League of Legends Players 416 members · 87 stories
Comments ( 97 )
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Name: Flint Sparks
Age: 19
Nationality: American (splashes of Irish and English)
League IGN: [PM me b/c reasons] (NA)
Role(s): Support, Jungler, ADC
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Unranked
Fics I've written: Too many
Fics I'd recommend: Anything with shipping and proper grammar
Notes: I like animu and reading a lot of books.

Name: In this fandom Dark Tendencies else where Drayco Meowfoy
Age: 17
Nationality: White
League IGN: Drayco Meowfoy
Roles: I'm new so I'm still experimenting, so far like mid
Level: 2 as I said I'm new (started this weekend)
Fics: None so far
Recommendations: Why ask me?
Notes: very none stereotypical :yay: (9th grade wrestled when weighing between 70-80 lbs, brony, math team, anime club)

Name: TwiSparkle1998
Age: 18
Nationality: Malaysian
League IGN: PM me please ^^ (NA)
Role(s): Support, Jungler, Mid, ADC, Top
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Silver Division V
Fics I've written: None
Fics I'd recommend: Anything with shipping.
Notes: I always try out new champions if I feel like it and I main Thresh.

Name: Lycan
Age: Don't Ask
Nationality: American
League IGN: Lycan of Kessig
Roles: Top and Support (Training to be a Jungler)
Level/Ranked: Level 9 (Rising Steadily), Unranked
Fics I've Written: None (I wish...)
Fics I'd Recommend: Past Sins, The 3 Canon Fallout: Equestria Fics. If you're into Shipping try the now Wintergreen Diares series starting with Tears in the Snow
Notes: I main Warwick Top and plan to take him to the Jungle, and I can apparently play a half decent Support Soraka. I am also paranoid as Hell, so if you want to friend me In League PM me here first. (Or I'll likely decline)

Comment posted by potato skins deleted Sep 5th, 2018

Nickname: JellyRiven
Age: 17
Nationality: Latvian
League IGN: JellyRiven (EU West)
Roles: Prefer Top/Mid/Support.. Im an okay jungler as well, but i cant play adc's :/
Fics I've written: None, not sure if i will :/
Fics I'd recommend: So many good ones.. I can remember a few: A hell of a time; Cards against Equinity; Just dodge;Sunny Skies All Day Long;
The Brief Reign of Princess Twily; A Friend of A Friend; Twin Twilights; and many others..
Notes: I play LOL ALOT, and i mean ALOT ALOT... (Plat V season 4)
Also i kinda main Riven/Janna/Kata/Akali/Ahri/Amumu ^w^

Name: SpikedFruitPunch
Age: 19
Nationality: United States
League IGN: SpikedFruitPunch
Role(s): ADC/AP, Mid, Support, and Top [bad at jungling]
Level/Ranked: Level 14/Unranked
Fics I've written: Much has been thought of and suggested, but none survive to see the light of day so far
Fics I'd recommend: "The King is Dead, Long Live the Emperor!", "Sunset Shimmer - Element Bearer", "Canine Complications", "An Affliction of the Heart Volume 1-4/5", "Green", and "A Novel Tale". [Much more that I like though]
Notes: Loves the N64 and retro Nintendo games, plays LoL and other PC games, DragonLance and Forgotten Realms reader, moderator for SWHQ, aspiring graphic artist, loves yordles over all others in LoL, and is more of a casual player at times.

Are we able to see some possible Rek'Sai/Other recently released champions fics?

Due to rules i have just found out i shall put out what needs to be put out
Name: Shulk
Age: 20
Nationality: Filipino American
Summoner Name: FestiveGamerLuna (NA 4 Ever)
Roles: Mid and Bot AD
Level: 30 (Bronze 4 D:)
Fics Written: Nothing to see here
Recommendations: uhhhh Nope nothing here

Name: Radiant Dawn
Age: Prefer not to answer
Nationality: White American
Role(s): Anything and everything -- main picks are Trynd, Vel'Koz, and Sona
Level/Ranked: Level 30, not ranked
Fics I've written: Trans-Cosmic, Legend, and Molded to Love, among many others.
Fics I'd recommend: A Bluebird's Song, The Life and Death of a DJ, Vinyl and Octavia: University Days
Notes: I'm mainly a console gamer, but do dabble in PC gaming, mainly WoW and LoL. I welcome mentoring new writers and offering support where I can, but am currently unable to offer editing. Those needing advice or an unbiased opinion are encouraged to shoot me a PM though.

Name: Nioniosbbbb
Age: 23 soon 24
Nationality: Greek
League IGN: nioniosbbbb (EU WEST), cobrasteel (EU EAST)
Role(s): Jungler, Support, bit of everything else
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Unranked
Fics I've written:http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=category&user=80992
Fics I'd recommend: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/246256/displaced-soul http://www.fimfiction.net/story/249299/mommy-mommy-look for now
Notes:I like cardfight vanguard.

Name: Frost
Age: 20
Nationality: US
IGN: FrostRayven
Roles: Mostly DPS (Like to Play with Ezreal and I'm liking Ekko after seeing the video on him today)
Rank: 13
Fic's I've written: Look at my page and you might find what you're looking for
Recommendations: This since it has Blackfrost Anivia

Name: The Fruity Cousin
Age: 18
Nationality: 'Merican
IGN: Irish Inquisition, Nite Inquisition
Roles: Support and AP
Fics written: This and this.
Recommended: Definitely this if you're a Tolkien fan.

Name: James
Age: 19
Nationality: American
League IGN: HeavyMetalKnight (same name as the one on this site.)
Role(s): Mostly support
Level/Ranked: Level 8, I think (My game keeps crashing, and I haven't played it in a while because of it)
Fics I've written: First, Second, Third, Fourth, And Fifth
Recommendations: The Whisper of Freedom
Notes: I'm a pretty nice guy, loves metal, and lots of other stuff. And I read books too.

Name: Dylon

Age: 23

Nationality: 'Pony Murican

League IGN: Rainbow DashWu (NA)

Role(s): can play all rolls my main roll is adc

Level/Ranked: Level 30, silver 2 atm trying to get to gold

Name: Shawarma
Age: 17
Nationality: Israeli
League IGN: ofek1308 (eu east)
Role(s): mostly adc
Level/Ranked: 18
Fics I've written: non
Recommended: solitary pinion and my big mortal brother

Name: Seth Typofather
Age: 18
Nationality: Scottish
League IGN: Asudurga (NA)
Role(s): Top, Support and Jungler
Level/Ranked: Level 17
Preferred Champions: Dr. Mundo, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Veigar, Nautilus and Taric
Fics I've written: This
Fics I'd recommend: -
Notes: -

Name: LanceLiege

Age: 22

Nationality: Filipino

League IGN: LanceLiege(PH)

Role(s): Support, jungle, top, Adc (Level of proficiency in that order)

Note: Can hardly play anymore due to working abroad, still watched LCS like a mofo though.

Name: Professor Obedire R. Birch.
Age: Born in 1999
Nationality: Great Britain
IGN: BritishExcadrill
Roles: Mid, Support.
Level: 13.
Fics I've written: Absolutions and Champions of The Elements
Notes: Really looking hard for Prereaders.

name: fireballdisaster
Age: 18
nationality: canada
IGN: fireballdisaster
roles: main support, sub roles ADC, jungler, top. favorite champions ( support) sona, lux, annie, leona (adc) quinn, draven, jinx, (jungler) master yi, (top) xin zhao
level 30
rank silver IV

name: glassguy

Age: 23

nationality: USA

IGN: hobro4809

roles: main support, nautilus, braum, training with mordekaiser . although I play top with malphite

level 23

Notes;As you can see I play the tanks of LOL. Reasons for this is because I'm slow on getting things down and I'm horrible with quick situations.

Name: Acarcion or Chase
Age: 16
Nationality: Canadian
League IGN: Acarcion (NA) I like the name okay :d
Role(s): ADC, Support, and a little bit of everything else (lol me and you both)
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Silv 4
Fics I've written: None D:
Fics I'd recommend: I have a list for that here
Notes: I love Jinx way to much, I think I'm good at yasuo and I really like Anime outside of my obvious mlp stuff

Name: Don't Look At My Name Bro (as tempting as it may be:derpytongue2:)

Age: 18

Nationality: American

IGN: WizxKalif (NA)

Roles: Mid, Top, and ADC, respectively. I can jungle and support fairly well but I feel much more comfortable in those three main roles.

Level: 30 (Diamond 5)

Notes: I play to have fun and love making new friends as I do so. I'll add anyone regardless of rank, so look me up and we can play a few games.

Name: A communist goat
Age: not telling you shit
Nationality: white as fuck
IGN: neutronstar2
Roles: mid or jg
Level: 23
Main: Warwick
Fics Ive written: none but I'm working on it.
Notes: I fucking love NASA, and I'm an anti-feminist. And I hate Teemo and Darius, they are capitalist filth.

Name: Silver Fang
Age: 20
Nationality: Canadian
League IGN: Farya and Wolyo (NA)
Role(s): Top, Jungler and support.
Level/Ranked: Level 30, Bronze 3
Fics I've written: This Masterpiece The how did it get so popular and It started good but now what
Fics I'd recommend: Anything that Goldfur have made and This
Notes: I Roleplay a lot In game, I'm the best when it come to procrastination and Spamming Quinn jokes is the best thing ever.

Hello, everypony. My name is Ernest, a long time LoL player, former rank at Gold division. I'd been playing the game for 3 years now. I stopped after a year due to stress in team, but I'm back in hoping to get my style and my sexy fantasy about it.

IGN: Ernestjohn18
Age: 18
Region and Country: Southeast Asia/ Philippines
Role/s: Mid, Top, and Support
Level: Just made a new account since I gave away my former account
Favorite Champions: Annie, Tristana, Renekton, and Poppy ( I totally love that yordle )
Fan Fics: Not yet, but I'm hoping it could be Poppy x OC
Recommendation/s: None at the moment

Name: Steve
age: 22 (ooo ooh)
Nationality: mexican
Ign: Weird Al (NA)
Role: Support, put me anywhere but as the Marksman and I'll be fine but I've been the dedicated support in my group for years.
level:30 Rank: Bronze
Fics I've written: I have some in progress
Fics I'd recommend: Project: sunflower like for real tickles all the scifi bones in my body
Muh main champs: Leona, Thresh, Lulu.

Name: Foxtail Ruby
Age: 20
Nationality: european
League IGN: Foxtail Ruby
Role(s): still learning, capable of jungling
Level/Ranked: Level 11
Fics I've written: none
Fics I'd recommend: i'ma going one step up and recomend author, Tatsurou. Good crossovers.

Name: Lilly (If you see it differently on LoL, read my Fim page to find out why.)
Age: 19
Nationality: American
League IGN: :rainbowhuh:
Roles: Mid and Jungle, but I have champs for any role
Level: 15
Fics I've written: In The Dark and Life and memories of a Lilly
Fics I recommend: Again, look at my page :twilightsmile: too many to name.

Name: The Cat Lord
Nationality: US
Leauge IGN: AAngelOfDeath (Edgy I know)
Roles in order of preference: Jungle, Top, ADC, Support, and Mid.
Level/Ranked: 30
Fics I written: Check my proflie XD
Fics I recommend: ... Just check please its easier.
Notes: Im a very vocal guy, I love to talk and I do not bite. I fluffy.

Well since I didn't know I had to jump onto this but I'll try to explain things.
Name: Xinrick(it's good so I stuck with it)
Age: 19
Nationality: American
IGN: not really sure what that means since I just keep myself in bot games since I'm scared of doing terrible and watching too many people get salty as hell and really not wanting to play with ass holes.
Roles: I main Top and I can do some good with Mid(but not as well), I can support just don't count on me so much and ADC is the same as support and I can't jungle worth a damn.
Level: 28(used to play a 30 but accidentally forgot it so I thought 'eh let's start a new one since I got back into it years ago') so no ranked level.
Fics I've written: This, this, and this
Recommendations: I know it's old but this story since it's great

5225461 ah, okay then, well it's still Xinrick

Name: silver hands
Age:23 in july
Nationality: American
Ign: chuchlain
Roles: fill. I play mid the least, but I'm solid anywhere.
Rank: s4 or 3. I don't play ranked much. I would put my skill level somewhere in gold. I'll probably put in the time to make it there sometime this summer.
Fics written: The Palace Bird. It has over 3k viewa and I'm so proud of it. Just finished the outline for my next fic after a long hiatus, and first chapter is well in the works.
Recommendations: A faded touch of blue, and twice as bright
Notes. League is a game for me. I try my best but i don't sweat the losses. Sometimes I just gotta go full ham and try something crazy. But I never feed too bad. A death or two in lane at most.

Name: Chlouide (i'd prefer my last name to be anonymous, there are weirdos out there)
Age: 17
Nationality: Filipino
IGN: Chlouide (I'm not creative, I'm surprised it even worked too)
Role(s): Everything from Top to Bot, and even the elusive River Lane
Level/Rank: 30/ Bronze III/II (Don't remember of the top of my head. Let's just say bad things happen)
Fic(s): "A Shadow's Return" and "The Superb Villain"
Recommendations: "The Superb Villain" and anything in my "Favourites" really.
Notes: Uhhhh... League is a good game, am I right? I love playing Trundle and Nocturne jungle. I love playing Urgot as an ADC, don't judge cause I'll own you. Twisted Fate support is not terrible because I can do it. Basically, I play in an unorthodox style

Name: Socks [Formerly Vengeful Spirit]
Age: 1994
Nationality: United States
Ign: Pendragoran [NA]
Roles: Jungle, Fighter, Support
Level: 25
FICs Written: A few.
Recommendations: I'd suggest trying out Gunsmoke. It's a fun crossover take on the SAO world and tells it in a much better way than the source material.

1093721 Name: Protocol
Age: 187
Nationality: 'Murican
League IGN: Feel the Bulege (NA)
Role(s): ADC (Jinx and Twitch mostly)
Level/Ranked: Level 30 Bronze 2 (Highest silver 2 and climbing)
Fics I've written: Lazy
Notes: I watch way too much anime and random old nicktoons. I also have a league stream @ twitch.tv/fizzwidget_the_sorcerer

Name: 2Zwei2Handed (deathaanator)

Age: 16

Nationality: Indonesian

League IGN: Thanarosa (Indo server)

Role(s): Mostly Top and ADC

Level/Ranked: Level 30, Plat 1

Notes: I play a ton of Dark Souls 2 and love to invade.

Name: Shadowmane PX-41
Age: 19
Nationality: British White
League IGN: NA
Role(s): Fighter
Level/Ranked: Level 4, Unranked
Fics I've written: 52
Fics I'd recommend: Accidentally on Purpose by Jabbie
Notes: On my first PVP game, I played as Riven. I went 12 kills and 3 deaths while making the most gold on my team.

Name: CK, Free
Age: HA
Nationality: American
League IGN: Freiya Nights (NA)
Role(s): Top, Support
Level/Ranked: 19 (and counting), Unranked
Fics I'd recommend: If you haven't read The Immortal Game, you must be new
Notes: I am a dirty casual, it's true, but I do try to know what I'm doing. Nasus, Kindred, and Aurelion Sol have the best voice acting and lines, bar none; I could listen to them laugh for hours. However, I do find PvP too salty for my tastes (that casual thing), so I only play co-op when solo; much more laidback.
Champions of Choice: Nasus (main), Soraka (secondary), Anivia, Kayle, Nami

Name: Raichu
Age: Not telling
Nationality: AMERICAN
League IGN: Nightfoxi (I think. Am unsure what goes here.)
Role(s): I don't know. Am not good enough at the game to know I guess.
Level/Ranked: Level 22
Fics I've written: Um, a lot of stuff. You could just check out my page if you wanna find out.
Fics I'd recommend: The Queen of Hearts is definitely my favorite.
Notes: I also watch tons of anime. And play a ton of video games. And I deeply value friendship. And I LOVE sweets.

Name: Bam_BE (or BamBE in lol)
Age: 20
Nationality: Belgian
League IGN: no idea
Role(s): Jungle or everything else (I'm not that picky)
Level/Ranked: Level 30 (I've been silver 2 with only auto filling as a support and only playing my placement matches, but the experience was miserable so I don't play ranked.)
Fics I've written: I'm busy writing my first fic this one
Fics I'd recommend: My Twilight facade is good, I also like The mane six watches death battle.
Notes: I play quite a lot of video games, mainly Lol, Age of empires, and PUBG (Right now I'm addicted to this game, it is so good.) I'm most of the time online on discord (as Bam_BE#9377)

Name: Ruscell0
Age: 15
Nationality: American
League IGN: Ruscell0 (NA)
Role(s): Mid, Adc, sometimes top
Level/Ranked: Level 41, Unranked
Fics I've written: None :(
Fics I'd recommend: The Keepers of Discord
Notes: Hmm, what to put here...I suck at jungling and I love drawing! I'm a Lux and Quinn main :p and currently also playing lots of Battlerite.
Nobodies posted here in awhile e.e

So I realize I haven't done this yet...

Name: Alitaher003 (Ali for short.)
Age: 19
Nationality: Lebanese-Egyptian
League IGN: Alitaher003
Roles: Top Lane, bit of every other lane..
Level: 188 and rising, unranked yet.
Fics I've written: Necromancer
Fics I'd reccomend: Souls Apart, Of Bones and Balloons
Notes: I'm a REALLY big Pentakill fan, and a loremaniac about League.

Name : TommyHuang
Age : 19
Nationality : Taiwanese
League IGN : Fluttershy友情(Friendship in Traditional Chinese)
Level : Around 100 I guess ? (Haven't play it for a while,I can't recall.)
Roles : Not specific, inferior in Jungle.
Fics I've written : None,unfortunately.
Ficss I'd recommend : Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers
Notes : Big fan of Fallout,Team Fortress 2 and LOL fics

Name : Samuel
Age : 21
Nationality : Filipino
League IGN : Thundercracker7
Level : 176 I think, haven't played since lockdown
Roles : Top main, Secondary Support
Fics I've written : https://www.fimfiction.net/story/467728/to-be-redeemed https://www.fimfiction.net/story/293821/its-a-brutal-world-mate to name a few
Ficss I'd recommend : https://www.fimfiction.net/story/395988/prey-and-a-lamb my favorite
Notes : Is this group dead? Am I using necromancy?

Name: Skyson
Age: 19
Nationality: Chinese
League IGN: 2780539406 (EUW)
Role(s): Jungler. Occasionally play zilean support to get out of tilt
Level/Ranked: Level 107, Bronze 3
Fics I've written: Only written stuff in Chinese
Fics I'd recommend: FOE, rainbow factory. Outside of brony community I recommend wolf and spice

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