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Future Plans and Konsequences Lookback · 8:09pm Feb 10th, 2019

Well here we are, Konsequences is finally finished. Never imagined I would invest so much into it and it would take this long. Given how much this has nagged at me over the years, I’d thought I’d make a little essay just to have some closure on the whole ordeal and maybe share some insights into the story.

First though I want to announce some things.

I’m finally gonna get on making my own stories, which I should a chapter of one pretty soon.

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Report Deverer · 232 views · #All American Girl

Java · 2:20am Jun 28th, 2015

Eyes bleary, DJ smacked the iCoffee and waited semi-patiently for the thirty seconds for the heating element in the machine to warm up the water so she could slap the coffee pod in and get her big mug of brown joy. I really need to get her the newest model, but she’s always like “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with what I have!” The humanized pony sighed. No, dear aunt of mine, what you mean to say is, “Oh, that’s sweet of you, DJ, but really, I’m fine with

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Problems with the AAG:TTLoM updates. · 8:27pm May 4th, 2018

To all those who are wondering why the story of which I promised daily updates hasn't been updating all week . . . it has. However, due to an issue with the reading of the story before it went online FIMFiction has decided that the first six chapters were all released on April 29th. This should be fixed for tomorrow's update, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on in case they are confused who the Brisk Printer guy is and why he's walking through the rain.

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results