Sunset Shimmer 4,952 members · 6,846 stories
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For those of you who missed it, Holidays Unwrapped was not the intended series finale for Equestria Girls. Instead they were going for something involving Sunset's arrival causing an imbalance, and that we'd find out what happened to her human counterpart and why she isn't seen throughout the series.

Not sure why, since this didn't happen with Sci-Twi when Twilight was in there for an extended amount of time, unless Sunset stole her identity and imprisoned her or something, but she wouldn't have the magic in this world yet to imprison her mystically, and if she imprisoned her non-magically, she'd have released her after she reformed.

Anyway, the inconsistency isn't what I was thinking of. I know a lot of people feel ripped off that they didn't do this, but beyond that... My guess for how this was supposed to end is, to restore the balance and release her human counterpart, Sunset would have to return to Equestria while destroying all magic in the human world, thus leaving her only friends (besides Twilight) behind forever, which would be a sad ending and not the sendoff for Sunset I wanted.

I almost didn't watch Forgotten Friendship for the hell she goes through and only did coz I was told she came out of it feeling stronger and more empowered than ever, and am avoiding both the Anon-A-Miss comic and the suicide fics it spawned as she seems to get it even worse there from what I heard.

She is literally my only attachment to Equestria Girls. Her redemption arc in Rainbow Rocks. Her adorable moments in Monday Blues, especially the kitten scene. Her rage in Game Stream. Her song in the rain in Let It Rain. But for her to get an ending like that... We don't even know if the human world and Equestria have the same afterlife, since time works differently in both based on apparently one year going by in the human world in the course of several years in Equestria, based on my calculations. So this could be forever.

I know they didn't go this way but now when I think of Sunset I feel sad as if they had done it. Some people even assume this based on Sunset's cameo in The Last Problem even though it wasn't a physical appearance, just a collage background image of ponies.

Does anyone else feel the same?

Leaves a lot of plot holes that would need filling. The equestrian artifacts, the geodes, the Sirens. The fact the mirror opens every so many moons. Travel has always been possible. Snd as long as the mirror exists, it will. Plus it doesnt make sense plot wise as when Twilight came through the mirror with Spike the human Twilight and Dog Spike werent sent to Equestria or put into hammerspace. Or heck, when the Humane Seven and there classmates ended up in Equestria all the ponys werent affected. Honestly a better plot would have been just having the human Sunset show up. Older, Wiser, maybe a teacher. And it being a situation of 'there can be only one Sunset Shimmer in this town!'

Anyway, the inconsistency isn't what I was thinking of. I know a lot of people feel ripped off that they didn't do this, but beyond that... My guess for how this was supposed to end is, to restore the balance and release her human counterpart, Sunset would have to return to Equestria while destroying all magic in the human world, thus leaving her only friends (besides Twilight) behind forever, which would be a sad ending and not the sendoff for Sunset I wanted.

It truly would be sad indeed. Surely there's a different way to get along and without the portal closing and losing her human friends forever if it went that way. Even though many people wanted to see a decent conclusion of the series, I kinda believe it's not 100% bad they stopped at Holidays Unwrapped. It would open up to numerous endless possibilities, especially thanks to our imagination. I'm also pretty sure they showed Sunset Shimmer in the group shot in The Last Problem so she wouldn't be left out. She's an important and amazing character despite the Equestria Girls series being both a spin-off and canonical.

The Last Problem is an epilogue episode anyway which means I see it more as a second ending or alternate ending and keep things from changing. Time is an illusion and so is death. Plus, it would be better not to think about it that much.

...this would be bad enough if it was an actual unused plan. But as you admit, it's just a guess on your part, with no indication it would be the official result. In fact, the little data we have about unused plans from the end of FIM contradict it. So there is no reason at all for you to get upset (save perhaps because we didn't get an ending special).

I agree that EQG could have seen a real send off with potentially fixing the imbalance or even with the human 7 encountering an adult human Sunset Shimmer who comes back to find out who's been living under her identity and stumbles into a whole mess of Equestrian magic.

Honestly a real send-off would've been an ascension for sunset, she literally did similar world saving acts involving friendship like twilight did, you'd think. A good ending would be her ascending with her first friend and teacher/mentor.

I suggest not mourning over "what could have been".

The truth is that the vision we all have in our heads will always be much, much better than the low-budget made-for-kids tv movie that would have been made, and odds are if we actually watched it, it would have been "okay", but nothing amazing.

I get that closure feels great, but I think maybe you should instead create the send-off you envision for yourself and use that as closure for the series. We actually happen to be on the best website in the world for that!

For what it's worth, I think that what they would have done as ending is for the human Sunset to move to Equestria and learn about friendship there. There's a poetic symmetry to this: Pony Sunset came here and loved our world, while Human Sunset would go over and love ponies!


My guess for how this was supposed to end is, to restore the balance and release her human counterpart, Sunset would have to return to Equestria while destroying all magic in the human world, thus leaving her only friends (besides Twilight) behind forever, which would be a sad ending and not the sendoff for Sunset I wanted.

Yeah, this is my fear aswell which is why I'm happy they never made an ending to EG.
You know that's what they would have done too, what with how much the writers loves destiny/fate/"but thou must!" bullshit.

Well, aside from a FEW flaws like the Grogar thing, the final battle in FiM was definitely adequate. At least in my opinion. Still didn't technically destroy Chrysalis and Tirek up front (even though it's really not much different for them when you think about it, though it would've been better if they'd had the rainbow do that to them instead of making it an execution), but they did with Sombra which shows they don't think themselves too childish for it.

And the 2017 pony movie met most of my expectations too, only real complaints were a.) Not giving the Storm King a song or having him do anything with his tail, b.) Fluttershy being as cast aside as she could be without being excluded from the adventure itself, and c.) the whole thing with Twilight trying to steal the pearl, as well as disregarding the Elements and Discord. But it had other good songs and the epicness I was hoping for including the final fight with the Storm King, who died a little more graphically than I was expecting.

7463526 As unpleasant and saddening as it might have been, at the least it would've been a definitive conclusion to the franchise instead of just abruptly ending it with no resolution.

And yet others hate both of those. Which leads us to "No ending would satisfy everyone... but it would still have been nice to have had one that satisfied most people."

True enough. Even headcanons can't ease some people's negativity with it. So doing something big for the ending would have disappointed many. Of course having a "regular" episode ending with them dressed as fruits and vegetables wasn't much better received.

That's one of the pitfalls of having a big fandom - you can't please everyone. While you can do an ending that would satisfy the majority, there will always be thousands if not millions who will complain and dislike what they did.

If nothing else a certain post I did that turned into a heated debate at least proved something: I said a few things I'd change about the finale, including making Grogar actually Grogar so we could say there was a real Grogar onscreen in FiM, specifying Cozy Glow's true age (according to the writers) so people wouldn't feel sorry for her, and making their defeat, while still turning them to stone for symmetry with Discord, not an execution (as it would come by the rainbow that canonically took Grogar's power from them). And people STILL would've hated it, because for Grogar, he still wouldn't have gotten to shine as main villain, for Cozy Glow, many prefer to think she is the age she physically appears as it's "the only thing we know about her as a character" (aside from her being a murderous and manipulative psychopath), and for the villains' fate, many would prefer for them to reform or for the Mane 6 or princesses to at least actively try to reform them like Discord and Starlight.

The fact that this turned into such a heated debate that left me feeling even more depressed than usual shows that even if you try to fix the issues with the episode while still doing what they were going for, people will still hate it. And if they HAD reformed, many more STILL would've hated it even if Grogar had been main villain over them.

Indeed. You can only try and make the best story you can.

But as it is, the end of Equestria Girls is in all of our imaginations.

Or perhaps they just go on with their lives with nothing really exciting (in terms of magic) from then on, and perhaps Sunset doesn't even have a human counterpart, as we never see human counterparts of Starlight, Sombra, Cozy Glow, Sandbar, etc., just as the Shadowbolts, Principal Cinch, Wallflower Blush, Gloriosa Daisy, and Timber Spruce don't have pony counterparts. Or maybe she lives in a faraway city, or, I once read a fanfic saying she died before our Sunset arrived.

The possibilities are endless.

I read that at some point Hasbro planned to show Sunset in The Last Problem, where she supposed to succeed EQG-Celestia and become a principal of Canterlot High. But for some reasons they scrapped this idea.

Espetially after showing her having wings not once but twice (my past is not today and friendship games)
In my personal headcanon after turning into Daydream she became an alicorn, cus come on, this was deffinetly an act of trully embrasing the magic of friendship. And she somehow became the 7th element of harmony (empathy i guess)

Agreed, my headcanon is that although she didnt have wings in forgotten friendship, it was because Celestia didn't bring her to the Alicorn realm thing that she brough Twilight to because she was unaware of Sunset's feats, eventually I feel like after they realize Sunset stopped aging Celestia will use the spell.

I know it's been a while, but I might as well comment anyway.
The fact remains that they wrote Cozy Glow as a child.

If she wasn't, Jim Miler could have just said she wasn't, or said that they didn't really have a age in mind when they wrote her.

Instead he more or less implies they never thought of anything concerning her at all.

As for Sunset, I'm glad they didn't butcher her story or character, the way the main series did to Twilight and the gang.

But even in one that has standards and tries to go for consistency and not be too ridiculous, do cartoon villains - at least ones they don't plan redemption arcs for - really need origins? It could be a standard lust for power and her being a psychopath (given how she sadistically plans to murder Fluttershy, Spike, and the other ponies)

No. But if you give two villains vastly different fates, despite having virtual identical aditudes, and doing virtually identical things, you need to justify it somehow.

Discord is a manipulative lying bastard, who threatened Equestria multiple times even after he was reformed. Yet the main six did everything in their power to get him on their side.

Cozy Glow is a lying manipulative bitch who threatened Equestria once under her own power, and was left to rot with Tirek.

The only in cannon explaination we are given for why they are treated differently, is that one has powers and the other doesn't. That's hardly a solid or just basis on which to rule your kingdom.

It also doesn't change the fact that Cozy Glow was most likely concived and written as a very smart child, not as a super genuis or a otherworldly abomination.

That's important, because the only basis I can see for treating Starlight the way they did was either "she had access to powerful magic" or because she was "too immature to know any better."

As a child with obvious issues managing her temper, Cozy Glow is a poster child for the latter. Her outbursts even mirror the ones that Starlight has throughout her character arc.

My problem isn't that Cozy Glow doesn't have a origin. My problem is that the Main Six's reaction to her makes no sense, given how much leyway they have given other villians in the past.

An origin certainly helps when discussing her. As for her appearance... well, not in Season 8, but after she reveals itself, it seems implausible nopony would investigate her past.

Maybe Celestia and Luna did and quickly discovered massive darkness there. Perhaps she confessed to murdering her parents with a slasher smile.

But it leaves open headcanons.

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