• Published 15th May 2013
  • 2,246 Views, 47 Comments

Invisible Walls - Harmony Charmer

Caroline is swung into Equestria, where she and Pinkie Pie form a bond unlike any other... One that destroys the fourth wall itself.

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When I was little, I always had a smile on my face. It sounds cliche, but it was true. I loved having fun and making people happy more than anything else in the world. Clean the dishes for mom? Anything to help! Not telling on my brother for pulling my hair? I don't see why not!

But, I didn't age mentally like the other children like I "should" have, though. I thought if I did, I would stop being so nice. It sounds ridiculous, but I guess some part of me knew that with growing up, meant giving up your innocence. So, this caused me to be a victim of bullying. I didn't let it bother me, though. If it made them happy to see me knocked down, I was alright with it.

One thing always kept me company as a child; My Little Pony. Now, this was back when they had straight-to-home My Little Pony movies and specials. One of my favorites was Minty's Christmas Special. I thought it was so sweet of Minty to go out of her way to make everypony happy. I didn't realize just how rare it was in my world.

I spent the early years of my life with my aunt, uncle and cousin. My cousin owned all the My Little Pony movies and specials, and we watched them together practically every minute of every day. But, when my mom moved out, I had completely forgotten about My Little Pony; and everything went downhill from there.

When we moved to a new school, I was a total outcast. No matter what I did, I couldn't make friends. All the lessons about friendship did nothing. And yes, I am extremely aware of how silly that sounds, but the bronies who watched the earlier generations like I did who happen to be reading this know what I'm talking about.

And the friends I did make... weren't really my friends. It was because of my my idiocy I ended up getting in trouble for things my 'friends' blamed me for and stopped my schoolwork. For the next few years, I would befriend the "unpopular" people, pretend to be loyal, tell them lies in return, say mean things behind their back, "borrow" things from them and never give them back.

It was a rare occasion where I would tell these people the truth, but only because some of them were able to see through my facade. No matter how many lies and secrets were told, they held their end of the bargain and never told any of mine.

There were true aspects to my personality that I hid from everyone, for fear of ridicule. I absolutely loved to sing. Whenever no one was around, I sang my heart out, made up little rhymes and songs just for the fun of it. Heck, sometimes sang about nothing and I still loved doing it! I sang until my lungs hurt, and danced around until my arms and legs ached with exhaustion. I didn't have the voice of a pop star and I bet I looked a flopping fish on the shore, but quite frankly, I didn't care; being me was something I flaunted, but only when no eyes were there to witness it.

I also loved to bake. My mom had taught me everything I knew about baking, and when she had nothing else to teach me, I took Home Economics at school. No one suspected my true passion, because I constantly complained about it and made a big show of it. I made cupcakes, candies, and all sorts of treats. I would spend hours, making up different recipes and names for my sweet concoctions. But, I was still very afraid of people making fun of me.

But, my friend Amanda ruined everything for me. She had spray painted on the school wall and told the principal I did it. I didn't even know there was graffiti in the first place! But, they believed her and fined me with $500 for defacing public property. And if that weren't enough, they had the gall to send me to I.S.S.(In School Suspension). For weeks, I would be stuck with all the real troublemakers, one of which I bet was a drug dealer. I was given piles of work and hours of solitude.

After I was finally released, rumors had spread like wildfire. I would hear whispers and snickers as I walked by. Whenever I went to sit down at lunch, people would actually move to stay away from me. Whenever I looked over at the table where Amanda sat, where I used to sit, she would just turn to one of her cronies and start whispering in their ear and start laughing hysterically. One day, when I walked in, someone had the nerve to throw their food at me. It was Sloppy Joe day, so it got all over me and I had to go to the office for a change of clothes. The teachers never saw who, but I bet my butt Amanda had something to do with it.

The next day, when I was walking down the aisle, someone tripped me. When I fell, my tray flew into the air and my spaghetti landed all over me. I looked up and saw Amanda, grinning like a hyena. Her message was clear; You don't belong here. She sat up, looked appalled and screamed, "Oh my, God, she wet herself!" Following her outburst was an evil laugh unlike any I've heard. I looked down and saw my milk carton burst open and landed on my pants, making it look like I had wet myself.

Everyone started laughing hysterically and fingers were pointed in my direction. I ran out of the cafeteria, sobbing like a baby. I ran past several faculty, who yelled as I ran past, but I didn't care. I ran into the girls bathroom and cried my eyes out. The next day, I walked into the lunch detention room and sat there. The faculty were confused as to why I would want to be there willingly, but allowed it. I spent all of my lunches in there for the rest of the school year.

I pulled myself away from everyone, refusing to make any contact whatsoever. I delved into my studies, trying to make up for all the mistakes I made in the years before. Each week that passed, regular class work grew boring to me and less challenging. By the end of seventh grade, I had earned myself a place in AP classes for next year.

It was in my time of being studious that the whispers in the hall grew louder and more aggressive with each passing moment. With each covered conversation and hushed laugh, it only drove me to excel even further. I soon learned they didn't teach you anything more than regular classes; they just gave you more work.

In a fit of anger, I demanded that I be taught like I was actually advanced, not someone you give busywork because you're too lazy to teach(and yes, I actually said that to the teacher's face). The school didn't ignore me and actually offered to let me take High School courses early, which I gladly accepted. But, it was because of my hissy fit, I was too busy with schoolwork to express myself in the private time I had put so much effort in to preserving.

It was when winter break hit the torture began.

After we moved out of my cousin's house, my mom had been trying to start her own business. She was always out, trying to find clients and a workplace. She was working hard to provide for our family, her being a single mother. She was constantly stressed out about bills and pay days from her clients. And because of me being blamed for Amanda's graffiti, I became her personal assistant; no pay at all.

I would run into the courthouse to get papers she needed, bring back receipts, check her file, check her mail, carry heavy boxes that almost broke my back and run all sorts of errands that cause me nothing but torture and stress. For hours, I would sit there and listen to court hearings, seminars and all sorts of boring events, while dressing in formal clothes that made me itch and nearly squeezed me to death. And because I foolishly accepted the early high school courses, whenever I wasn't working, I was studying for the school year.

The highlights of my summer were my short visits to my cousin's house. Those days where I would sprawl on her couch and she would just talk, talk, talk until I thought my ears were going to fall off were probably the best of my life. Of all the people I had ever had a relationship with, she was my true, true friend. One night, when I was sleeping over, we were watching a movie.I don't remember what movie we were watching, but it must have been a good one, because she only talked during the commercials(which I found was a miracle within itself).

When it went to commercial and the chain of silence was broken, I saw a scene of a pink cartoon pony trotting up to a purple one , gasping exaggeratedly, then running away. It then showed a little animation clip the pink pony saying, "My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic every Saturday, only on the Hub!" A flash of Minty leaving her brightly colored socks on ponies fireplace went through my mind at that very moment. But, I didn't put any actual thought into the show until later on that week, right before school was about to start up for the second semester..

I was in my room, studying for geometry, when my brother called me into the living room where we had our computer. I knew better than to not listen to him, knowing he wouldn't quit until I did whatever he asked. Not wanting to waste time, I walked in to see him excitedly waiting for me. He then showed me a video from My Little Pony called "Pony Swag". The commercial I had seen a while ago flashed through my mind. I watched the video, because I was genuinely intrigued by the animation and how well put-together video was.

He then begged for me to watch an episode, to which I reluctantly agreed. When it showed the opening, I noticed ponies from the old show, but their names weren't coming to mind at the moment. Then, when it showed Twilight walking into town, I saw that pink pony run up to Twilight and run away. I instantly freaked and screamed, "Pinkie Pie!" Her cutie mark was a dead giveaway for me. How come I hadn't noticed before?

When Pinkie Pie jumped out to surprise Twilight, and she began talking like she was being timed, I smiled after what felt like ages. When the episode ended, my mom kicked us off the computer to work. But, later that night, when I was done studying and mom was asleep, I watched the next episode. And when Pinkie Pie started laughing and singing to make the ghosties disappear, I had fallen in love with the show. But, I secretly hid my obsession, knowing no one would approve of my love for a show intended for little girls.

Pinkie Pie intrigued me the most of the six ponies. Sure, Fluttershy is adorable, but Pinkie Pie was so... well, different is one way of putting it. She always had a smile on her face, and she made it her goal to make everypony happy, even at her own expense. Whenever I watched her flash a smile and laugh hysterically at nothing, memories of me acting like that would flash through my mind.

When I was in my room looking through my DVR late one night, I saw an episode in my list titled, "Griffon the Brush-Off". That episode is the why I am telling you this story. Pinkie Pie is so unbelievably kind. When Gilda was being mean to her, she threw a party for her, got presents for her and even made a special cake in her honor(even though she was being, like Pinkie said, "A big mean meanie pants"). And although it didn't go how she wanted, she still put all her effort into making Gilda feel welcome to Ponyville. Would anypony go to that much effort to let bygones be bygones? To make somepony you didn't like happy?

My eyes began to grow wet when Pinkie gave a heart-felt confession, saying that if she threw a party for her so she'd feel more welcome, that maybe Gilda wouldn't see a need to mean to everypony. Nobody in my world would ever go to that much trouble to do that for someone they hated.

It made me realize how little my world actually cared about anything meaningful. I knew my world was cruel and hurtful, but it began to sink in deep. My heart aching, I sank into the depression and sorrow that had been building up so much over the years. How come I couldn't have friends? Every echo of the lies I told and the whispers down the halls began to ring through my mind like a bee that wouldn't stop buzzing.

"Hey, that's her! She's the one who vandalised the school!"

"Look who it is; the criminal!"

"Don't get too close; she probably bites!"

I looked out my window, hoping to get these horrible thoughts out of my head. Instead, the moon showed fully, making me sink even further than I thought. I looked away, hoping the pain would subside. I had immediately thought of Luna and how nopony paid her any attention. All alone, with no one to appreciate her. I looked up at the moon again, the pain not feeling as bad.

Luna, you don't understand how important you are... The ponies wouldn't be able to play in the daytime if they couldn't rest in your beautiful night... I thought childishly, knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me. Luna really was a sweet pony... But nopony took the time to notice how important she was. Without night, nopony would be able to sleep. What's the point of daytime if there isn't a nighttime?

How can people be so stupid?! I thought angrily, Luna's just as amazing as Celestia! I looked at the moon again and a small, but bright star caught my eye. Like a naive child, I recited the chant that had given me so much hope and so much more ache...

Star light, so bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may, I wish I might

Have this wish I wish tonight

I closed my eyes and made my wish, thinking- no, knowing, it wouldn't come true. "I wish that I lived somewhere I can be happy..." And with that, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber. And when I awoke, I wouldn't be able to believe my eyes.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been edited so the reader may enjoy it!

Also, I appreciate comments and votes! Thank you for reading~!