
Viewing 101 - 120 of 189 results

"BINARY" Finale is Here! · 4:36pm Aug 20th, 2016

On a day that will no doubt be filled with a bunch of Changeling-based stories, I figured I better get this one out early. Brace yourselves for the finale of BINARY!

BINARY: Chapter 4, "Singularity"


The Robots are Coming! Are You Ready Fimfiction? · 11:05pm Dec 17th, 2017

Unless you spend all of your time reading fanfiction and never look at the science and technology news, you will have probably picked up that Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now. There is no better time to be a top computer science graduate with a PhD in machine learning techniques. Google, Facebook, and other tech giants will sign you up with a huge starting salary, in the expectation that real breakthroughs are imminent, and will lead to algorithms able to directly communicate

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Moonie Bot · 4:06am Jan 29th, 2019

AnonPencil ran a few Moonie shorts through one of those predictive text bots that then writes its own story. The bot can be found here and the rest is just the bot's work.

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Endless Equestria · 4:04pm Mar 7th, 2023

You know what I would love to see?
If someone created an endless Equestria twitch stream AI show where the ponies are moving around Ponyville and AI generates everything what the ponies are talking to each other. There could be few locations where the ponies can travel and then some placed cameras around different areas.

If someone created this, I would definitely watch it! :yay:


New Mini-Series Beginning Soon (Hopefully by next week) · 10:29pm April 27th

A new series is starting up soon with a Pilot Chapter being released first to see what the response is before I devote more time to it. As you can see, it's heavily-inspired by Friendship Is Optimal (a story which I'm halfway done reading) with no connection to it whatsoever. Celestia's reasons for what she's doing is completely different than FIO so there'll still be that mystery to discover, in addition to the mystery of the main character's backstory.

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Augmented Story Telling · 11:55am May 22nd, 2023

ChatGPT is not the droid you are looking for. It has no comprehension, just building blocks, rules and examples to copy. Story telling is an adventure of the mind. You become the story, you become the characters, you live what they live and write it down.

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The Hat Man Reviews: "The Fall" - Video Game About Robots! · 11:50pm Aug 12th, 2016

So, a good long while ago, an awesome reader named Ianon very graciously gifted me a video game called "The Fall," via Humble Bundle. (Which was super nice. Ianon, you're awesome. :rainbowkiss:) He stated that it was right up my alley because it was about robots (and, spoiler alert he was right!). Check out the trailer and then head below the break to find out what I thought about it!

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Thanks, Google · 12:07am Aug 1st, 2017

The latest updates that you have made to your phone software make it really less user-friendly. Sort of like the constant YouTube updates which make it harder and harder to use. My own new phone has no headphone jack. I guess 2017 means that you’re a caveman if you like the older, corded headphones still. Bluetooth doesn’t sound as good and is a pain in the ass to hook up? Hah, Google says.

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Plot Bunny Theater: The Clockwork Pony 2 · 4:48pm Jan 7th, 2020

Given the response to the previous blog, I decided to expand upon the Clockworks in a further post. I do want to stress, however, that my initial idea did not have Rainbow Dash be one of these artificial ponies. I just chose that artwork because I liked it.

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Twilight's Enigmatic Clarification (AI ≠ LLM GAI) · 5:05pm Jul 15th, 2023

To head off any possible confusion, I've added a clarification to TEEE's story page and a note at the top of the chapter explaining that TEEE was not written using LLM generative AI (the story actually predates this technology by several years).

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Pinkie’s Antimatter Adventure; Rainbow Magic – Writing pony science stories with Chat GPT · 12:18pm Jan 8th, 2023

Yesterday I decided to investigate this Chat GPT thing that I now hear so much about. And wow—this technology has really moved on since I last looked at it. We now have an AI engine which, given a simple prompt, will write a story for you in seconds.

This is the first conversation I had with it:

What is antimatter?

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Speaking of weird pigeons: · 6:35pm Jan 18th, 2022

For fans of my trash Dove story or using AI creatively or just weird pigeons, I present neural network generated pigeon breeds, curated by Janelle Shane and illustrated by Rosemary Mosco:

I highly recommend signing up for this website's newsletter wherein Janelle Shane uses neural networks to do generally silly things. It's pretty great.

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WTFIWWY-Saint Francis of Atari(AI Priest) · 9:48pm May 5th

The life lessons we learned this week:

-Cicadas are loud. This year is a rarity, multiple cicada broods have emerged, something that hasn't happened since 1803. The police are powerless to stop horny insects.

-Don't smuggle drugs of any kind. Drugs are bad. Mm-Kay? If you are going to smuggle drugs in your car, obey all the traffic laws so you don't get pulled over. Also: Holy shit! That's a lot of heroin!

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I am disappointing maybe? (New Story, Help wanted?) · 7:09am Aug 1st, 2015

Okay, well, a bit. I'm not super focused on on story right now. I've started a bunch, but never really finished anything. But a couple of nights ago I started this:

Two sleepless nights, and only 700 words. But I can't not think about my ideas for it.

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Fluttershy Makes a Terrible Mistake · 1:40pm Jan 6th, 2021

I was playing around with and I put some dialogue from a thing I'm working on in it. It came out completely perfect. So I made a tiny video.

Art by me.

Edit: I've been censored. :facehoof: This kind of thing happens to me a lot actually. :trixieshiftleft:

Edit edit: Okay it's back.


How is almost nobody talking about how AI is going to throw our moral, ethical, and legal systems into complete and utter fucking chaos over the next few decades? Especially with sex and porn holy shit. · 4:57pm Sep 9th, 2022

How is almost nobody talking about how AI is going to throw our moral, ethical, and legal systems into complete and utter fucking chaos over the next few decades?

Especially with sex and porn holy shit.

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Google Gemini AI · 2:37am February 28th

Google allows, what appears to be, a self-hating leftist freak to design their AI.

When their AI responds like a self-hating leftist freak?

Google: [Surprised Pikachu Face]


Cold War Kaijus · 8:35pm Nov 15th, 2023

So I won't lie, all of what I'm gonna show to you is made using AI. But I'm not using these as the "Finished looks", but these are more of concepts, as I'm terrible at drawing, and don't have cash to pay someone to draw them. But this is the main idea:

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Adventures in AI Pinkie Pie · 6:58am Jan 9th, 2023

ChatGPT is scary powerful. A great example is to ask it to write a sonnet about the topic of your choice, from the French Revolution to Mushrooms to Roller Coasters. Of course, it is far from perfect and very not-illegalist. Read on for Pinkie NOT selling cocaine.


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My Review on An AI Fanfiction · 8:19pm Nov 20th, 2023

Okay so I came across an AI story generator, and normally I would never do anything like this with AI, since some don't like AI, also since FIMFIction doesn't allow AI Stories, and anyway, as much as I like AI, let's face it, AI can be really horrible sometimes. Let's get into this first I start with what I didn't like about it. Well first of all it wasn't really written as fanfiction, it was more like a review of fanfiction, than the story, It's full of mistakes, (I tried to fix what I could

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 189 results