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by CoffeePony

How many taunts before your soul shakes?
How many rejections before your heart breaks?
How many tears can one person make?
How much self hate can one being take?

How much pressure do you need before your mind snaps?
How many punches, how many slaps?
How depressed can you before circling the drain?
How many wounds does it take before one is slain?

How many failures does it take for you to give up?
How many mistakes for you to just give up?
How much pang does it take for one to forget?
How can one stop thinking of those thoughts and regrets?

How much time do I have before I'm driven mad?
How much tears do I shed to show that I'm sad?
How much more does it take to lose my morality?
How much longer can I go before I plunge to insanity?


Nice poem! I love all the depth you put in.

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