
Viewing 121 - 140 of 451 results

Ponyfest 2.0 is over! · 6:59pm Apr 26th, 2020

Ponyfest 2.0 has ended, but the magic of the Internet means that all of the panels have been preserved for posterity!

This was the Powerpoint Presentation that I did, about the Universal Engagement Curve.

It was a discussion on pacing in works, and that contains all of my slides.

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Updates are coming · 5:18am Aug 20th, 2015

I'm sure most of you have noted the lack of updates recently, most notably concerning Lucky Strike and Starring Trixie. Well, I had a few pages for each hammered out but unfortunately, they were not up to my standard of quality so I took them out and began anew. The reason I take so long to update is primarily because more than anything, I want to deliver a quality product to you, my readers. Why?Because you deserve it. You take time out of your busy lives to give me and my work a

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Bronycon 2016 · 6:14pm Dec 10th, 2015

Okay, so, 2015 was a pretty seat-of-pants visit to Bronycon Baltimore. It worked out all right, but there were opportunities I missed out on simply because I didn't (a) plan far enough ahead and (b) inform other people far enough ahead of time what my plans were. So, for the sake of the interested—whatever that means—I am officially moving from "tentative planning" to "hotel booking" levels of certainty. Make of this what you will! Note that it's been bumped up a few months and is now

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UK PonyCon tickets are SOLD OUT · 2:55pm Oct 5th, 2015

Well, this was unexpected! Owing to unprecedented demand -- I guess partly because there's no BUCK this year -- UK PonyCon has completely sold out, which I don't believe has ever happened before. I'm not absolutely sure what the capacity of this year's venue is, but I'd guess around 500 -- and if that is the figure, it will make this by far the largest pony event in Britain this year. (Attendance was in the high 300s last year, with less space available.)

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Kansas City-Midwest Brony Fest 2016 May 27-29 · 7:30am Jan 24th, 2016

Just curious. Is anybody in my follow list going to attend this? I'm seriously considering it, since KC is only about two hours away. (My wife goes to the KC Rock and Mineral Show at that location every year, so I have no excuse about getting lost)

Here's the Registration Page


I will be at EQLA! · 5:42am Aug 31st, 2015

And so will Lauren Faust, evidently, and I have mixed feelings about this. See, I originally signed on to go because it's practically in my backyard, so I think of it as a low-pressure con. There's nothing I have to do or see, so I can just leave if I'm bored or tired and not feel bad about it. Then they announced Bonnie Zacherle, and I was legit excited. No, I'm not a G1 fan, but I can't help but be interested in the origins of the toys and the show. I wanted to see her and what she had to

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Report scoots2 · 550 views · #conventions #eqla #G1 #toys

Bronycon, panels and panelists · 12:26am Jun 11th, 2015

As things cool down from the Midwest Brony Fest, I've had a chance to speak with some other friends regarding my experiences and what I thought of the whole ordeal. One thing that is consistently asked is why don't I attend as a panelist?

The short answer is the best answer: I didn't know that was an option. >_> Had I known, I would have done some poking around to see what I could do!

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Report Arad · 355 views · #Bronycon #conventions #panels

UK PonyCon 2018 dates! · 8:24pm Mar 13th, 2018

It was announced today that UK PonyCon 2018 will take place on the weekend of 13/14 October -- so exactly seven months from now! No word yet on the venue or ticket details, but I'd expect those over the next few weeks. I've been to the last four UKPCs and would love to go again, but until I know the venue I can't absolutely commit. We shall see!


It Comes! · 4:39pm May 8th, 2017

Everfree Northwest 2017! I know, right? Only a few more days, plus for me, only one day of work.

Until that time, I am going to try writing as much as possible. I really want this Luna fic I've been working on to release by the end of May, but between Everfree prep and work trying to kill me I've gotten a little behind, thus the push toward writing this week... after Guardians of the Galaxy later today... Shush, no spoilers.

So, I really got nothing else... Distractions!

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<Personal/Professional> Concerning Nightmare Nights · 2:19pm Oct 19th, 2015

Well, I've gotten several messages asking me if I'll be attending this year's Nightmare Nights convention, as I had every year in the past. It is my home convention, it means a lot to me. I love the people there, the fun I have there, and everything that is there.

However, I am saddened to say that I will not be attending this year.

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Presenting on My Little Pony Fanfiction! Yay and *panic screaming*! · 2:33am Jan 6th, 2020

So this morning, I knew that the event schedule for the Vanhoover Pony Expo in where else but Vancouver, Canada, that I'm heading to this weekend (Jan 10-12) would be posted soon, so I check it.

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Some signal that need boosting · 5:37am Jan 2nd, 2018

I've only done one other blog post (due to my rather uninteresting life and that I don't write nowadays), but here's something that deserves attention. And even if I only reach the couple few that somehow follow me, at least I will have reached someone and done my part.

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Bronycon 2017 is Decadent and Depraved, Part 1 · 3:02pm Aug 14th, 2017

Thursday, 10th August

Written under duress by Brasta Septim

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Not going to Brony Con? · 5:35am Jul 8th, 2016

Well stay tuned, because tomorrow will be the launch of an online convention

it's called Horses at Home and it's a selection of bronies live streaming whatever takes their fantasy all in time slots throughout the day.

It's free and what's more, you can view it all from your chair or bed!

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SCRIPTFest Winners Announced · 6:02am Mar 11th, 2019

Everfree Northwest’s annual writing contest, Scribblefest, was this year changed to SCRIPTFest with a unique challenge to our contestants to write a show-worthy episode script. The winning entry will be read live, on stage, by the show actors who voice the Student Six, Tirek, and Cozy Glow! As you can imagine, this was a difficult contest to judge, and we thank everyone who entered. Writing a script can be a real challenge compared to prose, and though it may be a cliche to say it, you’re all

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SCRIPTFest Writing Contest Deadline Extended to January 31st · 10:50pm Jan 6th, 2019

As the title says, the deadline to submit an entry for our SCRIPTFest contest has been extended to 11:59PM PST, January 31st.

For more details, or to enter, please go here.


UK PonyCon was fantastic · 11:01pm Oct 24th, 2016

I'll get a full (and doubtless highly waffly) write-up done for Louder Yay in the nearish future, but for now: I had a wonderful weekend. Not least the new (for me) experience of having someone bring up a story, unprompted, that was one I'd written -- not knowing the writer was sitting three seats away! And also having another someone I didn't know (who turned out to be Astrarian) say hi and thanks for reviewing her stories. Luckily

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UK PonyCon 2018, Sunday: Derpy Fever! · 5:42pm Oct 26th, 2018

The pleasingly multi-gen banners (later auctioned) at Selfie Corner

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Everfree Northwest part 2 · 8:41pm May 21st, 2019

Okay, time to get into some details. First, here's me at the con:

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EFNW 2022! · 11:50pm Jul 26th, 2022

A little late on getting the word out this year, but I just wanted to let you all know, I'll be there!

Mostly gonna be hanging around the writer track, doing writer things. Also will be doing at least one panel, on how to be a Dungeon Master (it was my roommate's panel idea, and I said I'd help with it, since I've DM'd before for a solid year-long campaign and got pretty good at it). Might also jump in on helping with other writing track panels if they need people, don't know yet.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 451 results