• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 8,431 Views, 248 Comments

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal - JPtheRobotHedgehog

Two speeders and their friends, new human friends, a new dimension, one epic adventure!

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Origin Story Time! - Part 1: The Mane Party


Episode 19:

Origin Story Time! - Part 1: The Mane Party

The next day, it was just another normal day for the Thorndyke Family and their otherworldly guests. Chris and Kat got up early, got dressed, had their breakfast and went off to school on their skate and roller skates respectively, as they said good bye to their grandpa, maid, butler and guests. After that, our heroes decided to continue on expanding the Animal Friends’ Mansion, with the three teams playing their roles: material gathering, construction and heavy lifting.

The day went by without much incident, Chris and Kat returned from school and brought their classmates, Danny, Frances, Nate, Lucy and Tucker, with them. The two Thorndyke siblings already told them everything and that they were building a new home for the Animal Friends and they all agreed to help out. Danny, Nate and Tucker agreed to help with the heavy lifting, while Lucy and Frances helped with the construction.

Later that evening, the building now had six floors and more of the animal friends were able to move in. They also managed to add a bit more furniture to make it more homely and comfortable. The heroes decided to cal it a day and returned back to the Thorndyke Mansion for dinner, with Chris and Kat’s classmates staying over as well.

“So, Celestia told us her history with Steam and the whole “Eternal Peace Project”, but now we’d like to know your stories.” Kat said to the Mane Party.

“Our stories?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, like how did each of you guys become who you are now and how you all met.” Kat said.

“Oh! I’m curious as well!” Lucy said.

“Yeah, same here!” Danny said.

“Same here too!” Frances said.

“I’m kind of curious too.” Chris said.

“Me too.” Nate said.

“Sure! You guys up for it?” Rainbow asked the Sonic Heroes and the others.

“Yeah!” The Sonic Heroes and the others replied in unison, while Sonic himself simply said, “Sure, why not.”

“Okay, then, who wants to go first?” Twilight asked her friends.

“Oh! Me first! Me first!” Pinkie shouted while waving her right forehoove in the air.

“Alright Pinkie, go for it.” Twilight said.

“Yay!” Pinkie cheered before clearing her throat and began her story, “Okay, so, it all started back when I was just a wee little filly, and as some of you already know, I used to live in a rock farm just outsider of Ponyville, with my mom, my dad and my sisters. And let me tell you, it was the most boring life ever! All we ever did was harvest and mine for rocks, to be sold as building material, or even as pets, like my sister Maud does (she even owns a pet rock of her own), heck, sometimes we even sold rocks…as FOOD!”

“Food!?” Everyone except the Equestrians asked in confusion.

“Don’t ask, just roll with it.” Rainbow told them.

“Yeah, so anyway, me and family all ever did was farm rocks, all day long. There was no talking, no smiles, just rocks.” Pinkie continued, “One day, we were in the South field, getting ready to rotate the rocks to the East field, when all of a sudden…there was a big explosion sound that echoed throughout the entire farm and in the sky, I saw…a rainbow-colored wave that cleared away the otherwise cloudy and miserable sky, turning it into a clear sunny sky, with a big rainbow and all! It was the first time that I have experienced joy in all my life! It was like nothing I had ever experienced before! I just wanted to keep smiling forever and ever, and I wanted everyone I knew to do the same! Unfortunately, rainbows don’t last forever, so I had to think of another way to make ponies smile!”

“Let me guess: you threw a party?” Chris asked.

“Yupperuney! While my family was busy, I’ve secretly set up a surprise party inside the farm’s silo!” Pinkie continued on, “When I showed my family the party I set up…well, at first they all gasped in surprise, and they looked like they were about to cry as if they were disapointed in me for doing something that wasn’t rock related, or so I thought, because afterwards, they all…SMILED! I realized that their reaction was of somepony who never smiled and by extention, never felt happiness or joy before and was experiencing it for the first time in their lives! In other words, my surprise party was a success and me and my family became closer than ever before!”

“Wow!” The others responded in awe as they found the story pretty heartwarming. Chris and Kat looked at each other and both realized they had the same idea for the next time their parents come home.

“Not only that, that’s how I got my cutie mark, after realizing that my calling in life is to make everypony smile and bring happiness and joy to their lives! That’s why, when I got old enough, I left my rock farming days behind and moved to Ponyville, where my noble mission to bring smiles and happiness began! And that, my friends, is how Equestria was made!”

Record Scratch noise in the background

“Wait, what!?” Everyone’s faces turned from awe to confusion just from that last thing Pinkie just said.

“What story were we listening to again?” Danny asked in confusion.

“About how I realized that making everyone in Equestria smile in happiness was my calling in life, duh!” Pinkie said with a cheeky smile.

“Ha! I get it!” Lucy said with a smile.

“Ooookay…?” Danny said, “That didn’t really answer my question but, I guess this means your story is over?”

“Yup-yup! Who’s next?” Pinkie asked her friends.

“I’ll go next.” Applejack volunteered.

“Okay Applejack, go right ahead.” Twilight said.

Applejack cleared her throat as she began telling her story, “So, as y’all know, mah family and I live on an apple farm known as Sweet Apple Acres, harvestin’ apples, sellin’ them to Ponyville and to the rest of Equestria, all in good family business. While ah am happy with this life now, I wasn’t initially fond of it. As a filly, what I wanted at the time was to live a more sofisticated life in the big city. So ah left my Granny Smith and Big Mac in charge of the farm (Applebloom was still a foal at the time), as I moved to the big city of Manehatten, to live with my uncle and aunt Orange. I though I would finally find my calling in life in the most metropolitan city in all of Equestria, but sadly that wasn’t the case. While mah Uncle and Aunt Orange did welcome me with open hooves and even showed me the ropes…being proper, just wasn’t mah style and I felt like a complete stranger makin’ a fool of herself in front of all the other sophisticated ponies. Ah just couldn’t get used to the big city life, nor could I get over mah life on the farm. I’ve never felt so homesick in mah whole life and I wished I could just go back to that kind of life again, and then, that’s when it happened! All of a sudden, Ah heard na explosion and afterwards, a rainbow appeared and it was pointin’ right at Ponyville, where Sweet Apple Acres was. Seeing this made me realize where mah callin’ in life was. Ah quit tryin’ to be proper and moved back to Sweet Apple Acres, where Big Mac and Granny Smith welcomed me with open hooves. And that’s how ah got this here Cutie Mark. And Ah’ve been happily livin’ and workin’ at the farm ever since!”

“Wow!” The others said, while others nodded and smiled.

“We wouldn’t have minded if ya decided to stay with yer Aunt and Uncle Orange, but Ah sure am glad to have you around Applejack.” Granny Smith said, “To be honest, life on the farm wasn’t quite the same without you, ain’t that right Big Mac?”

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh said in agreement.

“Aw, shucks.” Applejack said, as she tipped her hat, “Y’all are makin’ me blush.”

“I’m guessing you’re actually unhappy living in a big mansion here, huh?” Chris asked.

“Nah, not at all.” Applejack said, “Ah mean, sure, Ah miss the farm, but I’m used to stayin’ in the big city and big fancy mansions after all mah travels with mah friends and all the family reunions. Plus, you and Kat are quite casual despite comin’ from a sophisticated family, unlike many that Ah have seen. It’s quite refreshin’ if Ah’m bein’ honest with y’all.”

“Yeah, most rich people tend to be snobbish, stuck-up or arrogant.” Rainbow said, “No offense.”

“None taken.” Chris said, “But I do know what you mean Rainbow. Kat and I have been to a lot of rich folk parties, and while some of them are decent, others tend to be exactly like how you described them.”

“Like that spoiled, whiny little daddy’s girl, Milan Ramanda.” Kat said with an annoyed look.

Every human present in the room groaned in annoyance when Kat brought up this “Milan Ramanda”, all having had awful experiences with that girl.

“Who’s Milan Ramanda?” Amy asked.

“Just your typical spoiled, snobby, mean rich girl, and nothing more.” Kat said.

“Is she from your school?” Sonic asked.

“No, she attends a private school across town.” Kat said, “But we have run into her a couple of times both at parties and events, and sometimes even in our everyday life. She also seems hate mine and Chris’ guts just because we’re just as rich as she is and will do anything in her power just to prove how “superior” she and her family are compared to us.”

“She’s no different than a mosquito buzzing in our ears.” Lucy said with an annoyed expression.

“So she’s basically a human version of Diamond Tiara…great.” Scootaloo said.

“Diamond Tiara? Who’s that?” Tails asked them.

“A spoiled rich unicorn filly, who has a thang against “blank flanks” like me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom said.

“Geez, no matter what dimension you live in, I guess there is always going to be a spoiled rich mean girl, huh?” Nate asked.

Everyone at the table chuckled nervously, but then sighed with an annoyed expression regarding the subject.

“Well, let’s forget about that for the time being and focus onto the next story.” Twilight said, “Rarity?”

“Certainly darling.” Rarity said, as she cleared her throat and told her story, “As a filly, fashion has always been my calling. I poured my heart and soul to make them FABULOUS! But no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get it right! I couldn’t make the outfits the way I wanted them to! I knew was missing something, but I didn’t know what! And then suddenly, my horn started acting on its own and carried me all across the land. Normally, I would try to fight back, but unicorn magic doesn’t happen without a reason. I knew it had something to do with my talent, and that it would lead me to my Destiny! And that Destiny was…a rock! A really big rock! At first I was upset, thinking that my horn was playing tricks on me. But then, there was a big explosion and rainbow colored wave spreading across the sky, causing the big rock to split in half, revealing what was inside it: a whole pile of BEAUTIFUL gemstones! It was the most SMASHING sight I’ve ever seen and at that moment I’ve realized, that THAT was what I needed to prefect my dresses!”

“You used the gemstones to make dresses?” Frances asked.

“That’s right! I’ve decorated my dresses with real-life jewels!” Rarity said with pride, “When the audience saw the actors at the play, wearing my costumes decorated with the gemstones I had found, they were amazed by it! Thanks to the show’s success, I’ve realized that my talent comes from finding gemstones that I use for my fashion!”

“Well, those gemstones you and Spike dug up for the Animal Friends’ new home certainly made that place even better!” Pokey said.

“Indeed!” Clucky said.

“I also can’t wait to try out those dresses we’ve been working on in our spare time!” Amy said.

“Oh, I want to try them!” Lucy said.

“Same!” Kat said.

“Do you also make outfits for men?” Nate asked.

“Certainly, dear!” Rarity said.

“Then count me in too!” Nate said.

“Wait, can she also make outfits for two-legged species?” Danny asked.

“Well, I’ve only started to learn how to make outfits for bipedal species when I arrived in this world, but sure, I can make it happen! I love a good challenge!” Rarity said.

“Then I’m in!” Danny said.

“Hey, don’t leave me out!” Tucker said.

Rarity giggled, “Alright darlings, I’ll make the most FABULOUS outfits for you all! I’ll even include you too Ella and Tanaka, as well as Mr. And Mrs. Thorndyke.”

“Why, thank you Rarity.” Ella said.

“I, Tanaka, would be honored to try your fashion.” Tanaka said.

“Excelent!” Rarity said, “Now, I believe Twilight is up next?”

“I guess I am.” Twilight said, as she cleared her throat and began her story, “As a young filly from Canterlot, I have always wanted to go to the Summer Sun Celebration, where Princess Celestia would raise the sun, and I saw the most amazing and wonderful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“The Summer Sun Celebration?” Kat asked.

Celestia looked at Luna, who nodded, and she cleared her throat, “The Summer Sun Celebration is an event mainly for commemorating my defeat over Nightmare Moon, who tried to cover Equestria in eternal darkness. Or at least it was…but now it is to celebrate the return of my dear sister Luna.”

“Ooooh!” The human children said in awe.

Celestia looked at Twilight, who nodded as she continued on, “And so, watching Princess Celestia raising the sun at the event, inspired me to learn everything there is about magic! I’ve pulled all-nighters, reading and studying about magic. I ended up reading every book in my own personal library, as well as Canterlot’s pubic library’s books!”

“Really? Every single book from a WHOLE library!?” Frances asked.

“That’s right!” Twilight said with pride.

“That’s Twily for ya!” Shining Armor said, while Cadence giggled, along with Celestia and Luna.

“Wow, talk about dedication!” Danny said.

“Yeah!” Nate said.

“Yup, Twilight’s an egg-head, through and through.” Rainbow said, before realizing what she said, “I mean, the GOOD kind of egg-head, not that other kind of egg-head.”

“We know Rainbow.” Sonic and the others replied in unison, with Cream adding the “san” at the end and Cheese chippering in his own language.

Twilight cleared her throat as she continued on, “After spending months of nothing but studying, my parents decided to enroll me into Princess Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns! I was so happy, it was like a dream come true! But…there was one problem: in order to enroll into the school, I had to pass an entrance exam! The judges and my parents were all there, watching me as I had to use my magic to hatch an egg! I knew that was the most important day, that my whole future depended on the outcome of this exam, and I…was about to blow it! All the pressure I felt while trying to hatch the egg, got to me. I couldn’t focus properly. I was making a fool of myself in front of everyone. But, just as I was about to give up, this big explosion noise and rainbow colored wave from outside startled me and all of a sudden I unleashed my magic, hatching the egg succefully! Although, I also ended up losing control of my magic, until Princess Celestia came in and calmed me down. She told me that I possessed magical talent unlike any other pony she’s come across and asked me to become her personal protege. With a little encouragement from my parents I accepted her offer, plus, that’s how I’ve also got my cutie mark!”

“And by the way, I was in that egg Twilight hatched!” Spike said.

“Really? So that’s how you came to live with ponies instead of with your kind?” Frances asked.

“Yup, and boy, am I glad!” Spike said, “Dragons in their natural habitat, they can be pretty nasty. This one time, in order to understand my origins better, I hung out with a group of teenage dragons, and while at first they mocked me for my small size and for socializing with ponies, they soon accepted me after taking a belly-flop dive in lava with them. However, things turned south when they encouraged me to crack a defenseless Pheonix egg. I refused, and they turned on me. Fortunately, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow, who have been following me this whole time came for my aid and stood up for me. It was on that day that I’ve learned that what’s important is not what you are, but who you are.”

“Wow!” The others responded in awe.

“So anyway, that’s the story of how I become Princess Celestia’s student and got my cutie mark.” Twilight said, “And Spike here was also taken under her wing and grew up to become my number one assistant and best friend.”

“Yes, indeed.” Celestia said with a smile, “And you have made quite the progress since then, especially after moving to Ponyville and meeting your friends.”

“I guess I did.” Twilight said blushing nervously, before looking at Fluttershy, “You’re next Fluttershy.”

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy said a bit shyly, but took a deep breath and told her story, “It all started at Summer Flight Camp. This may surprise you, but as a young filly, I was VERY shy…”

Oh really!?” The others said sarcastically in their thoughts, daring not to say it out loud.

“…not only that, I was also a very weak flyer.” Fluttershy continued, “Because of my shyness and weakness, I was always treated as the butt of everypony’s jokes. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life, then suddenly right out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash came to my aid. She stood up for me against the bullies that picked on me, and in order to defend my honor, she and the bullies decided to have a race, while I acted as the flagmare for the race. I waved the flag and Rainbow and the bullies were off at high speeds, but the tail wind created by their speed knocked me off the cloud I was standing on and I fell down to the surface. With my lack of proper training and confidence in my flying skills, I thought I was done for, but luckly, I ended up having a really soft landing on a swarm of butterflies. I was relieved, but also amazing at seeing these creatures for the first time in my life. After all, butterflies cannot fly as high as a pegasus can, nor have I ever been that close to the surface. It was my first time meeting all the wonderful creatures that lived on the ground: the butterflies, the squirrels in the trees, the cute little bunnies, the birds flying freely and the bees collecting the honey from the flowers, it was a truly magical place and I owed it all to the race! If I had known what life on the ground was like, I would have stayed and never leave! And then, there was this sudden explosion and a rainbow colored wave in the sky. It frightened all the animals, but I stood my ground and comforted the poor dears, ensuring them that everything was okay and it worked! It was then that I realized, I had the special ability to communicate with animals, unlike anypony else and…that’s how I got my cutie mark!”

“Wow, so you’re an expert on animals huh?” Frances asked.

“Yes, I love animals with all my heart! It doesn’t matter if they are small or big, cute or scary, I will look after them as if they were my own children!” Fluttershy said with pride.

“Unless they are big scary dragons.” Rainbow said, with a deadpan expression, “Which I think its kind of wierd, since you’ve managed to tame a seriously huge one with your “Stare”.”

“Don’t you mean the same dragon that you ended up waking from its 100 year long nap?” Applejack glared at Rainbow with a deadpan expression, “Because you know, yelling and hitting sleeping giant beasts is always a good idea.”

“You did what now!?” Ella asked.

“Huh?” Kat and the others looked at Rainbow.

“Yeah Rainbow, that wasn’t very smart.” Twilight scolded her, “If Fluttershy hadn’t come to our rescue, we’d be pony barbeque right now!”

“Uhhhh…” Rainbow tried to come up with a defense, but failed.

“Now, now, everyone.” Fluttershy defended her friend, “I know she made a mistake, but that’s no excuse to bully her! What’s done is done, and its time to move on!”

Twilight and Applejack flinched when Fluttershy defended Rainbow.

“Besides, I’m sure Rainbow has learned to never pick fights with giant sleeping creatures, right Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“Y-Yeah…” Rainbow said, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of such a dumb decision, before regaining her composure, “I still find it wierd that you are scared of any dragon that isn’t Spike.”

“Well, its like Spike said earlier, older dragons are…pretty nasty creatures. I’m not sure if my “Stare” would work on them the same way it did to that large dragon.” Fluttershy said.

“You mean like how your “Stare” had no effect on Eggman?” Spike asked.

“Yes, while my “Stare” has been very effective on all misbehaving creatures, there have been a few who aren’t intimidated in the slightest, like that awful Eggman.” Fluttershy said.

“Uh, not to sound ignorant, but what is this “Stare” you guys are talking about?” Chris asked.

“Fluttershy may look fragile and innocent, but she can be very harsh and intimidating when she’s angry or serious!” Rainbow explained, “There aren’t many who haven’t cryed their eyes out and begged for forgiveness after looking directly into her eyes when she’s mad.”

“Yikes! Remind me to never make you mad Fluttershy!” Danny said.

“Uh, don’t make me mad???” Fluttershy said awkwardly.

“Ok…?” Danny said, raising his eye brow.

“Well, I guess this means its time for Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said.

“Finally!” Rainbow said, “And if you guys have been paying attention to my friends stories, then buckle up, cuz its time for the grand finale!”

“Alright!” Kat said.

“Oh boy, can’t wait!” Lucy said excitedly.

“Alright Rainbow Dash, shot!” Nate said.

Rainbow Dash stood up proudly and told her story, “As Fluttershy already told you, she was picked on a lot by bullies, at the Flight Summer Camp, and as her friend, I stood up for her and the bullies decided to hold a race against me. Not one to turn down a challenge, I accepted, not just to teach those bullies a lesson, but to defend Fluttershy’s honor as well! Once Fluttershy gave the signal, the race was on! Me and the bullies raced against one another across the race track, going through every cloud ring from start to finish. I have never flown like that before! That freedom was unlike anything I have ever felt! The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my mane, I LOVED it! But, the one thing loved even more than flying fast, was winning! All my willpower and determination to win the race helped me achieve what was once thought to be impossible! I broke the sound barrier and performed the Sonic Rainboom for the very first time!”

“Wow!” The others said in awe.

“Many believed that the legendary “Sonic Rainboom” was just an old fairy tale, but on that day when I discovered my love for racing, I ended up proving that the legends were true! I’ve made the impossible, possible!” Rainbow Dash said with pride, “And that my friends, is how I’ve earned my cutie mark!”

“I get it now!” Kat said, “That big explosion and rainbow wave that the others mentioned, it was you performing your first Sonic Rainboom, wasn’t it?”

“That’s right!” Rainbow said.

“So her first Sonic Rainboom caused a chain of events that lead Twilight and the others into discovering their calling in life and earn their cutie marks?” Chris said.

“Yup, even though we haven’t met each other yet, besides Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, we were already connected since that fateful day!” Twilight said, “If Rainbow hadn’t performed her Sonic Rainboom on that day, we would have never have discovered our Cutie Marks.”

“We all owe our cutie marks to her!” Rarity said.

“Aw shucks guys.” Rainbow smiled as her friends gathered around her for a group hug.

“Awww.” Everyone said, while Sonic, the Princesses, Czar, Hawkeem, LT and Tanaka all smiled.

“Ewww! All this sappiness is making me wanna lose my dinner!” Scootaloo whined.

“Aw can it Scoots!” Applebloom said as she and Sweetie Belle hugged from both left and right sides respectively, causing her to roll her eyes.

“So then, how did you guys end up meeting each other?” Nate asked.

“Well, it all started when Princess Celestia tasked me and Spike to supervise on the preperations for the Summer Sun Celebration, in Ponyville.” Twilight said, “Before I met my friends, I was so focused on my studies that I didn’t have time to make friends, but Princess Celestia insisted that I did so by socializing with its citizens. And that’s when I ran into my friends along the way. First Pinkie, then Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and finally Fluttershy. I honestly didn’t care about making friends with them at first, I was too focused to warn the Princess about the return of Nightmare Moon, which was going to happen on the very day of the Celebration…and that’s what ended up happening. Nightmare Moon returned and casted all of Equestria into eternal night. And with the Princess gone and imprisoned, I had find the Elements of Harmony, since they were the only artifacts that could defeat her. My friends came to my aid, even though I was reluctant to, but it turns out, if not for them, I would have never have found the Elements of Harmony, let alone defeat Nightmare Moon all by myself. With Applejack’s honesty, Fluttershy’s kindness, Pinkie Pie’s laughter, Rarity’s generocity, Rainbow Dash’s loyalty and with my magic, together we used the magic of friendship to find the elements of harmony and defeat Nightmare Moon! Upon her defeat, she reverted back into Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia free from her prison, reunited with her sister.”

“Wow!” The others said.

“My, you’ve been on quite the adventures, haven’t you?” Ella asked.

“It’s never a dull moment with you, is it?” Chuck asked.

“And we wouldn’t have it any other way!” Rainbow said.

“And now you have us as your friends!” Lucy said.

“And us too!” Tails said.

“Thanks guys, we appreciate it.” Twilight said.

Time passed as eveyone enjoyed their dinner while they listened to more stories from the rest of the Mane Party. The CMC tell their story of how they became friends and formed their group to try and find their Cutie Marks; Derpy tells about her story of how she got her Cutie Mark for making bubbles, but also got a job as Ponyville’s local mail courior; LT told his story of how he used to eat ponies like the rest of his kind, but stopped doing it after realizing that gave them a really bad reputation among ponykind for cruely devouring their species and has since decided to only eat anything that doesn’t talk, or isn’t a pet, in order to show that not all sahuagins are as bad as they think; Shining Armor and Cadence told their story of how they got together and eventually got married, and even shared some of their favourite stories with Twilight from when she was younger, and the Princess sisters and Czar told their story of how their kingdoms became allies.

Hawkeem however, was a little reluctant to share his own story, telling everyone that he’ll tell his when he feels more comfortable with it, leaving the others a little disapointted but decided not to press him for it. Perhaps another time…

After dinner was over, Chris and Kat’s classmates said their good byes and left for home as our heroes waved them good bye. Afterwards, they all decided to cal it a day and went to sleep, getting ready to go to bed…

“Hey Sonic.” Tails said.

“Yeah Tails?” Sonic asked.

“Since Twilight and the others shared their stories, do you think we should also share ours with them?” Tails asked.

“Sure, tomorrow maybe.” Sonic said, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need some shut eye.”

“Okay, good night Sonic.” Tails said.

“Night.” Sonic replied, as he went for the rooftop and went to sleep under the stars, while Tails and the others went inside. Rainbow Dash slept on her cloud in the sky just above the mansion.

Author's Note:

I’m getting tired of explaining why I keep taking so long, so I’ll just go ahead and say: R&R and I’ll try to get the next one out ASAP. No promises though.