
Viewing 1 - 18 of 18 results

Alone Chapter 3: Slight Delay · 5:53pm Aug 28th, 2022

Just popping in here to give fair warning that chapter 3 of Alone will most likely be a little delayed in its release. IRL stuff kind of got in the way and prevented me from working on the chapter as much as I would have liked to so, while it still might come out today it may also be delayed by like a day or two at most. Again, just a heads up. I'm trying to get it done and out as soon as possible. So yeah, sorry about that. :twilightsheepish: See you when the new chapter is released!


Chapter 1 of Alone is out! · 8:24pm Aug 21st, 2022

Chapter 1 has just released along with the new release schedule. You can go find both on the Alone's story page, enjoy!

King Sombra returns from his 1000 year banishment only to find that something very wrong has happened to the world in his absence. Determined to seek out what occurred he’ll discover a horrifying truth that could change the course of history forever.
Child of Stars · 16k words  ·  54  0 · 1.5k views

Soon... · 1:58am Feb 3rd, 2022

Yeah, I finally back from my hiatus. I've even got a new story dropping very soon to boot, one about a certain G5 Pegasus...
More info on what's been going on with me and future plans when the new story drops!
Till then, have a good one! :raritywink: ~ Child of Stars


One Little Story · 1:23am Nov 14th, 2023

The short story I've been working on finally released a little bit ago! Go check it out!

TOne Little Mistake
Celestia didn't want this to happen, any of it. Yet Luna is determined to bring the solar alicorn's rule to a swift end. And no matter how desperately she begs and pleas, Celestia can never take back the mistakes she's made.
Child of Stars · 8.8k words  ·  19  1 · 620 views

Alone Chapter Three Release in the Next Few Minutes! · 10:58pm Sep 30th, 2022

Yes, the long overdue chapter and continuation of the story is soon here! Putting on the finishing touches now. I'll explain why it took so long and what happened since my last post in my next post sometime tomorrow. For now get excited, it's almost here!


Alone Explanation and the Future! · 11:48pm Oct 2nd, 2022

Alright so first an explanation to what went on in September. Pretty much a tag team of school starting up for me again and having like zero free time on the weekends really did a number on my ability to set aside time and just write like I would have liked to. Plus, I also had to recover from a surgery I recently had too. So basically, it was a combination of poor time management on my part and a few unlucky things out of my control. Now moving forward, I have a lot of cool stories planned to

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I'M ALIVE!!! (Important Alone Update) · 10:56pm Sep 7th, 2022

Yes, I know it's very surprising. But despite it all I'm here, back from my little disappearance. Sorry about that btw, some irl things got in the way. School started back up for me, I got a little fatigued on writing at the time, and just other things in and out of my control happened that caused my little hiatus. So, now that I'm back and ready to write you best believe Alone's newest chapter is on its way! The newest chapter will also arrive with a new schedule change to the release

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Happy *Late* Halloween/Nightmare Night and Updates · 10:58pm Nov 1st, 2022


SO. MUCH. LORE. · 1:56am Aug 5th, 2022

So yeah, my new story Alone is coming along well. Wanted to give this quick update just to inform you all that Alone might come out a few days later than I wanted it to. There's a lot to write so I'm still shooting for trying to release it on the 9th it may however come out a little bit after that. Now don't worry on when it would come out, latest it would be after the 9th would be like the 12th or 13th. So, once more I'm still planning for an August 9th release but just wanted to

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Alone Chapter 2 · 11:43pm Aug 24th, 2022

I'm not going to do these chapter release updates for Alone every time a new chapter comes out, just the first few. With that being said heyo, chapter 2 is here so go read it now!


When Gems Break Chapter 4 is HERE!!! · 10:51pm Jun 30th, 2022

YES! Finally, it is OUT!!! After much trial and error, it is finally out and here! Go read it now! As explained in the author's note for the chapter it was spilt in half so I could get out something sooner rather than later as you all have waited long enough for it. So, this is part one with part two coming soon. Then after that is the finale to the whole story! The end is soon upon us with this story, I hope you've enjoyed it so far and continue to enjoy it further. Now stop reading this and

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Puss in Boots is back in Action! · 12:31am May 15th, 2023

Yeah, I'm back and the story lives! Sorry for the massive delay, life wasn't treating me so well. I won't bog you down with details as you probably don't care all too much. Instead, I'll get right to the point and give you what you want - Puss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone chapter 2 is here, and the story is back. Yay. Enjoy.

Also, yay we hit 1.5k views! Woohoo yay, thank you all!


*Update* When Gems Break Chapter 4 · 10:23pm Jun 17th, 2022

This is just a quick, long overdue, and deserved update. Yes, I'm still alive and so is this story. To be honest as to why it's taken so long, it's mostly my fault. Sure, there was some finals I had to study for and stuff but mostly the delay was caused by my own procrastination of the chapter mixed with a bit of writer's block. Yeah, I'm not happy or proud about it either but it is what it is and I can't take it back. Luckly though I've gotten some inspiration and cleaned up my act. Part of

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One Year Anniversary · 10:58pm Jul 29th, 2022

Well, it's been one whole year of me having this account on here and it has been great. All the way from my first story to my latest it has been a learning experience in many ways. Throughout the year I've improved my writing and the scope of my writing projects from when I started. I have also begun to find my own writing style in some of my works. I have read many great fanfics and have been inspired by a lot of great works. Writing on here is something I've become

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Updated Release Schedule · 12:19am Nov 5th, 2023

In case any of you didn't know, or haven't checked my main page, I'm back from my hiatus. I came back in October and have been hard at work getting things in order again. Anyway, onto what you care about.

New One-Shot story - *Edit: It's been released*

Puss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone - New chapters will release later this month

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First Story to Hit 1,000 Views! · 5:17am Jan 21st, 2023

Woohoo! Pipp Pipp Horay! It's happened, my first story to hit the 1k mark! Reflections of a Unicorn was my first, and to celebrate this fact I have something special to share with everypony. Two things, first on the Reflections of a Unicorn side of things, there will be an audio fan fic reading of the story available to listen to on YouTube and Spotify in early February of this year courtesy of Mystery Pony

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Reflections of a Unicorn (Audio Reading) & PiB: TPS Hits 1.1K Views! · 8:53pm Feb 20th, 2023

First of all...

BADA-BING BADA-BOOM! Look at this! Mystery Pony Fiction has so graciously decided to do an audio reading for my story Reflections of a Unicorn. I could not be more ecstatic! Please go check it out and show him some support for this fantastic thing!


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Reinvigorated, Revamped, and Reimagined · 4:04am Jan 9th, 2023

Okay so yeah, I’ve been gone a long while. I won’t dwell on it too much because there’s nothing I can do about it now and I’m sure you don’t want to read a million excuses. The holidays, combined with sickness, family drama, and a dash of loss of motivation are the main reasons I left. But I’m back now and refreshed! As the title says I’m really pumped to be writing again and I have a whole new way to go about it/a new mindset. First, I’m going to put a rigid schedule in place to help me keep

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Viewing 1 - 18 of 18 results