• Published 2nd May 2013
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The Koprulu Sector - TheKopruluSectorUnion

It's not easy growing up in this sector of space. It's a place ran by fanatics, warlords and corporate empires of all sorts. The CMC are about to enter adulthood in one of the most violent eras of pony history.

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Chapter 20: Meet the Parent

The curly pink haired mare stood on the bridge of her ship, her blue eyes looking out into the abyss. While the rest of the crew wore a hodgepodge of different rag tag looking outfits, her pink fur coat was decorated by the black robes of a Vatican priest. It was an elaborate robe, with gold trimmings, and golden stripes making its way across her sides.

She may have resided with the Kel-Morians, but she was still a Umojan at heart. She was never actually a priest of the Vatican, but wearing the robe helped to remind her of where she came from. Wearing it also served as an insult to the true priest of the order that had condemned her to death in the first place. A part of her did miss Umoja, and she often fantasied of one day returning home to show everyone just how far she had come in life. Then after all had a chance to marvel in her glory, she could happily burn their cities to the ground.

For now, the mare simply bid her time, and built up her forces in preparation for the day of judgment. The mare looked into the abyss of space with greedy eyes, and lusted over all those resources just waiting to be exploited. She would need for the coming challenge. On the day of his return, she had to be ready.

Her fellow Umojans were always too devoted to the Vatican and their phantom of a goddess; they didn't see the true threat that lay hidden beyond the darkness of space. When she left her home, she knew she would need followers to achieve her goals. Followers who didn't have misplaced values. Followers who only valued power above all else. The Kel-Morians were the only ponies who truly understood what it meant to survive in this sector of space.

That all things are never given, only taken.

She continued staring out the window into the darkness. "Space, the final frontier. These are the business ventures of the Kel-Morian mining Consortium. Our continuing mission: to exploit strange new worlds. To sell out new life and civilizations. To boldly bore where no ponies bored before!"

"Madam Prophet, who are you talking too?" asked one of the crew members.

"Well duh, to you silly! Aren't you writing this down? For hooves sake! I'm giving your literary gold here, and you just ignore it?!" she asked.

The crewman filled with fear as her blue eyes fixed on him. "Of course Madam Prophet. I'll get writing right away!" replied the crewman as he began to frantically try to remember her monologue.

"Madam Prophet, we're receiving a transmission from one of our mining operations security details. A Khalai warship just warped in and they are requesting our services," said another crewman. "It might be the same ship that attacked one of our escorts a couple of weeks back."

"Oh! So those mean old Khalai want to show their faces around here after what they did?! Some ponies! Tell them to hold position, I'll be right there! How far is it?" asked the Prophet.

"Umm... sixteen light years," answered the crewmen.

"I'll be there in sixteen seconds!" shouted the Prophet. "Wait a minute!... you there, minion number 42. Did you write down my monologue?!"

The crewman was still trying to remember the exact words to her monologue, but tried to lie. "Yes Madam Prophet! Every word of it."

"Say it back to me!" she demanded.

The crewman had an expression of fear on his face. "Umm.... Space... a-"

"Throw him out the airlock while I'm gone! I'll be back in a jiffy everyone!" shouted the Prophet in a rather happy tone, despite the fact she just ordered a pony to be executed.

For the second time in his life, Sovereign finally awoke after being drugged by a member of Dominion Intelligence. Considering that Seeker was a member of the Dark Order, and that technically Sweetie Belle was a rogue agent, Sovereign really wasn't surprised by his predicament. At this point, it just seemed like a typical occurrence involving the opposite gender.

Sovereign was blindfolded, and could feel he also had something wrapped around his neck at the moment. Wherever he was, he was currently tied down to a chair. He tried to phase out of it, but for some reason he couldn't activate his void powers.

"Having trouble?" said a familiar voice. "That external neural inhibitor around your neck will prevent you from using your magic. Can't have you trying to escape now can I? Not before you meet my father of course. I've met enough rude stallions to know most never call back after a date. I couldn't risk you just walking out of here before we could get to know each other better."

The mare pulled off the blindfold to reveal it was Rain Sight. She was dressed in a very formal looking black uniform, complete with a black bucket cover. She was on two hooves as before, though this time her gloves were topped off with black leather, instead of just cold steel, more than likely to complement her black uniform. Her black mane was tied in a bun.

Sovereign had to admit, she did look rather intimidating. This was clearly not the kind of military official that the average Imperial citizen would want knocking at their door. "As I was saying, it's time we get to know each other better."

"Is this another interrogation?" asked Sovereign. "Just to let you know, I'm not single anymore."

Rain Sight walked over a table filled with all manners of syringes, as well as many containers of liquids. The room they were in seemed like a basement in someone's house. "Yes, it will be an interrogation. No, it won't be that kind of interrogation. This will be more like... have you ever seen Unthinkable?" she asked as she unwrapped a syringe.

Sovereign thought back to all those movies in the hotel Sweetie Belle made him sit through. Admittedly he spaced out during many of them, so he drew a blank. "I might have. That was a post Earth movie right?" he asked.

One of her eyes twitched with a hint of disappointment and insult as she filled a syringe with a red liquid. "You just upped your dosage," she said. "I made a lot of these myself you know? This one is a particular favorite. Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have your blood burning inside your veins? To find yourself wishing you could just pass out or even die, but never being able to?"

"Woah wait a minute!" shouted Sovereign. "Look, I don't know what your superiors told you about me, but I'm not a Dark Templar! I'm just-"

Rain Sight placed two of her robotic fingers over his lips. "Why don't we leapfrog through all of that horse manure and save ourselves a lot of aggravation and time, of which there is close to zero. I like to do my own interrogations before passing off the captive. It's always good to stay in the loop."

Again Sovereign tried to appeal to her sense of reason. "But Twilight already got everything I know! What's the point of taking this any further?!"

Rain Sight simply shook her head. Her voice and face seemed so different from the mare who had a cheerful disposition during their last couple of encounters. She seemed to have become a completely different mare when in uniform. "I'm sure you enjoyed yourself, but not everyone is convinced of those methods. I'd rather get it straight from the horse's mouth so to speak," she said. "Don't worry, I'll get to the truth. I've been doing this for a while, so I know all sorts of neat little interrogation tricks. You know, good cop bad cop, reverse psychology, stare down contest, threats. You name it, I've done it."

"Why are you doing this!?" he asked.

"Sssshhhh" was the only reply Rain Sight gave as she covered his mouth with one hand, and brought the syringe up to his neck with the other.

"Rain Sight, did you start without me?" asked a stallion as he entered the room. He was a dark grey unicorn stallion, with a black and grey mane just like Rain Sight's mane. Judging by his face, he looked around late forties early fifties. Like Rain Sight, he also had the same green eyes. Currently he was in a thick trench coat, which was drenched with water.

"As I said, we had very little time," said Rain Sight bowing her head in shame and embarrassment as she let out a sigh. "Dad, you really know to kill the mood!" she exclaimed.

"You act like you're the first mare to ever have her dad walk in on her and her boyfriend. So what are you kids up to? I hope you didn't shove anything into areas not meant for natural penetration," he said.

"Actually she was just getting to that," said Sovereign.

The stallion laughed at his daughter as her face turned red with anger and embarrassment. "She always was a naughty one. So what did this guy do?" he asked. "He looks pitiful enough."

"Let me out of these bindings and show you how pitiful I can be," rebutted Sovereign with a smile.

"In a moment," said the stallion. The stallion leaned in close to Sovereign to examine him. "You sure about this guy being a Dark Templar?" he asked his daughter.

"He had this with him," said Rain Sight as she revealed Sovereigns warp blade.

The stallion let out a long drawn out whistle as he held the device. "Kid do you have any idea how much trouble you could get in just for holding one of these? Dark Templar are spies, and I'm sure you can guess what Dominion Intelligence does to spies right?" asked the stallion.

"I know how it looks, but I'm not a Dark Templar!" shouted Sovereign.

"For someone who isn't a Dark Templar, you sure know a lot about void magic," said Rain Sight.

"Not to mention these things are hand made by each Dark Templar," added the stallion. "Only members of the Dark Order are taught how to craft these. If you aren't a Dark Templar, then how did you make one?"

"It was a gift," answered Sovereign.

"Oh a gift? The Dark Order sure has changed a lot apparently. You're telling me a Dark Templar just gave you his blade?" asked the stallion.

"Yes. She is... was a friend of mine. She gave it to me when we parted ways." explained Sovereign.

"Dark Templar don't make friends with the other Khalai," said the stallion. He put a hoof over Sovereigns severed horn and shook Sovereigns head. "Still... this seems to suggest you are no longer part of the Dark Order. Tell me how this happened." demanded the stallion.

"Thank you!" shouted Sovereign. "That's what I was trying to tell your daughter."

"How do you know we can believe anything he says?" asked Rain Sight. "You're usually the first to jump all over interrogation."

Again he grabs Sovereigns severed horn again and shakes it like a plaything. The act was degrading, but there was little Sovereign could do about it at the moment. "They don't just cut these off for any reason Rain. Let's hear him out."

Finally Sovereign spoke. "Ok, it started on Aiur. I was supposed to be a preserver-"

"-and then you got exiled" interrupted the stallion. "Ok what happened after the exile"

"Well there is more to it than just-"

"You want me to do this interrogation, or do you want her to do it?" asked the stallion.

Sovereign decided it would be in his best interested to cooperate. "Well after I was exiled, I stayed in Consortium space for a few weeks. Then this drop dead gorgeous mare shows up-"

"Skip ahead. How did you escape?" asked the stallion.

"Don't you want to know how I got captured?" asked Sovereign.

"I'm leaving. Have fun Rain," said the stallion as he walked towards the door.

"Wait come back! I'll finish, I'll finish!" said Sovereign. The stallion stopped himself and continued listening to Sovereigns story. "I don't know exactly how I ended up in the academy, nor do I know how long I was imprisoned. But eventually I met this mare who was a student-"

"Ok, that's all I need to know" said the stallion.

Not that interrogators are known for their manners, but this guy is particularly rude! thought Sovereign to himself. "So you believe me then? I'm not a Dark Templar?" he asked nervously.

"Let him go," said the stallion.

"Dad! He's a wanted criminal!" said Rain Drop.

"No, he's an idiot who got himself exiled, captured, then captured again. I've seen foals with scissors who pose a bigger threat than this kid," argued the stallion once again grabbing Sovereigns severed horn and wiggling his head. Sovereign sighed in embarrassment.

"Ok now you're getting personal," said Sovereign. "You hardly know anything about me!"

Before Sovereign could continue, the stallion interrupted him with a rundown of recent events. "You were unable to do your duties as a Preserver, so you ran away. The Dark Templar who gave you her blade betrayed you. The gorgeous mare you met worked for Dominion Intelligence. The second mare didn't want to be a ghost and helped you escape. Then you met my daughter, and now you're here. Did I miss anything?" he asked.

Sovereign was amazed by his deduction. But the only way he would know half of that stuff is if he knew the inner workings of the New Khala. "How did you know about Preservers?" was all he asked.

A cigar removed itself from one of his coats pockets and made its way into the stallions mouth. The stallion pulled back the sleeve on one of his coats to reveal a warp blade. Sovereign couldn't believe it. "You're a... Dark Templar? Here on Korhal?!"

The stallion activated the blade and used it to light his cigar. "Didn't think you were the only exile did you?" he asked.

"But... why? Why are you working with Dominion Intelligence?! And why isn't your daughter a Khalai pony?!" asked Sovereign.

"Because my mother wasn't a Khalai either," said Rain Sight. Sovereign was surprised to say the least. He'd never heard of a Dark Templar settling with a non unicorn who wasn't a convert. Then again he was an exiled preserver who had hooked up with a Dominion Ghost who is technically still under orders to kill him, so stranger things have happened.

"So you married... a non Khalai pony?" asked Sovereign. The stallion simply nodded. "But if you were a Dark Templar, then how come you are old?" he asked.

"The Void only keeps you young if you stay connected at all times. Just like the Khala." said the stallion.

"I know that! What I mean is why did you disconnect?" asked Sovereign.

"Do you really want to stay young your entire life while your family grows old and dies around you?" he asked.

Sovereign had never thought about it before. But now that the stallion brought it up, he realized Sweetie Belle was going to eventually grow old and die. Sovereign didn't really know anything about teaching others void magic, Zeratul's memories on the subject weren't complete enough for that. If she converted to the Khala, she would never be allowed to see him again because he was an exile. If he wanted to be with her, he would eventually have to choose between growing old along side her, or watching her die.

"But why help the Dominion?" asked Sovereign.

"He helps track down Dark Templar on Korhal, and in exchange they leave him alone." answered Rain Sight.

"So you're a traitor?" asked Sovereign.

"Depends on perspective" replied the stallion. "I was given a mission. I completed the mission. I was left for dead with no way to get back to Khalai space. As far as the Dark Order was concerned, I died in action. Call it selfish, but when they left me to die, I assumed our arrangement of mutual loyalty was terminated. But we're getting off topic here, you're supposed to be the center of attention right now."

"So... what happens now?" asked Sovereign.

"I'm not sure yet," he replied. "You could stay here for a while I suppose. At least until we can find a way to get you off Korhal."

"What?!" replied Sovereign and Rain Sight in unison.

The stallion looked over to his daughter to explain himself. "He's just an exile. I doubt he has anything the Dominion needs." He then looks towards Sovereign as he cuts off his bindings. "Exiles need to stick together don't you agree?" he asked.

Sovereign didn't really know what to think about this situation. He was pretty certain he would be shipped back to the academy after Rain Sight had her way with him. "I guess I owe you a thanks."

"Don't mention it kid" he replied.

"I didn't catch your name by the way." said Sovereign.

"Karn'Aaziim Reneema High Ground de Steelwing. You can just call me Karn," he said. "Dark Templar lose their family name when they join the Dark Order, so I just took the ones I married into."

Sovereign was finally freed from his bindings. He looked over to Rain Sight and asked, "de Steelwing? Isn't that a Confederate name?" Rain Sight simply glared at him in anger, then walked out of the room. "Something I said?" he asked Karn.

"The name comes from her grandfather on her mothers sides. She doesn't like to talk about him," said Karn. "Lets just say she bears the burden for some of his less than honorable actions during the war. Try not to bring it up."

"I'll keep that in mind," said Sovereign. He was lying of course. It wasn't every day you met a half Khalai Confederate who somehow ended up working for Dominion Intelligence. "Well, thanks for sorting this out, but I need to get going now." Sovereign pointed to the device still on his neck. "Can you give me a hand removing this thing?"

"I wouldn't do that just yet," said Karn. "that neural inhibitor around your neck isn't just for show. If you try to remove it it'll kill you. I'm not sure, but I think it has a proximity alarm as well. If you try to leave the house, you run the risk of triggering it. But if you're feeling daring, I won't stop you."

Sovereign sighed in disappointment. "Of course she would use something like this. How do I get it off?"

"Hell if I know. Ask Rain Sight, she brought it in from work." suggested Karn. "You'll have to convince her to remove it."

"Well this just gets better and better doesn't it?" he said in frustration.

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