• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 8,217 Views, 235 Comments

Don't Call me Cute! - Viking Hoof

Scribble is a young, smart, and (as much as she might hate the word) cute filly, but she has a lot on her plate at the moment. She's beginning to become a young mare rather than the young filly she was before, her mother is entering into a very

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Scribble5: Wings, Manebrushing, and Growing Up

I smiled as dawn's first blue rays touched my eyes. It was a pleasant way to wake up, but the bed was far too warm and cozy to wake up. It would be a egregious waste to get up now.

"Come on sleepy head! Get up." Mom ordered quietly. Too softly to be firm. "Come on Scribble. It's morning." Wait, that wasn't my mom. Mom called me cute in the morning. "Scribbllleee." Twilight talked like that. Why was Twilight waking me up?

This was weird enough to catch my attention, and I found sleep to be gone with the wind. Now I turned to Twilight with my eyes squinted against the light.

"Hey sleepy, your mom is making breakfast. She said I should help you brush your mane." Twilight... brush my mane... this could be interesting. With the assistance of Twilight I got out of bed. I then assumed the manebrush submission position, aka sitting on my flank.

"Okay, now I don't have much practice brushing other pony's manes." Uh oh. "But I've read up on it when your mom told me how long your mane was." Insightful, but double uh oh. "Now try not to move." Three strikes! My calm was out!

Sensing the approach of the brush my body tensed itself. My mom had been brushing my mane for years, and she was terrible. There was no way Twilight was any gooo-

To my intense euphoric surprise, I was dead wrong. Twilight's brush passed gently through my mane. It seemed to pull stress and anxiety out with the little tangles in my hair. There wasn't any sharp tugs or scalp scratching. Every pass was soft pleasant and cozy. My front legs even buckled sleepily as I felt a sense of comfort fill my being.

Each perfect moment was followed by another, but right before she was done she stopped.

"Scribble, I didn't think it was that good." She comments teasingly, but with a awkward undertone. Confused and dazed from the brushing, I had no idea what she was talking about, but there was a tugging sensation along my shoulders. My wings itched. Most things were numb.

Confused, I turned around to see what was wrong. Horrified, I discovered I had a wing boner! The darn things were pointing straight up.

Oh Fantasi no! Wings how could you?!

Don't blame us, brain told us to do it! Stupid wings! Is this all you would ever be good for?!

"Uhh Scribble, if you need a moment I can go." Twilight announced awkwardly.
Oh Fantasi, I blushed so hard, but nonetheless I nodded. "So you later then."

Thus began my morning.

It was several minutes before I could come downstairs. Mom and breakfast were waiting for me, but Twilight was thankfully absent. I'm not sure I could have faced had at that time. As I skin discovered it was hard enough to look mom in the eye.

"Scribble," she addressed, "do you want to talk about what happened with Twilight?" No, I didn't. I shook my head in an emphatic no. She just sighed tiredly. "Eat your omelette," mom ordered, and I did. It was silent and awkward.

When we finished mom silently put my backpack and we headed out.

Two steps out of the door, mom stopped me with a hoof.

"Scribble... Twilight told me about the incident at the hospital... Was that the first time?" To be honest, it was my first time. I nodded, slowly but honestly. "Scribble... I know you are mature for your age, but from what I've read you are entering early." I was? That... that didn't sound good at all. Mom looked dead serious, and that didn't help. "Scribble, I think you should take the day off today. If you are early, than there might be some... issues coming up. Do you understand?" I thought I did... I nodded. "Okay, I still need to go to work. You know where we keep the phone numbers, don't burn the house down. Twilight will be checking on you soon, roger?"

Mom was acting way off, and I felt a deep dark pit in my stomach just thinking about what that could mean, but I nodded confirmation.


As much as I loved taking the day off, this wasn't a oppurtunity I couldn't miss. This was the perfect time to work on my plans to take over the world get mom and Twilight to marry! To start off my plotting session I drew up some basic guidelines for my plan.

Secret Plan to Take Over the World Get Mom and Twilight Married.

part 1) involve Twilight in daily activities in my life.

goal 1) make the "parenting me" part of marrying mom more familiar to Twilight and less daunting as a result.

part 2) Make all of Twilight's friend like or at least not dislike me and mom.

goal 2) Eliminate possible sources of outside interference.

part 3) actively show support for Twilight and be really nice to her, especially in front of mom

goal 3) help mom see Twilight less as fillyfriend and more as a partner.


Goal 2 would be hard. Tomorrow was Pinkie's welcome to ponyville party, and there was no way that pink... thing wouldn't mess up mom and Twilight's day.

"Aw, don't bee like that." HOW THE BUCK?! I rolled around and my heart stopped. It was Pinkie, she was in my room! SHE WAS IN MY HOME! By Celestia's beard! My hooves flailed around and I made my best to escape. In the end I just flopped off my bed, and onto the painful, painful, floor.

Floors hurt.

"are you okay?" The Pink One spoke. I tried my best to ignore her and gather my poor shattered nerves. When I looked up her head was peeking over my blue sheets and had a bright wide smile. That smile scared me. "I gosh, I totally forgot! You can't talk."

I flinched at there rather direct comment. The smiling one said mean things, big surprise. "silly me, that was mean. I don't try to be mean, but sometimes I just, whoops! Like that time I tried to help my donkey friend. I don't have many donkey friends, but not many donkeys live in Ponyville. I wonder what a donkey oriented town ad would look like? I-"

The Pink One kept rambling and rambling as I slowly recovered from my fall. Gladdened by its distraction, I did not move to awake it from its vocal day dream. Instead, I made a direct B-Line for the door. Mom told me to avoid ponies who were high, and sober ponies didn't jump up and down like a bunny eating a pound of sugar.

"Come now, you don't think it will be that easy to escape being hugged!" She called out, and before I could blink we were a tangled pile of hooves on the other side of the room. Vainly, I tried to escape, but she hugged like a octopus, and I kept seeing five pink legs. Strangely, I didn't begin to panic until she started tickling me.

The second her hooves went for my side I began kicking like a broken steam engine. I wriggled, wrangled, and rattled trying to escape. These were in vain as well.

There was no escape from the tickle monster.


I awoke hours later covered in sweat and tears. I had fainted while being tickled.

Embarrassed, exhausted, and annoyed, I nonetheless had an idea. Pinkie was treating me like a kid, Twilight did it too sometimes, why not use it? A properly implemented crayon on a strategic white paper would be perfect! It wouldn't be nearly as effective on mom, but there had been a few subtle hints that Twilight was the pace setter in their relationship anyway.

It couldn't be too childish. Twilight knew I had brains and drawing skills, but it had to have an innocent feel to it. Something would really get the whole "you can marry my mother already," vibe. Sadly, I didn't have the right supplies to make the card, but luckily mom wouldn't mind if I made a quick trip to the local crafts store. Leaving a note, just in case she came back early.

How to do-


I flinched in surprise as the loud interjection was cried out by a pony dowmthe street. It caught me by surprise, and was mysterious enough to catch my attention. Thus intrigued, I turned. Thus horrified, I turned back and ran like Tartarus!

Running at full gallop down the street was some fully clothed mare with goggles! I didn't get a good look at her colors, but she was galloping right at me!

I wasted no time kicking my flank into gear, and her charge became a chase. Except, as I mentioned before, I'm not a fast pony. Moments after I sighted her a large weight slammed into me from behind, and then it grabbed me with the strength of a octopus.

Not that I've ever been grabbed by an octopus... Why do I keep using that analogy?...

I kicked and struggled as I had with pinkie with similar results. This new madmare just wouldn't let go!

"Girls I've caught ze filly!" That was the madmare calling out again. I rolled my eyes at her obvious lost marbles. Seriously, there was no way there were mares going around kidnapping fillies. She had to be some lone but calling out to voices in her hea-

A fifth hoof grabbed me, then another! She wasn't a lone nut. There were a whole bag of pistachios kidnapping me! I tried to bite one, but they just kept coming!

"Hurry, ve must get to ze photo-shoot!" The first maniac called out. Photo shoot probably meant taking me somewhere and shooting me in the head!

"Now Finish, you know that wé can't do that without her mother's permission." Huh? Why would they need my mom's permission to kill me? Why was a Prench mare helping kidnap me?

"Do ve have to?"

"Sí." That was a third voice, sponish or marexican. If never heard of such a ethnically diverse bunch of nutjobs. They sounded like they were about to walk into a bar as part of a joke.

I was tired from this morning's ambush, and these mares weren't acting like I'd thought foalnappers would. With little choice in the matter, I stopped struggling.


Mom stood in the doorway. It looked like she just got home. In her telekinetic grasp was my note, and on her face was a frown. I think the frown was at me and at the mares.

"So let me get this straight. You snatched my daughter out of the street, so that you could take photos of her in various outfits. Now you want my permission to take those photos." My mom chided. The three maccadamian mares nodded in nonchalant unison. I was somehow caged between two of them, and mom was looking at me not them.

"Ve believe your daughter has just ze magick I need to make ze magicks!" The main mare answered cheerfully. I wasn't sure what she meant by that. Mom looked into my eyes, and then put a hoof to her chin as if thinking.

"Scribble, have you cleaned your room?" I blinked in complete surprise at her question. I hadn't expected that question at all, but I hadn't, so I shook my head no. "She's all yours."

I stared at my mom in open mouthed horror. She just laughed and closed our front door. Moments later she opened it again.

"you said 600 bits, yes?" The germaren mare nodded. "Have fun!" The door slammed shut and so did all hopes of escaping.

The three mares escorted me through town like a prized prisoner. Some ponies stared, some ponies gawked, but everypony noticed our little procession. By the time we stopped I was sure that everpony in town had seen me.

We stopped in front of a big fanciful carousel. Its windows were high, and it's arches went low. Overall, it looked like a somepony had wanted to make a mansion, but ran out of money one room in and decided to just add another floor.

This was no place for fillies like me, but the three mares blocked my escape and in the end I had to enter.

Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic unique and magnifique!" This was no place for me at all! Again I tried to escape, but again they blocked me. I heard hoofsteps, and then a white coated and purple maned mare appeared. "Why Photofinish, how wonderful it is too see you again!" She came and shook the germaren mare's hoof in a friendly but professional fashion. "I assume this adorable little filly is your next model?"

The germaren mare nodded. "Ja, zis one vill make ze magicks with me. I require several dresses and a series of bows. Can you do zis?"

The white one laughed softly as if she had heard a joke. "Why Photo, I'm insulted you even asked. I can do a girl of any age!" She then paused as if in deep thought. "Is she a willing model, or will I need help?" I gave the mare a hard glare. "Good, I like a challenge."

Author's Note:

I realize that this was all over the place, but that's puberty. I do intend to rewrite, but if I didn't publish this now then I would be stuck indefinitely.