamble after all.”

“To declare that you want to show me every bit of yourself, how scandalous!~” She giggled at Anon’s defeated reaction, before she stood up from her chair. “I will look forward to learning more about you either way Anon, darling. You’re already on the right track, that much I can confirm.” As she passed by Anon, she gave him a peck on the cheek.

So enraptured by her words and actions, Anon was left stunned. Until he remembered the day had just begun, and he still had a part to play. He got up, quickly noting that Rarity had magically been washing the dishes this whole time, I just can’t win with her. He saw her by the door, having already gathered the outfits to be delivered.

“I could help you carry some of those if you wish.” He offered, though he suspected she may be able to carry them all without problem with just magic.

“Thank you, it can be quite taxing to magically lift all these outfits. Just do make sure they don’t get a speck of dirt on them.” Placing a fair amount of them in Anon’s arms, she opened the door and led the way. A few dresses were still floating behind her, including the main outfits of the wedding.

He was impressed by the craftsmanship of each dress. He had seen a few of her other dresses before and they were all impressive. Even after being exposed to so many by living with her, he still found each one to be masterworks.

Anon followed dutifully behind Rarity, taking care to avoid wrinkly or dirtying the dresses. Eventually, he decides to ask a question that he’d began having during their conversation during breakfast.

“Rarity, not to be rude, but I’m kind of surprised by how open you’ve been to my advances.” Anon couldn’t see her reaction, but he did note how she slowed her pace.

“I suppose some wouldn’t consider it very ladylike of me to respond so openly to every stallion who tries to court me.” She began, sighing a bit as she recalled her various attempts at a love life before this moment. “Normally I wouldn’t be so receptive, but what you said really struck me, darling. I have lived a fairly long time,” she briefly looked back and gave him a look to stop him from interrupting, “and throughout that time I have tried quite a few stallions and even mares. Yet, none of them ever quite clicked.” She stopped to let a wagon of pass by, they still had a bit of a trek left to reach the farm with how slow they were walking.

“Some tried too hard to treat me like a lady, giving me all sorts of very valuable gifts and taking me on expensive dates. But you see darling, as much as I enjoy such things, its only in moderation. I am more than capable of buying myself any expensive trinket or outfit I could want or paying for a meal in any of Canterlot’s finest establishments. What I’ve come to value far more is the moments and sentiments behind those things. A gift given with love is truly generous. All too often these same individuals cared far more about my status as an Element bearer or wanted a part of my fashion business. Fortunately, I don’t think you particularly care for any of that, which is quite nice.”

“To be fair, I don’t exactly know the extent of your business nor the true significance of wielding one of the Elements of Harmony.” Rarity turned to give him a raised eyebrow, wondering if he knew nothing at all. “Well, I did read up on the Elements and their significance while I was at the Castle. Reading helped me keep my mind together, especially the more time passed without a way back. I mostly stuck to myths and legends, which meant the Elements were the most prominent. Its also why I had an interest in the current book I’ve borrowed. I’d like to learn more about the Ponyville in that regard.”

“Hm, despite having lived here most of my life I never did pay too much mind to the local legends. Perhaps you can recount the more interesting ones to me once you’re finished with your book?” Rarity turned to look at him, smiling when he gave her a happy nod. “We did move a bit from the subject, but I suspect you’d still like to know about my other failed lovers, no?”

“Yeah, it’d sate my curiosity as I doubt all of the ponies you dated did so for the same reason.”

“Very well, darling. See, while some coveted me as more of a prize or status symbol, others just weren’t what I’d hoped they’d be. All too often I’d become infatuated with somepony who turned out to be far from the pony I envisioned them to be.” She shook her head at those memories. “They certainly weren’t the gallant or impressive ponies I thought they’d be.”

“Apart from those, there were a few who reached out to me first, much like you. Unfortunately, no amount of earnest longing on their part could bridge the gap between two ponies who have nothing in common. No matter what some romance novels may say.” She giggled lightly at that bit; fully aware she indulged in such literature from time to time. “I find myself mildly surprised with how well we’ve gotten along so far, darling. But that doesn’t mean we’re meant for each other. We could always just be friends, but no matter what, I want to know who you truly are. I want to love the individual you really are, not some front you put on to woo me.”

“I completely agree. Though I wanna say with certainty that I only have eyes for you, I still have so much to learn about you too. I’m glad that you think the same. Is it safe to assume that’s also why you agreed to the date?”

“Yes, just as you had put it, this was a unique opportunity. Some would even call it a miracle or destiny. I don’t quite agree, but you have swayed me with your riveting speech from last night.~” She teased him lightly, but there was truth to her statement. “It has been far too long since I’ve felt anything resembling a spark like I did that night. Even now, I’ve found talking to you and trading these back and forths has been very entertaining.”

“I’ve definitely found them enjoyable too,” he smiled wryly, “not to sound cheesy but I never quite clicked with anyone before either. I didn’t spend much time dating, but the few dates I went on never went further than that first date. Usually by the end of the night we’d just drift apart and agree to see other people. Maybe it was foolish of me to long for a more immediate connection. Though, I want to believe that I did feel such a connection when I met you.” Rarity stopped and Anon followed suit, only now noting they’d arrived.

Turning to look at Anon fully, Rarity scanned his face. Soon she settled for peering deep into his eyes. Scrutinizing his gaze, searching for something.

“To think we’d share an initial spark of interest to this degree. I have seen the faces and eyes of many a pony who viewed for my favor, but you are the first with such an earnest gaze that I can’t tear myself away from.” She approached him, making him a tad nervous at what she may try as she moved her face closer to his, all while maintaining eye contact. He refused to look away and chose to instead sharpen his resolve as he stared back. Suddenly, she smiled before pulling away and grabbing the dresses he was caring with her telekinesis.

“Don’t look so surprised, or would it be disappointed?” She gave him a teasing smile at his reaction. “I quite like your eyes, there is certainly a beauty in them that I’m starting to appreciate.” Turning around, she made her way to the front entrance. “Now come along, I’m sure the Apples can use your help with finishing up with the preparations. After all, a strong, tall stallion such as yourself should have no problem helping out, right darling?”

“O-of course![WC1] ” He regained his bearings, but was still blushing at the interaction. “I’d be more than happy to help out however I can.”

“Very good, darling.” Rarity smiled before knocking on the door to announce their arrival to the Apples. Such a good and earnest boy indeed. My my Rarity, you’ve certainly found an intriguing catch. I’m starting to hope he can successfully woo me.


The morning went by with much work to be done. Rarity had to adjust some of the dresses for the bridesmaids while Anon helped with setting up the final decorations. Rarity also provided her expert eye at ensuring all the final details were just perfect. Satisfied she and Anon went to speak with Applejack before leaving.

“Hello darling!” Rarity called out joyfully.

“Hi there, Rarity.” Applejack turned to her, before noting the human accompanying her. “Good to see ya as well Anon. Thanks both of ya fer your help with getting everything ready.”

“Of course, darling! It’s only right we lend you aid for your special day!” Rarity noted how AJ seemed to be a tad nervous still. “How are you holding up dear?”

“Well, it’s a little overwhelming I’ll be honest.” AJ looked wistfully, “when I met Rainbow Dash, I never expected we’d ever be a couple. Much less get married, yet here we are. On my family’s farm, setting up fer a wedding.”

“Life always has a way of surprising us. We should know that best after all the adventures we’ve been on.” At that AJ laughed a bit recalling their eventful past. “So, you should cherish these moments greatly. It’s meant to be a happy day, so try to relax and let your nerves fade. If anything, you should talk to Rainbow Dash as well. I’m sure she feels the same way and it’d help for you two to talk about any worries you may still have.”

“You’re probably right about all that, Rarity.” Applejack took her advice to heart and planned to speak with RD before the day was done. She did note that this whole time, Anon had hung back waiting for them to finish speaking. Which made her curious, “speaking of partners, how’s our partner here doing adjusting ta Ponyville?”

“Ah, dear Anon has made progress,” she turned to look at him, giving him a supportive smile that AJ didn’t miss. “Though he is still struggling with everything that came about from his arrival here. I’ve done my best to help him, and bringing him to help was part of that.”

“How has it been living with ‘im? I did find it a tad strange that you were fine with him choosing to live with you. Figured you might be opposed to a stranger taking up residence in your home or be worried what others may say about you living with a bachelor.”

“Oh, come now dear, you know I don’t put much stock in those gossiping ponies.” AJ only raised an eyebrow in doubt at that statement, which Rarity pointedly ignored. “I just couldn’t bring myself to refuse such an unfortunate fellow a place to stay. Especially after he explained why he chose to live with me.” She looked towards Anon before asking, “isn’t that right, darling?”

“Yes!” Seeing it was his turn to speak, he got closer to the pair. “I just couldn’t bring myself to live all alone right now, and living in the Castle would only cause me to remember why I’m still here. Fortunately, Rarity was willing to accommodate me, and well she was the only pony I really knew aside from Princess Twilight.” He gave Rarity a grateful smile, tinged with an additional emotion that AJ couldn’t quite identify.

“Huh, that makes sense I suppose. I do hope you haven’t had it too hard with all this. I’m honestly impressed by how resilient you’re turning out to be, partner.” After noting that there was something more going on between these two she decided to probe once more. “Though I do hafta wonder how well you two have gotten along.”

“Would you believe it if I told you that dear Anon here found my presence so compelling, he couldn’t help but ask me out on a date last night?” She smiled at his embarrassed look, which AJ also found amusing.

“Haha! Can’t say I blame the fella, but it is surprising to hear there was someone bold enough to want ta date somepony they’ve lived with for only around a week.” She gave Anon a thorough, analytical look as if judging him. “Seeing as he’s hanging out with ya, I’d reckon you agreed?”

“Why yes, I just couldn’t turn down such a bold and earnest stallion. But don’t be mistaken, this isn’t our date. In fact, I came to inform you that I shall be taking Anon as my plus one for the wedding.”

“Well, I’ll be! I didn’t expect you to take him to the wedding as your date.” AJ gave Rarity an inquisitive stare. “I do wonder, what convinced you to give him a chance? Seems he was being awfully bold, proposing to you when he barely knows ya.”

“Yes, I did find him to be quite forward as well. But there was something about the way he asked me out that really struck a chord with me. It’s been too long since I’ve even felt the embers of attraction for somepony. Yet, this stranger had managed to reignite those sentiments.” Now that she knew what was going on, AJ could easily identify how these two felt about each other, which made her smile. “Now here I am, willing to give him a chance to fully capture my heart. A tad like my romance books sure, but that’s what’s so exhilarating about it.”

“I’ll trust you know what you’re doing and prep for an additional guest. Should be simple enough since we technically were expecting one as a common courtesy. Thanks for the heads up, and I hope things work out for you two. Thanks for the help by the way!” AJ waved them goodbye.

“Goodbye Applejack, dear! I’m sure you and Rainbow will be lovely tomorrow!”

“Bye Applejack, it was nice meeting you again!” Anon and Rarity waved in return. He had only really talked to her once before when Rarity introduced them, but she seemed like the dependable sort. It would be nice to know her and the rest of Rarity’s friends better sometime.


Sitting outside, the pair was enjoying the good weather as they waited for their meals to arrive. Anon had ordered a rather fancy sounding salad by Rarity’s recommendation. She had also ordered a similarly fancy salad along with pink lemonade for both of them.

“Today has been nice and sunny, tomorrow should be much the same. Which will be great for the wedding.” Rarity sighed wistfully, “I can’t wait to see those two finally getting married.”

“How long have you known them for?” While he had met all of her closest friends, he didn’t know much about them.

“Oh, so many years now, darling.” Rarity gave him a content smile at her recollection. “We’ve done so much together during that time to. Even saved Equestria a few times and helped anypony we could. Aside from those moments, we’ve also had lots of fun hanging out, from sleepovers to trips abroad.” She turned a tad somber, “unfortunately, nowadays we don’t do nearly as much together. Twilight is the Princess who rules Equestria and Spike helps her out by being her spokespony in other nations when she can’t go. Applejack runs her family’s farm, Rainbow Dash is a full-time member of the Wonderbolts, Fluttershy takes care of her animal sanctuary, and Pinkie Pie is practically the second owner of Sugarcube corner when she’s not caring for her family. I have my business to run and outfits to design. Not much time nor need for our old adventures. We try to gather when we can, but it’s been a while since we’ve all been together. Honestly, the wedding will be the first time in months that we’ll all be present.”

Finishing her piece, she saw the waiter returning with their food. He placed each dish and drink before them. Then asked if they needed anything before making his way back inside when they assured him that they were fine. She took a sip of the lemonade and a bite of the salad. Satisfied with the taste, she focused on Anon’s reaction to the food. It made her happy to see that he too was enjoying the meal.

“Now, I do love talking about myself, but I believe its your turn to share a bit about yourself, darling.” Rarity asked him, taking a bite of food while waiting for his response.

“Seems fair and I’d love to tell you what I can. Is there anything specific you want to learn?” He drank some lemonade after taking another mouthful of leafy greens. Once again he was impressed by the skill of these ponies when it came to making vegetarian meals.

“Since we were on the topic of friends, would you mind sharing anything about yours?” She paused a bit before adding, “of course if it still pains you to talk about them then you don’t have to.”

He sighed, not wholly comfortable, but knowing that he had move on. Talking about this stuff is to help, right?

“I don’t mind too much.” He gathered his resolve, “to put it bluntly they were a rambunctious bunch. Whenever we’d hang out, we’d have plenty of laughs and all sorts of nonsensical conversations. We also liked to go places, even if it was only to grab a bite to eat. Though we often hung out at one of our homes.” He grinned remembering the stuff they’d do, like get drunk and play games till late at night.

“Even when we all got busier with work and life in general, we made an effort to still get together as often as we could. Those moments were some of the best in my life. Being honest I’d grown weary of where life was going, I worked then came home hoping to rest enough to be ready for work again the next day. Often, I just didn’t have much time for my hobbies.” Speaking of it, he started to think about his conundrum and how he’d felt right before he’d arrived here. Rarity chose to remain silent, letting him organize his thoughts before continuing.

“In a way, I was hoping for something to change while sticking to a tedious routine. A fool, through and through.”

“Now darling, there’s nothing wrong with wishing for more from life.” She gave him a reassuring smile, seeing how distressed he was becoming. “We all have our desires for what would be our ideal life. Yet things won’t always turn out quite as we envision. Just look at me, a successful mare in her own right,” her smile turned wry, “yet still lonely. I’m still happy with what I have gotten in life, especially my friends. But it doesn’t mean I can’t pine for more. Which is true for you as well.”

“Heh, I suppose you have a point.” Not entirely convinced, but choosing to drop the subject for now, he conceded the point.

“Of course I am, darling. You best get used to that too if you wanna be around me.” With a slightly smug smile, Rarity decided to change the subject to some small talk.

Enjoying their meal and the general atmosphere, the pair found themselves content. Even sharing stories of their friends that brought them to laughter. It was a nice time, but it came to an end soon. Once they finished eating, they continued their light hearted conversation going on the way back to the boutique.

“-and that’s why Twilight remains deathly afraid of quesadillas to this day.” Rarity found Anon’s laughter pleasing to her ears. If only she knew that Anon felt the same about her.

“Ha! I wouldn’t have ever imagined she’d have such a fear considering how regal and powerful she appears.”

“Oh darling, if only you knew half the things about her and the others. Perhaps I’d be willing to tell you all about them some other day.” She opened the door to her boutique and walked in with Anon following behind. “Now though, I need to get those measurements before I begin my work.”

“Right! I’ve never got a suit fitted, so uhh, what is it I’m supposed to do?” Anon followed Rarity into her main business room on the first floor.

“I just need you to stand still and follow my instructions so I can get accurate measurements of your body. It’s simple and won’t take too much time, darling.” She shot him a smile as she led him to the center of the room.

“Alright, sounds simple enough.” Stopping where Rarity led him to, he looked around noting the many mannequins and outfits all around the room. Before focusing once again on Rarity as she returned with a tape measurer and glasses on. Oh lord, she can absolutely pull off glasses. With a gulp he settled his nerves and followed her instructions as she took his measurements.

“Now then, that was simple enough, isn’t that right darling?” Taking the recorded measurements, she moved to her workstation. Picking what materials she’d use for this unique project as she went.

“Yeah, right as always Rarity.” She smiled at his reply before setting to work. Considering he now had free time till she needed to fit the suit on him once she had it mostly finished, he decided to retrieve his book. It didn’t take him long to run upstairs, grab his book, and come back.

Once he returned, he saw her still putting his suit together. It was a little mesmerizing seeing her work her magic, literally and figuratively, as she moved cloth with precision through the sowing machine. Getting into the rhythm, he found a nearby chair and sat down to read.

Time passed by steadily as one worked and the other read. It was a pleasant atmosphere, the sound of the machine sowing broken every once in a while, by a page turning. Far too soon, this moment came to an end.

Rarity had finished the majority of the suit and needed to check how it fit on Anon. Anon had found a good stopping point in his novel as well fortunately.

“Alright, darling. I’m going to need you to put this on,” she levitated the suit to him, “the dressing area is over there.” She pointed to corner of the room with a divider meant for her clients to try on clothes.

“Sure thing,” he made his way over, suit in hand. He had no issues slipping the suit on before moving to stand in the middle of the room again. “So, how do I look?”

“Stunning,” Rarity took in his full appearance, marveling at her work and how well it fit him. After a few more seconds, she finally moved closer to check that everything fit perfectly. “Let’s see here, while it looks to be in order, I need to double check.”

Nodding, he let her move around him, scrutinizing every bit and piece of the ensemble. She spotted a few areas that could use some adjusting before finishing her check. Satisfied, she prompted Anon to take off the suit so she could put the finishing touches.

Sitting down again, Anon tried to return to his book, but the thought’s he’d been able to put off till now began to take hold once more. Since he’d spoken to Rarity about his feelings about his old life earlier at the restaurant, he’d occasionally think of it more. He thought he could put those thoughts behind him, but they just kept intruding. With a heavy sigh, he figured he could speak to Rarity about it once again.

“Hey, Rarity,” he asked, waiting patiently for her to answer.

“Yes darling?” She stopped her sowing to look up at him curiously.

“I’ve been thinking. Remember our initial conversation at the restaurant?” At her nod, he continued, “well, back when I was sent here, I had been thinking of how much my life had become an unending grind. It was honestly breaking my spirit, I wanted to be happy because I still had so many things that made me happy. I even hated myself at times for wanting more when I already had more than others could hope for.” He noted that Rarity was giving him her full attention, listening to every word with a serious look.

“When I said I was foolish, I meant that in a way this may have been what I wanted. Somewhere deep down, I wanted an end to the routine that would also grant me something I longed for.” He laughed bitterly, causing a twinge of pain to resonate in Rarity. “And so, in some twisted mockery of fate, I was granted my wish. I lost my life that day and appeared here, never to see home or my friends again.” His face became strained.

“I know things look bleak darling, but maybe in time Twilight and the others like Starlight, will find a way to get you home.” She knew the hope was slim, but figured it might help to try and cheer him up. Only to be surprised, by the biting laugh that he gave in response.

“I can’t go home, Rarity.” Before she could retort, he paved ahead, “I died. That day I died. Anon of Earth is dead.” He took a deep breath, his eyes blurry. “I think I knew that not long after the first day of testing at the castle. In a way, I had always known but had continued to refuse that reality. This isn’t just some gut feeling either, I felt myself die. The pain of my body being crushed was brief but vivid. If it weren’t for whatever that flower was that brought me here, I would be dead right now.” He could feel the tears slowly making their way down his face.

“That’s why I can’t go back, because I don’t belong in my world anymore. I am dead there and so I don’t belong. It is actively keeping me away. Maybe if someone else from Earth was here, I’d be able to tag along, but as things are, I can never go back.” He didn’t even know if he was saying this to Rarity or to himself. He nearly jumped when Rarity enveloped him in a warm hug.

They sat there for a while, Rarity hugging Anon tightly. Slowly the tension left his body, but the tears still flowed freely. Not quite sobbing, he still leaned into her hug, even returning it. It was therapeutic holding the white mare close, the feeling of her soft fur pressed against him. Her scent calmed his rapidly beating heart.

“I’m sorry, so very sorry, Anon.” She comforted him the best she could, gently rubbing his back. Eventually, his tears would stop and he could finally gather his thoughts.

“It’s not your fault. None of you had any part in what happened to me. If anything, I’m incredibly grateful to you all for treating me so well. I’m a complete stranger, yet none of you hesitated to lend me a hand.” He reluctantly let go of the hug, but remained face to face with Rarity. Her beautiful, worry filled eyes staring at his own, still red from crying. “I honestly don’t know if my feelings for you aren’t just a result of how kind you’ve been to me. After everything that happened, I just felt so overwhelmingly happy that someone as beautiful as you decided to help me. You even offered me a place to stay in your own home. I probably jumped ahead of myself by thinking to ask you out at all. How could I say I want to date you, when I might not even love you?” He was so full of worry, only for Rarity to catch him off guard by booping his nose.

“I did feel you’d been a bit too quick to ask me out. I was honestly worried that you were pushing yourself into a relationship just to deal with the pain you were going through. And that would’ve been no good, but I didn’t want to immediately shut you down either. I was hoping you’d realize before too long that you had been too rash with your decision.” She could see him look away, regret clear on his face. “That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy your efforts. You are a wonderful stallion, Anon, and it pains me to see you suffering like this. If you wish, we can drop this business of going on a date and I can take you as just a friend to the wedding, darling.” She gently held his cheek with a hoof, making him look at her.

“This morning, I might’ve taken that offer. Even now I feel hesitant to continue down this route.” She could practically hear the ‘but’ as his wavering emotions steeled themselves, from all this a new resolve was born. It was majestic, like a diamond forming under great pressure. “But this day alone has been wonderful for more than just you putting up with me to cheer me up. I had doubted my feelings for you were false and in a way I had been right. I realize that now, but ironically, by coming to this conclusion, I’ve found that some of that attraction to you remains. Beyond what you’ve done for me out of generosity, I have genuinely felt a connection with you when we trade teasing remarks or eat a meal together. It may be small, but I want to see how far it can go.” He looked at her eyes, moving his hand to cup her cheek much like she was doing to him.

“I said I yearned for change yet never acted before. I died and was brought here. I met the most wonderful and beautiful person I have ever met. You captured my tumultuous heart with your care. My still indecisive heart, which might not hold pure love for you, at least not yet. But I can feel that spark, a flickering light that draws me to it.” He gave her his full attention, their faces so very close to one another. Each of them holding the other’s head like a lifeline. “Right now, I want to fan those flames, to see them burn as bright as they can. I’m tired of longing, stumbling, and waiting for things to change. I promise you this, Rarity, I want to go out with you, to intertwine my life with yours. To explore these budding feelings to their fullest extent. I may be wrong, and we may only end up as friends like you said, but we’ll never know unless we try. I’ll ask you this instead, will you date me and see how far we can go?”

If last night she had felt something that pushed her pity to agreeing, this time that pity was gone. She knew this wasn’t going to be a brash decision made by a hurting individual. He meant every word with every ounce of his being. It was an enrapturing scene to witness. Those eyes full of conviction, like a knight ready to face a monster to save a princess. Perhaps his fear and apprehension are that monster here.

“So long as you remain true to your emotions and never push yourself to love me, then I accept. This isn’t a promise with pity, but a hope that we can be more.” She gave him a divine smile, “you better burn bright darling, till you shine like the amazing gem you are!”

“Absolutely! I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He finally noted how close their faces had become, his hand still tenderly on her soft cheek. She realized the same thing the moment he did. Trading a knowing look, they leaned forward bridging the remaining distance.

It was a strange feeling, to kiss someone with a muzzle. But he didn’t pay it much mind as their lips connected. Her lips were like velvet, sending a chill down his spine. He almost let his hunger take him as he felt their tongues intertwine. The taste of her was like ambrosia. His kiss grew more fervent as they continued, only to be matched by her own growing intensity. Locked in a kiss full of passion, they indulged in it.

As all things, the kiss eventually had to come to an end. Both reluctantly broke the kiss, slowly pulling away. They looked disheveled, drunk on the emotions they had just felt.

“My, oh my, darling.” Rarity was the first to recover. “I… wow. That is the most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced.” Her breathing was still heavy, so she tried to reign it in.

“Y-yeah, that was… intense for sure.” Anon’s brain had finished rebooting, having nearly shutdown from the intensity. “It was the best kiss I’ve ever felt. Wow, just wow.”

“W-well I should finish up with your suit now.” She looked to a nearby clock, “it is getting quite late and we need to be up bright and early for tomorrow.”

“Yes! That’s right, we do have to go to bed soon.” Anon nodded, his blush still clear on his face. He tried to return to his book, but now his head was a rush of thoughts. At least this time they were far more positive thoughts of how he was gonna go about wooing such an amazing mare.

After she put the finishing touches on his suit and making sure it fit him to a T, they decided to call it a day. They made their way to their rooms, still a bit shook by their recent flight of passion. Reaching the second floor they stood in front of their respective rooms.

“Goodnight, Rarity.” He looked to her as he spoke.

“Goodnight, Anon.” She returned with a smile.

It took them no time to reach their beds and get comfortable under the covers. If they could see each other, they’d note that they both sported a goofy smile. It was safe to say they both slept soundly and content that the future was looking a lot brighter.


Anon felt a tad out of place amongst all these ponies. Sure, there were a few griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, and even dragons. Not to mention all the Princesses of Equestria were present. Yet he still felt like the odd one out.

Then his eyes settled on Rarity who was up at the front on the stage along with her friends and he felt his nerves settle. Apparently, they’d all decided to just be the couple’s best mares. How that worked was beyond him and he didn’t feel like looking into it.

She spotted him in turn and smiled at him, which caused him to blush in happiness. He felt like a schoolboy the way his heart raced at her attention. When she had first put on her dress that morning, he’d nearly fainted from seeing her pure beauty.

He did his best to pay attention to the ceremony, it was actually quite a wonderful event. These ponies sure knew how to organize a wedding, and the weather was just perfect for this outside venue. I didn’t expect to attend a pony wedding a month ago. Crazy how things can change so drastically. Heh, change.

All in all, the actual ceremony wasn’t that long. Once the couple was at the altar facing each other, they were asked to take their vows. He was surprised at how similar all this was to weddings back on Earth.

Lost in thoughts, he nearly missed Applejack and Rainbow Dash kissing to seal their vows. Not that he would’ve been able to ignore the roaring applause and cheers that occurred immediately after. A crowd he found himself joining as their joy was infectious.

Having completed their vows, the pair chucked a boutique into the air. Guess they do that here too. His thoughts were cut short when the lucky mare ended up being Rarity. Even she appeared surprised, not having tried for these things after many years of disappointment. Their surprised led to embarrassment as they locked eyes, causing their friends who knew of their date to laugh in good nature at the pair. Fortunately, the crowd cheered as they always did and moved on, none the wiser of the play by play of the mare and man.

With the main ceremony done, the crowd moved to the barn where plenty of tables had been set up inside and outside of it. There they’d be served lunch before the party could truly pick up. Anon had a seat reserved for him next to Rarity, which meant he’d also be near the most important guests and the main, now married couple.

“Hello, dear,” Rarity greeted him once he reached their table. The others were engaged in a riveting conversation he could see. She had already stored away the boutique, and had time to recover from her slight shock.

“Hi, Rarity!” He had to fight the need to just stare and appreciate her beauty as he sat down to eat. Noting his arrival, the others at the table turned to greet him. “Hello everyone! Congrats Applejack and Rainbow Dash!”

“Hiya, Anon,” Applejack returned his greeting. “Thanks for the well wishes!”

“Hi, Anon!” Rainbow Dash’s excitement bled into her speech. “Thanks for coming! When AJ, mentioned that Rarity got herself a date I was surprised, especially when I heard it was you!” After being elbowed lightly by her wife, she added, “Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’m just glad that she found someone to bring along. Plus, it must be nice to be her date, right?” She wiggled her eyebrows at Anon, much to AJ’s exasperation and everypony else’s amusement.

“Yeah, she’s absolutely captivating.” Anon responded, looking at her again, losing himself to her visage. This only prompted the others to giggle at his antics. Rarity took it all in stride, practically preening in joy.

“Thank you, darling. Its always good to know others can appreciate beauty.” She posed a tad, angling her head to give him an alluring look. Then she turned to the married couple, “but today is all about you two, so it wouldn’t be right of me to take the spotlight. Especially since I worked hard to make sure those outfits would bring out the best from both of you.”

“Thanks again for doing that,” AJ smiled in thanks, it was always a wonder to wear one of Rarity’s masterpieces.

“Yeah, we really appreciate it!” Rainbow Dash gave her own wide smile, knowing she was looking amazing alongside her wife. “These are pretty cool outfits, and I doubt anypony else could’ve come close to making something this good.”

“You flatter me dear, but I am more than glad you’ve both enjoyed them.” With that they fell back into a normal conversation. Anon didn’t mind that he wasn’t as engaged. He knew this was a precious moment for them and chose to let them have it. Instead, he took his time enjoying every bite of lunch. It was a relaxing affair, listening to them chat away and eating in relative peace.

Soon enough, everyone finished their meals. Which meant that the party could finally kick off. And kick off it did, with a great shout, Pinkie Pie began the celebrations in honor of the recently married couple. Party canons fired from all angles and soon a dance floor was established where everyone was tearing it up as DJ Pon-3 played some banger tunes.

The majority of the table also made their way to the dance floor. Leaving behind Anon and Rarity, as Rarity was waiting for Anon to take the lead. Who had been overwhelmed by how much had happened in the span of a minute or two. Turning back to the table, he saw how he’d been left behind with Rarity. Thoughts clicking together, he knew what had to be done.

“Would you do me the honor to have this dance?” He proposed semi-awkwardly, reaching out his hand to her.

“I’d love nothing more,” she took his hand giggling lightly. The music certainly wasn’t what one often thought of for such formal requests to dance. But she was fine with it, if it meant they could just enjoy themselves.

Anon didn’t have much experience with dance clubs, but he could grasp the basics from just looking around. Plus, it wasn’t like any of them knew how humans danced. Right? His worries aside, he found himself really enjoying just letting go and partying to his heart content. Dancing with Rarity to all these funky tunes was a lot of fun.

Rarity wasn’t usually a mare for this kind of music, but she knew when to just have fun. And fun she had, although she could see that Anon was struggling to get the rhythm right. She made sure to nudge him in the right direction, till he finally began truly feeling the music. From there she enjoyed dancing with Anon despite the genre of music. They had a few laughs as well at the antics that occurred with some of the guests pulling off all sorts of dance moves. Anon even tried some from Earth that ended in spectacular failure, but it was all in good humor.

They’d dance and celebrate for a few hours with everyone else, before finally feeling tired. Thankfully, while everyone had been dancing, the hosts had already served dinner for all their guests. Which everyone was more than happy to dig into after burning all the energy from lunch by dancing.

They changed out the DJ to let them take a break in favor of a classical band. This one was led by Octavia, who’s mastery over string instruments, especially cellos was famous. Her group quickly set a more classic ballroom feel to the party.

“Are you enjoying yourself, darling?” Rarity asked Anon as they ate the delicious dinner laid before them.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Anon laughed a bit, enjoying the calm atmosphere after all that dancing. “I rarely danced back home, so it was certainly an experience trying to something like this.”

“I do hope you didn’t tire yourself out already, dear.” Rarity took a sip of the wine she’d been served. “You’d be a poor date if you were tired after only one dance session.”

Anon realized what she meant when he really paid attention to the ball music playing. Of course, a fine lady like Rarity would love some classic ballroom music!

“Worry not, my love,” he teased her a bit, “I’ll have plenty of energy after this brief break. I mean this food is simply amazing.” He had to hold himself back from tearing into the food honestly considering how hungry it had him feeling.

True to his word, Anon felt rejuvenated by the rest and food. His somewhat tired body, felt refreshed and ready to try out some of the dance moves he’d always envisioned when reading romance novels. Taking a final breath to ready his mind, he once again reached out to Rarity, offering a hand.

“If I may be so bold, would thou dance with me, Lady Rarity.” He wouldn’t admit how hard it was to keep a straight face saying all that, though a light dusting of red gave away how embarrassed he felt. Thankfully, Rarity gave him a coy smile before taking his hand in her hoof.

“I’d be honored to dance with thee, Sir Anon.” She replied with far more dignity and poise than he ever could. Gently taking his hand, she let him lead her to the dance floor once more.

There first few steps are awkward and Anon had to do his best to not trip over Rarity. It was bad enough he wasn’t used to dancing, but at least the previous music let him just dance on his own. Dancing with a partner in a waltz was something else entirely. Not helped by the fact that he was bipedal and his partner was a quadruped.

“Stop,” Rarity commanded him, he immediately complied. “Now, breath,” once again he just did as she told him. “Good, you were getting far too worked up, darling. I can see how difficult this is for you, so just relax and follow my lead.”

Anon took a deep breath to help himself relax, before letting Rarity lead his steps. Giving him instructions every time he paused for a little too long. Slowly, but surely, he got used to the steps. Once they were confident that he could keep up, they sped up till their pace matched the rhythm of the music.

Soon enough, they were keeping pace with all the other couples on the dance floor. Though they still got stares due to Anon being the only human present. Things like stares and chatter melted away, right now it was just them dancing to the music.

Anon found himself staring at Rarity’s large, beautiful eyes. It was entrancing to hold her close, moving in tandem. All that existed in their world at that moment was each other and the symphony guiding their steps. She could only stare into his eyes in return, just as lost as he was.

Neither noticed when most of the dancers had moved away and allowed them to take the center of the dance floor. Everyone present having been slightly entranced by the strange pair. Despite their earlier difficulties, now they were synchronized and the rest of the crowd found them very endearing. Especially when it was clear how lost they were in each other’s presence.

Once the song finally came to an end, they stopped and began taking in their surroundings again. Which led to them quickly realizing all the attention on them. Anon felt his face burning at how self-conscious he was now feeling. Even Rarity had a light blush at all the eyes staring at the pair in wonder.

“That was great you two!” Came the explosive voice of Pinkie Pie, who was sporting a joyous smile. “You really had everyone captivated! In fact, I think now’s the perfect time to get final act of this party started!”

An eruption of cheers reverberated throughout the guests. Both cheering the couple for their dancing, and at the prospect of more partying. More dancers than before filled the area. Everyone wanting to enjoy the night as Anon and Rarity had.

“Hit it girls!” Pinkie shouted at the DJ and Octavia, who had finished setting up.

With a flourish, both artist poured their soul out and created the unique symphony they had coined Electro Cello Dubstep all those years ago. This sent the guests into a dancing frenzy, as everyone felt the music course through them.

Anon and Rarity were no different as they felt reenergized and took to flying across the dance floor once again. Losing themselves in the wild movements brought about by such upbeat music. Laughing and smiling, they danced among the many enjoying a night of festivities. Celebrating the union of two wonderful mares by showing how much they enjoyed the party thrown in their honor.

Thus, the night went on. Filled with music, cheers, and dancing. Through it all, Anon found he could really get used to these strange ponies and their odd, but welcoming world. Especially if he had someone like Rarity by his side. She couldn’t help but feel young again, like the mare who had just met Twilight all those years ago. The thrill of adventure sang in her just as the music moved her hooves as she danced with Anon.

To be alive, to be in love.

“Anon, thank you. For being here with me.” Rarity spoke, audible even in the boisterous surroundings.

“Thank you as well, Rarity. For putting up with me and my brash decisions. I hope we can continue to stand by each other’s side.” He smiled at her, so full of joy. A step to a better future.

“Of course, side by side, we’ll keep moving ahead.” She leaned in, giving him a kiss, which he was all too eager to return. “This date has been wonderful, but I hope you don’t plan to stop with just making this one so amazing.~”

“Not at all, my dear Rarity.” Anon responded, “I’ll make sure to take you on all sorts of fantastic dates, from corner cafes to voyages to every corner of Equestria. I’ve still got so much to see and I’d love it if you would be with me on those travels.”

“You really are making this old mare feel young again.~” She joked. “It’d be a pleasure to take you to the various places my friends and I once ventured to. You’d be hard pressed to find a better guide than I, darling.”

“I doubt any of them would be as beautiful as you.” He sealed her lips before she could respond. She wrapped her hooves around him and pulled him closer. Enjoying the feeling of their lips locked together, despite their differences, they couldn’t help but think of how wonderful the other felt like this.


Anon was at his desk, typing away on the modified typewriter Twilight had made him as a gift. It wasn’t as bad as the old typewriters of his world, but it certainly was no computer keyboard. By now he’d grown used to it at least. He’d used it to create a few works even. Mostly stories from his world that he thought the ponies would appreciate.

He was currently working on an original work of his. He’d always been reading books, but had never tried his hand at writing. Since coming here, he found himself wondering what to do with his time when he wasn’t on a date with Rarity or hanging out with the friends he had made. Eventually he settled on something he’d always wanted to try, but never had the chance to indulge in, writing.

All those stories he used to read surely meant he’d be somewhat decent at it right? Well, the ponies certainly thought so from what he’d heard of his recreations of the stories from his old world. Honestly, he felt he had to prove a point with this current story, it was an original one unlike the others.

Just as he finished the latest chapter, he heard the door open. Sitting back in his chair, he spotted a very familiar white mare.

“Hello Darling, you’ve been cooped up in here for too long.” Rarity began, opening the curtains, spotting the slightly frazzled Anon. “Its about time you get ready to head out. We have a visit to the Crystal Empire scheduled and I don’t wanna be late to the train station.”

“Yes, dear. Sorry, I just had to finish this chapter. It would’ve eaten me the whole trip otherwise.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Though, he was aware he’d been pushing it by taking so long to finish up before the trip. “I’ll get washed up and dressed real quick. I already packed all my stuff so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Very well, darling.” Turning to him, Rarity’s serious expression gave way to a smile as she approached him and gave him a quick kiss. “Now, go shower, you definitely are starting to smell.” She giggled at his mock offended expression.

“Yes, yes, my lady.” He added a little flourish to tease her further. To which she simply rolled her eyes, but her smile remained all the same. She enjoyed their little banter; it always added an extra spice to her life.

“I’ll be waiting for you downstairs, so don’t take long.” Seeing him nod in affirmation, she made her way out the room. Anon in turn, grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.

This had been their lives for months now. Anon and Rarity would focus on their preferred work during the day, while enjoying some downtime in the afternoon and evenings with each other. Every few days they’d schedule a date to just relax and have some time together outside of the boutique. Then, every few weeks they’d make plans to travel to some corner of Equestria, with Rarity providing Anon with any info he may want. Occasionally having to ask Princess Twilight for help, depending on the destination. She was more than happy to provide assistance, glad to see the human was settling in well now.

He would still have moments of melancholy, thinking of the life he’d lost. Fortunately, Rarity was always there for him, whether talking with him about it or just being present letting him remain grounded. He knew it was a tragedy what happened to him, but he now had a life here. One he wouldn’t trade away, what’s done is done. He chose to move forward and that’s what he’ll continue to do even as he carries the memories of his old world in his heart and on his back.

Now he marches ahead, hand in hoof with the best mare he’s ever met. The love of his life and lady he planned to marry. He’d gotten Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor to help after Princess Twilight found out he was planning to propose to Rarity.

It was why this trip was so important, but Rarity didn’t know that. She just knew it was urgent because they had received an official invitation from Princess Cadance. They were throwing a grand ball to commemorate some major Crystal Empire event from the past, but the specifics weren’t important. What was important to Anon, was the moment that Cadance had set up for him to ask Rarity the important question.

He had to steel his nerves on the train ride over, going over the plan in his mind. Doing his best to not let Rarity in on his thoughts. Making sure to still pay attention to the stories she told of her own time in the Crystal Empire. It wasn’t their first visit, but she always had plenty of stories to tell. And he was all too happy to listen to every one of them, more than once if needed.

Eventually they reached their destination. They were greeted by the rest of their friends who’d gone on ahead, to set up for the celebration. Soon enough, they were guided to their rooms in the Castle that they’d be staying in. Once they had their things put away, they met up with their friends again and went on a few activities the group had been waiting to do. Some of it was to introduce Anon to Crystal Pony culture, but most was so they could all have fun.

Eventually the day of the ball came around. With a word from Princess Twilight and a speech from Princess Cadance, the festivities began in full swing. Everyone was occupied, either dancing, eating, or chatting with friends and new acquaintances.

I’ll never get used to how happy these parties tend to be. Even the formal ones feel far giddier than you’d think. Not that I’m complaining, I’d much prefer this over some pretentious high society meet up. Anon was soon disturbed from his thoughts as Princess Cadance and their co-conspirators approached him.

“Enjoying the party Anon?” asked Cadance. Rarity had been taken by some of her friends to ‘dance together like old times’ as they’d put it. So Cadance took the chance to confirm the final part of the plan with Anon.

“Yes, your majesty,” he bowed in respect. She giggled, knowing he was playing it up more than he needed to. “I suppose you came to ensure I was ready?”

“Got it in one,” she smiled, eager to see the culmination of Anon’s relationship with Rarity. She always loved seeing ponies get together, and being able to help them come together made her all the happier. “The stage is set, all you have to do is go up and wait till this song ends. They’ll know to give you the mic and from there its all up to you.”

“Alright,” he shook himself a little, still nervous about all this. Public speaking wasn’t his forte and he was really feeling the jitters right now. Seeing this, Cadance placed a hoof on his shoulder to calm him down.

“Relax Anon, you’ve got this. You know your lines and you have been ready to ask her for weeks now. Faust knows how long you even pondered whether you should ask her or not.” She added with a slight giggle, which did help settle his nerves.

“Thanks Princess, even when know all that, I just can’t help but feel nervous.” He smiled lightly, pushing through his rising nerves. He wasn’t gonna let them mess this moment up for him.

“No problem, Anon. Now go out there and make that mare happy!” She pushed him lightly towards the stage at the front of the venue they had used for the Grand Ball.

Taking what he hoped looked like confident strides towards the podium, Anon steeled his mind. He had recited his lines plenty of times before this and knew them by heart. All he had to do was say them. Easy enough right? Right?

Reaching the podium, he signaled to the ones in charge. They immediately recognized him and brought him up the stage. Going over the plan once more, they told him to wait till the song ended, then they’d give him the mic and he would have his time to say what needed to be said.

Waiting for the song to end felt like an eternity. He gulped and took deep breaths. While not entirely successful, he was at least able to keep his mind sharp enough for what was coming. With a final note, the song came to an end, and the announcer brought attention to the stage.

“Hello everycritter! We have a special guest tonight who wishes to share some words with us on this joyous occasion.” Turning to him, the announcer signaled Anon to step on the stage. As he made his way over to the center of the stage, the announcer introduced him to the crowd. “He’s our resident human, Anon. Who has been good member of our society and provided stories from his homeland. He’d now like to share his thoughts with us. Anon, if you will.”

Taking the offered mic, he cleared his throat and looked at the gathered crowd. His eyes scanned them, seeing hundreds of eyes staring back at him in interest. Before he could become unnerved by the sheer scale of attention, he found the only pair he had eyes for. Her blue eyes looked like the most beautiful gems he’d ever seen. His strength restored, he stepped up, mic in hand.

“Greetings everycritter!” He began, “my name as some of you know is Anon. I’m a human from a far away world. While the circumstances that brought me here are still unknown and not the prettiest, I have made place for myself here. And for that I’d like to thank you all!” He bowed to the crowd, pouring his earnest feelings out, knowing what was still to come.

“When I arrived, I had nothing but the clothes on my person and the few belongings in my pockets. Yet, asking nothing of me, I was offered any help you could give me. I’ve never met a people so willing to help a stranger, especially not to the extent you went through. Princess Twilight even did all she could to allow me to return home. And when that ended in failure, she offered me any accommodation I could desire as well as any money I’d need too. All without asking for a single thing in return. That sort of kindness truly moved me to my core. Sadly, from where I come from, its incredibly rare to find someone so dedicated to helping a stranger. It was honestly a sort of culture shock,” he laughed a little to himself.

“Yet, even that kindness couldn’t shake the pain in my heart at knowing I could never return to the world I had called home or the people who were my friends and family.” At this the crowd looked at him with sympathy and pity. He only smiled in return, appreciating their gesture, but knowing that was in the past now. “No, I was still in pain even when all those I had met here only sought to aid me however they could. But it was because you were all so willing to help someone like me out that I eventually came to a realization. A realization that I no amount of help could save me if I didn’t try to reach out my hand to take yours. I had to realize that I had to help myself move forward, through the pain so I could grasp onto the helping hand I was given. It wasn’t an easy decision, no matter how spontaneous it might’ve been at the time.” Another laugh at the memory of how abrupt his decisions had been in those days. Such rash things shouldn’t have worked, yet here he was.

“It was that decision that led me to realizing that I not only could make a life for myself here, amongst such wonderful people, but I could find what I had never had before.” He paused, staring at Rarity with an intensity that made her question what he might say next. “I found love, in my effort to push ahead, I realized that I had the chance at love. Love I had not experienced before. Despite how abruptly I had gone about it, I had someone understanding and patient enough to put up with my bumbling, brash self to catch me. She had been the first to help me when I arrived and continued to offer her help. While a part of me loved her for that, a majority of my heart loved her for how beautiful she was with a generous heart. A beauty I met through extreme and impossible odds. I didn’t let the chance pass me by, even if I looked like a madman asking out someone, I had only known for around a week.”

“I took that risk and asked the most beautiful and caring mare I’ve ever known if she’d go out with me. There were a few bumps along the way, and another major realization, but in the end, we had a wonderful first date. I knew my feelings were true and thankfully hers were as well. From that day we’ve been a couple and only grew closer with time. That time has also increased my appreciation for all of you and your culture. I was told by the Princess of Love you all loved to see this kind of stuff. So here I am, about to ask her a lifechanging question.” He took another pause to breath deeply, his story had captivated the audience, though he felt he wasn’t doing it justice. He turned to Cadance and the others cheering him on, smiling at them and nodding at Twilight who was all too happy to complete her part. With a quick spell, a small box appeared above him, which he quickly caught. Opening it and taking a knee, he focused on the mare of his dreams. Looking into her eyes, he asked, “Rarity, will you marry me?”

The entire crowd followed his line of sight to the stunned mare. She was left speechless. The fact Anon had gone up and done a whole speech was already a major surprise to her. Now this was way beyond that. To have the courage to go on stage before all these ponies to ask for her hoof in marriage. She nearly fainted from it all. Instead, she felt the presence of her closest and longest friends by her side. Friends who she knew would support her choice no matter what. And she knew what she had to do.

She charged to the stage, much to everyone’s surprised. Especially Anon, who had gotten worried he might’ve gone overboard with all this, the worrywart that he was. Her galloping was fast and soon she reached the front of the podium, using magic she made the jump onto the stage. Stopping right before a stunned Anon.

“I would love nothing more than to marry you Anon!” She then grabbed his head and brought him into the most passionate kiss she had ever given. This knocked him out of his stupor and he kissed her with a similarly burning passion.

The crowd let out a massive cheer, none quite as loud as Princess Cadance who found all this incredibly romantic. Causing Prince Shining Armor and Princess Flurry Heart to cheer along with her as well. And like dominos, more of the friend group cheered, louder and louder, inciting the crowd further. Soon the cacophony of joyful ponies reached a crescendo. All the while, the couple continued their kiss.

They broke the kiss just as the cheering finally died down. Both were heavily breathing, but absolutely overjoyed. After a few seconds recovering, they realized they should probably move off the stage so the ball could continue. Getting up, they bowed at the crowd, thanking them for their well wishes and made their way off stage.

Their friends were already gathered, happily awaiting the couple. Many congratulations and even some jokes were given. All in all, the ball had a new energy to it, the crystallization of love being potent especially in the Crystal Empire.

The rest of the ball was spent in high spirits, with Rarity and Anon together at all times. Making the most of the celebration, and happy to have each other. They even tore up the dance floor a few times to remember that first date years ago.


It had taken some time to get all the wedding preparations done, but thanks to Pinkie and the others, things had gone without a hitch. Soon enough, the day arrived. They had decided to use the town square for their wedding. Rarity had considered doing the wedding at Canterlot, but figured Ponyville would be more fitting as her home where most of her friends were.

They had sent out various invitations and the turn out had been massive. It was almost daunting to Anon, seeing all those guests arriving for his wedding. Many of which he barely even knew. But he figured that so long as Rarity and the others had invited them, then they were fine in his books.

Getting one last deep breath in, he made his way to the altar. He hadn’t seen Rarity the whole day and he had never even seen the wedding dress she’d be wearing. But the suit he was wearing had been made by her to match her dress, so he knew he was about to be blown away. This had to be the single best piece of clothing he owned now, and he could only wait with great anticipation to see Rarity’s equivalent.

Poised with a regal air, came Rarity. Garbed in the most beautiful dress she had ever made; its blues and purple highlights complimented her greatly. Especially the dash of gold thrown in to really bring out her beauty. Suffice to say, Anon was enraptured by her visage. Like a mortal peering upon a Goddess.

She steadily made her way down the aisle, all eyes on her. For this was her time, in which she’d say her vows and be married to the stallion that had stole her heart with such reckless propositions. Her smile lit up the entire square, some would say she was blessed by Princess Celestia herself by how brightly she shined. They wouldn’t be all that wrong, considering all the Princesses had attend to grant the couple their blessings.

“Dearly beloved, we gathered here today to join these two in mare-trimony.” Began Mayor Mare, who had been chosen to officiate the wedding as she had done for plenty of Ponyville residents before. Plus, Princess Twilight wanted to be a part of the crowd and just enjoy the wedding of one of her oldest friends. “Though the circumstances of his journey here were tragic, Anon has come a long way in becoming a part of our community. In spite of his situation, he has overcome every trial set before him through the power of love.” The crowd awed at that, moved by the actions of the lone human.

“A love that is worthy of Rarity, one of our greatest heroes and bearer of the Element of Generosity. She who has long awaited such a powerful love, has now found it in Anon. These two have gone very far to come together today. And their own journeys have led to gathering all of you here today.” She looked at the gathered beings, spotting various critters of all kinds, not just ponies. “It is this love which has led to today. Where the lives of these two which have touched our own and been affected in kind, join together.”

“Now, before all who have gathered today, I ask to you.” She turned to Anon, who was clad in determination and resolution. “Anon, do you take this pony to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do!” he responded with as much conviction as he could muster. Mayor Mare nodded, turning to Rarity.

“And do you, Rarity, take this human to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do!” Rarity met Anon’s resolve in kind. Smiling, Mayor Mare turned to face the audience.

“Then I am more than eager to say, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

Cheers erupted, but all Anon and Rarity could focus on was each other as they shared the kissed that would seal their vows. A kiss that contained all the love they held for each other.

Their wedding was a fantastic affair. Filled with all sorts of merrymaking, dancing being a prime example. They had only ever gotten better at it, making it a competition to see how far they could go each time. Getting more and more complex with their dance moves.

This just caused the guests to join in, eager to dance alongside the newlyweds who were tearing up the dance floor. Soon everyone was dancing to the music, just having a good time.

The wedding would go on well into the night, before everyone was too tired to continue. As the last song played, the couple remained in the center of the dance floor. Dancing slowly in each other’s embrace. Eyes focused on each other, completely enamored. Ending the dance with another kiss, while not as grand as many of their previous ones, it still contained the love they held for each other.

To them, this night could last forever. Sharing a kiss as they danced slowly in each other’s embrace. They couldn’t have asked for a more perfect end to their wedding night.


He turned the doorknob, opening the door as he always did when he came back from talking to a publisher. It was tiring hashing all the details for publishing his works. Fortunately, this one had gone well. He was excited to share the news with his wife. So here he was, entering the boutique where he ended up after magically appearing in this world that fateful night.

These last years had felt like such a long journey, from every turbulent event to the ones that would forever bring light to his life. He had continued moving forward, endlessly pursuing a new life. Perhaps his journey had began long before he’d arrived, he just didn’t know back then. All that mattered to him now was what lied before him.

“Welcome home,” Rarity greeted him with a warm, beautiful smile, “Anon.”

“I’m back,” he smiled in return, full of joy, “Rarity.”

A dream that never existed, brought about by impossible odds. This was the miracle of two yearning hearts, souls that reached out for each other beyond logic. They’ll continue to walk down this path, forever more.

Author's Note:

Finally done, sorry if this feels rushed by the end. I just realized it was starting to get out of hand how long it was taking me to finish a supposedly short story. So I had to shorten things so I could finally get this last chapter out.

Now, will I revisit this couple sometime? Probably, if anything for their honeymoon, wink wink. But for now I'm satisfied with this little experiment of mine. Updates for my main story should be coming soon. Writing this got my inspiration flowing again, just had a busy week so this chapter took longer than it should've to come out. Sorry if there's any errors, I try to proofread my stuff as I write, but I'll still miss things on occasion.

Thanks to all of you who read this story. May Merlin bless you all as well with your own little slice of Avalon. Maybe if you pursue endlessly you too can find the love of your life out there.

Comments ( 2 )

I´ve read till the second chapter, and as I understand, this happens after The Last Problem. Am I right?

Its to be around that time frame yes. The main point being this is well after the main events of the show. Just wanted to write about Rarity as an older mare tbh.

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