
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Updates Soon · 8:46pm Jan 29th, 2021

I've been gone for a long, LONG time (life got rough, and I also started focusing more on my content creation, link tree to all my medias in my bio!), BUT, I've got a new PROJECT: Flood Control and Clout chapter in progress! I'm bad with keeping my promises on dates for chapters, as this is only a small hobby / pasttime for me, but I will say that P:FC has a dual-chapter coming, and is about 90% done, whilst the Clout update has a lot of interesting developments in this next chapter, and is

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PROJECT: Flood Control's Song Guide · 1:54pm May 17th, 2022

So, with the update of PROJECT: Flood Control to the 15th chapter, taking the advice of a reader, I decided to put in the beginning of each chapter, a loose listening guide for which songs I think fit the absolute best for each chapter. With the addition of this listening guide, I went through my Favorites on YouTube, and increased the size of the playlist from 45 songs, to just under 150 songs,

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Friendship is Manipulation, Book 2 Hype · 12:12am Last Tuesday

The hype is all me and just me, nothing actually big. But boy, am I friggin' excited for Book 2. Chapter 22 and onwards begins the light touch on certain bits of lore, relations, dynamics and themes of Book 2 as we transition into the next major "arc", if you will. I count Book 1 as three arcs total. Can you guess their starting points? (Don't open the spoiler if you don't want to know their names at all until Book 1 is finished)

Arc 1): Indoctrination, Chapters 1-6

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results