
Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results

Border War · 7:35am Apr 24th, 2016

My depression is not what you deem sadness
Its something more akin to madness
Othello killing Desdemona
Holy roller
Satan's got my motor

I fear what I will do every day
Going crazy in my room killing pain
My scars don't exist physically but mentally
Surgeries making me afraid to cut away the things I hate about myself
That might not help but that's all I got
The memories of darkened rooms
The fear
The uncomfortable feelings of not wanting to be touched

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Report Peridork · 347 views · #poetry attempt

A Big Step For Me · 5:28am Apr 25th, 2020

Greetings, all!

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Weekly Update · 3:13am Sep 17th, 2018

Guess this is a thing for at least a little bit since work still takes up about 26% of my week and sleep takes up another third of my time.

So weekend update. Almost 9000 words in so about two thousand words of new story (in layman's terms for comparison that means about every 700 to 1000 words is another scene- don't know why that seems to be the case in this story but the generalized simplification of figures makes it that methodical.)

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Words · 2:48am Apr 24th, 2016

Words define people, places, and things
that can hurt peoples little wings
up at the sky we try to get
but words, like the heat, melt our resolve

Words limit reality- put boxes around things we don't understand
Like how a person you see on the street has a inner life that you can't comprehend
Dreams that are boundless and gleaming in beauty
But words can limit that nice reality

Words are like poisonous vipers and snakes
It gets in your head and causes heartaches

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Birthday Shenanigans "Contest" · 8:38pm Jan 10th, 2018

So, it's my birthday, supposedly. So, here's what you can do!

+500 Novel Points for any SunLight art I haven't seen yet.
+450 Novel Points for any RariTwi art I haven't seen yet.
+400 Novel Points for any MLP Deer art I haven't seen yet.
+400 Novel Points for any SkyPie art I haven't seen yet.

Let's see who wins!

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My attempts at animations · 6:22pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Undertale Parody

Cooking with Pinkie Pie


Shipping Insults · 2:58pm Sep 30th, 2016

Person: *says something rude about their friend's OTP*
Their friend: *waits until the person's OTP comes up* *says something rude about it*
Person: Just because you don't like it doesn't you have to be rude about it
Their friend: *gives them the are-you-serious?-face* REALLY

Yes, I decided to just copy&paste these here instead of linking to the original DeviantArt post(s)
And I'll probably post most, just not some that weren't so... Awe inspiring.


Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #1 · 12:57pm Nov 17th, 2023

So... I know this is a bit of a random post... but I've been thinking that maybe my blog needs a bit more from time to time that isn’t just stuff about my life or sharing previews of fics that may be years in the future.

So, I've decided to try to start sharing ponified versions of jokes that I know (as in, versions of the jokes where the characters are ponies) on Fridays.

I can’t promise I'll do this every Friday, but I'll try to at least make this a semi-regular thing.

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A Lost Siren Drawing · 9:06pm Aug 4th, 2015

So I decided to try my hands at some drawing yesterday, the arts not good I know, but I am satisfied with how they turn out. Though I have some trouble when it came to coloring in, and their skin color so be warned.

Here what I picture is the photo Sonata sees in the Sonata Short chapter.

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Two years. · 7:58am Dec 25th, 2016


Signal Boost and the New Year · 10:29pm Dec 31st, 2017

By now, it's likely that many of you have seen Horizon's The Elephant in the Equine Room blog post boosted, but if you haven't, you need to read it. By the end of this blog, I'll have posted other stuff, but this is important to touch on first.

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Attempting to Draw · 5:22am Dec 31st, 2020

...Oh my god.

I don’t even wanna say what it looks like. I just can’t.


Funny Fridays - Ponified Joke #2 · 1:32am Nov 24th, 2023

So... I know it's still not Friday in most of the world, but it already is where I live, and again in the spirit of having something to share that isn't me complaining or apologizing for delays, I thought I should have another one of these jokes.

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Ballad of a Hack Fraud · 5:11am May 24th, 2017


El Golpe de Estado Mas Corto de La Historia Equestriana · 6:36am May 28th, 2017

Hello, sweetie pies!

I'm stepping out of my cryogenic freezing pod today just to let you know that the lovely ZodiacalComet has undergone the kind task of translating The Attempted Assassinations of Twilight Sparkle into Spanish!

It can be found here, and on the story page itself.

This will be useful if:

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So, a fat person walks into a bar... · 5:02pm Feb 23rd, 2020

And little did he know, it was a SALAD BAR! It was a trap! They lured him in with the aroma of a deep fat frier and cheese burgers!

The vegetarians rule supreme! Ah! AAHHH!

They've gotten one of ours, Ah! All fat people, roll away for dear life! They can't catch all of us! Quick, retreat back to headquarters at the junkyard where Fat Albert and The Cosby Kids hang out! Roll, Brethren, ROLL!


Signal Boosting For Xjuggernaughtx · 3:32pm Sep 29th, 2015

Would you kindly consider helping out a friend? xjuggernaughtx has a story in the running for being featured in the Royal Canterlot Library for their second anniversary, and I'd love to see him win for his story. It's for a story he wrote called The New Crop, which he put a lot of time and effort in to, but just sadly didn't take off much in the way of views, despite being a very interesting tale. If he gets the spot, that might

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The theory of everything may be the theory of nothing. · 1:36pm Apr 4th, 2019

I was just pondering the foundational principles of the universe, as I often do... and had myself a little epiphany.

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Long Weekend = Lots of Writing · 1:30am Feb 26th, 2016


I hope to get a lot of work done on Equine Fall.

Wait. What?

Yep. So, I told you a detailed blog post on exactly what was happening with that story would be coming soon, and although it's been about a month, I can happily say that the newest chapter is close to completion.

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WallFlower Up · 12:17pm Apr 8th, 2021

Luckily I was smart put this in the hopper when Hailey started getting sick, because I sure wouldn't be able to set the story box stuff up today. This is the last good posting day before the contest deadline, so I'd better get it up.

TNight of the Sunflower
Sunset asked Wallflower on a date, and Wallflower is in a panic. Will the coolest girl fron Canterlot High even show up?
Captain_Hairball · 4.6k words  ·  71  3 · 1.6k views

If you enjoy it, please upvote, bookshelf, and comment! The algorithm rules all.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results