
Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results

Check Out Artist's Latest Story! · 5:42pm March 19th

Hey guys. Listen my friend Artist would appreciate it if you check out her story she made. But before you do here's some rules you gotta follow. Do not post any hate comments on there, do not bully her or talk trash about it if you didn't actually read it. And most importantly make sure you give her respect because she is trying really hard. With that said please go check out her story A Talk with A Bully.

TA Talk With A Bully
After the CMC come home with black eyes, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity take it upon themselves to find out what happened.
Artist · 3.5k words  ·  29  23 · 655 views

When handling a guitar, be it your own, a friend's or one in a music shop, this is the rule you should follow out of respect · 8:42am Jan 29th, 2020

In almost every single guitar video I see on YouTube, I always see one specific comment below,

Don't play it when you're wearing a studded jacket! You'll scratch the finish against your buttons and your zip!

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(Not that I'm a hero or anything, but...) The autistic are not people to criticize on! · 12:47am Jan 24th, 2018

LonelyFanboy48 is a friend of mine, and he's autistic just like me. Just because he wrote bad doesn't mean that anyone can just criticize at first glance. Writers like him or me are considered not perfect, and we care about it either! People with disabilities deserve more better respect than they'd realize, because none of us claim to be perfect! People can hate on what I say, what I do, what I write, or whatever, but nothing

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Respect to a Legend · 11:11am Apr 15th, 2020

I play alot of TF2 so hearing that we lost Rick May yesterday because of the Virus really hits you right in the feels
It was wonderful going into tf2 servers and seeing everyone play soldier in respect to this fallen Legend

"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best."


oof owie ouch, my hubris · 12:07am Jul 6th, 2019

>be me
>24 y/o femanon
>write cruddy, generic sadfic that's not even good
>publish it before bed, expect mediocre response
>wake up and its featured
>obsess over it as the day goes on

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Love · 12:02am Nov 14th, 2016

Hey guys, I just wanna talk to you for a minute.

Now I am a week late into this, but this is something I want to discuss with you guys. The election was not too long ago. Many people are happy with the results, many people are displeased. To be honest, I disliked both candidates equally.

But I did my duty and I voted. That's all I can do. If you voted, you have done your part.

The nation's response has been mixed. People are pleased with the outcome, others are not that pleased.

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Honest Trailer: Logan. · 1:42pm May 25th, 2017

Yeah, like I said, I can't make fun of Hugh Jackman/Wolvie's performance in this movie. Sure, it's not my comedic tone, but deep inside, you all know that I'm also a tragic character that's trying to make everything better for themselves. I hope Fox gets my letter for the Step-Brothers-ish spinoff series with me and Logan.

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New Video Series on my YouTube Account - FireRain Talks: Episode One Has Just Aired! · 11:15pm Dec 23rd, 2017

I figured that I'd do this new thing where I would sit down with my laptop and record some of my thoughts and general stuff about life and publish it for your own entertainment.

I've simply decided to title it as FireRain Talks.

I've literally just published the first video onto my YouTube account for the viewing, so if your interested, go ahead and give it a listen!

Today's episode is all about Remembrance and Poetry.

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So... Yeah. · 11:32pm Feb 16th, 2019


My Review of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (In memory of Heath Ledger) · 2:51am Jan 23rd, 2021

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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Some guy has now made two videos saying two popular celebrities suck because their political views. · 1:27am Jul 12th, 2016

*sigh* Why can't we RODO (respect our differing opinions) on political views anymore?


New Story: "The Spirit of Radio" · 8:14pm Mar 1st, 2020

Hey folks, just letting you know I put up a polished version of a speedwrite fic I did a while ago. I'm rather proud of it and it did win said contest, so that's something. It's a bit different from my usual writing style, but I think it came out well. Plus, there's an oblique reference to The Iron Horse in there, if you're up for that. :raritywink:

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RIP, FireRain · 1:03am Oct 22nd, 2020


Why are the ponies so selfish towards other kingdoms? · 5:22am Jan 15th, 2022

All they talk about is only Equestria and not the other kingdoms. They think that only their land matters and not the other ones when that's not true. Why won’t anypony acknowledge the other kingdoms instead of just Equestria?

They need to actually care about the other kingdoms and creatures and not use or hurt them for their own benefit and only for their home without the other homes outside of Equestria.

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What Really Grinds My Gears #4 · 3:59am Dec 11th, 2015

Hello, I made a thread for this yesterday but I'm desperate! My friend and I have been in this "who could get 50 followers in 1 week" competition and she has 44 and I have 37, I'll follow you back, but please help me. Also, I failed to mention that this ends on Saturday I think.... Also, any help would be appreciated.

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An Image Dump Made in Manehattan Part 2 · 2:41am Sep 28th, 2015


Judgement · 8:32am Feb 18th, 2017

This is just something I wanted to get off my chest. Normally I wouldn't post a blog to express myself, but this is something that I want to throw out there. Just to let you all know, I will make references to religion and even this beautiful fandom. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone.

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Link to my Barcast Interview! · 5:03am Nov 28th, 2018

Hey everyone!

For those of you who are interested and missed my Barcast Interview on Saturday, it's been put up on Youtube! I've linked it here below for those of you who are interested in losing all respect that you might have for me!

The Elements of Harm(ony): Why the US Army is the Best at Friendship · 4:40am Mar 31st, 2017

“You contacted the most powerful being in Equestria to help a pony in need without any thought to what you would gain from it, Sunset.” Crystal Clear beamed at her. “That’s called generosity. And that’s called kindness. "

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"Yakity-Sax" Review: Tolerance is the Key to Happiness · 3:10pm Aug 26th, 2018

So, despite this being an old-fashioned Pinkie Pie episode, I actually find myself a little bit more interested in this one again than it's usually the case with Mane Six episodes these days. I'm still quite a bit peeved over it that it isn't a Yona episode, even though the title implies this to some extent, but this is one of the rare episodes where we can still see a new side and some personal development from a member of the Mane Six, so I enjoyed this one more.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results