
Viewing 1 - 20 of 67 results

Sometimes to be creative, you have to be kind of out there · 7:21am Aug 16th, 2017

Released it. Sure like five people have seen my mature rated new story (cause I don't want to have it be teen rated and then later have to change it to mature- that seems creatively dishonest- less views sure but I tend to be more focused on the expression than the reach) Depression is this thing that makes you not want to do anything, repeat old conversations in your head and dwell on them, and have this depressive stupor that you want to connect with people and tell them your issues but you

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No. · 12:46pm Mar 12th, 2016

I do apologize for subjecting people to this, and I'm not going to tell you whose fic it's from because that's not how I roll, but...I cannot let this monstrosity lie.

Your head is greeted by a new and better sensation as it penetrates Sunset's womb

That's...not a good thing. Sunset is going to need a medic. And I said so and figured that was the end of it. But then I got a response.

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I am so sorry · 4:50am Mar 6th, 2016


Remuneration · 5:15pm Aug 1st, 2015

My friends and Mother have expressed surprise at the volume of writing I've been doing without being paid. My current rate over the last 80 days is 2 1/2 novels per year.

An author wants to be paid. Words completed equal money. It allow us to make a living doing something we love.

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Report scifipony · 272 views · #Writing #pay #why I do it

The Next Great Cake War · 7:21pm Jan 17th, 2017

All day they cooked, the baker-ponies in their field-ovens,
But the hooves gripping their ladles were covered in batter
And the hollow pits of the eye stared, vacant and starved,
Where luna's moonlight shone.

The hair-nets lay like blots on their thin manes,
The toque blanche splattered with powdered sugar and spice,
But they mixed the batter in the nests beneath the hill
As they had of old.

And the ovens glowed, and the mixing-machines, but there was no sound,

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Goodbye to Rosie the queen of Corona · 6:38pm Jul 4th, 2016

Well I'm on my way
I don't know where I'm going
I'm on my way I'm taking my time
But I don't know where


Why I wasn't on for 2 days · 7:34pm May 6th, 2016

If any of you have noticed, on I wasn't on for 2 days, because I had to go somewhere for an overnight stay, and I couldn't bring any electronic devices like phones or anything. I was out in nature anyways, so I guess that might explain it. It was really fun, but now I came home, and I'm taking rest today, so I'll be on a lot more now.


Sunset Rambles #1: Wondering about when people don't update their stories for extended periods · 7:51pm Sep 1st, 2016


Sorry · 11:25pm Dec 19th, 2020

Hey guys, It's me. Yeah I know, I haven't really been posting anything new recently, or really posting anything really. That's for a few reasons, so I'll just go through them one at a time.

The first reason is obviously the year in general and more specifically Covid. It's taken a lot of time away from my hands and made it much more difficult.

The second one is applying and searching for college, which I will be attending next year, so that's also taken time out of my schedule.

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Sunset Rambles #2: Why is badassery so hard to find in ABDL fiction anyways? · 5:28pm Sep 15th, 2016

I always found it weirdly amazing when people said “you can’t make a character in diapers be badass”. It’s a weird sentiment, because, for me, the attire isn’t all that important when it comes to badassery. Take One Piece’s Senor Pink, who is a grown man wearing diapers and a bonnet, and is probably one of the most badass characters this series has produced.

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I'm excited about something, but I feel like it's for the dumbest reason. · 2:28am Apr 4th, 2019

Edit 4/4: so... 6 hours of sleep and a day later, I... kinda feel embarrassed for posting this. For those of you that said nice things, thank you. Um, I do appreciate the thought and I do actually try to sound grateful. I just... really don't do well. So... thank you for listening.

So today is kind of a weird day for me. Which means it was the date at which I was dragged screaming from the void and forced to deal with this planet.

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Regrets of a clueless YouTuber and why I began doing YouTube in the first place: a little about my goals and aspirations, what I want to do with it · 8:52pm Apr 27th, 2021

This has also been posted on my YouTube channel - posting here to make sure it isn't missed by anybody interest in the future of FireRain or if they've been wondering where I've been.


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Blog post about addiction · 4:15pm Nov 28th, 2016

I am addicted to procrasturbation. The ADHD medication I take that helps me function also increases my libido and ability to focus on one thing for a very long time. You do the math.

I can't remember if I posted this song before, but if I have, well now you know what it's about.

Facsimile Friends
Bryan Chandler

Gm F
Intoxicating: the high of sweet surrender to the fact that you'll inevitably fall

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Why I Quit Writing - An important video you might be interested to hear + my roots as a writer · 3:08pm Jan 13th, 2020

Context - I start off with an introduction as to how I got started on Fimfiction, the first material I ever wrote, my journey through writing and learning the ropes, persona experiences made through wrongs and rights, the people and contacts I've made and learned a great deal from, my thoughts on creativity...just a lot of different areas. I have a tendency to rant at times, but this is something that I really felt needed to be said.

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(Part One) My little town, the place I grew up in, the place I've lived in all my life - just feeling nostalgic about a good and missed childhood · 6:04pm Mar 16th, 2020

The town I live in has always been a fond memory for me. I have lots of fond memories of my town. It's a little place called Beverley, which is a small town but very rich in history. Because it's where I grew up, I absorbed little and large amounts of that history, and I can tell you for a fact that it's one of the most haunted towns in the UK or maybe the world. In fact, there are books written about it called Haunting in Beverley and The East Riding of Yorkshire, the author(s) being Peter

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Roughly seven chapters left · 8:41am Jul 27th, 2018

So there are roughly seven chapters left of 'to start over' and I will warn you, Sunset's mind is not a nice place in the chapter I will post sometime later today (as soon as I finish typing the ending up and editing some stuff I attempted to type while dealing with a headache that turned into a migraine from hell. But I decided to write this as a word of warning:

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Probably a few days until the new chapter gets out · 8:50am Oct 27th, 2017

I always have this feeling in the back of my mind when I think I know a chapter's "done"

Not perfect. true, but that can never truly be. But with my half day of writing and today- i.e. the 26th. I have about 4500 words- not the 5k I wanted true, but let's just say my life is weird.

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I have finally done it. · 12:05am January 7th

After seven playthroughs over 350 hours, I have given Elden Ring a single, solitary mod.

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Advice Request · 3:42am Oct 1st, 2017

I have twenty one working story ideas right now.

...that I'm actually 85% considering writing. (clear that up cause there's a billion I don't think I'll ever write)

Where does one start?


ok never mind · 3:07am Sep 20th, 2015

i totally am waaaayyyyy to lazy to write that one fanfic about dragon con :applejackunsure:not that anyone really cared about it anyway
i might get around to attempt to figuring out how to post fan art on here, but for now, im not going to do anything productive! :scootangel:

Viewing 1 - 20 of 67 results