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I've probably done a similar thread on the subject, but, me being on the path of "purging" anything I really disliked or feel isn't worth it and can afford to FanonDiscontinuity...

A previous issue I had is that Seasons 8 and 9 will be unavailable once pulled from Netflix and Hulu, since they have not been and never will be released on DVD (in Region 1, at least). I've said this a million times so I don't think I need to go into detail.

But, let's say for a second that Seasons 8 and 9 will always remain watchable one way or another for the rest of humanity's existence, and look at the seasons themselves.

A lot of people disliked both seasons. They have different writers who barely know how to keep up with the fun style of the show (with some exceptions), and made plenty of controversial decisions including the School of Friendship, Non-Compete Clause (which I ignore either way), Yakity Sax (which I ALSO ignore either way), She Talks to Angel (leaning towards ignoring), Growing Up Is Hard to Do (also ignore), 2, 4, 6, Greaaat, Daring Doubt, Garble's redemption and reason for being the way he is, Discord's regression in Season 8 and misguided Grogar plan in Season 9, and many aspects of the ending, mostly involving Twilight's immortality or sinking ships. Many (myself not included) were also uncomfortable with Cozy Glow being turned to stone, despite all she had done and tried to do without any remorse, or, on the opposite side, Discord getting off scot free after uniting the villains.

And then there's how they treat Rainbow Dash. Aside from two-parters and The Washouts, she is REALLY not at her best in either of these seasons, being an arrogant jerk who disregards all her character development particularly in Non-Compete Clause and 2, 4, 6, Greaaat. (Not that she was any better in 28 Pranks Later but a later Season 6 episode, Buckball Season, had her be more compassionate to Fluttershy)

But there were some good points too. A lot of people disliked the Young Six but I liked them, especially Silverstream, honorable mention to Ocellus, Gallus, and Smolder. Sounds of Silence was very popular, with the Kirin. While most disliked the villain episodes of Season 9, many, myself included, loved Frenemies. Some also thought Sparkle's Seven, the heist episode showing the Mane 6 each doing something different, was pretty cool.

Me, I'm still debating with myself whether to ignore. Part of my considering doing so is in case they disappear, even though I still have my favorite episodes preserved. But even otherwise, I still have some issues with Seasons 8 and 9, even among the episodes I don't feel compelled to ignore.

The bad:

I do have some issues with the School of Friendship. It seems to take a LOT longer than it should to teach friendship, and Twilight pretty much forced her friends, who already have other jobs, to teach there, that seemed pretty mean of her. (Made worse by the implications in Grannies Gone Wild that she wouldn't give her friends days off if they really wanted to do something they wouldn't get a chance for later, but I ignore that episode)

As mentioned, there are a few Season 8 and 9 episodes I'm ignoring either way, but they're pretty easy to ignore on their own.

There's also the Rainbow Dash thing I'm having a little trouble getting past, making me consider demoting her from favorite pony (alongside Fluttershy).

Grogar being Discord wasn't a season killer for me (as much as I'd prefer the alternative), but if nothing else, it was still incredibly stupid of Discord to lead Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, three extremely untrustworthy villains who have each come close to winning on their own, to the one thing they could use to remove his "safety net" and render him powerless to intervene should things get out of hand.

Undecided about the finale, but there ARE ways around it so I think I might be leaning towards counting it canon... if I do so with the rest of the season.

The Good:

The Young Six, first and foremost. Especially Silverstream, one of my four favorite characters (other three being Rainbow Dash (maybe), Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer). To ignore Seasons 8 and 9 would practically mean to erase Silverstream from existence, as well as the other five, who are all likeable in their own way. But then, she's never seen during the movie...

Chrysalis gets her final fate. Tirek also gets something a little more final than the Season 4 finale, which was disproportionate to the epic scale of the battle (though his fate in Season 9 was played a little anticlimactically as pretty much an execution, similar to Thanos in Avengers: Endgame though at least he got an alternate timeline counterpart to take the more climactic fall, and after waiting 7 years I'm certainly not complaining).

  • I could counter both by only going as far as Top Bolt (but still counting The Perfect Pear and the movie as canon, as I don't think either references changelings or anything else in Season 7, most of which disinterested me anyway) and say Chrysalis fell to her death in A Canterlot Wedding, and Tirek, either say he stays in Tartarus completely powerless, or return to my old debunked "damnation" headcanon saying Tartarus is hell and the damned souls exist in cages, perhaps on an astral plane invisible to the living who enter (though in Mario, Dragonball Z, and Once Upon A Time, the living can enter the afterlife alive and interact with the dead).

While I'm sure the rest of you would not include it on such a list, The Beginning of the End is also my favorite episode, between seeing Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek in the same scene, Sombra having more lines and screentime, fighting Discord, and being spectacularly re-killed by the Mane 6, complete with "Grogar" using one of my favorite expressions for it. Of course ignoring Season 9 would still mean Sombra stays dead after Season 3 so the status of the one who showed FiM isn't afraid to do what G1 did at least twice wouldn't change.

There's also the surprisingly gruesome deaths of the Mean 6, and a pony biting Sweetie Belle's tail for the first time. Those would be annoying to have to ignore, but I could live without them - Sombra and the Storm King are enough for the death scenes (and Chrysalis and Tirek if I can go by my previous headcanons), and the Mane 6 tailbiting set (complete as of Season 2) is more important to me than the CMC one (even though Sweetie Belle is my favorite CMC).

Frenemies is one of my favorite episodes, uniquely focusing on three unreformed villains, first comically fighting, then going off on their own adventure.

And of course Sounds of Silence. One of the few unambiguously good episodes of Season 8. The Kirin, their location, and Fluttershy and Applejack equally playing their part in solving the friendship problem. I could live without it but it'd still be a shame, it was a really good episode.

Fluttergoth was entertaining, though she and the other Fluttershy personas were mean and I almost ignored the episode as an unnecessary rehash of Putting Your Hoof Down. (Which I still wanted to go by as canon anyway due to Rarity biting Fluttershy's tail, though she also bites Spike's tail in the movie)

Celestia prancing in Horse Play was also entertaining.

Also a few of the songs, like the one in School Raze Part 2, Uprooted, and of course the finale, which also ends with the book closing (that was shown opening at the beginning of the first episode, a perfectly fitting ending).

So, I'm not entirely sure what to do. Part of me wants to ignore Seasons 8 and 9, partly due to fear of them disappearing, partly due to the school controversy, and partly due to different writers who just don't know how to write the Mane 6 right most of the time (every episode I've liked of the seasons is either due to Young Six, villains, Celestia, or Kirin, exception being Twilight in The Point of No Return). But the rest of me loves Silverstream, the Kirin, the villain episodes of Season 9, the official final fates of Sombra, Chrysalis, and Tirek (not that I don't feel Cozy Glow deserved it too but without Seasons 8 and 9 she doesn't exist), the songs, and other points like Celestia prancing.

Last time I asked this the answer was that only I can decide for myself whether to do this, no one can make this decision for me, and they're absolutely right. I'm just not sure of what to do. This is an even bigger conundrum than Season 2 of Digimon, or Seasons 3 and up of Pokemon. And there have been items on TV Tropes's list that I really loved such as Die Another Day, Return of the Jedi and the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Jason X, or Dragonheart: A New Beginning.

I think, it's mainly the school thing and Rainbow Dash's portrayal that would make me ignore the seasons even if they exist forever, if someone can say something to get me past them, then I will continue to acknowledge them until they are removed from Netflix and Hulu.

In the meantime, I'll also listen to what your personal opinions are. Did you like those seasons or hate them? If the latter, do you feel compelled to ignore them? (I know there is a group dedicated to that) What did you like and dislike about them? (Just no giving others, myself included, hell for differing opinions)

*hardly watched anything outside of seasons 4-6 anyway noises*

tbh, I don't really care whether a certain season is canon or not. I already put the show canon through the shredder multiple times a day anyway whenever I write. Even then, for the most part, basically everything I write is AU anyway, and I lost interest in MLP as a whole years ago.

No use ignoring what's there. Just take it as it is and move on. That is all we can do now.

I dislike seasons 8 & 9 immensely, so I've decided to just ignore them and to write my own headcanon.

Season 8 was bad (save for the episodes you mentioned), Season 9 was fine.

Honestly, I just write AUs regardless, they’re there, and they exist, I’m not going to ignore them.

Yup, that's how I roll, too. Where it's useful, I respect the show's canon. Anytime else, I just write AUs that run the canon through the shredder. All nine seasons of it.

I would literally would do the same.

canon is just a crutch. transcend the show's lore and unleash your full strength as a writer. ascend to new heights and write what was previously unfathomable in the minds of mortals weighted down by the eternal spiral of following the canon from a show that has since ended, thus trapping them within those very same confines and forced to slowly be drained of originality until all that is left is a husk that writes shipfics on wattpad and--

I personal love both seasons a lot, despite some of my own issues with them

I actually liked Seasons 8 and 9. I get why many don't, let's be sincere that is a disproportionally vocal minority.
But here's the thing, you are imposing upon yourself a false dichotomy and a false mutual inclusion within that false dichotomy. You can hate something and accept it as canon, you can love it and ignore it as part of canon, you niether hate nor love something and still accept it as canon... and I am just addressing the tip of the iceberg here.

I like season 8 and 9 but some of the episodes are just bad to watch.

Why not keep the bits (or at least episodes) you like and exclude the ones you don't?

I liked season 8 and I really only have a couple of things against season 9 (Twilight taking over as ruler of Equestria being one of them).

Season 8 was kinda meh and in season 9, the episodes that focused on the legion of doom were kinda good with the series epilogue being a bittersweet sendoff, but otherwise I'd give them the dreaded 3 out of 5 rating, outside of a a handful of episodes, nothing really stood out as great or terrible and just felt like filler.

I mean, it's all canon whether you wanna consider it as such. Anyways, for me, I like season 8 just fine even if from an objective point of view it has quite a few problems. But season 9, I think is fantastic both subjectively and objectively. It's my 4th favourite season in the whole show, and would've been even higher were the second half as good as the first.

As for your specific problems, the school of friendship I thought was a decent idea, but it was pretty unexplored. But I think it was worth it for moving the arc of Twilight from student to princess to teacher to now a teacher of a whole school. Plus it got us the student six, so that's cool. About Rainbow, I don't think she was that bad honestly. Yeah, she was a bit of an ass in 2 4 6 great, but it makes sense for her to not put much effort into something she doesn't care for. And I really liked the scene with Smoulder. Plus, Rainbow was cool in Common Ground. As for most of your other points, I'm gonna just redirect you to two excellent videos that mostly sum up my thoughts on the season.


A previous issue that I had is that seasons 8 and 9 will be unavailable once pulled from Netflix and Hulu, since they have not been and never will be released on DVD

Where did you hear that? Also, there is a season 9 DVD (so it’s definitely Region 1), and if they are being pulled, they may still be on Prime.

I’ve barely watched both seasons, save for a few episodes. The things i saw (and was disappointed in) aren’t being erased in an AU... I’m just writing a sequel series that, while a bit out of water, is still something to write about.

Besides, as long as it’s still accessible, in my opinion, it will still be canon unless Hasbro says otherwise.

And if they are being entirely removed from existence, I’m probably going to get the DVDs for collectors sake, and the sake of accessing it.

I actually love Seasons 8 and 9. Sure they have their issues but doesn't every season? I love every season in their own way and enjoy them as they are. I think Season 8 is the most underrated season IMO and doesn't deserve the hate it gets, neither Season 9 IMO.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I've had mixed feelings towards Seasons 8 & 9 for quite a long time.

I love the Student Six, and there were many episodes that I personally enjoyed, such as “Sounds of Silence”. I'm also pretty chill and okay with Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis getting turned to stone and staying evil, along with Grogar turning out to be Discord in disguise. The latter being because it seemed wasteful to be bringing in a new antagonist at the very last minute, and there was a lot more focus being put on Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy throughout the ninth season anyway.

However, I was not a big fan of the future scenes depicted in "The Last Problem". I was fine with them for a while, but over time...there were things about them that started to bother me. I no longer saw them as believable outcomes due to how questionable and nonsensical things were, and it's all because of the story choices made with them. I'm also not a fan of the family life depicted for Scootaloo in "The Last Crusade", as there were things about it that didn't make sense and raised too many questions. That, and "Daring Doubt" was my least favorite episode of the ninth season due to leaving plot holes every step of the way and contradicting its predecessors too much. Because of there not even being a single canonical lead-up to the episode, I've refused to count it as official canon (unless I can somehow present my ideas for "Daring Doubt" lead ups to Hasbro and Entertainment One, of course). It's pretty much been the same with the "Season 10" in comic form.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I still wish that the Student Six got their own spin-off series. They deserved so much more than appearances in just two seasons, and they hold quite a lot of potential. But, of course, Hasbro has to go make the atrocious "Pony Life" and waste the potential of the series and characters by creating comics that are so far providing mediocre storylines.

Honestly, MLP:FiM could have been the Star Wars of Hasbro's shows in the sense that the world that Equestria is set in is ripe for all sorts of storytelling and genres(sans sci-fi).

I accept the seasons as they are. I cant think of anything to complain about in Season 8, but 9, I have a few problems I choose to address in my fanfics.

It's okay to dislike Seasons 8 and 9. It's not okay to keep whining and screaming about it at other people.

I myself like the entire show, and will continue to enjoy it, despite the neighsayers.

Pick your headcanon, and have fun.

7424119 Pretending that Seasons 8 and 9 didn't exist isn't going to solve anything, it will only mean that their mistakes will be repeated and what good things they did will be ignored. Like every season, Seasons 8 and 9 should be accepted for what they are and you can decide what to use and what to just ignore or work around.

Long ago I accepted both seasons and get along with them until the end of the series.


Here are a few options I can think of.

1: Accept the stuff you don't like about seasons 8 & 9, but just don't like that it happened. I would say that this is the best overall option, and being able to put up with stuff we don't like is something we will sometimes have to do in life anyway.

2: if it's too hard to accept it, then try looking the other way. In other words, think of what you don't like in seasons 8 & 9 as not being canon, if possible.

3: Try to form headcanons to make things not as bad.

Leaning towards that atm.

I haven't found any Region 1 DVD's on Amazon. I've heard of Region 2 DVD's of it (I think; something that's not 1). They should have released the Season 8 DVD in late 2019, and Season 9 late last year, but their deal with Shout Factory seems to have expired and they don't seem to have renewed it or found another DVD company so I don't think we can expect Region 1 DVD's in our lifetime. Anyway, I never trust ANYTHING to stay on Netflix so once it's gone, unless it remains on some obscure site, or else gets that DVD release, they'll be unwatchable.

Good point about everything, I did take the 2 4 6 Greaaat thing into consideration (which wasn't bad enough for me to ignore but I could if I wanted to), and I'm ignoring Non-Compete Clause, those were her two really bad episodes, right? (Also this guy considers the first bad episode to be the only one with a Silverstream shining moment, even though it's a Starlight episode)

I weighed it all, read your responses, my conclusion is, I'll go by them as canon (except the episodes I'd already decided to ignore) UNTIL they become unavailable to anyone who hasn't already preserved them. (Technically they'd still be available to me but not to newcomers) And I'll set headcanons in place in CASE I have to do this, but until then, Twilight rules Equestria, Silverstream exists, and Chrysalis is a statue.

If you have any comments about whether you love or hate them, etc., still feel free to say it.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


The world of MLP: FiM has so much potential, and there are tons of other characters outside of the Main Six that are perfect for having their own series. It’s a shame that Hasbro and Entertainment One are hardly grasping that, really.

I mean, I wouldn't call 2 4 6 great bad, more just potentially annoying if the payoff of Rainbow learning her lesson doesn't feel worth it for the whole episode of her not caring about cheerleading. As for non compete clause...well that's fair. That's probably one of my least favourite episodes in the show, even if I still find a couple moments amusing here and there like Ocellus pranking Gallus by transforming into a big fish. And well, it's kinda true? None of the student six other than Yona really get super standout moments of their own in season 9. And the only moment like this I can think of in general for Silverstream is in What Lies Beneath. One of the issues I have with the student six, they were underutilized a fair bit.

Yay for canon winning! Also, will it really ever be inaccessible? I'm sure you'll always be able to find it by searching up mlp season 8/9 episodes online, or just watch letupita's season 8 and 9 playlists, which have the full seasons in high quality, just with each episode split up into several parts. There are plenty of shows that didn't get dvd releases that you can still find online today, the same will be true for mlp which is very popular compared to those shows.


None of the student six other than Yona really get super standout moments of their own in season 9. And the only moment like this I can think of in general for Silverstream is in What Lies Beneath. One of the issues I have with the student six, they were underutilized a fair bit.

I agree, I'd have liked to see more of them, they were the saving grace of the season. Smolder's standout moments were in Molt Down and Sweet and Smoky, Gallus's was in The Hearth's Warming Club, Yona's were in A Rockhoof and a Hard Place and She's All Yak, Sandbar also kinda got one moment shared with Yona in She's All Yak and might've stood out a little more among the others in School Raze. I kinda considered their roles equal in What Lies Beneath even though Silverstream's moments involved her fear of the Storm King even though he was dead. The moment I remembered is in Student Counsel, even though the episode revolved around Starlight. Ocellus didn't get any standout moments, unless you count, again, What Lies Beneath on account of her turning into Chrysalis and acting in ways Chrysalis NEVER would unless pretending to be someone else.

Also, will it really ever be inaccessible? I'm sure you'll always be able to find it by searching up mlp season 8/9 episodes online, or just watch letupita's season 8 and 9 playlists, which have the full seasons in high quality, just with each episode split up into several parts. There are plenty of shows that didn't get dvd releases that you can still find online today, the same will be true for mlp which is very popular compared to those shows.

Let's hope, and that any newcomers will be able to find them if they have to. This show deserves to live forever.

I mostly liked the seasons 8 and 9 also. Having the Student Six was a big plus though, as you mentioned, it wasn't explored enough. One of my favorite episodes was "Student Counsel". I laughed out loud the first time I saw it. And I thought Maud really shined in this episode. Made me sad that they didn't show Maud and Mud Briar married with kids in the last episode.

I wouldn't say they were the2 saving grace, but they were definitely cool.

Yeah, and it will. :pinkiesmile:


I vote ignore season 9 in peticular has so many problem's that it's just not worth saving


Seasons 8 and 9 both had their good and bad things. I think the school and the student six breathed new life into the show. Yeah Sandbar was bland and boring compared to the others but hey, every clique has to have one member that isn't as cool as the others, right.

Cozy did a good job fooling everypony in season 8, you have to give her that. Season 8 wasn't horrible in my opinion. It wasn't as good as season 7 but it wasn't horrible.

Season 9, well it was rather hit and miss. Having Scootaloo's parents finally show up and then just leave again shows what shitty parents they really are. I would have liked it had they decided to stay in Ponyville. Frenemies was by far the best episode. I really liked the dynamic between the three villains and Cozy Glow is just so damn adorable "Grogar left me in charge!"

It was good to see a happy conclusion to the Big Mac/Sugar Belle story line. The final three episodes though, they left much to be desired. Having Discord pretend to be Grogar was one of the worst decisions the writers ever made. I grew to really like Grogar throughout season 9 but then when it was all a farce, I was not a happy camper. I was also hoping for something more epic in the end, such as a two hour finale with an epic battle....something that would more closely resemble the siege on Minas Tirith or Helm's Deep....and maybe have there be a stalemate between the Legion of Doom, something where they would be depowered and be allowed to roam free rather than turning them to stone.....they could have made a spin-off centered around them!

The Last Problem? Screw that one, the series is fine without it. Series finales are supposed to be awesome, not dumpster fires.

I think maybe Hasbro wants to pretend those seasons never happened and that's why they didn't release them on DVD. And I bet G5 disregards them too, with Celestia and Luna still in power or having been directly usurped by a racist, and Twilight dead, and Chrysalis making cameos here and there very much flesh and bone.

Any alternate interpretations of this just make me more confident they'll disappear, and more depressed...

7425146 about not deciding based on your crazy extrapolation? If Hasbro wanted to strike the later seasons for continuity, they surely wouldn't be publishing Season 10 comics.

IDW's doing it, Hasbro's just approving it, but a lot of the comics have already been retconned out of continuity, though most notable instance was Season 9 with Sombra.

Yes, they are approving them. Comics based directly on the later seasons. So your paranoid idea is nothing.


Like 7425291 said, if Hasbro wanted to try to ret-con season 8 & 9, the season 10 comics wouldn't exist since they would be pointless. Though there might be some ret-cons in G5, but it seems highly unlikely that any ret-cons would be something like ret-conning seasons 8 & 9. Maybe characters or major events will get some kind of ret-con.

There were ret-cons to the MLP comics, like the one where Sombra was reformed, but doing that to two full seasons of the show is a VERY different thing, especially because the show's canon already took priority over the comics. Not to mention, but how easy rumors and leaks can happen, if Hasbro were thinking about making Seasons 8 & 9 no longer canon, we would be hearing the rumors by now.

Also, I can help but get the feeling that, on some level, you do want Hasbro to ret-con seasons 8 & 9. You have been struggling on making the choice to accept the seasons as canon, but if Hasbro were to decide to make the two seasons not canon, it would save you the trouble of making the choice yourself. I may be wrong, but with comments like this:

I think maybe Hasbro wants to pretend those seasons never happened and that's why they didn't release them on DVD. And I bet G5 disregards them too,

It feels like there is more to this than just the fear of Seasons 8 & 9 never getting DVDs for them.

Part of me thinks it would be simpler, but I've already decided to go by them as canon. I just want to be sure they'll stay that way and I won't have to ignore them, and don't know how long it will be before they disappear. Besides, erase them and Silverstream's pretty much dead.

If G5 will follow on from the end of G4, then said end won't disappear, even if no media of it is legally available.

Personally, I ignore Season 9. By that I mean I acknowledge it exists, but essentially treat it like an official fanfiction and not part of my canon. It actually took a lot for me to get to that point, because I kept trying to just accept the season as is and work around it's issues, I really didn't want to just ignore an entire season, but I just kept finding that I couldn't.

Season 9 has a lot of good aspects, but the bad parts of it for me were so overwhelmingly negative that they genuinely were ruining the whole show for me. I found myself thinking about it and getting frustrated even when watching episodes from earlier seasons, because taking the show as a whole including Season 9, I just kept thinking about how everything leads up to that season and it made me not want to watch at all, despite this being my favorite cartoon. I kinda got fed up with it, decided to just ignore it as much as possible and found my enjoyment of the show started to come back.

So, really I guess I'd just you enjoy the show more or less with Season 8 and 9 included? Would you be willing to trade all the good aspects away to get rid of the bad parts? Are the good parts so important to you they can overshadow the bad?

But then G5 will eventually disappear too, as it likely won't be released on DVD or stay on Netflix or anywhere else forever either.

Ironically I found more parts of Season 9 enjoyable than Season 8. Both are of course the only seasons with Silverstream, and of course Season 9 saw Chrysalis turned to stone. If I have to ignore Seasons 8 and 9, I'd probably be compelled to do the same with anything To Where and Back Again and up (except The Perfect Pear and the movie) and say Chrysalis fell to her death in Season 2 finale. Besides, I didn't like much of Season 7 either except A Royal Problem and the tailbiting in Shadow Play (but of course The Perfect Pear is notable so that's why I listed it as a special exception).

I guess you don't have a problem with Chrysalis still being on the loose though, besides, if you're still going by Season 8, her last episode there had her screw up her first revenge plan without the Mane 6 having to lift a hoof.

Anyway, while I feel differently, not judging your opinion, just so we're clear. I was feeling the same way about Season 2 of Digimon for a while, it had parts of it I really liked but other bad aspects to it I realized I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Season 1, so after weighing them, I decided to ignore it. (Besides, Myotismon's second death in Season 1 really seemed final this time, and was clearly meant to be, even though back then I saw his Season 2 return as an interesting plot twist and loved his rainbowfied final death scene) Also similar to the way a certain character from 24 ends up, thus ignoring Seasons 7 and 8, which were also NOT fun for me.

In answer to your question, I weighed the good and bad parts and listened to your responses about the school and Rainbow Dash, and as long as Seasons 8 and 9 exist, I will go by them as canon, as there's too much good parts of it which outweigh the bad. I don't want to be the one to kill Silverstream in my headcanon (I already kinda feel a little bit bad about Veemon for Digimon Season 2, but again, the bad outweighed the good for me), or Ocellus or any of their friends or the Kirin, and of course Season 9 premier was my favorite episode, and unlike many I loved Sombra's portrayal in it (as well as his defeat), and the interactions between Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the big fight with them, and their defeat. (Yes, I realize Chrysalis falling to her death would be a step up from turning to stone, but I'm satisfied with an eternal dreamless stone sleep)

If Silverstream must die, Hasbro will do it, not me. I will only Discontinuity Seasons 8 and 9 when they disappear and that's final now.

(Season 5 of Teen Titans is another story - all it really had for me was freezing most of the MotW villains along with the main villains, kinda similar to how Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow got turned to stone - and even for those who have escaped from prison once already, the Titans can just defeat them again and probably have fun doing it. There wasn't as much Starfire episodes, except an episode in a WINTER setting, and on that note, this season was SUPPOSED to be Starfire's turn, as all the other four each had a season revolving around them, but instead it goes to Beast Boy even though his season was Season 2. And Starfire's my favorite Titan!)

In this age of the Internet, nothing popular will disappear for lack of an official release. And even if it does, things that last forever are not the only ones worth investing in.

Wait, according to a new announcement, there will be Kirin in G5, one of which will be one of its Mane 6, so maybe they're not ignoring those seasons.

Though it also talks of searching for the Elements of Harmony, which were destroyed by Sombra, unless they've taken on some other form after the Mane 6 died, left behind so others could defend Equestria if a new (or very old) threat arises

Another point though: The School of Friendship was one of the controversial parts of Season 8. And in the end, according to G5, it's all for nothing, because Twilight's plan of continuing to spread friendship through Equestria "after we are gone" fails miserably, as the races get jealous of each other and enter a war leading to racial segregation. Now things might be set right by the end of the film, but it still means that all the time and effort she put into the school and all the sacrifices she and her friends had to make because of it were for nothing.

Of course this can be countered by ignoring G5 if we want.

Wait, update on the DVD thing. The ones from Malaysia? Region 0 which means playable in ALL regions. I wasn't aware of this before...

They're on their way, and if they really will play on all players, I no longer have "they will disappear" as a reason to ignore them. It'll come down to the school and whether or not I can live without Silverstream being in it...

Edit: They arrived, will play fine, and kept Sombra's death and the trio's petrification. Ironically, trying to scene select ahead to Sombra's death scene, it instead skipped to the beginning of the next episode (episodes are not divided into scenes on there) so the first thing I saw on the disc was the Silverstream scene my PVR missed, the one I only saw once, on livestream. I returned to menu to just buzz to the Sombra scene... AFTER Silverstream blushed. (Or did she? It was a dream, does it count?)

Side note: The Season 9 menu shows Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Starlight, Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, Tempest, Cozy Glow, and Grogar standing together.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Yes, they are approving them. Comics based directly on the later seasons. So your paranoid idea is nothing.

Except that the first "Season 10" comic referenced previous ones that were retconned by the show, referenced comics that tried to retcon the show, or referenced other comics that in turn referenced comics that got retconned. The "Free Comic Book Day" arc actually even tried to retcon the future events of "The Last Problem" by having Twilight raising the sun despite her apparently not having that duty in the future.

If that isn't proof that these "Season 10" comics are never going to be official despite Hasbro approving them, I don't know what is.

My main hatred of Season 9? The absolute nonsense that was of Princesses Celestia and Luna retiring from ruling Equestria and passing the ruling down to Twilight Sparkle only who has no experience for it whatsoever arc.


It's not really a bad seasons to be honest with you but I will admit there was some Miss opportunities to do with these characters but I had that fear that's because of that they came in late they didn't have enough time to give them more storyline that was pretty much the problem with that

I can't do that without ignoring everything To Where and Back Again and above, as it would mean Chrysalis is still out there, unless I headcanon that she blew herself up in her insanity or something, or turned into a frog and got eaten by a Hydra at Froggy Bottom Bogg. Season 9 I did actually enjoy more than Season 8 anyway.

It could've been, if Hasbro cared enough. They did once, but before they could get far enough, fans started becoming toxic and sending them death threats (even though DHX writes the show) so they cut the fans off.

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