
Viewing 61 - 80 of 338 results

The Quickening: Writing Tips that are not the usual · 7:30pm Jul 13th, 2016

I know, right? Why a guy who has been criticized to death by his writing has to do this?

Well I'm not usual, you know. After reading and watching tons and tons of stories I decided to share some writing tips that might help you.

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Walking with Hungry Ghosts and Jealous Gods - Writing about Addiction · 10:10pm Jul 17th, 2018

I love writing, as it’s frequently my preferred medium for not only enjoyment, but stress relief. In my job, I spend a lot of time in the darker places of the human mind, and while I am comfortable there, there are days I need to get out of hell for a while. In his book “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts”, Dr. Gabor Maté (you’re going to get tired of hearing that name from me) writes that addiction is much like the Preta realm shown on the Madala in Buddhist cosmology. The realm of Hungry ghosts is

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Negativity makes an IMPACT! · 3:45am Jul 22nd, 2015

Notice how it takes a lot of positivity to get through a day, but a little negativity can bring down something big. It really depends what that negativity is directed at and who. A normal person would shrug that negativity off. A timid person would take that negativity as a hurtful object in their life. Same with ratings on fanfictions. If you have 10 likes but 4 dislikes, it makes an impact. Those 4 dislikes alone could wipe your story off the radar for good. It's like

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Pointless Pony Tips #7061 · 11:35am Oct 25th, 2019


Profile update · 8:08pm Jan 10th, 2021

Nothing monumental really, just added a list of social media/how to contact me, and put my tip out, because busking is cool

Report Javarod · 145 views · #news #life #tips

Tips · 8:56pm Nov 11th, 2015

If anyone can lend me tips for story telling, I'd be grateful.


Markel's Rules · 10:48pm Dec 12th, 2019

So for most of my readers out there, I want you to know that I have read my fair share of fanfictions. Some of them MLP and some of other worlds. And I can honestly tell the difference between a writer who just writes, and a writer who writes and reads too. There's a fine line between them with evidence in their works. So how can you tell? This blog post is to show what you're doing wrong that can affect your growth as a writer. And I'm going to show you how to correct those mistakes.

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Report thedarktome · 319 views · #Help #writing tips

Personality or Ponyality? Just one of those dumb question you find yourself with. · 9:36am Jul 12th, 2015

Honestly, I think I just blew my own mind.

We call it personality because it's the reality of a person's being. But for mlp should it be ponyality because it's the reality of a pony's being?

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Writing Ambience · 2:52pm Jul 25th, 2016

Today I'm going to talk a little bit about Writing Ambiance, what it is, why it is important, and the kind that I use.

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Klamnei's Ko-fi · 1:35am Sep 27th, 2019

A few months back, I had a few people approach me and ask if I had a Patreon or anything like that. I decided to set up a Ko-fi after getting those requests, and while I always meant to announce it, I just kinda never did. Whoops.

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Report Klamnei · 419 views · #klamnei #ko-fi #tip jar

hey hey i have a patreon but i haven't paid attention to it in ages. · 7:35am Dec 22nd, 2020

It really ain't much, just a $1 a month casual support sorta thing. I've got a Ko-Fi page as well if you don't feel like paying a buck a month!

being a broke college student be like:


Make Big Coin Selling These 3 Things in New World · 8:38am Nov 2nd, 2021

As New World becomes more and more popular, we are going to talk about the market in this article and some hot items that you definitely need to pay attention to. Now, we just want to say up front, because of the price variation of these items you are not going to be buying a bunch of these off the market. But this is just something more that you can keep in mind you can make some money while you’re running around the world. This includes some items that you may or may not have been picking up

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Minor Public Service Announcement: How to Write Passing Out. · 8:05am Jul 7th, 2016

There are times when a character will pass out. Maybe they're malnourished, maybe their blood pressure drops, maybe they're grievously injured. And usually, if you don't want to add too much detail to it, just saying 'Everything went dark' will suffice. It's accurate, brief, it gets the job done.

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Regarding writing, if you get distracted easily, then this blog is something you should read. · 10:30pm Jun 18th, 2018

When it comes to writing, I think it's fair to say that every single person who has ever sat themselves down with the plan to become an author, starting with something small and progressing onto a bigger project, has thought to themselves, ''Man, this sure is hard! I can barely concentrate and I can hardly get this chapter finished without being distracted by something or someone!''

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Commission Works. · 4:13pm Mar 10th, 2019

Times are tough, and we all gotta do what we gotta do. I really love writing, and I neglect it far too often. But at the same time, I need to keep funding my way through the comings days and mapping out my future in little ways. So, to that end, I am opening a new system of incentive for what stories you wish to see: be it a commission of your own idea by me, or an update to a story of mine you're eager to see. Rest assured, as times now progress, I am planning to update a few times each month

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Okay, this is an honest question... · 8:25am Nov 20th, 2016

Some of you may know that, aside from writing and hockey, cooking is kind of a passion of mine. Would you like me to share recipes and cooking tips on here? I don't really do it elsewhere. I don't want to clutter up your news feeds, but if you would honestly like some simple, inexpensive, but pretty fancy recipes, I certainly would enjoy sharing.
I know this is pony. This may not be the place I don't want to make your news feeds busier than I have to. So honest answers are appreciated.

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Are all of my stories really crappy? · 1:49am Jul 7th, 2015

I think so.

Any tips for better writing?


Be an Author—Article Index · 8:22pm Nov 22nd, 2018

My Be an Author series provides advice and tips on how to be an author. Writing well is fundamental to being an author, but my articles will also address the writing life. While I discuss much that is applicable to FimFiction, my background is that I am an SF author. As such, I will address real world writing issues from my experience and, arguably, some of it will be my opinion on subjects. I do recommend reading the comments my readers have left as they have given me an

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Writing tips: Creating characters and cultures · 11:09am Mar 15th, 2016

Journcy contacted me a week or two back about doing a brief interview for a school project, and the questions were interesting enough that I figured it was worth reposting to FIMFiction the writing advice that I offered. Read below the break for about 1400 words on fictional culture construction, how to create a quick character hook, and the story that my writing desk tells.

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Classic Being a Better Writer: Health · 4:42pm Mar 11th, 2019

Viewing 61 - 80 of 338 results