• Published 12th May 2013
  • 1,691 Views, 63 Comments

The Awakening: The Last Hope - Icudeadnow

Earth had been destroyed... they searched for a new home.

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Chapter 1: Hope Reborn

-42 years later-


The hallways were bustling with crew members maintaining the ship's systems and performing their duties. It was just another day like any other aboard the Leviathon. Conversations took place all around the old captain and he was rubbing he head due to a headache he had gotten while listening to the chancelor of the Embassy of the New order. This man had a knack for making such an obnoxious conversation. He was always making problems bigger than they already were, and in this case it was just as bad as always.

"Captain Corellius! Please listen to me, the food supply is running low! We must do something about this... we must ACT!" The chancellor said, adding to Jim Corellius's headache. He sighed when the chancellor would not go away without a response that he wanted.

"Chancellor, I assure you we have everything under control. We have about fifteen years left of the food supply. Why do you have to trouble me with things so small...?" Jim said, looking at the chancellor who was obviously not convinced due to the fact that his facial expression screamed out disbelief.

Jim shook his head slowly, accidently casuing another barrage of pain to slam against his skull, "Chancellor... Will it please you if we look into this and try to find a solution to this so-called problem of yours?" suprisingly the chancellor looked disgusted by what he said and even pulled back with a sneer on his face,

"so-called problem? so-called problem?! This is a disaster!!!" The chancellor almost screamed. Captain Corellius had just about enough of this.

"I've tried to be nice to you and respect your opinions, but please would you just SHUT UP!? I said I would deal with it and I will! NOW GO!" Jim yelled at chancellor, who drew back even further still and put on a hurt expression.

"Fine... But you will rue this day captain! RUE IT I SAY!" The chancellor yelled and ran up the small stairs, tripping on his robe and getting up quickly so as not to look like a fool. Jim laughed softly to himself, causing a few smiles to break out among the people on the bridge. The chancellor ran into the elevator to take him wherever he wanted to go and said Jim would rue the day he messed with him. Yeah... that man had a special skill when it came to getting under people's skin. He looked around the bridge, light getting in his eyes making him look down to his crew members. They were all looking at him, expecting some kind of order to be given.

"Get back to work!" Jim ordered the crew members who were slacking off. Why is it that new recruits were so clueless? Jim would kill just to have some of the original crew still alive. The only new recruit who actually was making a name for himself was Sergeant Shepard. He was one tough son of a bitch... Jim had to give him that. He knew that kid since he was just a baby and it was amazing to see the kid grown up and already he was the youngest officer on board the Leviathon. It just made you realize how easy it is to miss the little things in life.

Jim remembered that day when everything went to shit... the day THEY came.... It was like any other day at the barracks. He was 20 and he was in the prime of his life, the wind was blowing through his short brown hair. At that time they were at war with an alien race that liked to call themselves the Zargul. They had already killed off our only two allies in the galactic counsil and we all knew who they were going to target next. But no one expected it to happen that day... that one day where everything changed for the worse. The year was 2145 and the month was July, and the birds were singing along with neighborhood children laughing and kicking a soccer ball, trying to keep it away from a kid. They were playing a good old game called keep away. He remembered smiling with amusement at them and they stopped to say hello.

"Hey Jim! Do you want to play keep away with us?!" One of the children asked with excitement lining their voice and body language.

"ah.. I'm sorry kids but I got to get back to the barracks and make sure those new recruits are in line. Say... I have something you could do..." Jim said, still smiling with amusement at the kids and how innocent they were when all the things around them usually turned to shit. He remembered how he envied those kids about how they could be so happy when a war was going on.

"Yeah?! what is it Jim?" They all asked excitedly. He asked them to stand guard and watch if any bad guys came along. They said they would, which made him laugh visibly and ruffle one of the kid's hair up. He walked down the cracked sidewalk, enjoying the sun as it beat down on him. It was such a beautiful day, how could anything go wrong? He soon was corrected with an iron fist when, five hours later, the alarms went off and th Zargul came for them. Their mothership dwarfing their planet and causing worldwide panic. He was called to board the Leviathon and help in any way he could. The captain and the lieutenant died by plasma shots. He was the one left in charge and he was completely clueless on what to do. When the shit really hit the fan thats when he got his stuff together. He barked orders left and right making sure every crew member was doing what they were supposed to do. Long story short the Zargul destroyed earth and left thousands orphans and an even greater number dead.

As he sat there thinking about that day... that day where everything changed. He had went so far into his thoughts he was completely oblivious to his surroundings. He was yanked from these distracting thoughts by Sergeant Shepard.

"Sir... We have a bit of a situation." Shepard said, his voice normal yet seemed to get the attention of most of the people on board. He usually had that kind of effect on people. He had short black hair, stubble, green piercing, determined eyes, a pronounced jaw, and some serious muscle. He was by far a man he could trust with is very life.

"Yes Shepard, what is it?" Jim asked, stirring from his deep thoughts.

"We have spotted a planet and we scanned it. Apparently it can... sustain us. Sir I think we have finally done it. We may have finally found our home..." Shepard said, with the smallest hint of a smile touching his lips. Jim just looked at Shepard with a shocked expression on his face. Could it be... have they found a place where they can finally call home?

"Captain Corellius do you want me to lead a scouting party to see if what our scans say is true?" Shepard offered. Jim looked at the screen, which had now opened cameras to a view of the planet.

After about five minutes of deep thought and careful decision making, Jim finally said, "Yes Shepard, send out a scouting party and find out what you can." This could either mean the benefit of the surviving human remnants or it could mean their doom... Jim would go with the first choice any day.



It was a sunny day in Ponyville... the birds were chirping and the ponies were happy and content with their day to day lives. They lived carefree and dependant on a peace that had lasted so long some could say it was utopia. One purple unicorn was reading a good book, leaving her dragon to clean up a mess.

"Twilight... why don't you ever help me with YOUR messes?" The small dragon said with annoyance. The purple unicorn, who we can now call Twilight looked up from her book and smiled.

"Sorry Spike, I'm coming" She said, and put her book down onto the small round endtable next to her chair. She got up and trotted over to Spike and used her magic to put away and organize the fallen books. Together they finally picked up the mountain of books.

"Thanks Twilight... that would have taken FOREVER to pick up by myself." Spike said with relief. Twilight smiled at her dragon friend again.

"It was no big deal. What do you want to do now? We have everything nice and tidy now... care for a walk?" twilight asked Spike who thought for a moment and said he could go for a walk. They walked out the door and was met with the afternoon breeze and the laughter of fillies as they played in the streets. This made Twilight's smile grow even further and she walked down the street, deciding to make their way to Fluttershy's house. They talked and laughed every onnce in awhile, having a good time. Spike looked up and his expression went from happy to shocked. Twilight, still chuckling from a joke they had shared together, looked down at Spike.

"Spike what is wrong?" Twilight looked at him in confusion. She looked up to where he was looking her expression turned to from confusion to shock as well. There in the sky was... a metal bird or something. It landed in a clearing in the country side away from any civilization for a mile or two. They just stood there wondering what to do next.

"Come on! Lets go see what it is!" Twilight said with newfound excitement. Spike looked at her like she had just slapped him.

"What?! Twilight are you crazy? That thing might be bad." Spike said with fear. Twilight only shook her head and smiled with amusement.

"Spike, it might be good. There is only one way to find out right?" Twilight said, making Spike groan.They ran up to where they saw the strange object land and hid behind a bush. Twilight looked over the bush and tried to explain what she was seeing. The thing had landed there alright, but there were big metal creatures walking out with strange things in their hands. There was only one way to see if these strange new beings were friendly... she was going to meet them. She did not know if this was a good idea, but it was her only idea at the moment. She watched the one with black armor take some kind of ball out and throw it in the air. It started flying by itself and some kind of blue light came out each time it stopped to look at something.

Spike was scared and he would admit it to anypony right now just to get out of this situation. She wated to actually check these things out. Sometimes he just did not understand Twilight at all. Twilight looked down at him and told him she was going to go get a closer look.


No Twilight! That might be dangerous!" Spike said, not wanting anything bad happen to her.

"Spike, I'll be okay. If something happens I'll teleport us back to the treehouse." Twilight said, reassuring him. Spike did not look convinced at all, but he caved in and made her promise that she would be back for him.

"Don't worry spike, I'll be right back." Twilight said, smiling so he didn't hear the fear in her voice. She did not know what would happen and she had never prepared herself for a situation such as this. Spike stayed behind and watched her every move, making sure nothing happened to her. She ran to a tree closer to these strange beings and checked her corners to make sure they hadn't spotted her. She slowly made her way, cover to cover, towards the new creatures. She had gotten close eneough that she could now see what she could only guess was their faces. What were these things?

The space marines had landed on the planet and were suprised to be surrounded by trees and woodland creatures. It was almost like a second earth, which Shepard had never seen since he had been born on the Leviathon. He had seen pictures and videos of earth and it's history. He had so longed for a chance to know the feeling of having a real home. He went back inside the dropship and took a MO2F-Scout class recon droid out of the storage and walked out in the front of the small ship. The others stood guard as he activated the small robot and throw it into the air. It was going to scan all the living things and the enviroment, making sure it was safe. About five minutes later he heard a snap of a twig and he swung the mark IV repeating assault rifle at the source of the sound. The others heard this and became instantly alert. They got back to back in a circle and scanned the trees. They could see nothing yet they knew they were not alone.

Twilight had never seen creatures like these before and her fear subsided to scientific curiosity. She got even closer to them and accidentally snapped a twig with her hoof. She ducked behnd a bush, hoping they had not seen her. Her heart beat a hundered miles an hour as a sweat drop slowly dripped down her the her forehead. It fell down and hit a leaf causing a small noise she was sure that they did not hear. As she became to calm down and believe they had not seen her she heard something in front of her. She could not see what it was that had so easily snuck up on her but whatever it was, it may be related to these new creatures.

Shepard had never before seen anything like this in aall his days. It looked like some kind of pony, which was absolutely ridiculous. It had a dark purple mane with a lighter purple going down the middle of that mane. Its coat was an even lighter color of purple. It had some kind of horn and striking purple eyes. It seemed extremely afraid of the other marines in the clearing and he did not blame it. He slowly made his way in front of it and it must of heard him, because its head snapped towards his direction. He stopped and held his position for about eight minutes. When he knew that it had deduced that no one had been standing in front of it, it continued to watch his fellow marines.

It must have been nothing... just her imagination running away without her. There was no way one of those things snuck around her and managed to get in front of her. That would have taken enormous skill due to the fact that they were huge. She would have heard them before they had gotten two feet around her. She continued watching the creatures in the clearing and noticed that one of them was missing. There had been six of them and now there were only five, which alarmed her more than anything. Its in front of her....

He stopped ten feet away from it in the clear, keeping his distance so he would not scare the poor thing. It spotted him and its eyes widened to extreme sizes and it looked like it was going to bolt at any moment.

"Hey... I'm not going to hurt you little guy... come on. I won't hurt you... it'll be alright I promise you" He said, trying to calm it down by showing he wasn't a threat. This seemed to calm it down and it slowly nut surely calmed down, letting him get ever so closer.

What suprised her the most was the fact that it could actually talk and it seemed to be friendly. There was something it in its voice that strangely calmed her down. She let it get closer and closer to the point that it pet her down the mane, which destroyed any doubt of it being bad.

"Excuse me... but what are you?" Twilight asked and was only met with the widening of its eyes and it throwing itself back. She must have scared it somehow, which was most definitely not the end result she was looking for.

"Y-you talk?!" it said obvious fear and uncertainty in its voice. Obviously it had not expected her to talk back to it. She could understand where it came from, since it probably had never seen anything like her before. She had never seen anything like it before either, so she guessed the feeling was mutual.

"Yes I talk. My name is Twilight Sparkle, what is yours?" Twilight asked, hoping to make friends with it and reassure it that she was not dangerous. It looked around, probably searching for something else that may have spoke and then, by its facial expressions she could see that it knew it was really her that had been talking. It seemed to regain some of its composure and started to respond to her.

"My name is... Sergeant John Shepard of the UPGF, freedom fighter for the last of humanity." He said with newfound determination. He had never seen anything like her before, but she seemed friendly enough. Now to see if she had any friends he needed to know about....

-To be continued-

Author's Note:

Yes I know that there are higher ranks than captain. But it is a fiction and I just happen to like a captain commendeering a ship. Anyway I appreciate any constructive you might have to offer me.
