
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

Computer problems. · 7:26pm Aug 16th, 2018

Let me preface this: Don't worry, this won't delay me writing.

But on the July 27th I was having some problems that my Microcenter ID'd as a motherboard issue. They took it in since it was under warranty (always buy it people!) and today on the 16th of august they call and tell me they have the new motherboard installed and now the keyboard's all scrambled and they need to order new parts from Acer's outlet in canada (and my store's in Columbus, Ohio) so they have me a choice:

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Don't you hate it when failed updates royally screw over your computer? · 11:42pm Apr 6th, 2017

Writing this post from my laptop. My main computer was updating itself, but once it finished and restarted, I noticed that it took a substantially longer time to log me in than before, and once it did, to my utter shock and horror, the desktop, my wallpaper, the settings app, and the taskbar and start menu were all missing.

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Computer Delays · 4:11pm Oct 16th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Due to an unforseen circumstance, I have to take in my computer for repairs because I have no access to the internet nor can I click on the icons to acess the internet. Which means that although I can get on FIMFiction by my tablit and/or phone, the story "Lightning Bolt of Rome," will have to be put on hold until then.

Your fellow writer, and closted Brony,



Computer problems again?! · 7:07pm Apr 4th, 2016

*sigh* Don't get me wrong, I love this old computer but all these new parts I need to get for it is a bit...exhausting. Good thing, I love working on the insiders of my computer so much. It's also a good thing that I can type so easily on my IPad. :facehoof: Just wish the battery life was longer. I'm giving more thought to actually writing professionally and wondering how good I'd be at it. Meh, enough of me boring you all, just thought you'd like to have an update on my writing. Oh ya, also,

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Computer issues · 1:08pm Sep 2nd, 2017

After my computer freezing early yesterday, forcing me to do a hard reset, my computer is now running a little slow.  On top of that, I can't even open my writing program, OpenOffice.  Not even to uninstall it.  I'm working on the issue, asking around...

I don't know what to do.

I can open Notepad, but that won't let me do as much formatting as OpenOffice could.  I need to be able to write normally...


Update · 7:50pm Oct 25th, 2018

So, apparently the part needed to repair my computer is on back order. Fortunately, it's a non-essential part and I can get my computer back until they get the part in to effect the repair. However, I don't want to start back up on Consequences just to have it interrupted again, so until the repair is made, Consequences is still on hiatus.

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I Have No Idea What I'm Doing · 10:33pm Mar 6th, 2018

So, hello. I'm glad to be here. While the title of this missive still holds very true for matters ranging from "What is appropriate blogging content," to "How do I do physics," I really am happy to finally be getting my weird, kinda funny fanfiction out into the world.

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Quick little update · 6:20am Jul 5th, 2021

Happy Independence Day everyone! Well kind of a belated one as it is after midnight here now, but still! Hope it was a good one for you all.
Just a quick update for you all on writing projects and the like:

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Friend's problem. · 12:36am Jun 7th, 2017

A friend of mine is having a hard time on this website. He's been a member for a while, but he's experiencing a problem, but I'm not sure if it's his computer or not. (He's told me that). Apparently, everytime he tries to PM or comment a message pops saying:

Signature is expired, the time on your computer or device is Lilly incorrect. The difference is 2474 weeks.

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Computer Problems 3: Electric Boogaloo · 9:42pm Jul 16th, 2016

I need some advice on whether or not a solution is a good idea.

So, my new computer stopped working today, in what appeared to be exactly the same way as the last one.

"Not again!" I cried.

So, I pulled out my motherboard, but before totally disassembling it, I decided to breadboard it.

It worked.

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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results