
Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results

Have you ever had a realization that things are not as they seemed? · 7:53pm Aug 10th, 2019

I had that when I learned I wasn’t using the toilet correctly. Sweetie Belle has it in the latest chapter of:

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  178  45 · 6.8k views

So, have you had any epiphanies in your life? Let me know in the comments.


Barcast Interview! · 5:29am Jan 16th, 2019

Click me!!!

I did one that you can read there! Go check it out! I’m just a scatterbrained idiot that forgets about these things or I would have blogged about it by now.


O Most Wonderful of Nights · 11:44pm Nov 24th, 2016

Now that you have sated yourselves upon the flesh of fowl and the blood of grapes, brethren (or just your regular dinner), allow me to share with you a most wondrous event. A highly talented and respected warrior of the spoken word, TheDizzyDan, has undertaken a live reading of my most recent story, My Final Confession: Vengeance.

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Updates · 1:56am Mar 23rd, 2017

Hey guys! Apologies for not posting the continuation of Times We Cherish. I know that I had promised the third part back in November, but around that time I was still feeling the loss of my grandma pretty hard as well as a few other contributing factors that sent me into somewhat of a depression. I decided to take some time from writing and focus on trying to get better. Success! I am now back to writing and, after struggling with

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Epiphany · 6:02pm Jun 23rd, 2016

These two:

Can become like these two!!!


Inspiration · 1:28pm Mar 29th, 2017

I have three stories neigh-ready for publication, a fourth multi-chapter almost ready to post, and am working slowly but steadily on the next chapter of TSJ.

Then, this happens. :facehoof:

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Some Writing Epiphanies. Also "WHERE'S MY CHAPTER?!" · 12:38am Sep 26th, 2020

Okay, so... you might have noticed that chapter 6 still isn't out yet. Unfortunately, it's going to be that way for a little bit longer, somewhere between one and four weeks longer. Half of the thing is, I had a sort of discovery of my own writing style that I knew and yet didn't fully understand how much it impacts the way I write.

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Fic idea up for grabs. · 3:20am Feb 9th, 2022

A weird epiphany I noticed about the Young/Student 6 from MLP

-They were basically shown to be the next generation of heroes.
-All attend the same school and are about teenage age
-They're in close contact with the tree of Harmony, which is sentient and full of power.

They could've been Power Rangers!!!

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Something I realized... · 10:39am Jun 8th, 2015

Okay, so I recently just realized a common factor in pretty much all the good fanfics, and a lot of bad ones...


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Official Timeline of Posted Stories · 6:54am Dec 25th, 2017

Hey guys. I wanted to go ahead and get a pinned blog post for the timeline of a series of stories I've written, and will likely continue on as SunLight is probably my most favorite ship. Anywho! Let's get on with it!

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I think I just figured out what my special talent/cutie mark is. AKA:Sudden epiphany of what i wanted to do with my life. · 4:09am Oct 25th, 2016

tl;dr at the bottom of the page

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"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" releases tomorrow! Here is another teaser for you! · 7:52pm Nov 12th, 2022

Only one day left until Silverstream's story continues! Here is another teaser for "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany"!

Something is happening on the surface of the Dark Equestria and the world Silverstream has gotten to know might not be the same anymore once again.....


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Part 2 of "The Sky is Gone" is released and continues Silverstream's story: "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" · 10:15pm Nov 13th, 2022

We are back where we left off and continue to follow Silverstream's struggle for survival in an Equestria without light. Or, not exactly where we left off.....

Time has passed for Silverstream since Rumble's death and she is not the same anymore..... Alongside her world, Silverstream undergoes changes as she keeps progressing and discovering and trying to find the last light that might be left in otherwise complete darkness, the light that comes from friendship.

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Silverstream's messages of Day 174 in the Dark Equestria are here! · 10:23pm Jan 5th, 2023

New messages by Silverstream have been released now. Sorry for the lack of releases yesterday. My sleep schedule got turned upside down when I didn't find much sleep on Monday night, which affected the Tuesday release and led to it that I had to miss yesterday's release. My sleep schedule is fixed now, though, and the releases continue normally again.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Day 178 in the Dark Equestria · 8:08pm Jan 10th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues now. Sorry for the pause yesterday. I was plagued by a very intense headache that got so bad that writing was impossible. Likewise, no release happened on Patreon either yesterday. But the headache is gone, so we proceed normally today. Silverstream's messages of Day 178 in the apocalypse start releasing now.

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Day 161 in the Dark Equestria · 4:26am Nov 25th, 2022

Sorry for the lack of releases the last couple days. I was battling with some rather strong depression since Saturday and this has made it impossible to release anything, while I tried to fix my mind. Also some writer's block as a result of it. But everything is caught up now and I feel somewhat better.

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A small holiday release break for "The Sky is Gone"..... · 3:33am Dec 26th, 2022

I hate to do this, but, "The Sky is Gone" will go on a small, two day release break for the holidays, both here and on my Patreon. I still wanted to update" The Sky is Gone" on the Hearth's Warming holidays, because I relaunched my Patreon account only a few days ago and have only just started with the new reward tier, but I am suddenly feeling the last four days.

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Epiphany · 3:43am Oct 26th, 2022

"The Sky is Gone" goes on a little, scheduled release break for 3 days. Silverstream and Rumble need to get some rest after their disturbing encounter. But today is the 1st Anniversary of "The Sky is Gone". And to celebrate that, I have big news and a special announcement to make.
Everyone who followed the story until now and has taken a look at the message count lately should already be able to make a good guess.....

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After having to stay in bed yesterday, "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues! · 11:28pm Jan 24th, 2023

I have been spending too much time in the cold lately, so I was in bed with a strong fever yesterday. But I feel somewhat better, so the releases continue!

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" has new messages by Silverstream now! · 8:04pm Nov 14th, 2022

Have to release today's messages a little earlier than usual, before 24 hours have passed since the previous ones, so that I can concentrate on something else later. Which means the story won't show up under "Latest Updates" on the front page today, so here is a blog entry to alert you of the new releases.

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results