• Published 6th May 2013
  • 3,641 Views, 40 Comments

Eternal sorrow of an innocent soul - Flutterfan457

Spike had lost all his closest friends and now had to live with the princesses and the horrid pain of loss

  • ...

chapter 2

Spike had settled into his new life after a little over a week in Canterlot. He was trying to enjoy his time there, but it still hurt fiercely remembering his friends and Twilight's recent death. He was walking through the Canterlot market with Cadance. She had decided to take the day off to spend time with him. She did have responsibilities, but thankfully not as much as Celestia and Luna so she was able to watch over him more. Cadance did not like leaving him in the care of a stranger. They had spent the day mostly talking, Cadance cuddling him when he started crying. Spike had wanted to walk through town, hoping to see how the city had changed over the years. His stomach rumbled as they walk by a jewelry shop. Cadance smiled.

"How bout we get some gems?"

Spike looked pleasantly surprised.


Cadance set him on her back and kissed his cheek as they walked inside. The clerk, a young unicorn, looked excited seeing her and bowed respectfully.

"Welcome, your highness. How may I be of service to you?"

"We're looking for some special gems. Do you have anything for sale?"

The unicorn reached under the desk and presented a large box full of a variety of stones, each one perfectly cut and shimmering in the light. Spike's stomach rumbled loud seeing them, making Cadance giggle.

"How much for them all?"

"1000 bits, your highness"

Spike looked guilty for the high price.

"Charge it to the palace."

Cadance took the box and gave it to Spike, which he happily started munching. The clerk looked emphatically at her.

"If you'd like, your highness, I have a stone you may like."

Cadance looked at him quizzically as he walked into the back. When he returned, Cadance gasped and Spike dropped his gems as tears filled his eyes. The clerk was levitating a large beautiful purple gem cut to look like a shining star. Spike sniffed and moaned gently seeing it, Cadance cuddling him and the clerk looking concerned thinking he had done something wrong. The gem looked nearly identical to Twilight's cutie mark. Spike looked at Cadance with a pleading look.


Cadance kissed his cheek.

"We'll take it"

The clerk presented the stone to Spike, which he hugged to his chest as he cried softly. Cadance wished the clerk well as she picked up Spike's box of gems and left.


Spike and Cadance were sitting in the park, Cadance lovingly stroking his head as Spike hugged his new gem. Spike sniffed and tried to wipe his face but Cadance used her magic to do it for him. He turned to her with a worried look.

"Can....can I tell you something, Cadance?"

"Of course, Spike."

She moved closer to Spike and craddled him in her wings. Spike placed his head against her, the warmth and softness of her fur easing him a bit.

"Last night, I......I was planning on running away. I wanted to leave behind everything and just....make the hurting stop."

Cadance gently hugged him and nuzzled his head.

"I know sweetie. Luna told me about it."

"That's not it. When....when..."

Spike started to break down, fresh sobs escaping him and more bitter tears filled his eyes. Cadance hugged him tightly and stroked his back as he held onto her, his tears soaking into her coat. He calmed after a few moments and continued.

"When I was at her grave....I just want so badly to see them all again. I thought....if I died they'd be waiting for me, and we could be together forever. I wanted to kill myself...."

Spike wept bitterly as he looked down in shame. Cadance gently lifted his gaze to hers, her eyes full of empathy.

"I know how you feel."

Spike looked surprised as she placed him in her lap and continued to cuddle him.

"When Shining Armor passed away, I thought my life was over. I was so angry he left me behind. I kept demanding Celestia and Luna help me use magic to bring him back. I screamed and hollered at anyone who came near me for days. I just wanted to be with my prince again. Finally, one night, I started destroying our old suite, tearing everything apart that remotely reminded me of him. After I'd wrecked pretty much everything, I wept. I wept for so long begging him to come back."

Cadance held her breath trying to hold back sobs. Spike hugged her, trying to help her as she did him, and she kissed him gratefully.

"I couldn't take it. I looked around and found a piece of glass...."

Spike gasped as she caressed him. She lifted a patch of fur on her chest just above her heart to show a fairly recent scar. Spike looked closely at it and saw it went pretty deep. He looked at her emphatically.

"Celestia and Luna kept a close eye on me as I recovered, reminding me constantly they loved me. I still miss him. It still hurts to think about him. But I refuse to stop remembering and loving him. I want to hold on to what he gave me."

Spike hugged her, grateful she understood his hurt and feelings. He could never forget his old friends, now matter how much it hurt.

"So remember this Spike. No matter how many friends you lose, there are still three ponies that love you. We'll never stop loving you, no matter what."

She kissed him, holding him in a warm embrace. Spike started to doze off and Cadance noticed the sun was setting. She cradled Spike as she headed back to the palace.


Celestia and Luna were briskly walking through the halls, heading for Spike's room. They weren't able to spend the day with him, but they still intended to make sure he was well and wish him goodnight. They entered his room to see Cadance gently cuddling him as he still held onto his gem, looking sad but unable to weep anymore. Celestia and Luna sat down by his side.

"Where did you find that gem, sweetie."

"Cadance and I went to a jewelry shop and the clerk showed it to her. She bought it for me...."

Spike hugged it tightly. Luna gently stroked his head.

"I'm sorry about...last night...."

"You have nothing to be sorry about."

Spike started to fall asleep as he continued to hold his gem. Celestia gently took his gem with magic and set it in a stand as the three tucked him in and sang to him.

Warm and bright
Fire glow
Ever burn little ember
Feel our song
In your heart
You we will love forever

Spike fell into a deep much needed slumber. The princesses stayed by him, not wanting to leave him alone. Luna very quietly spoke.

" Where did that song come from? It sounded beautiful"

Celestia could only look at Spike lovingly and gently stroke his head. Cadance answered.

"When Spike was a few days old, Celestia brought us to his nursery. She asked us to help make a lullaby for him."

They suddenly felt a new presence among them, but it felt very familiar and comforting. They and Spike became covered by a purple aura of magic and were pulled into a vision.


Spike awoke to find himself in a crib, a beautiful carousel above him covered with crystalline figurines and golden pieces. He felt odd, like he wasn't himself. He looked at himself and saw he was wearing a snuggie and diaper. He was a little baby. Somehow, he didn't feel concerned. He looked around and saw Celestia, looking at him with eyes glowing with joy. He reached out to her and cooed. Celestia picked him up and cradled him. A nearby door opened and Twilight and Cadance walked in. Both of them were little girls eyes full of wonder seeing Spike. Cadance spoke up in excitement.

"That's a baby dragon? I didn't know they could be so cute"

"I hatched him myself."

Twilight looked proud as Celestia sat in a rocking chair, the girls approaching her. Spike looked at them with big eyes full of joy. He couldn't help but feel joy seeing Twilight, even if it was just a dream. He reached out to her, trying to speak to her, but could only make baby noises. Twilight's eyes lit up with joy. Celestia called her closer.

"Do you know how to hold a baby, Twilight?"

Twilight looked a little worried.

"A...a little. I haven't read about it, but...."

Celestia asked Cadance to aid her as she handed Spike to Twilight. Cadance helped her set him just right against her. Spike couldn't help but cuddle her, trying to show he loved her and be near her one more time. Even if he knew it wasn't real, it felt like it was. He could actually feel her warm familiar touch and her soft fur as she held him gently. Twilight's eyes filled with tears with joy.

"He's so beautiful."

Cadance looked at Spike longingly.

"I wish I could have a baby dragon."

Celestia turned the dial on Spike's carousel, making the familiar song through pleasant belle medley.

"I asked you girls here because I need your help. Spike gets a little fussy around nap time."

Cadance looked thoughtful.

"How can we help?"

Twilight looked excited.

"We could find a book on baby care. I'm certain the library has something to help."

Celestia laughed lightly.

"Books won't help you in everything Twilight. I believe I know a way to settle Spike. He loves his carousel's music, so I believe he would like a lullaby."

Cadance and Twilight looked surprised.

"But.....You sing so much better than us."

"Perhaps. But I know my little ember would love to hear a song from all of us."

Twilight felt Spike snuggle closer to her. She smiled warmly and nodded. Celestia started the song first.

Hush your burn
Still your glow
Sleep now little ember
Warmth of love
Light of joy
Wait for you
In the morning

Spike smiled happily as Celestia gently sang. Cadance continued in a lovely young voice.

See my heart
Feel my love
Know I love you darling

Suddenly, Twilight changed. She was no longer the little filly. She was the Twilight Spike remembered most fondly. The young brilliant pony that had discovered the legend of Nightmare Moon, had defeated her and returned Luna, the pony that led their friends to defeat Discord. The one that loved him unconditionally for so long. and she wasn't alone. All their old friends, all of them still young and full of life, smiling at him with eyes full of love. Spike remained in his infant form, but he could tell this was all real. His friends had reached out to him one last time, to say goodbye to him. Twilight didn't say anything, only continued to sing. It was different from what he remembered.

Still your heart
Dry your tears
Weep for me no longer
Look to light
Look to love
See how you've been blessed

Suddenly, a beautiful bright light of many colors shown around them. Spike looked up and saw the princesses, all fully grown and looking on him, their love feeling like a pleasant warmth surrounding him.

Angels hold you safe and warm
Shielding you from the pain and scorn
Hear them sing in ecstasy
For being blessed by thee

The other ponies sang out a beautiful choir like medley of absolute joy. Spike could only squeal and laugh for joy, his heart full of childlike wonder the likes of which he hadn't felt in years. Twilight held him high as she continued to sing and the others maintained their joyous chorus.

Little ember proud and strong
Burning bright through the fiercest storm
Passion burning endlessly
For all eternity

Twilight suddenly lifted into the air, the other ponies following suit as beautiful music played all around them and a warm light filled with love and tenderness surrounded them.

Never cease
Never go
Be extinguished never
Burn with love
Shine with joy
Share your fire forever

Spike felt weariness come over him, making a small yawn as they all returned to the familiar nursery and Twilight set him into the crib, tucking him in.

Warm and bright
Fire glow
Ever burn little ember
Feel our song
In your heart

The princesses gave Spike a gentle kiss. Twilight and the others began to fad as they waved goodbye to him. Spike waved back, not feeling any sadness but only joy to see his friends one last time. They remained long enough to sing the last part of the song as Spike slipped into sleep.

You we will love forever


The princesses snapped out of the vision, their eyes wide and panting lightly. They smiled slightly, feeling tears of joys forming in their eyes. Celestia gently spoke.


She received no answer but knew. Her student and all her friends had returned for only a moment to give one last gift of friendship and ease Spike's pain. The three looked onto Spike's sleeping form and nearly burst into sobs of joy. For the first time since Twilight's passing, Spike smiled.


Spike woke early the next morning, feeling well after a much needed sleep, his mind still reeling from what he saw last night. They came back. They all came back one last time to say goodbye. He couldn't explain it, he didn't understand it, but he knew it was them. It had to be. They came back to tell him not to fear and to love like he had for them. He wiped his eyes, tears of joy overcoming him. He looked at his gem and smiled. He leaned forward and kissed it.

"Thank you Twilight."

He climbed out of bed and made for the door. He had to talk to the princesses. They had to know what he had seen. He knew Celestia would love to hear about this. He opened the door and saw a royal guard standing to the side. He smiled at Spike.

"Young sir, you're awake. Her majesty asked to see you as soon as possible."

Spike thanked him and made for the throne room. For once in days, Spike honestly felt very good.


The three princesses were seated at the throne, going over documents and preparing to meet with nobles, dignitaries and politicians of all kinds. They were still reeling from what they had seen last night. But it brought them a sense of joy and peace, to know Twilight had sent a message of love to them. They were about to receive the first meeting in when Spike entered. He froze a moment when he saw the amount of paperwork around them and the guards preparing to let guests in. The princesses simply smiled warmly and Celestia opened a wing toward him. Spike stepped to her throne and she lifted him to her.

"Can...can we talk princess?"

Celestia turned to her guards.

"Men, all activities for the day are on hiatus until further notice. We are not to be disturbed under any circumstances."

"Yes, your majesty"

The guards exited the room and sealed the doors. The princesses all placed a gentle hoof on Spike. He looked happily at them, his eyes ready to burst.

"I saw her last night."

The princesses felt their own tears begin to flow as they realized what Twilight's gesture meant. She wanted to tell Spike to love and laugh again. Spike wiped his eyes as he continued.

"I saw her and all our friends. Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy. They all came back to me. I don't how and....I don't know why I know but......It was them!"

Spike started to sob overcome by this feeling, burying his face into Celestia. They all hugged him tightly, weeping for joy at Twilight's beautiful gift to them. Celestia wiped her eyes and lifted Spike's gaze to hers.

"She loves you Spike. They all do. And so do we. Because you are an amazing person. They wanted you to know that. They wanted to tell you one last time how much we all love you."

Spike smiled a big bright smile and hugged them, feeling safe and warm just as Twilight said they would do. They remained like this for some time. Spike thought of something and spoke to them.

"There's one last thing I have to do."


That evening, the four were gathered at the private graveyard. Spike was carrying a number of items to give to his friends, feeling he needed to in thanks for their last gesture to him. He approached Rainbow Dash first, planting a few flowers called Rainbow Blossom's, Rose like flowers with rainbow petals. Spike planted then carefully and spoke to her.

"You were right you know. You really went out better than anyone. The wonderbolts are still talking about it, saying no one should have been in one piece after that."

Spike sniffed away his tears and moved to Applejack, planting an apple blossom by her.

"Applebloom is doing okay. She's not up to farming anymore, but she's still making Zapapple jam, just like Granny Smith. She's got a whole big family now."

Spike wiped his eyes, adjusting the hat on her Tombstone to sit right. He moved on, coming to Fluttershy. He started to shake with sorrow as he planted lovely tulips and sunflowers.

"Your girls.....They actually started an animal shelter...Named it after you. They're taking care of all kinds of little animals, just like you."

He held strong, moving toward the resting place of Pinkie. He planted a bouquet of flowers resembling a bunch of balloons. He couldn't help but smile warmly.

"I'll bet wherever you are, it's a lot more fun since you arrived. Could use some of that here..."

Spike sobbed once but pushed on, his heart tightening as he came to Rarity's place of rest. Spike felt like his heart was being twisted and torn out, but he lovingly planted a bouquet of sparkling blue flowers called diamond roses. He placed a kiss on the tombstone.

"I....I love you, Rarity. I still love you. Thank you for making me your Spikey-wikey."

The princesses watched in silent respect, eyes overflowing seeing him tend to his beloved friends. Spike reached his last spot, feeling a mixture and sorrow and happiness. He placed an ornate silver urn onto her resting place. He lit a small point and tended to it. It was a special device that would allow the fire to burn forever. As long as it was tended to once a year, the fire would never die out. Spike spoke to her in a shaky voice.

"I.....I heard the princess made our old home into a library. Named it after you.........Now everypony in Ponyville is coming by to read and learn. Even all over Equestria ponies come to read there. They're all trying to be like you...."

Spike couldn't take it anymore. He fell onto her stone and hugged it tightly, crying into it still full of pain. The princesses ran to him and held him, letting him show his love to Twilight the only way he could. Spike eventually calmed down and looked at the stone lovingly.

"I love you Twilight. I will never stop. I swear I will love you forever."

With that Spike stepped back from the grave and felt more tears come to him. The princesses hugged him close, wanting him to know how much they loved him.


From that day forward, Spike settled into a happy life as the dragon prince of Equestria. He would spend his days in service to the princesses, and they would care for him in turn. They couldn't be with him all the time, but they always made certain to give him many cuddles and hugs and remind him everyday they loved him. Even as the centuries went by, Spike always returned to his friends' graves. Every year, he'd tend to them, speak to them, and make sure the urn continued to burn endlessly. It was always painful, leading to more sorrowful tears, but Spike refused to stop. He loved them all, no matter what. He would love them for the rest of time, just as he did the princesses and they him. Their love was one thing that time could never take and he cherished it forever.

The End

Comments ( 23 )

my feels oh god :(

Shedding liquid pride like a baby here, but this was a simply wonderful, sad, beautiful, and truly touching story. Love and friendship are two elements in life that shall never be extinguished, it is the flames of the heart's candle that cannot be snuffed out. Truly wonderful fanfic. :fluttercry::pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2::twilightblush:

2537859 Thank you so much. Part of me wonders if I could ever inspire someone to make a music video the way something Rainbow Factory does.

2537813 Honestly, for me I think this was a rare stroke of brilliance.

2537876 Oh, that would be really beautiful and touching for a music video to be made for this story. Don't worry, I bet it will inspire someone to do that when they read this. :pinkiehappy:

WY DIDN'T I FUCKING CRY!? COMEON THIS STORY WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR IT RIGHT!!!? I guess this would just have to do ::ajsleepy: :fluttercry: :raritycry: :raritydespair:

2621767 Long as you enjoyed it.

Are you...enjoying the taste of my tears?:fluttercry:

2780267 Honestly, I'm amazed I was able to write this. The idea just came to me out of nowhere and I felt like I had to write it. For me this feels like a rare stroke of brilliance.


Your best work, in my opinion.

2780293 Thank you. Though I think others enjoy "Spike at your service (alt. version)" a bit more considering it has received no dislikes at all.


I haven't read it yet but I plan to.

I think that might be because that's humor and this is a direct sucker punch into the feels organ.

2780320 Well, it's not purely comedy. I had written cause I didn't like what the actual episode did to Spike and wanted something that was more respectful. There are some heavy emotional moments in it, but based on some comments I think I went a bit overboard there.


Well, it's definitely an improvement over the original but I'm sorry to say I'm not too impressed. It might just be because I read it just after reading this one. This one...feels more mature, both in the story content and in your writing ability. There were very emotional points in both stories but this one sold them better; it was easier to read, easier to feel Spike's pain.

I still prefer this piece.


Well, it's definitely an improvement over the original but I'm sorry to say I'm not too impressed. It might just be because I read it just after reading this one. This one...feels more mature, both in the story content and in your writing ability. There were very emotional points in both stories but this one sold them better; it was easier to read, easier to feel Spike's pain.

I still prefer this piece.

I think this is my 3rd or maybe 5th time reading this.

What a cute and sad story i like how you made spike didn't grow up like other dragons we see on the show i like think if spike never outlives his friends he will stay in a body of a baby dragon.

3127614 After the episode "Secret of my excess" I figured Spike isn't able to become a full grown dragon.

3128014 Yeah i think spike is different then most dragon we see so far he just stand out to me.

3224451 In this, because he spent his life with ponies, he's not able to grow properly.

3224565 So, let me get this straight. Spike, Celestia, Luna and Cadence all look the same as they did in the show? They haven't aged, they haven't grown, they all look the same? :-)

3276115 I did put in the description that this story is based on the idea that all alicorns and dragons are immortal, and therefore aren't effected by age.

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