
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

My reading/reviewing preferences · 6:25am April 25th

I will only read/review long fics if I trust the author, normally after reading shorter fics by them, or by reading a chapter of a longer story which can stand on its own four hooves.

I will skim-read short fics initially and give a smol review on that. I might then return for a much more in-depth read and review later.

Alternate Universe

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A Plethora of Personal Preference: IMPLACABLE · 2:12am Apr 18th, 2018

A lone wanderer in the final days of Man. An impregnable fortress work-camp to stand against the total emigration of humanity to virtual Equestria. The artificial intelligence called 'Celestia'. Everything has been accounted for. Everything.
Chatoyance · 17k words · 3.6k views

What I liked:
•Formatting. The title, the first word of the chapter, and the image breaks between scenes.
•Plot. From the first word, I was drawn in. The big question was asked: who exactly is Raymond, and why does he hate Celestia? And what's up with Ford Denver?
•Exposition. Understated, no info dumps, no maid and butler dialogue—everything progresses naturally.

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Why Some Don't Like The Show (ABTM) · 4:37am Jan 1st, 2019

Note: This has also been posted in the Writers Group, if you want to read it there.

Throughout my time as a brony, I have come across many a person. Some good, some bad, some ugly but beautiful on the inside. You've got your fanatics, you've got your sexual driven teens, and those who show just how wonderful this fandom really is.

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Report TRIBOT 4000 · 259 views · #MLP #FiM #preferance #ABTM

Writing A Bit · 11:32pm Mar 1st, 2017

So yeah, I have been writing a bit, but for other things. It's bland currently, but I'm working on it.
Speaking of which, when I post a story here... Do any of you have any idea what kind of story I should post? It'll probably be a short story or one-shot. But I have no idea what kind of story would be a good to start off with.


How Do You Go About Reading Stories? · 6:28am Jan 23rd, 2021

How do you go about reading stories?

Personally, I just sit down and look for something that looks like it wasn't made by a cliche child (I also don't like sex, but if done right/not entirely based around that then I don't mind too much). If it is easy to read and understand, I don't really mind what it's about.

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Interesting. · 3:22am Sep 15th, 2019

I recently learned from AlwaysDressesInStyle

That ratings can be disabled.

I for one find this fantastic!

I'm not one for receiving anonymous praise.

To me personally, it's simply a glowing green or red light.

Not to say, I never upvote others.

If I enjoy the story, I add it to my favorites, leave a like if it's desired and above all leave a comment.

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It Doesn't Matter (Questions of Writing) · 7:29pm Dec 22nd, 2022

The person I'm dealing with either has a very slippery mind, or she's just tugging on me.

Instead of actually READING my stories, she only takes TV-Tropes advice (Which was written by my trolls) or my trolls themselves. (They don't care much about facts) Therefore: she is not entitled to any proper opinions or questioning anyway.

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Ideals I prefer (How I like making fic) · 6:40pm Jul 8th, 2019


I prefer making fics where characters get punished for the way they behaved, no matter what. Even if it's the guy from a broken up couple... he gets punished especially.

But there are other reasons why I make it that way.

I made Beast Boy go on a VOYAGE TO THE EDGE OF THE EARTH:

Main Reason, so I can use the theme from "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"

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The one comment I frequently get about my appearance... · 4:39pm Dec 31st, 2019

In my family, or sometimes when I'm out somewhere, like when I was in college, the one thing that people used to say to me was this -

''So, when are you going to get a hair cut?'' or ''Your hair needs cutting.''

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Let's Talk About Video Games · 9:38pm Sep 19th, 2017

Have I already done this? I feel like at some point I made a blog about Ponky's brief history with video games. If that's the case, consider this a sequel. If that never happened, then, um... indulge me now, I guess.

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My Personal Preference/Spite (Once again, explained) · 8:36pm Dec 22nd, 2022

Relating to the previous blog before this one...

We all watch the canon of cartoons. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we applaud what happened int he end, how the characters handled things, ect, ect...

...and sometimes we don't. Sometimes we are totally frustrated with "WHAT IFs" (Meaning there are still so many possibilities and alternate ways things could have gone)

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Right Way, Wrong Way · 11:40pm Jul 29th, 2019

People say Praise is earned, not demanded.

Well that's true, but what you want praise for is a completely different thing, and just as praise can be earned or given, it can just as easily be rejected.

If you want praise, do it right, otherwise don't bother expecting praise for doing something the wrong way.

People have often told me that, and it becomes obvious that I have to explain to them over and over again.

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FYI... possibly TMI · 9:56pm Feb 18th, 2016

People have often, (and by often I mean someone just decided to message me one day, and that someone turned into three different people), asked me to write a clopfic. This request is then normally followed up by a (and I quote), "what particular kinky shit are ya' into huh mod?"

Uhm, well, I won't tell you. Mainly because I don't read clop in the way most people do. I read clop purely for Psychological reasons...

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I'm back, with options for the next story! · 8:02pm Jan 17th, 2020

As you may have noticed, I've published a few updates recently. I've still got more in the works, but that's beside the point. I would like your input on a couple of story ideas I've been working on or have come up with. They are all crossovers, but I will let you guys recommend which, if any, you'd like to see.

Here are the options so far.

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Good or Bad Right or Wrong (Personal Preference) · 5:54pm Jan 3rd, 2022

Not taking this one lying down...

Do you know why so many of Mykan's haters make rewrites of the Starfleet Magic series? It's because they know how to take the concept and actually make it good.

he'd have to accept the fact that he's always been in the wrong.

Here's the thing about this whole web of nonsense.

When people say a story is "Good/Right" or "Bad/Wrong" In the end, it's all just opinionated. (Personal preference)

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Editor? · 12:14am Oct 21st, 2015

Okay so I started working on a Halloween fic, but I would really love it if one of you guys would want to edit and/or revise it for me. I'm working on CH 1 at the moment, but I have a SUPER busy week this week, so I might not get it done.
I just hope I can get enough chapters out by Halloween :twilightblush:
So if anyone feels like giving any feedback, just tell me and I can send you my rough draft! when i finish it
Thanks guys! :heart: :twilightsmile:


Under construction: pardon our dust! Into Equestria's still alive and kicking (somewhere)! · 8:27am Dec 19th, 2019

Given how I'm in the process of rewriting Into Equestria from the ground up, I figured I'd might as well at the very least give y'all the chance to see what the story was going to be for some time. Keep in mind that the current iteration of Into Equestria is no longer considered canon to Pony-Me, even if the description has not yet been changed to reflect that.

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Signal Boost and a bonus! · 11:45pm Nov 1st, 2022

Posting this a day late . . . why should Halloween only be one day, huh? Who doesn't love ponies in costumes?


I present to you a new Not-A-Contest submission:

ECostume Contest
Another year has passed, and Halloween has rolled around once more. Last year I took ponies to a trunk-or-treat. This year I'm hosting a costume contest.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 8.3k words · 373 views

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I'm like a vampire · 12:11am Aug 6th, 2016


On the Strategic Advantage of Speaking Really Fast in the Field of Law · 7:21pm Oct 6th, 2020

Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results