• Published 12th May 2013
  • 1,691 Views, 63 Comments

The Awakening: The Last Hope - Icudeadnow

Earth had been destroyed... they searched for a new home.

  • ...

Chapter 3: A Creepy Encounter

John grabbed on the pink fluffy thing and held it out in front of him, anger and confusion clouding his judgement. It looked to be some kind of weird pink pony. What suprised him the most was the fact that it giggled the entire time saying things like, "Do it again!" or, "That was fun!" He pinned an arm, or whatever you could call it, behind its back only causing even larger series of giggles.

"STOP!" Twilight shouted in alarm, "It's only Pinkie Pie!" John looked at Twilight in utter confusion. What the fuck did did she call this pony? Pinkie Pie? The name sounded like some exotic way of achieving an orgasm. The other marines just looked at each other, looks of confusion obvious even with the visors on the helmets on. He released it... her... and she got up still giggling the entire time. He put on a stern face and looked at the pink pony with a disapproving glare.

"What the hell was that? I could have snapped your arm in two!" John exclaimed angrily, not just at the new pink menace but at the strange turn of events. Of all the things they could have found on this fucked up planet, it just had to be fucking talking ponies. Sometimes it was just near impossible to be John Shepard...

Still giggling, but less so, she said, "I was just giving you a hug silly!" John just looked at this overly excited pony with a dumbstruck expression placed upon his face. He disabled the shield that was his visor and took a good long look at this new intrusion upon his sanity. This pony was entirely pink and had a quite messy mane and tail. She had three baloons plastered upon her flank, which brought a question to John that had not came to him when he had noticed this on Twilight.

After they had all calmed down from these strange turn of events John asked Twilight and Pinkie Pie, " What are those marks on your flanks? Are they tattoos?" Twilight was about to respond but Pinkie Pie jumped in front of her and stared at him for a couple minutes. They just stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but in reality it had only been a mere thirty seconds.

John was about to say something else but Pinkie blurted out, "They're our cutie marks silly!" She went on to ask, "Don't you have one?" Cutie marks? What the fuck had they found on this planet? This was something straight out of some fairy tale books. He had not paid much heed to it before because he was hoping for an explanation for what was going on around him. Maybe a logical reason as to why there were mythical ponies running around tackling aliens in hugs.

"What...the...fuck is a cutie mark?" John asked silently, not sure if even he heard himself. Had he gone insane? Was this punishment for whatever he might have done earlier in his life? He really did not know but if he was going to piece this together he had to get his shit together.

Pinkie sat there with her jaw dropped and her eyes big as plates, "You don't know what a cutie mark is?!" Pinkie Pie screeched, making john, the other marines, Twilight, and Spike flinch.

"No... pinkie. I don't know what a cutie mark is. Care to enlighten me?" John asked Pinkie Pie, who had randomly started staring off into the distance behind him. He looked behind him, only to find nothing but a closed door and a few ponies wiping their muddy hooves off and gasp when they saw the aliens. He looked back at Pinkie Pie who was still staring at nothing, drool starting to form at the corner of her mouth.

"What-" John began but was randomly interrupted by pinkie yet again, which was starting to annoy him, "A cutie mark is what appears on a pony's flank when she finds her special talent. It represents that talent in every way shape and form as you can most definitely see!" John just looked at the pink pony with a look of extreme alarm and confusion at this strange new addition to his slow decline in sanity and mental stability. Twilight popped out from behind Pinkie and offered him a nervous, apologetic smile.

"Oh... how insightful... umm... about the food?" John asked, trying to divert the conversation away from the pink mare. Pinkie Pie's face lit up with such joy that her grin grew to the state of creepy to an obivous, I-will-wait-for-you-to-go-to-sleep-and-skull-fuck-you-while-you-scream-in-pain, kind of creepy. Spike had, by then, broke down in uncontrollable fits of laughter. John watched Twilight shoot a venemous glare at Spike who immediately shut up.

Before Pinkie Pie said anything else that might confuse John even more than he already was Twilight said, "Well we can buy some cupcakes if you want. They're pretty good." The other marines exchanged glances with each other, only hearing about cupcakes in the Leviathon library. When the Zargul had arrived, they were only halfway stocked up and had to leave a lot of reacreational things behind. They had to reserve a lot of the resources, afraid that they would run out and die of hunger or thirst. So the Leviathon crew members had decided against making things such as birthday cakes, cupcakes, and other not needed things to the key of survival. The marines were enticed with the idea of having their first cupcake.

"Why not? I mean we are here to see what the native population's culture is like and that counts I guess." John said, secretly enjoying the idea of eating a cupcake. He did not want to look weak in front of his fellow marines, who were obviously not as secret about this as he was.

"Great! Okay just wait here and I will go buy a dozen for us." Twilight said and walked off and stopped at the counter. The nervous blue pony and Twilight were talking for awhile now, stealing looks at the marines. John felt a tapping noise on metal and looked to where he heard the sound. Spike was tapping his thigh to get his attention

"What?" John asked the little purple dragon.

"Ummm... that spaceship back there... is there a bigger one in space over the planet?" Spike asked slowly, not sure if he was asking the right questions or not.

"Yes actually. I would say it is a quarter the size of this continent. It was built for long travels with thousands of our species to find a new planet." John said, which made Spike's eyes bulge and his jaw drop. Had Spike heard him right? If they were not friendly who knew what these aliens could do. Only six of them looked tough enough to take the entire town out.

John noticed Spike's alarmed expression and went on to say, "Don't worry, we only want to create an alliance with your friends. We have travelled from our planet forty two years ago and we just need a place where we can settle." Spike's alarmed expression dimmed down to confusion at what he had just said. Settle down?

"What do you mean... settle down? Why did you leave your planet?" Spike asked, letting his curiosity get the best of him. He immediately regretted it when John's usual calm and calculating expression became a pained one.

"Sorry for talking about that... I'll just shut up now." Spike said, looking down. What had happened that they felt the need to run away from their planet and settle down here?

"It is okay... I will talk to you all about it once unwanted ears aren't listening." John said, already shrugging off the pained expression. Spike knew that whatever they were going to hear later was not going to be a enjoyable story at all. Sike had noticed the emotional pain flash in his eyes, which meant that something about their home planet brought some bad memories to John. He decided not to pursue the touchy subject until John was willing to tell them.

Pinkie Pie was barraging the other marines with constant chatter and really fucking creepy grins. Not much unnerved marines in the UPGF but that pink mare was extremely unnerving. They responded casually and calmly even if they feared for their lives at the moment. Twilight walked up to John with a floating box in front of her. John jumped back in fright at what he was seeing. The other marines looked at John to see why he was having a small freakout and their eyes widened.

"What the fuck?! How the hellare you doing that?!" John asked rather loudly of Twilight. Twilight looked confused and looked at the floating box of cupcakes. She then laughed at the reason he was afraid.

"It is just magic John. My guess is you're not used to it." Twilight assured him with an amused grin. He looked at the floating box again and his expression turned from alarm to curiosity. Twilight watched as he took out a flat thing that had a blue screen. He moved it over the floating box and the machine beeped three times. Twilight was very confused as to what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked John, who looked at her like she had just popped out of nowhere. He held up a finger, telling her to wait and kept tapping away at the screen. It made a series of beeping noises and ended with a big log beep that lasted about 5 seconds.

"I am trying to see what kind of energy you are using to move that box telekinetically. With every strange anomaly there is always a scientific explanation." John explained to Twilight, who just shrugged at led them out the door and back onto the streets. A crowd of ponies jumped away from the window and acted like they were doing something important. John just lookd around him and shook his head, chuckling. He thought back to when Pinkie Pie had tackled him to the ground, with nothing sinister but a hug... which was sinister in John's book. There was no way that she could have came from that side of him. There was nothing but empty tables and a wall. The door had not opened, which was known because the little bell had not rung. He had the feeling he shouldn't not question the fact that the pink pony had defied logic and came from literal nowhere. He went with his gut and followed Twilight and Spike, accompanied by his marines and Pinkie Pie to a scluded area where John could tell them why he was here. He just hoped that he didn't have to meet any more ponies like that pink one....


-Aboard the Leviathon-

Jim watched in utter disbelief... before him, on the screen that showed the views of the face cams set up on the scouting marines' were talking ponies of all sorts of different, bright colors. There seemedto be a talking lizard as well, which he was more willing to accpet that talking ponies for fuck's sake. The other crew members on the bridge were in a stunned silence as well, not knowing what to say or do. This had quite literally thrown logic and reason out the window and replaced it with weird and a side of fucked up. Of course Jim was very happy at seeing this as well, since this not only meant that they had found a planet they could live on but living along side another sentient race, granted they were probably only in tier tech 2 or 3. He knew that he was the one who had to be the first to say something and asses the unexpected situation before their eyes.

"Uhhh... well this is obviously strange. But this is also better than we could have ever hoped for. We can not only rebuild but gain support from these... locals." Jim said, trying to assure the others on the bridge. They looked back at him in suprise, not expecting him to say anything like that. Maybe a, "What the fuck?", or a "This is fucked up..." but of all things it was that. That is why they were loyal to captain Corellius... no matter how bad or fuckd up a situation was he always seemed to know what to do. He also was a man you did not want to fuck with. They accepted this and continued to view the screen in silence. The marines followed the purple pony to a tree tat looked like someone had hollowed out to live in. It turned out that they were absolutely right. It lookd to be some kind of library. She didn't lie that she was currently living in a library. Even though this was the strangest thing they had ever witnessed, they just continued to watch silently.


-Twilight's home-

Spike had informed Twilight, on the walk, that John was going to tell them why they were here as soon as they got to the treehouse. John had almost forgotten about this as he stared at the audience of two ponis and a small lizard. He suddenly remembered and went on to tell them that their world had been destroyed by a race called the Zargul. He went into detail on how the Zargul had used their special ability to absorb life force and how they had made the humans suffer their last hour. He described how the violent aliens had shot a red pulsing projectile into earth and the planet had collapsed into itself, causing billions of deaths of all ages. He then went on to tell them how they had made the jump to lightspeed without making any calcualtions, while after that he told them what a jump to lightspeed actual was. He went on to tell them about how he had been born twenty two years later. He told them about how he had rose through the ranks. They had found a planet before this one, but the locals were much more advanced than they. They had shot at them first causing the crew of the Leviathon to fight for a week. They had decided to leave and had been lost ever since.

They stood there in absolute shock. What John had described to them was unheard of. Mass murder on a global scale to the point of a dead planet? This was almost too much for the two ponies and the lizard. Pinie was actually frowning at this and gave John another hug, which made him blush slightly and push her away gently.

"Please no hugs... I'm not into the whole affection thing." John said, trying not to show his embaressment. The other marines had shut off John from the private channel and laughed and made jokes with each other. He looked towards them and seen some shaking here and there, which alerted him to the fact that they were actually laughing at him.

"Marines is there something funny you want to share with me?!" John yelled, adopting his drill sergeant attitude. They instantly shut up at his agitated tone of voice. Sometimes it was just better to shut the hell up or you would probably lose a limb. John could be really frightening if you made him mad enough, which was hard to do since he was probably the most level-headed person they had ever known.

"No sir. Nothing at all." Smith said, afraid that he was going to get yelled at even more. John just glared at the inferiorly-ranked soldiers, daring them to laugh more. He looked back at Twilight and adopted a confused expression

Twilight was still gaping at the humans, oblivious to what just happened between John and the other marines. What he had just described to them was horrific in every way. She just could not imagine having all that you knew gone in a flash of hatred and despair. He also told her they needed to colonize this planet, because if they left, they would probably die out in space. From what he had told her, an "ark" was only meant to last about fifty years before running out of power. Pinkie Pie was actually speechless for once, which stilled suprised Twilight even though it was a horrific story.

"I...I'm so sorry." Twilight said, almost on the verge of tears. This only added to John's confusion, which also made her confused while also still said for these humans.

"Don't be. It wasn't and still isn't your fault. I wasn't there when it happened. Only a few people remain on the ship who have actually witnessed it happen. Captain Corellius, the man who has led us here was one of those few." John said, that familiar flash of pain in his eyes, that Spike had noticed earlier came back to him.

"I HAVE AN IDEA!!!" Pinkie suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs, causing everyone... and everypony...dragon... to put their hands to their ears.

"What the fuck!? What the hell was that for?!" John yelled, still suffering from the flash headache he had gotten from her random screaming. Pinkie just shrugged and ran out the door, giggling like a maniacal phsycopath, which John knew he was probably going to get used to.

Twilight looked at Pinkie as she left, realization coming into her eyes, " Oh... buck." Pinkie having an idea could mean only one thing. And these humans probably didn't want that kind of thing right now. Today was turning out to be a rather interesting one...

Author's Note:

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