Mass Effect 389 members · 64 stories
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And the Meek Shall Inherit the Galaxy

From Hell's Heart

The Space Race

Shepard's R&R

These are some of my favorite Mass Effect fics on the internet. What is yours?

:derpytongue2: I abstain due to ...well... narcissism.

1879161 I started reading 'Commander of Shepards'... until maybe four chapters when the writer started making Shepard looking like a pussy :ajbemused:

The Commander of Shepards and 1879269's two ME stories as well. And btw... Loyal2Luna: Write more! And faster! the waiting is killing me...:raritydespair:

She isn't. I followed it until now and I have to say she kicks some serious ass now. It's just the (mostly) peaceful pony part that doesn't really demand her to be a badass.:twilightsmile:

First Contact by Animus of Masada

Honestly, I feel Meek's overrated. It's not bad, don't get me wrong. I just don't think it's not as good as people make it out to be.

You should give it another chance, Shep's being back to her old badass self again. Mostly.

Hmm, good Mass Effect fics.
I don't know about you guys, but I really liked Uplifted, helped get my friend into reading fanfiction.
The Painted Grey was very impressive too, however, it's been cancelled, sadly.
Long Way Together has an interesting interpretation of having both a Male and Female Shepard exist.
Trepidation's pretty good, although some of the interactions between Shepard and Tali are strange.
And it goes without saying that Loyal2Luna's got the Pony crossover locked down for awesomeness.
But if I had to name my favorite of all it would easily have to be Interstitium. Mother of god, that story's one door-stopper of an epic. 26 Chapters long, nearly 400k Words altogether, stays within canon while reworking innumerable events during Mass Effect 2, and has been worked on since 2010. It's glorious.

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