• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 4,336 Views, 113 Comments

An Unexpected Party - Gallifrey

It is Celestia’s 5000th birthday, and the Mane Six and Luna throw her a party she will never forget

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Rivers of Light

An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Chapter Eleven

Rivers of Light

“Come on everypony!” squealed Pinkie as she bounced down the Palace corridors without a care in the world.
It was early evening, and she just couldn’t wait any longer for the party. The pink pony sprang her way to the entrance of the gardens and disappeared. There was nothing unusual to be seen there, which was very un-Pinkie. She suddenly popped her head out of a shrub.

“Fluttershy, can you help me with the other one?”

Fluttershy looked confusedly at Pinkie, wondering what she was talking about - and then she saw the party cannon hidden in the shrub. She looked at her friends for help. Applejack picked up on the yellow mare’s fear.

“Uh, Pinkie, perhaps ah should help out instead?”

“Sure, you know how to work it right?”

“Yer buck ‘em right?”

“Yup yup yup!” she said excitedly.

“And where exactly is t’other one?” asked Applejack, looking around.

“It’s over there.” She pointed to a topiary bush shaped like a phoenix with her tail. Applejack trotted over to the cannon.

Celestia looked on, guessing at was about to happen.

“You ready AJ?”

“Yes ma’am!”

“Three! Two! One!”


There was an explosion of sound as a huge green and blue marquee made of plush fabric shot out of one cannon, as well as a turntable and records for Fluttershy to play along with her animal friends. From the other came many streamers that decorated the marquee, along with several tables covered in snacks and sweets.

“Very efficient Pinkie,” remarked Rarity.

“Thanks Rarity, it took me ages to stuff all those goodies in there.”

“Is this a party for me?” asked Celestia, surprised yet again at the lengths her friends had gone to for her today.

“Yuppers! Do you like it Princess?”

“Very much so,” said Celestia, smiling.

Fluttershy noticed that there were no animals around; she suspected they had all been scared off by the party cannons. The others entered the marquee, marvelling at Pinkie’s work, Applejack pushing her cart full of cider. Fluttershy hung back to wander around the gardens, looking for the animals that she didn’t exactly get along with at the Gala. Around her were periwinkle blue flowers that nodded languidly in the warm breeze of the evening, and old and new trees, boughs heavy with summer laziness. She could hear nothing other than the distant chatter of the party. She tiptoed very quietly and cautiously amongst the trees, until she saw a bluejay in one of the dappled branches of a silver birch. Fluttershy froze. She didn’t dare move for fear of frightening it away. It cocked its head at her, considering her. A bead of sweat formed on Fluttershy’s brow as she waited, and waited, neither party moving. Eventually her patience ran out and she tentatively moved her front left hoof forward. The bird stayed where it was. With a little more confidence she moved her right hoof forward too. It flitted away and disappeared behind the trees. Fluttershy stomped the ground in frustration, then took some deep calming breaths.

“Well done,” a voice whispered softly in her ear. Fluttershy didn’t even jump, the voice was so gentle. She turned to see Celestia standing before her.

“Well done?”

“Yes my dear: you kept your self-control.”

“I-I guess I did, but he still flew away from me.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” she said, raising her white head and looking up at the branch.

The bluejay was back, along with several other brightly coloured birds. Celestia sang a short, sweet melody to them and they fluttered down to her.

“Now my friends,” she said to them, “this is Fluttershy, and she has been eager to meet you all for a very long time - go now and spread the word to all the other creatures here.”

They nodded to her and flew away.

“They’ll come to the party soon enough, I’m sure of it. Speaking of which, we best be getting back, they’ll start wondering where we are.”


When they got back, Celestia went for a slice of the rainbow cake that Pinkie had brought down. She was pleased to discover that the cake had zap apple jam filling inside it. Fluttershy, meanwhile, took her place at the record player. She rifled through the records and picked out a bouncy electronic beat.

“Oooh! This is one of my favourites!” squealed Pinkie, getting up and dragging Rainbow, who happened to be closest to her, into the middle of the dance floor at the centre of the party pavilion.

“But-but I haven’t had any cider yet!” cried Rainbow, looking longingly at a nearby mug.

“Here you go!” said Pinkie, pulling a tankard from thin air. Rainbow looked at the undulation of the colourful surface, and drank deep. It was sweet. Very sweet, with a strong appley flavour and bubbles that tickled her tongue and the roof of her mouth delightfully.

“Hey AJ! This stuff’s great!” she yelled across the room as she set her tankard down to dance enthusiastically with Pinkie.

“Well thank ya kindly sugar cube!” she called back. She was sitting at a table with Twilight. “So then he said, ‘Ah know what ah’m doin’ AJ,’ not lookin’ where he’s going, and fell rough and tumble into the cellar!” she finished, laughing.

“Goodness, was your brother alright?” asked Twilight.

“O’ course he was, he’s made of strong stuff.”

“Well, as long as he wasn’t hurt,” said Twilight, chuckling, “and Rainbow’s right, this cider is delicious.”

“We make it differently from ordinary cider,” said Applejack casually, knowing that Twilight would be interested.

“Really? How so?”

“Well, firs’ thing is, you gotta read the apples bedtime stories before they get pressed…”

Rarity meanwhile was avidly discussing how she made her dress to Celestia.

“All hoof stitched of course.”

“I can tell. Tell me, how did you get the gold to blend to blue?”


“Has anypony seen Luna?” asked Twilight, to Rarity and the Sun Princess.

“Not that I recall,” said Rarity.

“She said something to me about ‘fresh air’ around fifteen minutes ago. Why, Twilight?”

“Oh, I was just wondering where she was.”

“Have a look at the statue of the dolphin: she’s always really liked that.”

“I will, thank you Princess.”

Twilight slunk away from the party; it was warm and dusky outside, though enough light remained for Twilight to see perfectly easily. She made her way past tall linear hedges and flowerbeds to the dolphin statue, working purely on memories from her childhood. She passed the iron grey statue of Discord, his face still frozen in shock. She paused for a second, smiling grimly. Celestia had told her some dreadful tales of his former power in times long past; she shuddered and then pressed on. She came to a circular clearing, where the large statue of a leaping dolphin resided in the centre. Luna was sitting on the top of it, head bowed, her coat blending into the deep blue sky. She seemed deep in thought.

“Princess?” said Twilight tentatively.

Luna heard her, though it was as if the voice came from very far away, so deep was her reverie. After a few moments she raised her head and looked down towards Twilight.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle?” She looked glumly at Twilight.

“Erm, are you alright?”

Luna looked up thoughtfully at the stars that were beginning to appear. Then without moving she beckoned.

“Come up here Twilight.”

Twilight screwed up her eyes and disappeared with a flash, to reappear almost instantly at Luna’s side. She was disorientated and bumped into the blue alicorn.


“Don’t be.”

She was still looking at the stars; Twilight saw them reflected in her blue-green eyes. She seemed troubled.

“What’s the matter Princess?”

Luna seemed uncomfortable and nervous. Not like her usual stoic and composed self at all. A gear clicked in Twilight’s head.

“Is it the party?”

She nodded.

“We are used to being by oneself for days on end Twilight Sparkle. I am not accustomed to such social interactions, and am not feeling the “fun” one apparently is supposed to feel.”

“Luna, I completely understand.”

“You do?”

“Of course: before I moved to Ponyville, I had no friends. I can remember going to parties and being as unfamiliar with them as you are now.” She smiled warmly at Luna. “And some ponies just don’t enjoy parties as much as other ponies - if it makes you feel any better, I am such a pony.”


“Why yes, parties are alright and it’s great to have fun with friends, but they tire me out a lot and keep me from my studies.”

Luna smiled at Twilight’s studiousness. She took a deep, calming breath.

“I’ll get you some cider when we get back, that always helps,” said Twilight.

They sat a little while together in silence, looking at the stars. Luna’s horn started glowing blue. Twilight wondered what she was doing.

“Luna, what are you—”


Twilight looked up: nothing was happening. Then suddenly, ropes of blue light began to form from the aether, green ones snaking alongside them. When the Princess had finished she looked at Twilight, her face unfathomable.

Twilight marvelled at the sight before her eyes, a river of light stretched across the sky.

“Do you like it?” asked Luna.

“It’s so beautiful!” she exclaimed, “I’ve never seen anything like this!”

“Few ponies have,” she grumbled.

“Did you just make this for me?”

“Yes, Twilight.”

“Thank you. It’s so wonderful!” She nuzzled the Princess. Luna smiled.

“It was our pleasure. Come, we should get back; they’ll be wondering where we are.”

Luna grinned and spread her great wings. She leapt from the top of the statue and glided down gracefully to the ground. Twilight teleported to her side and they made their way back to the party together.