• Member Since 28th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 22nd, 2013

Donute the spartan


(This takes place during forge commander 's last mission where you have to hold the line against the Seraphim and the commander chosen is the Cybran also four years after the show)

Commander Blade participates along side a few support commanders during the final battle against the Seraphim tasked with holding them off to allow Princess Rhianne Burke to close the quantum rift but things dont turn out as planed as his Aeon companion was killed by a experimental assault Bot (known as Ythotha) and his UEF ally was having problems with Seraphim air forces while he has to deal with his a.i repeating messages of "commander our forces are under attack" so in order safe guard the princess he decides after his long battle to die by his own terms...charge them with brute force but as it seemed he was about to be overwhelmed a bomb went straight towards him thinking it was the end only to find the experimental Seraphim bomber sent him elsewhere to find out this world had a war of its own.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 83 )

I like the story, the premise, all of that, but I do have one problem, Donute.

It looks bad. There's little punctuation, the info in parenthesis can be incorporated into the actual paragraph, albeit in a different way, and the dialogue just seems bland.

Now, none of those three are enough to put me off this story, however. I still faved and thumbed it up. If you need help with fixing the problems mentioned, I can give it a shot, or recommend someone to you.

Erm... i would like you to point out where it needs punctiation.

ahh good to see that you help the people that isn't playing supreme commander, and yes the spiders as i call them are a pain in the ass

More of a Total Annihilation fan myself but I though the story was interesting and fun IMO.

Admittedly it still needs work like what the others have said. I, myself, think one area you need to work on is presentation. During the last part were he was starting up his base there was a lot you could have skipped, specifically the details of how the base looked like and most if its inner workings. This is my take on the the base consrruction bit of the last part:

"While he didn't know where he was Blade didn't want to be caught with his pants down so he and his lone engineer quickly started building a small base. Once the factory was up he immediately had it upgraded so he can have a number of Hunters built and once the factory started building them he had them scout the immediate area as soon as they stepped out. Spotting a nearby forest he helped build 12 hunters and sent them into the unknown."

Way less details but that is fine let the readers ask questions , you can just reply in detail in the comments. Want people to know how your base is layed out then make a base like it in game and give us a screenshot. If there is anything you mention that you are sure you need to explain to people place a marker like this:
" (1) "
then just fire away with the explanation in the author's notes section. Mini chapters like this that introduce units, gameplay mechanics, and gamer jargon also helps a lot and you should do these when explaining stuff in the comments and on the A/N is not enough.

One more small thing, you do not need to tell your readers about each units tier/tech level. For people who play it that is already implied, while people who don't know what it means will just be confused. There will only be a few exception, mainly when mentioning/describing experimentals in dialogue or during narration. The mention of the tier 3 engineer that accompanied Blade is the only one worth mentioning.

Don't expect grammar and punctuation advise from me though, as I kinda suck at that myself. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway I can't think what can constitute as a a formidable enemy in Equestria for an ACU with a working base let alone a fully upgraded one. But then again how he got there in the first place does give one a few guesses.

Im curious as to where you will take this story, so hope to see more of it!

Give me some time today, and i can send you a version of this chapter with (what i believe would be) correct punctuation, grammar and the like. I've got College/Uni in a bit though, so it won't be until later today.

Love to see what a dragon could do. Also, keep scale right. A tier 1 assault bot is the same size as a big tree.

clonezero i would be GLAD to send you a picture of a base in game one thing...to get it to the size it was based on my story and the game since i did base it off what happened to me would take like it did a lot of time will just a rather shorter version of what it was since i did not save further in game...one problem i lost the disk i will try to find it help people see Cybran base set ups for now wait.


I am already writing a chapter until notification disturbed me but to give you an idea to where he is as of now he is in a small gap between the everfree and a mountain side this chapter will have an "encounter" with a dragon along side a certain pony with a group of guards take a guess it will be worth it.

You should be getting a PM momentarily with an updated chapter in it.

Note to all i am from Australia just to let you know.

Looks like thing are getting pretty intense. Good:pinkiecrazy:

Well Blade's ACU can always step in so I think that Dragon is just living on borrowed time. And won't those power plants blow up on the dragon's face in the first place?

The thought of the ACU's ai and Pinkie in the same place sends shivers down my spine.


The dragon would rip bits off the generator makes sense right?


and if i made the story go as if it exploded the dragon would have had to deal massive damage to the generator no?

Oki dokey!

@ 2nd reply
Yup it sure can, but power plants explode when destroyed right? Or did Blade's forces reach it before it could take one out?

Edit: Didn't see the 3rd reply before I posted this by the way :derpytongue2:


34 hunters OF course they did :)


IC, anyway now that it got attacked by a mythical flying monster I do hope he starts churning out even more air/AA units, maybe even get that experimental gunship! (Forgot the name)


Dragons have wings right? (smirk)

don't worry the experimental your talking about will be added soon.


Well start typing! :flutterrage: Very curious as to how the spectators are taking the fireworks show and how first contact is gonna go!


Not to cyborg scum like you! ARM forever!

Is good, though your assault wave strategy is flawed, for if you were up against me, your assault wave would be strategically nuked as it's attacking the Galactic Colossus I'd have sent at you, sans the twenty others that would be homing in on your base with literal walls of gunships and bombers, with some fighters and land units thrown in for variation. Shame I've never played forged alliances, only Supreme Commander and Supreme Commander two, where everything is retarded and multiplayer consists of who can spam the most experimental factories the fastest whilst still being able to make said experimentals.

Needs to be spell-checked and tidied up.


Its meant to be flawed don't ask me i know the thing is flawed its because its meant to buy time.


I use a plan like that if i need to either buy me more time to construct experimental units or to just fail but damage the thing anyway even if its escorted by other units i did this before during Fort Clark against the Seraphim experimental assault bot... all of them died but i was able to construct two soul rippers.

here a picture of the almighty soul ripper

I like suicide strategies in the game.

2513622 Well it is true it is flawed, everything is flawed when compared to an experimental bum rush with nuclear support and artillery that can shoot across the map because I stole one of the UEFs engineers. Also one of yours so that artillery is extra fast at destroying everything you hold dear.

2513647 also maybe proofread this thing before hand and then sending it off to an editor so it can be made legible. See I can double post as well, I'm just too lazy and modify existing ones.


Well what editor you had in mind?

2513915 I GUESS I could be mollified into doing it for you, as long as you give the Aeon some face time, like in an after rift closure kinda thing, or you could go bother the hundreds of rabid hobos outside your house to see if any of them are willing to proofread for ten bucks.


You know a rift DOES SOUND RATHER GOOD but what would make it great is th aeo that comes through is a one from order the bad Aeons

2513956 OR you could make it the Aeon from supreme commander two where imaginitive names are a thing of the past and naval units are as unfathomable as the true colour pink. Also where practically every unit can be countered by a good application of tier ones.


To be honest with you i don't know the Aeon of sc2. :(

2514010 Don't buy it, it's shit and square enix ruined it by making everything riddled with more plot holes than BFE(D). aeon become weak as fuck, the UEF (a.k.a the united states of faggotry) become indisputably god like beings with the most powerful everything and can flak you into the next millenium. Granted I last played it years ago, before my brother "Forgot" the password to his steam account which he registered it to when he began installing it when I was on the toilet.



2514053 They have an experimental turret that can rapidly convert anything to your team, so they still suck, they're just gonna steal your army and use it against you as well.


Great now they made the Aeon suck but doing so they have defenses that steal your units any game sound familiar Yuri?

2514092 I rage quit the first two C&C Red Alert games after tanks swarmed me at the beginning of each mission.


lol but anyway if i were to put the a Aeon in the story it would have to have a role either a regular one or the bad order one right?

2514121 Probably, but since I'm at a mates house and he doesn't know I'm still a Brony, Imma be sporadic in my attendance until I get home.


sure but one question still remains in my and its that you want to be a editor if i lets say twist part two of discovery hmm?

2514209 sure, just make sure you've got it part way legible, otherwise I'm as useful as an armless monkey working at a sweat shop.


Sure just give me time i will get it done.

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