• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 8,217 Views, 235 Comments

Don't Call me Cute! - Viking Hoof

Scribble is a young, smart, and (as much as she might hate the word) cute filly, but she has a lot on her plate at the moment. She's beginning to become a young mare rather than the young filly she was before, her mother is entering into a very

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Scribble3: 1 mother, 2 mothers?

Mom and Twilight stood breathlessly on the gravel area in front of the school. They were both sweaty and short of breath as if they had ran to the school, but they both had wide stupid smiles. People who were late didn't have wide stupid smiles. I approached slowly, and look for any other clues as to their activities. Was that drool on their cheeks? Mom looked tired. Perhaps they had been making out, but there was this smell.

I hug them both in an inconspicuous attempt to triangulate the source of the smell. It got stronger near their faces and... Their hooves? I dash around mom to look excited, and attempt to locate the second source. Their was a soft stink in front, weak in their middle, and strong near their... rears...

Eeewww! I desperately fight off the images that swarm my brain as realization strikes. I had just HUGGED them, BOTH of them. Eeewww! This was wrong, so wrong. Yet, it was also a good sign for their relationship. Was it weird that I was thinking that then of all times?

I gave my mind a quick scrub-down, and tapped my snout twice. It was the signal for 'let's go someplace i can write down a message. She didn't bother to ask how my day had been, I would tell her soon enough. After giving them a naive 'I know nothing about what you two did' smile we were on our way to wherever mom had planned. I hoped it had apples.

I was lead to a obnoxiously tasty looking pastry shop. It had no name or sign to identify itself, but the look was unique enough to be unforgettable. It probably relied on word of mouth and just sheer sugary appearance. Stepping inside we found a mare and stallion tangling with what appeared to be two rapidly developing foals. One of the foals were a Pegasus while the other was a unicorn, but the parents were both Earthponies. (I never found out how they managed that.)

One of the parents, the large female, managed to extract herself to the counter. She had these odd pink and purplish colors, and a silly hat on her head.

" Welcome! Twilight, and..." She eyed my mom.

"Winter Radiance at your service, and you are?" My mom gave a slight bow.

"I'm Misses Cake. You wouldn't happen to be the mare Twilight has been mentioning as of late." So the mare knew Twilight personally. Personally enough to know she was dating, but distant enough to not be privy to Twilight's love interests.

"I might be" Mom gave the inquisitive Mrs. Cake a friendly smile. It was at this point that Mrs. Cake noticed me. With a big motherly expression on her face, not quite a smile, she stepped up to me.

"And who might you be?" She asked using the tone of a mother addressing a unknown child. It was safe to assume she had miscalculated my age. It wasn't arrogant or patronizing, yet it was still annoying.

It was time for the card again. Ignoring her surprised look I snatched a fresh card out of my bag and hoofed it to her. She read it much like Mr. Iron Bottom had, with her lips following along silently to the words that her eyes processed. She like the previous two receivers of the cards looked to another adult for confirmation. Dumb adults, I could answer my own questions! I had made those cards not mom or Twilight.

My mom gave the obligatory nod as did Twilight. "She is Winter Radiance's daughter." Okay that was out of the way time to eat!

"Hey Misses Cake! OH MY GOSH NEW PONIES!" Perhaps I thought too soon. "I've been gone for a week and haven't thrown a party for all the new ponies yet! Sorry, about that Twilight, normally I would have thrown a party for your marefriend already, but I can't be in two places at once. Unless I use that mirror again, but I promised not to do that so I couldn't. Unless that version of me that didn't promise that pulled me through again! I should send her a letter again, we have-" This mare was crazy!

"Umm hi, are you pi-" My mom began.

"HI! Who are you silly filly" AHHHHH! How did she get in my bag, how did she even, what, whaa! Must get away! I reared up and stumbled backwards.






I dreamed of mom and Twilight. I didn't remember anything besides that. It was one of those weird dreams you never want twice.






OOOWWWwwww... My head hurt! Where was I?!... Okay cheap green pain, cheap green sheets, cheap white ceiling material, tacky zebra wood flooring. I can say with a high amount of certainty that I am in the hospital.

Ohh look there is mom, and there is Twilight, and look at that pretty nurse... Wait what?... Nevermind.

"It looks as if somepony is awake now!" That was the nurse. Her voice was soft, considerate. My head hurt. Mom gave me a hug. It helped. Miss Twilight gave me a apologetic smile "Sorry that Pinkie gave you such a fright." Sp that was the name of the pink demon that ambushed me. Miss Twilight floated over a page of paper and a pencil with her magic.

I gave her a nod of thanks. Quickly I wrote 'This is the hospital, yes?' Miss Twilight nodded. I turned the page back around and wrote again. 'My head hurts. I hit it?' I heard hoof-falls from behind, but I was looking at mom and Twilight. Where had the nurse gone?

"Yes you did now look here" That must have been the nur- OWWWW! Ponyfeathers that was bright! " No sign of a concussion, good. Sorry for that. but we must be sure." My eyes cleared after a few seconds. The nurse was right in my face, looking deeply into my eyes. Her eyes were nice. Silence brain! She is looking for signs of head injury. My wings proved their usefulness once again by pressing against the bed. It was funny how they worked in every aspect but the one that was important.

"Hello my name is Nurse Redheart, and you are going home soon." Aww no more nursey, BRAIN SHUT UP! Bad brain. I picked up my paper and wrote 'Hello my name is Scribble, nice to meet you?' She gave me a silly smile. "Ohh I know your name Miss Cute." DARN-IT "Now you get plenty of rest when you get home. Understood?" I nodded weakly. "Good, now if she has anything beside a headache bring her right back."My mom and Twilight nodded solemnly. "I'll go get the check out paperwork." The nurse left the room, closing the door behind her softly.

"You feel ready to go home?" Mom was looking me over checking for further injury. I nodded impatiently. This bed was uncomfortable, but I would rather avoid their food. All hospitals had bad food, it was to help keep patients away, and it worked perfectly. The nurse poked her head into the room with a clipboard full of documents in her hoof.

"Miss Winter, I have the paperwork here for you." Mom nodded and left for the door. When mom was all the way out Miss Twilight leaned over the bed and whispered "I don't think the nurse noticed, but you should be more careful with your wings." She had seen? ohh... my... I covered my blush with my hooves. Miss Twilight giggled a little as my mom came back in, but she didn't tell my mom. I took her advice to heart.

"Time to go!" I looked around for a clock. quickly I wrote 'what time is it?' Mom pulled out a small griffon crafted pocket watch. I had seen that before, but I had never found out where she got it. I looked over at Twilight. She had a grin on her face. So that was where it came from! I should have known.

"It is almost time for dinner. You can tell us all about your day at school when we get home." Tell... us? Was Ms. Twilight coming home with mom? Mom helped me get off of my back and onto my hooves. Miss Twilight was carrying my pack. I guess that means she is.

We checked out of the hospital in short order, and soon enough mom and Twilight were playing 20 questions about my day. Miss Twilight started it off "So I'm guessing from your eagerness to write about it that your day was good." I nodded slowly, not wanting to tempt the headache fairies. Mom nudged me cheerfully.

"Make any friends?" I nodded again. Derpy! I would get to tell her all about Derpy when we got home. She would be so proud of me! I wondered momentarily what Depry is doing. "Good! That means we are gonna have a extra special dinner tonight!" Extra special??... That means... Apples! Lots and lots of apples!

Twilight tussled my mane lightly. I've made my decision, I like mom's new fillyfriend. She was marrying this mare if I could help it! "So what extra special dinner do you make for little Miss Scribble here?"

"Cute loves apples, and apple related dishes. You should see her devour a bag of the things like it was nothing." Mom informed Twilight with a small laugh in her tone.

"Is that so? Well one of my friends just happens to own Sweet Apple Acres.Have you heard of it?" Heard of it?! HEARD OF IT! Those were like the best apples, EVER! Miss Twilight Rocked! I gave her a big hug of approval. If mom didn't marry her I might!

"Well it looks like you have won her over." Mom moved closer and hugged me between her and Twilight.

"What about you? Have I won you over?" Mom leaned over and gave Miss Twilight a kiss in response. It was a sweet little peck, nothing gross at all. Twilight gave mom a peck and we continued our walk homeward. Is this what having a mom and dad felt like? this was awesome. I could live like this.

Ponyville was wonderful! Family, friends, this place had everything! I... I ... I wish I could speak just long enough to shout out in joy. My midnight prayer would be extra special tonight. Hail Fantasi! This was so much better than Manehatten. Sure it had bullies and this mysterious "Pinkie", but mom was so happy. I had friends. Things were great! When we got home mom and Twilight went in as I had predicted. Life is awesome! Mom had brought home a couple Coltfriends and a quite few fillyfriends, but this was just... different. Those had been more private affairs. This was a... family sort of thing.

Ohh and Twilight was one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. That didn't count for anything in my book when it came to dating my mom, but it felt different doing stuff like this with her. When she and mom went into the kitchen I could smell the high grade Sweet Apple Acres product being cooked for me. It would be a feast fit for kings... speaking of royalty I should go doodle up Sir Crisplovin and Ravenhoof and tell them about my day!

with a bright smile on my face I climbed up the stairs to my room one at a time. There were four rooms on the upper floor of my house, one was just a closet, one was my room, and the last one was mom's room. I pinched my nose as I passed mom's door. Better safe than sorry! With a smile I step into my room.

It was white walled, with red trim on almost everything. my curtains were red also, but a lot of my furniture was a soft blue. The red and the white matched my mane and coat, but the blue was way softer than my eyes. My eyes were a bright deep blue, and a bit too intense for a room color.

Dominating one whole side of the room was my drawing supplies. Mostly cheap paper and expensive pencils. There were a few super fine point markers, and one or two shade sticks. The only furniture over here was my desk and chair, both were a combination of red and white.

I drew up the strange bipedal creature I had been inspired to draw on the day I got my cutie mark. He had strange steel armor covering him up from neck to toe. Toes were apparently the digits on the end of his feet. I had never actually seen them, but he said they were there. I had seen his face, it was was partly bald with hair mostly around his mouth and some over his eyes. He had a whole lot more hair on top.

Once I finished my sketch both of them filed in with color on the page. Sir Crisplovin had pale light skin with a blonde mane and grey armor. Ravenhoof was black coated and maned, with deep red eyes. Did I mention the fact that Ravenhoof was a vampony princess? Yeah she is pretty cool.

I made my summary of today's events quick. Ravenhoof laughed when I told them about my mom and Twilight smelling. Before I could discuss it with them mom called from the kitchen.

"Hey Cute dear, Dinner is ready!" Time for awesome dinner time with Twilight and mom. With a promise of talking tomorrow and a hug I sent Crisplovin and Princess Ravenhoof on their way with my eraser.

Author's Note:

hey! I need a active editor still, if you want the job, please do a edit of one of my rewrites.