
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

A random Blueblood crack theory or The Gala Dilemna · 7:17am Dec 23rd, 2017

So, just saw a picture pairing Blueblood with Tempest Storm. That lead to me thinking up how to pair them which then led to my own personal attempt to bridge the TV and comic interpretations of Prince Blueblood's character which led to a character somewhat like him... the Doctor.

Which led to a very bizarre idea that I feel the need to explain.

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Episode Review: Can you hear all those screams? [Spoilers...duh] · 4:50pm Jun 13th, 2015

Fuck. This was EPIC. This is the only word to define what I felt about this fucking episode. IT WAS FULL OF PANDAS EVERYWHERE and references too. I was expecting a lot from it, but this... this was more than I ever expected! Who would say a donkey wedding would be so fucking awesome? Now go get more after the break...

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F/F/T3K19 10/2: REEEEEEMIIIIIIIIIIX · 3:50pm Oct 2nd, 2019

Sorry for the delay. The extra stuff took some extra time.

Last week's mess is collected. Have fun with that.

This week... aw fuck, we're back in the trenches. "Three of Me: School Society." One of my greatest enemies. Good luck.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results