• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 8,431 Views, 248 Comments

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal - JPtheRobotHedgehog

Two speeders and their friends, new human friends, a new dimension, one epic adventure!

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Big's Big Fishing Adventure


Episode 22:

Big’s Big Fishing Adventure

Flashback to the beginning of everything…

Big the Cat and his best friend Froggy, were taking a nap under a tree while they were fishing at the lake, under the moonlight on that once peaceful and quiet nighttime.

Suddenly Big woke up at the sound of an alarm coming from the distance. Curious, he turned his head over to where the sound was coming from and saw a tall tower in the distance.

The large cat tilted his head in confusion as to what all that could be about.

“Ribbit…” Froggy woke up, as he looked up to his best pal and wondered what was happening.

“I don’t know Froggy, but whatever is going on over there doesn’t sound like something we should be involved with.” Big said, “Hopefully nothing comes our way.”

“Ribbit?” Froggy asked in his frog language.

“You think it could have something to do with that giant mustached egg that your frog friends talk about?” Big asked, “Maybe. But if it is, I’m sure the “Hedgehog-san” that your friends have also mentioned will take care of him.”

In the distance, they heard mechanical whirs, explosions, gunfire and such, followed by the sound of a bi-plane, and then they noticed a blue blur smash its way into the tower.

“You know Froggy? You may be right about the bad mustached egg and Hedgehog-san.” Big said as he looked at Froggy, “What do you say we go look for another fishing spot, before…”

Suddenly, there was a bright light shining in the direction of the tower. Big and Froggy looked back and saw a huge bright light explosion headed right for them.

“Huh? What’s going on!?” Big asked just before he and Froggy both got engulfed in the explosion, as it continued to expand and swallowing up everyone and everything in its range, including our heroes and villains.

When the explosion was finally gone, everyone, including Eggman's tower, were all gone.

An unknown amount of time later…

Big’s POV

I must have been sleeping for quite a long time. As I opened my eyes, I could see the night sky and some trees, but…something did not feel right. As I got up onto a sitting position, I noticed that the lake was gone. Not only that, but the position of both the trees in the forest and the stars in the sky looked different from what I remember.

“Did I sleepwalk all the way to somewhere else?” I asked myself.

I looked around when I noticed something else was amiss, or rather, someone was missing!

“Froggy?” I called as I looked around to find my little buddy, only to notice that he was nowhere to be found, “Froggy? Where are you?”

I called, but no response.

“Froggy!” I called as I began walking around the unfamiliar forest, “Come on buddy, if you are here, then answer me! Froggy!”

I called and I called, but still no answer…

“Aw man! First, I go to sleep and wake up in some place I don’t know about, and now my little pollywog pal is missing!” I said, “Today is not my lucky day…”

Okay, let’s calm down and think back: the last thing I remembered was that big flash of light coming from the tower, then I must have fallen unconscious because it was so bright and when I woke up, I found myself in an unfamiliar location and somehow, me and Froggy got separated. The first thing I should do is familiarize myself with my new location and hopefully find my buddy. Yeah, let’s do that!

“Hang on Froggy, I’m coming!” I shouted out loud to motivate myself and began exploring the forest.

And so, I began my new adventure in this strange new place. The forest didn’t look that different from the ones I’m familiar with, but I could tell that it wasn’t one I’ve previously visited and the animals, at least the ones that came out at night, all quickly ran away from me as soon as I approached them or tried talking to them. Strange. I know I may look a bit scary because of how “big” I am, but I’ve never seen any animal run away from me in fear before. It’s almost like they have never seen a giant cat before.

Along the way, I ran into a lake. Using my trusty nose, I tried sniffing it in hopes of finding Froggy. Sadly, I didn’t find Froggy, but I did smell a lot of fish, some of which I’ve yet to catch. But no, fishing can wait! I need to find Froggy! Sorry Fish-san looks like I’ll have to leave you alone for now.

And so, I continued my search for Froggy while also exploring the forest. Again, I tried asking the animals about my pal, but they just ran away as soon as I got close to them. Am I really that scary? That made me feel a little blue. I hope I can gain their trust somehow.

After about an hour of walking, I got out of the forest and got onto a big concrete pathway while some strange lines in the middle and on the sides. What do they call it? Oh, a highway! I looked around and tried to sniff out Froggy, but still there was no sign of him.

“Froggy! Yoohoooooo!” I called out to him, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Still no reply unfortunately. I was getting worried about him. He couldn’t be…? No! I need to have faith! I know Froggy is somewhere around here, I just need to keep looking for him. So, I kept telling myself.

Just as I stepped onto the highway however, a pair of lights suddenly appeared from the left, followed by a roaring sound. I turned to look, while also shielding my eyes from the light. I couldn’t see very well, but I could tell something was headed my right towards me. I heard a loud noise coming from it too, it sounded like a “horn”? Then a screeching sound. And then…

Then the huge thing coming my way, with lights on the front and big wheels, came to a stop right in front of me. Oh, I remember what this huge thing is called! A truck! Then there were two more “horn” sounds and a voice yelling at me saying, “Hey! What’s the big idea! I could have run you over you know?”

I looked over and saw a…monkey that only has hair on their head and is wearing clothes? Oh wait! I remember what they are called! Humans! I’ve never seen one before, but that is what Froggy described from his frog friends’ descriptions. He looked angry.

“Hey! Did you hear me? Get off the road before I run you over!” the man shouted at me.

A blue vein popped out of his forehead.

“Um…” I spoke, “Excuse me, but you wouldn’t happen to have seen my friend anywhere?”

“The heck?!” the man’s angry expression suddenly shifted to surprised, “Wh-Who are you!? Or better yet, WHAT the heck are you!?”

“Hm? I’m a cat, and the name’s Big.” I replied, confused by the human’s sudden shift.

“Oh yeah, a giant talking cat, that explains everything!” the man said, “Look, I don’t know what your deal is, but if you don’t get off the road now, I’ll…”

“Wait! I am just looking for my friend! His name is Froggy, because he’s a frog! We got separated and I need to find him before something bad happens to him!” I tried to explain myself.

“Sorry big guy, but I haven’t seen any frogs! Now move! It’s not safe to just stand on the road and I’ll be in trouble if I don’t finish my delivery on time!” the man said.

“Oh, okay then…” I said sadly as he began making my way to the other side of the highway.

I looked back and saw the man leave while riding in his truck. He didn’t seem very nice, but at least he was kind enough to tell me what he knew about Froggy, even though he didn’t really know anything.

Also, is it really that surprising to see a “huge cat that can talk”, as he described? It’s as if wherever I ended up wasn’t even the same world I am from.

Wait! What if that is the case? What if that big ball of light sent me to some other world completely different from my own? What if I am not on my planet anymore? And if that is the case, is Froggy even HERE? Am I all alone? Will I ever be able to see him again?

I shook my head, “Get a hold of yourself Big!” I shouted to myself, “I can’t let such thoughts plague me! I need to keep looking and have faith that Froggy is here and safe!”

After motivating myself, I continued through the forest on the other side of the “road” and carried on my search. Along the way, I ran into another lake, with lots of fish, but still no Froggy. I wanted to fish so badly but fishing alone wouldn’t be as enjoyable without my pal, so I’ll had to keep searching.

I continued searching through the forest until I reached a farm. I sniffed the air and…I smelled a lot of animals and plants growing, but I still can’t pick up Froggy’s scent. Speaking of plants, I’m kind of hungry. Normally I eat fish and berries in the forest, but the food they were growing there was tasty looking. No, I shouldn’t take them! The people who own this farm will be very upset if I did!

My stomach kept growling as I hadn’t eaten anything for a while. Why did it have to come to this? And where could Froggy be right now?

“Maybe I can ask the people who own this farm for some food?” I wondered to myself.

I mean, it doesn’t hurt to try and maybe the people who run the farm are nicer than that truck driver.

I held back my hunger as I headed for the farmhouse and knocked on the door. I waited for a while, until someone answered the door.

“Good evening and how may I…” a human lady answered the door, her face looked happy, but then it switched to shocked and…horror?

Anyway, I went and asked, “Excuse me, but I’m hungry and I was wondering…”

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” the woman screamed before slamming the door on me. That wasn’t very nice. “Gregory! There is a massive monster cat outside!” I heard her yelling inside.

“Monster”? How rude. Still, I have a bad feeling about this. I’ve decided to leave before things get hairy. So, I left as soon as possible and hid behind some trees. I looked back and I saw the woman and a man, carrying a “boomstick”? I think.

“Where is it?” the man asked as he looked around, pointing his boomstick.

“I swear, he was right here by the door!” the woman said.

“You sure you weren’t imagining things? You have been working a bit too hard as of late.” The man asked.

“I know what I saw! He was here!” the woman assured, “He…probably just ran off somewhere!”

“Listen Heather, it’s late and you’re probably tired, and so am I, so what do you say we go to bed and rest up for tomorrow? We got work to do.” The man said.

The woman groaned in defeat, “Fine.” She said as they both went back inside and locked the door.

I saw the whole thing while I was hiding behind the trees. That was scary. I know I could probably take them on, but I don’t like resorting to violence. I’m still hungry, but it’s better not to steal from their farm, even though they thought I was a monster. I’ll have to keep going.

An hour later…

I searched and I searched, but still there was no sign of Froggy and my tummy is still rumbling. So far, these humans I’ve encountered were very mean. First the truck driver yelled at me, and then that farm couple tried to shoot me, thinking I’m a monster. I just hope the next one is nice…if I find another one that is…oh man, I’m so hungry!

“Maybe I should have just fished even without Froggy.” I told myself, “Oh Froggy, where could you be? I wish you were here…”

The more I walked, the louder my belly growled, and the weaker I felt, and then…I fell over and hit the ground with a loud thud and then…

Everything went black…


A long time ago, I was a little kitten just wandering in the jungle, with rumbling in my tummy. I didn’t know my parents and I was always living by myself. I could barely keep my belly happy just by eating berries and other fruit I could find. It wasn’t enough.

One day, I couldn’t find any more food and I grew really, really, hungry, but just when I thought it was all over for me, that’s when I met the greatest fisherman in the world: Froggy!

Froggy may seem like your everyday frog, but he’s a master angler. He took pity on me and offered me salmon he caught himself. I took a bite and…it was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted! After I finished, I asked him to take me under his wing, to which he accepted.

Since then, Froggy and I have been living together. He taught me the art of fishing, showed me how to build my own rod and instead of using bait, we used lures in order to catch fish. Every day was a bountiful day, as we caught a huge variety of fish and I’ve never been hungry again!

I owe everything to Froggy; He saved me from a life of loneliness and hunger and helped me find a place to belong. We happily live our lives filled with joy and our tummies filled with salmon and other tasty fish we caught!


I never want to be apart from him! If we get separated in one way or another, I think I might just…

“Hey! Wake up!”



I suddenly opened my eyes found myself face to face with…horses? Two horses. No wait, I think they are too small to be horses. Ponies, yeah, that’s right! Wait, talking ponies, but they aren’t anthropomorphic?

“Are you okay?” one of the ponies asked. Taking a better look, I noticed that the one who just asked me if I was okay, had a horn coming out of its forehead, magic mint coat, brilliant cyan mane and tail with a white streak, sunglow eyes, and a mark of a lyre on her flank.

“Uh…” I tried to speak, only to hear my tummy rumbling, “I’m hungry…like, really hungry.”

“Aw, you poor thing…” the other pony said. This one didn’t have a horn. She had a beige coat, pigment blue mane with a rose-pink streak, cerulean eyes and the mark on her flank were three objects that appeared to be either three bows, or three candies.

“Bon Bon, don’t you have anything to feed him?” the mint pony with the horn asked the beige one.

“Hold on.” The pony named “Bon Bon” pulled out something from her bag and handed it to me. They look like candies or bows, like the ones on her flank. “Here, maybe this will help your hunger a bit.”

“Thank you.” I said as I took them and put them in my mouth whole. Tasted like plastic.

“You dummy! You don’t eat the wrapping!” Bon Bon scolded, while the other pony giggled.

I spit out the candy, “Sorry.” I said as I removed the wrapping around the candy and put it in my mouth. It was too hard to chew but it had a sweet taste. So, this is candy? I’ve never had one before, but it tastes great! Not as good as fish, but I’ll take it anyway!

“Well? How is it?” Bon Bon asked.

“Still hungry, but I’m feeling a little better.” I said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome!” Bon Bon said with a smile.

“So, what exactly are you? A giant monster cat?” the other pony asked.

“I am just a cat, not a monster.” I said feeling a little hurt.

“Oh, sorry.” The mint pony said, “Anyway, guess we should introduce ourselves. My name is Lyra Heartstrings.”

“And I’m her best friend and roommate Sweetie Drops, but my friends call me Bon Bon.”

“My name is Big, Big the Cat.” I said, “Pleased to meet you and thank you for helping me.”

“So Big, what were you doing here? We just found you passed out in the middle of the forest.” Lyra said.

“Well, I was with my friend, and then there was a big light explosion, woke up in a strange place only to notice we got separated. I’ve been looking for my friend since, but I eventually got hungry, and I couldn’t find anything to eat and then…I guess I passed out from the hunger.” I explained.

“Wait! Hit by a light explosion and then woke up in an unfamiliar place?” Lyra asked.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“The same thing happened to me and Lyra!” Bon Bon said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, me, Lyra and our friends were on our way to stop some crazy scientist from taking over the world, or something, but then there was this big blinding light explosion and the next thing we know, we are here.” Bon Bon said.

“We have no idea where the rest of our friends are, but at least we had each other’s backs since we arrived in this world.” Lyra said.

“Lucky…” I said sadly, “I’ve been separated from my friend since I came to this world. I’ve been searching for him for a while now, but I’ve had no luck so far.”

“Aw, that’s so sad!” Bon Bon said, “If your friend is here, then finding him may prove difficult!”

“But don’t worry, we’ll help you find him!” Lyra said.

“You will?!” I asked hopefully.

“We will?” Bon Bon asked her friend.

“Sure! We still need to find OUR friends, but it wouldn’t hurt to help our new friend find HIS friend too!” Lyra said.

“I suppose so.” Bon Bon said, “Alright Big-san, we’ll help you find your friend!”

“Oh, thank you! Finally, some friendly faces I can depend on!” I said overjoyed, “The people in this world so far have not been so friendly, but I’m glad to find two friendly ponies!”

“The pleasure is ours Big-san!” Lyra said, “Now then, what’s your friend’s name and what do they look like?”

“His name is Froggy and he’s, well, a frog.” I explained, “And because he’s a frog, he likes to hang out where there is water. I’ve ran into two lakes so far, but no sign of him.”

“Sounds like a good start!” Bon Bon said.

“Okay, then let’s search for any lake we can find!” Lyra said.

“Alright!” I said.

And so, with my two new friends Lyra and Bon Bon, I set out on my search once again.

I also forgot to mention, but I noticed that the sun was out. I must have been out cold all night until these two kind ponies saved me. Bon Bon’s sweets helped ease my hunger, but until I can find Froggy, I won’t be able to enjoy any fish I catch. I know I sound stubborn when I say that, but that’s how really feel about all of this!

Anyway, Lyra, Bon Bon and I travelled to all sorts of places in search of Froggy and their missing friends. We traveled out of the forest, back on the road, to another farm, to a small town and so on. Along the way, we ran into some more humans, all of them staring at us with these looks of confusion and surprise.

Last time I encountered humans, they acted mean towards me, but this time, Lyra suddenly acted very excited at the sight of humans, which frightened most of them while others looked dumbfounded. Lyra tried talking to them and asked them all sorts of questions that had nothing to do with Froggy or their friends, but fortunately Bon Bon was able to keep her in line. Bon Bon apologized on our behalf and asked them the question about our friends. Although they were still surprised to see our kind, they responded to us anyway saying they hadn’t seen them. Bon Bon thanked them, and we went on our way.

After Lyra regained her composure, she apologized saying that she has always admired humans and got excited to finally meet real ones. Bon Bon added that Lyra has always admired humans to the point that she wants to become one, like how her sitting position resembles the way human beings sit on benches or even trying to hold up items with her hooves instead of levitating them with her horn.

That is all very interesting, but then I remembered we still needed to find our friends, so I changed the subject back to that. The two agreed and we continued with our search.

Several days later…

Unfortunately, finding our friends proved to be way more difficult than we originally thought. In this new world, that is completely unfamiliar to me and to my two new friends, it was only natural that it wasn’t going to be that easy. We ran into a few more humans, but at least these were not as bad as the ones I previously encountered, but none of them knew anything about Froggy or Lyra and Bon Bon’s friends. We were starting to give up hope.

One day however, we’ve been hearing stories from a group of humans about a blue hedgehog and a rainbow maned Pegasus saving a city named Station Square from a villain calling himself…” Dr. Eggman”!? Hey, wait a minute!

“A blue hedgehog!?” I asked out loud, “Hedgehog-san!?”

“A rainbow-maned Pegasus!?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other in surprised, “Rainbow Dash!?”

The three of us looked at each other and realized that if Hedgehog-San and this “Rainbow Dash” they mentioned are here, then the chances that Froggy and their friends are in this world as well. Our hopes have been restored. And so, we continued the search. Even if it takes a thousand years, I will find my friend!

“Hang on Froggy! I’m coming!”

On the day of the attack on Eggman and Steam’s base…

Days passed as we continued to search for our friends. We continued to hear more stories about Hedgehog-san and Dash-chan stopping Eggman’s evil plans. There was even this one time they played a game of “baseball” I believe that is what they call it, and we saw the whole thing on one of these “TV” thingamajigs. Anyway, it looked fun! I wish we could have joined them.

One day, we overheard a group of humans in uniform talking about Dr. Eggman’s base on an island to the south, saying that they were going launch an attack on it. I wonder…

“What if our friends were captured by this Eggman fella?” Lyra wondered.

“If that’s the case, he must be planning to turn into robots, like Big told us, if he hadn’t already.” Bon Bon said.

“Oh no! What if Eggman captured Froggy and turned him into a robot!?” I panicked at the mere thought of that.

“Okay! Calm down! I’m sure we they are fine.” Lyra said, trying to calm me down.

“Yeah, maybe.” Bon Bon said, “But if we are seriously going to their base, then we’re going to need a boat, or an airship.”

“Alright men let’s move out!” one of the soldiers said, as he and his friends went off somewhere.

“Maybe those soldiers can give us the life we need!” Bon Bon said, “Time for a stealth mission!”

“Oh boy, here we go.” Lyra said.

“Huh?” I looked confused, but both Bon Bon and Lyra were already ahead of me, “Hey! Wait for me!” I shouted as I went after them.


Lyra, Bon Bon and I stealthily followed the soldiers and next thing I knew, we stowed away on their big boat, by hiding inside one of their supply crates. The three of us tried our best to stay quiet, trying not to make a sound so as not to get caught by the soldiers.

“Oof, kind of…tight in here.” Bon Bon whispered.

“Is the coast clear?” Lyra asked in a whisper.

Bon Bon lifted the lid slightly, “Yup, no soldiers in sight.”

We got out of the crate. Slowly, we made our way out of the supplies room and inside the big ships’ hallways. We made sure not to get spotted by any soldiers. Every time a soldier came our way, Bon Bon would hide inside a cardboard box, Lyra hid inside an oil drum, and I hid behind a potted plant. Lyra and Bon Bon gave me weird looks for some reason. Why? I thought I was doing a good job hiding. I think…

Anyway, we made outside and…


We screamed in surprise at the sound of the explosion as we ducked and covered. We looked up and saw the battle between the soldiers in their ships and plane fighting against Eggman’s robots.

“Whoa! It’s a warzone out here! Be careful guys!” Bon Bon said.

“Got it!” Lyra said.

“Okey Dokey!” I spoke.

We continued unseen by the soldiers and got one of the lifeboats. We carefully lowered the boat down to the water and then I pulled the string on the boat’s engine, turning it on. I admit, this was my first time sailing a boat like this, but how hard can it be?

“Incoming!” Bon Bon shouted as she pointed out a destroyed plane headed our way.

I immediately turned the boat the other way, avoiding the plane’s burning remains as it splashed into the water. This time it was Lyra who warned us about a destroyed birdy robot coming our way. I turned the boat away from it as it also landed in the water, making a big splash.

We kept going as we sailed our way towards the island with the big tower on it. I remember that tower all too well! It’s the evil mustached egg’s, Dr. Eggman’s, base! And not only that…

I picked up an all too familiar scent…it was…

“Froggy! He’s here!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“What!?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at me with surprised looks.

“Let’s go!” I shouted with determination as I steered the ship toward the island, dodging every danger along the way while Bon Bon and Lyra held on for dear life while screaming.


We reached the island from the side, as the beach on the front was full of Eggman’s robots and explosions. We got out of the boat and headed into the jungle behind the tower. Froggy’s scent was getting stronger as I headed in that direction.

“Big! Wait up!” Lyra and Bon Bon cried out to me as they were a little way behind me.

But I didn’t listen, I just continued following the scent until I found a lake. Clear water? Check Good lighting? Check. Lots of fish? Check. This is the perfect fishing spot! If not for the fact that this in the middle of an island belonging to a very bad man like Dr. Eggman, I could stay here and fish all I want! But no, I’m here for Froggy! So, let’s get to work!

“Big!” Lyra and Bon Bon caught up to me.

“Geez, why did you run off like that?” Lyra asked, “We’re on enemy territory here! It’s too dangerous to wonder off on your own!”

“Yeah, so let’s find our friends and leave!” Bon Bon said.

“That is exactly what I am doing.” I said as I brought out my trusty fishing rod, “Froggy is somewhere in this lake and I’m going to save him!”

I cast my fishing rod’s lure right into the middle of the lake and waited for a bite.

“Dude! This isn’t the time for fishing!” Lyra said.

“It is the perfect time for fishing.” I said, “Just be patient and watch a master angler at work.”

Lyra and Bon Bon both looked confused, “Ooookay, well, we’ll keep an eye out for trouble while you do your fishing.” Bon Bon said.

Some time passed, Lyra and Bon Bon kept watch while continued to wait for a bite. The sounds of the war between the human soldiers and Eggman’s robots continued in the distance. I ignored them as I focused on my fishing.

“Anything yet Big?” Bon Bon asked.

“Patience.” I said, “You can’t rush this. You must take your time.”

“No offense Big, but wouldn’t it be easier to just…”

“Oh!” I exclaimed as I felt a tug on my rod and then suddenly the line was being pulled in, “Something’s biting!” I exclaimed as I pulled by my rode while reeling in.

“Hang on Big! We’ve got you!” Lyra shouted as her horn started glowing a golden light and then the same one on my fishing rod, as I felt the pull from the line feel a bit weaker. Meanwhile, Bon Bon pulled me by my belt with her teeth.

After about a minute or so, we’ve managed to pull out whatever was biting, and it was…

“WHAT IN CELESTIA’S NAME IS THAT!!?!?” Lyra and Bon Bon screamed at the sight of our catch.

The catch was a giant metallic piranha with red metal scales(?), yellow and white fins, razor sharp teeth and scary looking eyes! I could tell it wasn’t a real fish but one of Eggman’s robots! But more importantly…!

“That big mean fish has Froggy!” I shouted.

“WHAT!?” Lyra and Bon Bon cried in shock.

The big robot piranha came right for us with a biting attack. The three of us scattered as we avoided its attack, however, even on land, it kept flopping and leaping towards us with the intention of eating us!

“What do you mean this thing has Froggy!?” Bon Bon asked.

“Froggy and his frog friends once told me, Dr. Eggman captures animals and puts them inside his robots to give them the power to move!” I explained, “Even some of Froggy’s pals got captured and turned into robots too.”

“That’s horrible! And you are saying that Froggy might be inside this big guy like a battery?” Lyra asked.

“Yes…in which case!” I let out a battle cry as I charged at the big piranha, who came charging at me with another biting attack.

“BIG!” The two ponies cried in concern.

Using my full strength, I managed to catch the big fish by the jaws with my bare hands.

“Whoa! Big is so strong!” Lyra exclaimed.

It’s true that I am strong, by I can’t keep holding this big fish back for much longer.

“Lyra! Lift me up!” Bon Bon shouted.

“Got it!” Lyra said as she used her magic to lift Bon Bon up into the air and throw her down at the big fish, as she came in for a dive attack with her hind hooves.

“Eat THIS!” Bon Bon let out a battle cry as she dive attacked right into the big fish’s head, leaving a big massive dent on it. The robot fish stopped moving for a bit as Bon Bon jumped off and rushed back to Lyra’s side.

This was my chance! With all my strength, I snapped the big fish’s jaws wide open and then I charged right in through the mouth, smashing through the robot’s insides until I found what I was looking for: the robot’s core, with Froggy inside it!

“Froggy!” I cried with joy as I smashed it open, setting Froggy free as it hopped out and onto my hands, “I’ve missed you!”

“Ribbit!” Froggy cried in joy.

Sadly, our reunion was interrupted when everything around us was breaking down, “Uh oh! Time to go! Hang on!” I cried as I rushed out of the big robot fish through the mouth.

We got out of the big robot fish, just as it suddenly exploded to bits, sending me and Froggy flying toward Lyra and Bon Bon, both jumped out of the way as I rolled and crashed, back first and upside down into a tree, while holding onto Froggy, keeping him safe from harm.

“Ouch!” I cried, “You okay Froggy?”

“Ribbit!” Froggy said.

“Good.” I said as I got back up on my feet.

“Big! Are you alright?” Bon Bon asked as she and Lyra came rushing to our side.

“I’m okay and so is Froggy!” I said.

“Ribbit!” Froggy cried.

“So that’s Froggy? Nice to meet you! I’m Lyra and this is Bon Bon!” Lyra greeted my friend.

“Yeah, nice to meet you too Froggy.” Bon Bon greeted him.

“Ribbit!” Froggy cried happily.

“Froggy says “Nice to meet you too!” I translated for them.

We all giggled together.

“Well, we found Froggy, but we still have no idea where the rest of our friends are.” Bon Bon said, “Maybe they are inside the tower?”

“Perhaps. Should we check it out?” Lyra asked.

But before we could answer that, suddenly a huge explosion came from the top of the tower. We looked up and saw something glowing fly out of the dome like part on the top, which was now up in smoke. We couldn’t see it clearly, but the glowing thing suddenly started flying around and punching holes through the entire tower at blinding speeds.

“What the hey is going on!?” Bon Bon demanded.

Again, before anyone could answer, there was another huge explosion, this time coming from the base of the statue and this one was even bigger than the last one.

“Look out!” I cried out as I grabbed Lyra and Bon Bon and then ran as fast as I could away from the explosion while holding them and Froggy.

We took cover behind some large boulders as the force of the explosion blew everything away, followed by the sound of something crumbling. After things had died down, we looked up from behind the rocks and gasped in shock to see that the entire tower was gone. All that remained was a big smoking pile of debris.

“Oh no!” Bon Bon cried in worry.

“The tower…it’s gone!” Lyra said.

“But what about our friends!? Did they get out or were they…?” Bon Bon wondered in worry.

I looked up and saw something fly out of the smoke: it was a big white plane, and it was carrying some kind of capsule. I could see two figures standing on top of the plane, but they were too far away to tell who they were. But if I had to guess, one of them must be Hedgehog-san! And the other must be the “Rainbow Dash” pony that Lyra and Bon Bon told me about.

“Don’t worry!” I said, “I am sure your friends are safe and sound.”

“How do you know for certain?” Lyra asked.

“Because I’m sure it was Hedgehog-san and Dash-chan who were on that plane!” I said with certainty, “Hedgehog-san is always saving others, and if the same is true for Dash-chan, then I am positive that they saved them!”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other, then at me.

“Okay Big, if you say so, then I trust you.” Bon Bon said, “I just wish we could follow them and join them, but we don’t even know where they are going.”

“If only we knew where they were staying.” Lyra said.

“Yeah…” I said, “Oh well, at least we still have each other, right? As long as we’re together, we can overcome any problem! Right?”

“Right!” Bon Bon smiled, “We’ve been together for these past couple of days and even though it wasn’t that long ago, we formed a pretty strong bond and friendship overall.”

“Yeah!” Lyra said, “But you know what would make this friends group even better?”

“What?” Bon Bon asked.

“If we had a human friend too!” Lyra answered.

“Oh…” Bon Bon said, “Yeah, that would make things more interesting I’ll give you that. But for now, what do you say we get off this island. We found who we were looking for after all.”

“Good idea.” Lyra said.

“Okey Dokey! I’ll ride us back to the mainland!” I said.

“Ribbit!” Froggy cried in agreement.

And so, the four of us got back on the lifeboat and left the island. As we headed back to the mainland, I realized something: Froggy and I got pulled out from our world, and Lyra and Bon Bon were pulled out from their own, and somehow, we all ended up in this new world, unfamiliar to both sides. And despite being complete strangers in a strange new place, we formed a bond of friendship that goes beyond the limitations of our worlds, and we’ve helped each other survive and look for our missing friends. Was it all a coincidence or fate that we ended up meeting each other like this? Well, either way, it feels nice and somewhat natural. Because as long as you have friends you can depend on, you can do almost anything! I never want to let go of this feeling and I’m sure Froggy and my new pony friends feel the same! Plus, in this new world, I could find new kinds of fish to catch! That made me realize…

Our big fishing adventure in this new world had just begun!

Author's Note:

A/N: And that’s the final side story for this intermission section! Next time, it’s back to the main story! Were you able to catch any references here? Please let me know! As always, R&R and I’ll try to upload the next episode ASAP. No promises though. Until next time, PEACE!