• Published 2nd May 2013
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The Koprulu Sector - TheKopruluSectorUnion

It's not easy growing up in this sector of space. It's a place ran by fanatics, warlords and corporate empires of all sorts. The CMC are about to enter adulthood in one of the most violent eras of pony history.

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Chapter 51: Cold and Questionably Sweet

Barely half a day had passed since the destruction of Labyrinth’s mining station and already bands of scavengers were moving in on the blown out remains of the station, seeking to lay claim to the salvage rights to the scrap, as well as any valuable piece of equipment that may have survived the station’s destruction.

They didn’t know what had caused the station’s destruction, nor did they care. All they needed to know was that one of the biggest mining stations in the subsector had just exploded and it was time to cash in on someone else’s misfortune before someone else did.

However, with so many rival groups of scavengers in one place and only so much scrap to go around, it wasn’t long before the first shot was fired, setting off another battle amongst the wreckage, all in the name of greed. As the scavengers were busy trying to take out their competition, they didn’t notice the shimmering glint of the Khalai observer hidden in the asteroid field as it transmitted the battle back to its mother ship.

Aboard the Radiance, which had long since left the vicinity of the mining station, Starsong smiled at the free-for-all taking place at the former mining station. Though he would normally be disgusted by the greed that was typical of the Kel-Morians, their ruthless pursuit of wealth was actually playing in his favor for once. Should Labyrinth investigate the cause of their facility’s destruction, they would most likely find traces of the scavengers’ battle and blame them, leaving the Khalai in the clear.

The rest of the crew however, did not share his enthusiasm for such deception, and the Overseer felt every bit of their disapproval through the Khala, but ignored them and carried on as usual. He knew how important his mission was and he needed to retrieve Seeker to accomplish it, no matter the cost.

“What’s the status on the khaydarin core?” He asked.

The crewman pulled out a data pad and accessed the requested information. “With the materials we… acquired from Labyrinth, we have sped up the core’s healing process. The core will be fully healed within the hour.” The crewman replied.

“Good. Once we’re at full power, set a course for the shuttle’s last known coordinates. We should be able to pick up their trail if we make haste.” He ordered before making his way off the bridge, but the crewman stepped in front of him, blocking his path. He could sense that she had something else she wanted to tell him so he asked. “Was there something else you wanted to say?”

“Yes Overseer, there is… Many of the crew and I believe that we should postpone our pursuit of the Dark Templar and head for one of the Khalai outposts in the sector for help.” She said.

The red unicorn narrowed his eyes at the mare. “Are you challenging your Overseer’s decision?” He asked.

“No Overseer…” The mare said as she shook her head. “…but you have to face the facts. Most of the ship’s weapons are down and we are low on munitions. And though I hate to say this, there’s no way we can possibly win if we face off against another band of mercenaries, or pirates.”

“Are you saying that our men aren’t strong enough?” Starsong asked.

“No I’m not, but we’ve lost a lot of our people on this mission. Many of our brethren have died senselessly at the hooves of the Diamond Dog’s Prophet alone…” Both Starsong and the mare shuddered involuntarily at the mention of the psychopathic pink mare. “…and with the losses we suffered acquiring the ores, we are left with only a few dozen warriors still standing and a good number of them are too injured to fight any time soon. So please, Overseer...”

Starsong stepped back and thought about their situation. What she said was true. After the losses they suffered in the battle against Labyrinth’s forces their formerly formidable fighting force was now reduced to almost a quarter of its original strength. And with the gateway still inoperable, there was little chance of them warping in reinforcements anytime soon. He knew how important the mission was, but he would be a fool if he led the ponies under his command to an early grave.

He eventually let out a weary sigh and conceded to the crewman’s pleas. “Very well. Set a course for the nearest outpost the moment we’re ready for a warp-jump.” He ordered before leaving the bridge, hoping his decision will not backfire on him later on.

“Yes Overseer.” The mare bowed gratefully to him before the door shut itself.

An hour later, the Radiance recalled the observer from the raging battlefield and warped off to its next destination.

“I can’t believe it Galaxy! Our own son, friends with DI scum!” Shining Night complained as he and his wife walked through the ruined halls of the hospital. Despite the damage done to the structure most of the medical equipment was still operational, which proved to be quite fortunate, since Fort Cadence’s own medbays were filled to maximum capacity with wounded soldiers.

In addition, seeing their mighty Champion bedridden would be a heavy blow to the people’s already shaken morale, especially to those who were privy to their matriarch’s demise.

“Night, please calm down. We can talk about this once we’re back at the palace. ” The mare said in a pleading manner. Her husband grumbled in a disgruntled manner, but did as his wife had asked.

They carried on in silence, passing by the emergency teams who were still collecting the bodies of the dead for disposal. Galaxy turned away from the horrible sight, while her husband held her close and did his best to comfort her.

They eventually returned to what was left of the hospital’s blown out lobby, where a full squad of militiamen in power armor was awaiting their return. With the matriarch dead their Champion being the closest thing the Cadians had to a leader, he and his parents were kept under constant guard as a precaution against would-be assassins.

One of them stepped forward and saluted Shining Night. “Sir, how is the Champion doing?” the soldier inquired.

“My son is doing just fine, captain.” Shining Night replied as he returned the salute. “The doctor says that he’ll be up and about in a few days.”

The captain and a number of his men sighed in relief at the bit of good news. “Thank you, sir. Is there anything else we can do for you and you wife?”

“We just wish to return to the palace and inform everyone of the good news ourselves.”

The captain nodded and ordered his men to move out. The militiamen filed out into the parking lot where Shining Night’s personal shuttle was landed. The armored ponies formed a perimeter around the parking lot, keeping their eyes open for anything out of the ordinary.

One of the men thought he spotted something in the distance, but dismissed it when his HUD picked up nothing. Moments passed before everyone gave the all clear signal. With the area secured, Shining Night and his wife quickly boarded the shuttle and lifted off, heading for the palace.

Rain Sight looked over the railings and pulled the binoculars back up. She sighed in relief when the militia showed no sign of them spotting them just now. She zoomed in on the shuttle that had just taken off.

“So where are they headed?” Rainbow asked as she got back up from her crouching position.

“Not sure but it looks like they’re heading for the palace.” She said as she watched the shuttle disappear into the snowstorm.

“Damn it! That place has the highest security on the planet! There’s no way we’re going to take them out now!” Rainbow swore as she stomped her hoof into the snow.

Rain frowned when Rainbow brought up the idea of killing Twilight's parents again. “We’re not really going through with this…are we?” She asked. The thought of killing someone just because they were related to someone they hate didn’t appeal to her.

Rainbow sighed at her companion. “Do I have to remind you what Twilight did to your dad? Don’t you want to avenge his death or not?”

“I do, but not like this. It…it doesn’t feel right.” The purple mare replied. She was surprised when Rainbow suddenly punched her in the face, sending the earth pony sprawling in the snow. “What the hell was that for?” Rain yelled as she held her metallic hand to her cheek.

“Doesn’t feel right?!” Rainbow shouted back at her. “I don’t know how close you were to your dad, but I lost the only family I had left thanks to that bitch!” She screamed as she pointed in the hospital’s direction. “And I’m going to do whatever it takes to avenge my little sister’s death! With, or without you!” She stated, after which she spread her wings and flew off in the direction the shuttle went.

Rain Sight tried to stop her but the pegasus was long gone. She decided to look around for an exit before the weather got any colder. The leather she wore may be keeping her warm right now, but she knew she wouldn't last very long if the temperature dropped any further than it already had.

She soon found the roof-access door and turned the knob but found it to be frozen shut, leaving her stranded on the roof.


Until Twilight could arrange for a more permanent dwelling as she promised, Sweetie Belle and her friends had no choice but to stay in the hotel where they had been accommodated up to now. Surprisingly, their old suite was still intact, despite all the damage done to the rest of the building. They reasoned that the suite must have had some sort of defense built into it, especially when they considered that only VIPs stayed here.

Since the hospitals were full, Apple Bloom’s friends had to take care of her until she recovered. Not a comforting thought, given the fact that neither of her friends had any experience taking care of a bedridden pony.

Fortunately, some of the hospital staff was nice enough to provide them with the necessary tools and medicine they would need to take care of her until she has fully recovered.

Unfortunately, the instructions were not included among the things provided. With no idea what does what, the girls were back at square one.

“What do you mean you don’t know how they work?! You’re the ones that gave them to us in the first place!” Scootaloo yelled into the phone. She had tried to call the hospital to see if they could help but the person on the other end was being less than helpful. “Well up yours too buddy!” She then slammed the phone and walked away, grumbling.

“Told you that wouldn’t work.” Apple Bloom said as she finished off another one of apples the hotel staff had provided them with. They weren’t as good as Sweet Apple Acres’ apples, but after not eating anything for a whole day, she couldn’t complain.

“Yeah, I know, but at least I had to try something. Maybe I could go out and find the guy who gave this to us?” She suggested, just before she saw Sweetie Belle limping into the room. While her injuries weren’t as severe as Apple Bloom’s, the unicorn couldn’t move very far without getting out of breath.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, how are you holding up?” Apple Bloom asked worriedly. The white unicorn looked horrible. Her mane was frazzled and her bloodshot eyes from all the crying.

When they had returned to the hotel Sweetie immediately locked herself in her room and cried her heart out. Sovereign's death had affected her more than they had first thought.

Her friends tried to get her to come out and talk to them, but all that earned them were sorrowful wails from the distraught mare which affected the mental state of anyone that came near the door, so they all gave her room a wide berth until she decides to come out on her own.

“Ye-Yeah, I’m… fine.” She said softly as she sat down next to Apple Bloom on the sofa.

“Apple?” Apple Bloom said, offering her friend a fresh apple from the fruit basket in an attempt to cheer her up.

“Sorry…I’m…not hungry…” The white mare said as she shook her head. Apple Bloom put the fruit back down, not feeling very hungry anymore either.

Wanting to lighten up the mood, Scootaloo grabbed the remote. “Why don’t we watch some TV?” She said and turned on the TV, which showed the middle of a news program.

…rumors of Matriarch Cadenza’s death currently remains unconfirmed.

In other news, the most heinous act of terror ever witnessed by Cadian eyes was carried out in a hospital in the lower district, where hundreds of ponies, staff and patients alike, were subjected to horrific torture before they were killed in cold blood, as testified by one of the traumatized survivors.

The Crusaders' eyes widened when an image of a ruined hospital was shown on the screen. It was the same hospital they had left hours ago. The view then changed to the hospital’s interior where emergency teams were seen clearing away the bodies of the dead.

From their investigations, the militia has reason to believe that an army of clones was responsible for this crime. That’s right citizens, the same army of psychotic clones that caused the massacre at the starports is to blame, and the militia suspects that a few of these clones may still be on our world. Citizens are advised to stay indoors and to report any sightings of these monsters to the proper authorities.

The next images shown were a series of photographs of dead Iron Feathers, which made all three friends uncomfortable.

The criminals' remains will later be taken to the frozen tundra where ursalisks will-

Scootaloo quickly turned off the TV and turned to her friends, one of whom looked even more depressed than before. “Okay…not my best idea.” She said along with nervous chuckle. They were startled when they heard the doorbell started buzzing.

“I’ll get it.” Scootaloo said as she got up and walked to the door, but stopped when she felt something tugging on her tail. She turned around and saw Apple Bloom with her teeth clamped down on her tail. “What the hell, Apple Bloom? Let go!” She demanded.

“No way! If anyone sees you, they’ll call the militia on us. They’re out looking for you and those clones of yours, remember?” The yellow mare said through her teeth.

“Oh yeah…So, what do we do?” She asked as the doorbell kept buzzing. Whoever was outside, was starting to lose their patience.

“Just a minute!” Apple Bloom called out before she looked at her friends who were just standing there. “Well, what are you waiting for? Hide!” She whispered harshly. Scootaloo started looking around for a hiding spot, but Sweetie Belle panicked and suddenly picked up the pegasus with her magic.

“Hey! What are you-”

“Sorry…” Sweetie said, after which she threw Scootaloo through the open door to her bedroom and slammed it shut. Apple Bloom gawked at her friend who gave her sheepish look as she limped her way to the door. The unicorn then wrapped her magic around the doorknob and opened it up, revealing an annoyed-looking bellhop outside.

“Hel-Hello?” She asked hesitantly. The bellhop wanted to give her a piece of his mind for making him wait so long, but the sad look on the beautiful mare’s face made him reconsider. “Can I help you?” she asked again.

“Oh… er… right…Is there a Miss Sweetie Belle in this suite?” He asked.

“Yes, that’s me.” She replied.

“Good.” He said before he reached into his vest, making Sweetie suspicious of him, but she let out an inner sigh of relief when he only pulled out a phone. “A call came in at the front desk for you. Said it was urgent. I was told to deliver the private line to you.”

“Who called?” The mare asked as she looked at the phone. It would be bad timing if it was Twilight calling in to check up on them, especially when Rain Sight was out with Rainbow doing who knows what.

“Um, I think it was a... Miss Rain Sight?”

“What? Give me that!” She said as she swiped the phone out of his hooves and slammed the door in his face. The bellhop just stood there, his hoof still grasping at thin air. He let out a deep sigh, walking away.

‘So much for asking her for a tip...and her phone number.’ He thought.

“What’s that you got there, Sweetie?” Apple Bloom asked when she saw her friend coming back with the phone.

“A phone call from Rain Sight.” She said, as she took a closer look at the device and patched the call through.

“Girls? Can I come out now?” Scootaloo called from inside the bedroom.

“Yeah, come on out. The coast’s clear.” Apple Bloom answered back. The door opened and Scootaloo walked out of the room, rubbing the sore spot on her head where she had hit the wall.

“Geez Sweetie Belle, did you really have to throw me that hard?” She complained.

“I said I was sorry didn’t I? Now shush.” Sweetie said when she heard Rain Sight’s voice on the other end of the line.

“Swe-Sweetie B-Belle, is t-that y-you?” Rain Sight’s voice asked through chattering teeth.

“Yeah, is something wrong Rain? You sound kind of funny.” Sweetie asked.

“I-I’m stu-stuck on a r-roof near the uptown ho-hospital! Get Sc-Scoo-t-taloo to p-pick me up! It’s fre-ezing up here!” She demanded before they heard the sound of the wind.

“What?!” The white unicorn exclaimed, startling her friends.

“Hurry up! I t-think Rain-b-bow is g-going to k-kill Twi-light’s parents!”

“She’s going to what?!” Sweetie Belle said, crying out even louder than before.

“J-just h-hurry up be-before I free-ze to death!”

Sweetie Belle then turned to turn her friends and said. “Better bundle up Scoots, cause you’re going out.”

Scootaloo simply cocked her head at her in confusion.

“I can’t believe that none of you own a phone!” Rain Sight exclaimed incredulously as she flew Tom over the guidance beacons. After Scootaloo had rescued Rain from catching frostbite on the rooftop, they immediately went to the outskirts of town where they had hidden Tom away in an abandoned building that had somehow came out unscathed from the assault.

Rain Sight knew Rainbow Dash would need weapons to carry out her revenge and thought they could catch her there before she left.

By the time they arrived however, the cyan pegasus was long gone, but they did find a slightly moist photo of Rainbow and Jet Stream placed next to the cryo-case where they were keeping Jet Stream’s body. Her Reaper armor was still inside the ship, but the gauss pistols normally holstered on the suit were missing, along with one of the rifles they had taken from the Diamond Dogs. They had no choice but to fly Tom out and look for her.

“Never found a need for one back on Mar Sara…” Scootaloo said as she looked out of the cockpit for any sign of the rainbow-maned pegasus, but all she could see was white snow. “…you sure Rainbow would be reckless enough to try something this stupid?”

“You’ve known her longer than I have. You tell me?” The earth pony asked in return.

Scootaloo scratched her chin thoughtfully as she recalled what she knew about Rainbow Dash. When she put this together with what her friends told her about their encounters with the cyan pegasus, the odds of her doing something this brash were becoming more and more likely by the second. She then got up from her seat and headed for the cargo hold.

“Where are you going?” Rain Sight asked.

“I'm going to get my gear and suit up. We’re going to need everything we got if we’re going to stop Rainbow.”

Rain Sight nodded grimly as she turned back to the controls and hoped that they find Rainbow before it was too late.

Author's Note:

For those slightly confused as to why this story is alive again, please look at the blogpost

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