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I Promise

I promise….
I hear those words again,
Once more they are said
But they’ll be forgotten,
And broken instead

I promise…
Two words I learned to hate,
For it is used once more,
And nothing can compensate,
This hurt, this pain, this sore

I promise…
I wish it would cease to exist,
These words that hold no meaning,
Yet are still hard to resist,
For in your words I’m still hoping.

I promise…
Two words that ask your trust,
And somehow we still give it,
Even though these words are rust,
Even though they don’t deserve it.

I promise…
Used time and time again,
Yet broken all the same,
And it always brings the pain,
Even if it sounds so lame

I promise…
I wish they’d all just stop,
Spouting vows they cannot keep,
Saying things their mind came up,
And in the end just make me weep

I promise…
To words one could despise,
For these have made them blind,
Their hearts are torn by lies,
Hearts scorn and petrified

I promise…
I wish they would all just shut up,
For promises are meant to be kept,
Vows aren’t meant to be ripped up,
It hurts to be turned and left

I promise…

Two words I’ll always believe in

Note: What's up everypony! Sorry it took so long, it was research week and then numerous things happened, but now I'm back (until exam comes, uggghhh)

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