• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 4,337 Views, 113 Comments

An Unexpected Party - Gallifrey

It is Celestia’s 5000th birthday, and the Mane Six and Luna throw her a party she will never forget

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An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Chapter Six


Rainbow Dash woke up at lunchtime the next day in her fluffy cloud bed. She groaned, rolled over lazily and fell out of it, with a muffled thump onto the floor. The blue pegasus stretched her wings and twisted her back, eliciting several loud popping sounds and a satisfied sigh. Her stomach growled loudly as she trudged to her bathroom to get herself ready for the day.

As she sat preening her wings, having showered under a grey raincloud, she reminded herself of the day’s events: she had a meeting with the Weather Team at two o’clock, and was visiting Applejack for dinner at half past seven - she also knew she had something else to do, but she couldn’t put her hoof on what it was. Right now, her hunger was at the forefront of her mind.
She was never much of a cook, and never dared cook when she had guests over for fear of poisoning them. So she decided she’d grab something to eat from Cloudsdale before her meeting at the Weather Factory.

What do I want? She wondered as she took off out of her window, even though she had a perfectly good door. I could sure go for a pizza right now, yeah, pizza sounds good. Her mind wandered while she flew towards the great cloud city in the sky; she was not looking forward to her meeting at all, all that boring talking! Although dinner with Applejack was something to look forward to at least, she was in the mood for something with apples in it. She put on an extra burst of speed as she approached Cloudsdale and flitted around the great towers of clouds to her favourite pizza restaurant near the centre of the city. She landed in the city centre, next to a large water fountain in the shape of the city’s founder: the pegasus, Cloud Chaser. For such a huge statue to be suspended in the clouds, and to rest on the cloud itself, the unicorns had had to work their magic on it to make it very light. She turned away from the fountain and walked down a street to the restaurant she wanted.

Some time later Rainbow Dash walked out, full of pineapple pizza. She trotted at a laid back pace up towards the Weather Factory. She looked at the ponies around her; some were doing a day’s shopping, some were hurriedly rushing to where they were supposed to be. Rainbow noticed a wavy pink tail behind a cart, and then the pegasus it belonged to raised her head up.

“Hey! Fluttershy!” Rainbow yelled.

The yellow mare yelped and nearly jumped out of her hooves in shock.

“Oh, h-hello Rainbow Dash,” she said softly.

“What’re you doing up here? You’re normally stuck to the ground with all your lil’ critters.”

“Yes, but today is the day of the month that I buy food and treats for them, and Ponyville doesn’t have everything I need. Angel Bunny loves rainbow sticks, but Cloudsdale is the only place I can find them.”

“Oh cool, I love rainbow sticks too,” said Dash happily.

“Would you like one? I have lots.”

“Thanks ‘Shy, but I just had a big lunch,” she suddenly realised just how long she had taken with that. “Er, Fluttershy, what time is it?”

“Um, about five to two I think.”

“Oh horseapples! Sorry, I gotta run, I have to be with the Weather Team in five minutes, see ya Fluttershy!”

“Bye Rainbow –” but the multi-coloured mare was already gone. Fluttershy sighed and continued with her shopping.

Rainbow flew swiftly up to the Weather Factory at the top of Cloudsdale, speeding through the golden archway and into the entrance hall. She landed hard and ran up to the reception.

“Hey,” she panted to a silver pegasus, “d’you know where the… where the Weather Team committee meeting is today?”

“Er,” the pegasus said, flipping through his notebook. “Level four, in the Hall of Storms.”

“That’s an odd place to hold it isn’t it?”

“The Rainbow Suite was accidentally double booked.”

Rainbow groaned, but made her way up to the fourth level. She opened the door and was greeted by a low rumble of thunder; she looked up above her to see that the ceiling was made of dark thunderclouds looming ominously over a large, wooden, grey table with wing-backed chairs. Around the table were six other pegasi looking at her, each being the head of various aspects of the Weather Factory.

“You’re late, Rainbow Dash,” said Starshine, a golden yellow stallion with an orange mane who was sitting at the head of the table.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” said Rainbow, pulling up a chair. “Lost track of time and stuff.”

“Now we’re all here - to business,” said Starshine importantly. “We need to schedule the weather for next week.”

“Why am I even here?” asked Ice Beam sullenly, a very pale blue mare, “It’s high summer!”

“Because it’s procedure,” said Starshine, “as we agreed last week, this week has been very hot and sunny, which has done the Apple family’s apples a world of good from what Rainbow has told me.”

“Yup, they’re coming along nicely now,” said Rainbow.

“But the fields are starting to dry out, so next week we need to schedule a good heavy downpour. Thunder, Cirrus, Imber, you three need to take charge of creating a thunderstorm for the day after tomorrow.”

The three ponies he addressed nodded in unison.

“What about me?” asked a turquoise stallion named Aeroph, “Is this gonna be a windless thunderstorm or something?”

“Forgive me Aeroph,” Starshine said, “yes, put some gusts in, from the… southwest sound good?”

“Yes sir,” he replied.

“Excellent. Rainbow Dash, I want you to-- Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow was sitting in her chair with glasses on and at first glance, she appeared to be awake. But Starshine got up and trotted over to her, and removed the glasses with eyes drawn on. She was fast asleep.

“Rainbow Dash,” he said irritably, prodding her. She jerked awake.

“I was just resting my eyes!”

“Uh huh, well, after this storm you will need to make a rainbow for us.”


“The day after tomorrow.”

“No sweat, I can do that,” said Rainbow airily as a drop of water fell onto her muzzle. It began to rain in the hall.

“Imber, can’t you do something about this rain?” asked Starshine.

“No sir, these rooms have minds of their own you know.”

“Fine," he grumbled, "you’re all dismissed, we covered most things anyway.”

“Sweet!” said Rainbow hurrying to the door.
As she left the Weather Factory she looked up to see two young colts racing each other in the air. Racing, fast, flying. Rainbow stopped dead, suddenly remembering what else she was supposed to do.

She was supposed to ask the Wonderbolts to fly with her today.

“Oh no. Oh no no no no no no! What do I do?” Rainbow asked herself, dancing nervously on her hooves. “Come on, you’re the Dash, you’re not afraid of anything! You can talk to those guys - you have before, and you can again.”

She managed to talk herself into feeling more confident. She knew where Spitfire lived at least, on the outskirts of Cloudsdale. Rainbow walked with little enthusiasm in the direction of Spitfire’s house. Once she arrived at the front door of the large fluffy house, she took several deep calming breaths and knocked on the door.

“Oh, hey there Rainbow Dash,” said Spitfire.

Rainbow thought she looked very odd without her Wonderbolt outfit on. Her coat was butterscotch yellow, which contrasted well with her fiery mane. She glanced at Spitfire’s cutie mark, a lightning bolt with flames rising from it. Rainbow supressed various thoughts that were flying through her mind at the sight of her.

Spitfire saw Rainbow looking at her flank and smiled. It’s the same with every fan, she thought to herself.

“My face is up here,” said the Wonderbolt, grinning.

“Oh gosh!” Rainbow blushed, “Hey- hey there Spitfire.”

Spitfire giggled at the look of panic on the blue mare’s face.

“What brings you round here? Come on in.”

Rainbow walked awkwardly into her hallway. There were trophies and medals everywhere. Rainbow was proud of her own award collection, but it was put to shame here. She stood with her mouth open in awe. Spitfire chuckled.

“Yeah, there’s a fair few of them,” she smiled at the technicolour pegasus.

“Sure is… anyway, um, I really need a favour off you guys, ya know, if that’s okay.”

She could have passed for Fluttershy with how quietly she mumbled the last part.

“Oh?” said Spitfire curiously, “Well, we’re happy to help Rainbow, you know, after you saved our lives, and Soarin’s apple pie of course - I guess we owe you one.”

Rainbow felt a knot in her stomach unwind, and an injection of confidence filled her.

“Well, on the Summer Sun Celebration, I thought I would perform, like, an aerial show, and I had a really awesome idea that we could fly from the direction of the Sun when it rises and I do a sonic rainboom with you guys either side of me - would that be cool?” She said all this very fast.

“Wow, that sounds amazing Rainbow!”

Rainbow glowed at the compliment.

“A very neat idea, and I would be honoured to perform for the two princesses,” she continued. “I’m sure Soarin’ will too, provided there’s some pie for him.”

“How is Soarin’?” asked Rainbow, maintaining the conversation.

“He’s good, he’s good: he’s out giving flying safety lessons today at the schools in town. Hey, d’you want something to drink?”

“Yes please!” said Dash more eagerly than she intended. She had just been offered a drink from one of her heroes after all.

“What would you like?”

“Whatever you’ve got going is fine with me.”

“Sure thing, have a seat.”

Spitfire led Rainbow to her living room, and then made her way to the kitchen.
Rainbow settled herself down on a sofa and looked around. There were more medals and trophies, but also a surprising number of books on shelves around the room. Spitfire also seemed to be subscribed to every flying magazine Equestria had to offer. Rainbow saw the newest edition of Young Fliers Weekly on top of a large pile stacked haphazardly on a coffee table. She picked it up and began to read.

Spitfire meanwhile was pressing oranges and lemons in her kitchen.

Rainbow’s a pretty cool gal, she thought, as she reached up to a cupboard looking for sugar and fizzy water, I should probably make more of an effort to get to know her, I mean, it looks very likely she’ll join us one day.

Spitfire and Rainbow enjoyed the afternoon together. Spitfire regaled Dash with various stories from her days being a Wonderbolt, and in turn, Rainbow told tales of adventures with her friends. In the early evening, Rainbow had to leave on account of visiting Applejack.

“I’ve had a great afternoon, thanks Spitfire,” said Rainbow at Spitfire’s door.

“It was my pleasure Rainbow, take care now!”

“You too!” called Rainbow as she took off, and with a last fleeting look at Spitfire, she dived down, in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.