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Didn't see a thread on this, and considering that it stars Sunset Shimmer, I may as well share it here. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, I found it to be rather cute. What are your thoughts on the latest short?

Yup, Posted a blog myself, I'm so excited for saturday even more now! :raritystarry:

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Albi #3 · Aug 1st, 2015 · · ·

4595241 Best pony... just got better. Something I didn't think possible.

MitBoy #4 · Aug 1st, 2015 · · 3 ·

It gave us nothing new, though. We still don't know how magic works in this world. I guess, scitwi could understand, and it would be one of the plot lines.
I'm still waiting for siren short. Seriously, why Sunset gave ALL the character development? Its rather unfair


I learned best by going out in the field and actually doing something


I like it, although Sunset does seem a little out of character from the way I imagined her.

RQK #7 · Aug 1st, 2015 · · ·


Saw this earlier, got a good laugh out of it. It's fun to see Sunset dorking up and being silly. Some of the magic effects from the girls kind of made me go :rainbowhuh: though...

4595241 That was funny. I actually liked that. Perhaps there is hope for the new movie. Still only watching it for Sunset regardless though.


Seriously, why Sunset get ALL the character development?

Maybe because she's the main character of the movies?

4595293 Kinda like Rainbow Dash's cum splat?

Cuteness levels...OVERLOADING! :raritystarry:

In all seriousness, this was a great short. ^_^ And I'm quite happy because it helped me out a bit more to!

4595340 :facehoof: Thanks for perving that up. :rainbowwild:

4595241 1:50 Taste the rainbow! :rainbowlaugh:

1st off... an adorable short. Loving Hasbro's work with EQG lately [Thank you Meghan for getting rid of the corporate checklist that held back the first film]

Secondly, this has a little bit of the feeling of "Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine" novel. There's several scenes in the novel that has Sunset trying to figure out how the girls pony up and all. And it's fun seeing her mirror Sci-Twi's look a bit and go all sciency in regards to magic [I love the idea of Magic in the MLP universe just being a higher form of science, and we've seen Twilight herself tackle magic with the scientific method]

10/10, Friendship Games is looking awesome.

SCIENCE SUNSET! :rainbowkiss:

That doesnt answer my question


The reasoning is actually very simple. It's because she's Twilight's proxy on the other side of the mirror. She's also a former villian that's taken on being our main character.

We know the other 5, intimately if we watch Friendship is Magic. Their humans selves are not really all that different from their pony selves. With the exception of they have allowed technology to come between them where as the pony versions didn't have that block.

Sunset's a redemption character, she's interesting because she went from being a mare that had it all, to a mare that spurned it all... and has some pretty obvious mommy issues too. She's got the most room of the cast to grow.

That's not to say the other's haven't grown in the movies. Fluttershy has likely learned to speak up about her contributions to the group, And Dash hopefully learned to quit being such a glory hogging bitch [I love Dashie, but she's actively the lynchpin that caused the girls to fight in Rainbow Rocks due to her insensitivity.]

At the end of the day, we get character development for everyone else in Friendship is Magic... EQG, is the only place we get Sunset Shimmer... so it makes sense that we'd see her get the most growth, since there's nowhere else for her to grow.

4595555 Because Slice-of-Life events can't usually carry an entire movie and still be as interesting as a take-over-the-world plot. In a world with no magic, you just end up with a generic high-school plot. Something EQG1 already had and was sharply criticized for.

Also, there is no chance in Tartarus that a movie focusing entirely on romance would be accepted by the fans as a whole, Brony or Pegasister.



Exactly, given the backlash over Flash "Brad" Sentry... pairing off the girls could be a disaster.

I know I'd be fine with a couple of pairings, but no matter what they do, nothing would make everyone happy.

Guess I'll just have to take the little moments... and all the Lyra/Bon Bon moments I can get.

I was marvelously amused by this short. To quote a certain god of thunder...ANOTHER! *chucks short backwards*

Thanks for the Heads up, gonna do a article on this

CUTE?! I WAS LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF! :rainbowlaugh: x50000000000000000

Yep! Sunset just keeps getting better and better! :pinkiesmile:
Same here regarding my headcanons. And yay for dorky Sunset! It makes her cuter in my opinion.
Yeah. Here's hoping the movie is great as well. :twilightsmile:
Sunset sure knows how to be cute!
No problem! :twilightsmile:

4595632 I'm talking not about humane5, its obvilious that they don't have to have much of character developement. First of all, right now she is literally perfect, and doesnt have any bad side (while all of mane6 have). And yes, her past thing does not count, its only make her even more perfect. And perfect characters are not enjoyable. Basically, the real developement here could be only the invert thing - make her worse, for example little mean at times. But in this shorts they just give us facts about her, ones that we already know. But that is not my point.
I was talking about sirens, unlike Shimmer there's a lot of room for their developement. Or even just answering simple questions (like.. What they do right now? Its not interesting? Really?). Obviously that will cut Sunset's time but clearly won't deny her status as main character


[I love Dashie, but she's actively the lynchpin that caused the girls to fight in Rainbow Rocks due to her insensitivity.]

I'm gonna rephrase that to what I think:
I love Applejack, but she's actively the lynchpin that caused the girls to fight in Rainbow Rocks ALL THE TIME due to her FRICKEN HONESTY.

Excuse me XDDDD


she is literally perfect

Ok then, why couldn't she figure out how magic works in the human world? How come she doesn't just win the Friendship Games for Canterlot High all by herself? I mean after all, she's perfect isn't she?


Sunset's far from perfect, in fact we saw that in Rainbow Rocks. She saw the problems but didn't speak up.

After the events of EQG1, Sunset's faith in herself was pretty much shattered, the entirety of herself that she has built up over multiple years, was shattered in literally 1 night. She went from queen bee, to really less than even a drone.

EQG 2 focuses on her trying to find herself again, she's unsure, scared to speak up, she's trying to put herself back out there, but the other students still shun her. Look at how the CMC treat her in the first part of Rainbow Rocks for an example. She's still even on thin ice with the Mane5. And that comes up after she tackles Rainbow Dash to keep her from ponying up.

As you were discussing the sirens more... I agree, there's a lot of space for them, but honestly, I think Adagio and Aria probably booked it, if anyone would have stuck around Canterlot High after their defeat, it would likely have been Sonata... and maybe not even her if the trio are co-dependant on one another. Which it did seem they were... despite the small higherarchy within their group and the power struggle between Aria and Adagio [which is almost Starscream/Megatron levels of power struggle... but way more cute.]

I'd be 100% for exploring the sirens post defeat... but I don't think they knew what to do with them after, especially considering they were basically created with the intent of being succubi. [it's in the audio commentary for Rainbow Rocks, that succubus were the inspiration for the Sirens]. I do hope we at least see Sonata, of not all 3 in Friendship Games.


Hmm... AJ's honesty did cause some problems, but the root of the issue really sits with Rainbow Dash and her "It's my band... I'm totally awesome always" attitude.

This extends to the primary show as well. Rainbow Dash get's away with things that have gotten Gilda and Trixie punished in the past, yet Dashie get's a free pass on acting like a royal bitch. Because she's the "Awesome cool one."

Don't get me wrong, I love Dashie, but she's got some serious issues, and I know most of it stems from her self esteem issues and building herself up on a pedestal that she has to constantly prove how awesome she is or risk failure and that whole image falling down around her. [we've seen an episode dedicated entirely to this concept]. But that wears thin on any friendships. And when you have a group focused activity, one person trying to constantly hog all the spotlight constantly can cause some serious issues.

I will admit, despite AJ being my favorite, her penchant for blunt honesty can be quite grating... and it was a catalyst that helped raise the animosity against Dash during the Battle of the Bands. But if Dash hadn't been so focused on her own awesome, it would never have been an issue to begin with and the worst AJ would have been commenting on is Rarity's constant fashion focus. [which is always a point of contention between her and Rarity anyway, so nothing new.]

4595241 The rainbow splash scene.....Half me is "wut" and the other is "let's edit it!"

Yup, I do hate that other side of me....

Don't give me that look. :unsuresweetie:


Rainbow Dash's issue may have been what caused the fights, but she wasn't who started them. It was because of RD's attitude (and Rarity's costumes, apparently) that Applejack was all:

You're turnin' what should be the chorus into a five-minute guitar solo?

We're tryin' to save our school here. Enough with the costumes!

Rarity, were you tryin' to make us lose out there?!

Yeah, well, whoever did this couldn't have done this if you didn't insist on dressin' like... like... this! We need to sound good! Is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?

None of this would've happened if you weren't tryin' to show off – as usual.

I'll forgive this line though, since it was actually defending Sunset Shimmer.

I'm not sure this line helped though, Rainbow Dash:

Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!

So, really, they're both at fault.


The rainbow splash scene.....Half me is "wut" and the other is "let's edit it!"
Yup, I do hate that other side of me....

The power of R34 compels you.

4595881 You just know someone's gonna do it sooner or later... :pinkiesick:

4595241 That's exactly how I've imagined best pony to be.


Yeah, I can agree there.

Science and Pinkie Pie don't mix

Why doesn't Sunset use the know-how of how magic works in Equestria as a baseline?

Nice job Dash-hole, you destroyed Sunset's computer, you gotta pay for it now. And it's not a cheap computer.

Sooooo Sunset by not being hyper focused on knowledge is now textually a better scientist than Twilight, in addition to being more hands on and confidant.
Get across the portal already so i can just call you Best Pony already.


Rainbow Dash's issue may have been what caused the fights, but she wasn't who started them.

Fights don't kill friendships, tension does.


1) Sunset's been out of touch with Equestrian Magic, outside of her excusion back into Equestria to steal the crown, for a few years now. Much in the way of Magical Theory has probably changed or been expanded apon, especially with Twilight's research in recent years.

2) She would need baseline readings from Equestria... which depending on what Princess Twilight is doing, could prove difficult [for instance if she's away from the castle doing something regarding the Cutie Mark Map]

3) Because writers tend to forget easy answers to questions we fans bring up.

4595241 It was pretty cute to see Sunset Shimmer trying to be all sciency, but you would think her of all people would understand the logic behind "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain sh*t."


I was going to say rainbow jizz XD:rainbowlaugh:

4595758 what? I meant that she is a perfect character right now. It has nothing to do with being able to figure out magic

Hmm... So using what she can scrunge up as a student, Sunset actually builds setups which can detect and record magical emanations.
*Expands on own verse's headcanon.*

Ofc you can't understand it with just a bit of prelim poking, Sunset. What you're seeing is Rainbow Magic, a level-up compared to the SSJ1 that is EoH magic.

What, this?

Sirens won't be in FG.

4597246 which why there should be an short for them


I learned best by going out in the field and actually doing something

At this point, with her being a hooves/hands-on type, it wouldn't surprise me if she did indeed go on those solo adventures in Equestria I told you about weeks ago when we were discussing her journal. With all I've seen of Sunset, I'm really leaning towards her being Celestia's Jason Todd. The aggressive, rebellious student who'd rather go out in the field, then sit around reading all day.

I can picture Sunset's time as Celestia's student being something akin to this video, in how she developed her outlook over time.

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