• Published 15th May 2013
  • 2,246 Views, 47 Comments

Invisible Walls - Harmony Charmer

Caroline is swung into Equestria, where she and Pinkie Pie form a bond unlike any other... One that destroys the fourth wall itself.

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Chapter 2: Meeting the Mister and Missus.

Believe it or not, I found it. Seriously. I found Pinkie Pie's house. Well, it was more of a farm, but still, I found it. Blinkie's slurred, sleepy words had clarified this for me. Only one problem; I had no idea what to do about it. I couldn't just walk up to the door and knock. "Hey, I'm from a different world and I found your daughters in the Everfree forest when I suddenly appeared there." Yeah, not happening. But I couldn't leave them there. I'm not heartless. So, swallowing my fear, I walked up to the door and knocked. Nothing. The three fillies had begun to stir in my arm. My arms had fallen asleep somewhere along the way, but I didn't care.

I knocked again, this time harder. "Mr. Pie? Mrs. Pie? Are you there?" I heard hoofsteps and the door creaked opened. Mr. Pie came to my neck in height and was extremely dissheveled. His gray mane had hairs sticking out in all directions while he had bags under his eyes. "Why are you-" He never finished his sentence because when he saw me, he screamed. He backed away screaming and yelling. "Monster! Monster!" He was screaming it over and over again as Mrs. Pie saw me and backed away in fear, joining in the chorus of screaming. The ponies in my arms immediately woke up. Blinkie jumped out of my arms and ran up to her father. "Mom, Dad, calm down! She's our friend!" The word 'friend' took me a moment to bounce back from. I have almost never I heard it used positively. Inkie and Pinkie had jumped down and run up to him with their sister.

"We went to the Everfree Forest and we got lost! But we found her and she got us out! She's really nice!" Inkie said this at record speed, like Pinkie usually does when she gets excited. But, Inkie was anything but excited; she was petrified. Mr. Pie looked at me, then his wife, then his daughters, then back again. "Who are you? Why did you help them? And why are you here?" He looked at me with a stare unlike any other I had gotten from any authority figure. And believe me, I have had my fair share of those looks. Mrs. Pie looked absolutely terrified. I took a deep breath and began to explain. "I woke up in the forest and I have NO idea how I did," I started, which caused all of them to look at me curiously. "When I woke up, these three were there," I gestured to the fillies beside him. "Anyway, they told me they were lost and so was I, so I walked with them until we got out." Mr. Pie looked at his daughters for validation. "Then they told me that they didn't know how to get back here other than through the forest. And the rest you can figure out."

Pinkie looked up at her parents with sad eyes. "Can she stay with us?" That little pony's sad face made me want to cry right then and there. I hated feeling this way... He hesitated, looked back at his wife, and sighed. "Just for tonight. But, tomorrow, it- She, has to leave." I wanted to hug Mr. Pie right then and there. Inkie was shocked; Blinkie looked grateful; Pinkie tried to smile again, this time almost succeeding. My heart broke again when it fell. "Come on, girls. You need to get to bed," I said. The fillies looked saddened but did as told and walked down the hall. "Thank you," I said to Mr.Pie while Mrs. Pie went upstairs to bed. And I meant it more than anything.

Mr. Pie only grunted and gestured towards the couch. It was the size of a regular couch, oddly enough. I walked over and laid down, making myself comfortable. Then Mr. Pie shut off the lights and went upstairs to bed. I laid there for a while, trying to understand the situation I was in. I was in Equestria! How on earth did I get here? "I wish I lived somewhere I could be happy..." My heart began racing, hard and fast. My wish... That was why I was here... But who could've answered my prayer? Who? God? Celestia? A star isn't that powerful! It's just a ball of gases! Or, can it be more than that? Maybe I'm overthinking this... It took me a few moments to realize just how tired I was after walking forever. My eyes began to droop and I fell into a deep slumber.

* * *

I awoke at dawn, despite how late I went to bed. I looked around, to see if I was in my bedroom. Or in a hospital. I was still in the Pie's home. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was too awake now. I sighed and got off the couch. As soon I stepped out, I realized how dirty the floor was. I hate messes. With my OCD tingling irritably in my head, I searched for a broom. I walked into the kitchen and saw a broom. And a pile of dirty dishes. Just grab the broom, I said to myself, don't get sidetracked. I grabbed the broom and began to sweep in the kitchen. Slowly, it escaladed to the hall, then the living room. I began to sweep upstairs(quietly, as not to wake PInkie's parents). Sooner or later, all the dirt was swept out the door. I walked over to the kitchen and began washing dishes. Your'e sitting there thinking, why are you cleaning everything? Again, OCD is not something you want to ignore. It'll drive you crazier than a swarm of parasprites(yes, I mean actual parasprites and trolls).

After every dish and pan was clean and dry, I surveyed the kitchen with a sense of pride, like I usually do when I clean. Then, my stomach started growling. I sighed, like I usually do, and walked over to the cabinet. I saw flour, baking soda and other different ingredients. Pancakes, I thought, I'll make pancakes! I picked up the flour, baking soda, sugar, baking powder, and salt from the pantry. I placed the ingrediants down and walked over to the refrigerator. I picked up the buttermilk, an egg and butter and placed it on the counter with the other ingredients.

I put one cup of flour in the bowl, then added a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of baking powder. Then, I added half a teaspoon of baking soda with a dash of salt. After I used the dry indredients, I put them to the side in case I need them again. I then added one cup of buttermilk, one egg and three teaspoon of melted butter. I picked up a wisk and began to mix until the batter was smooth.

I picked up the pan and placed it over the stove, and, just to make sure it wouldn't stick, I placed a little piece of butter on it and let slide all over the pan till it was all buttery. Then, I placed small portions of batter on the pan and began to make the pancakes. After the last pancake was made, I began to put the ingredients away and clean up the mess on the counter. On six different plates laid three pancakes for everyone on the table with glasses and two large pitchers, one with orange jouice, the other with milk. "Oh, I forgot the syrup!" I said out loud. I looked in the cabinet and found a large jar of maple syrup. I placed it in the middle of the table and smiled at the layout. I heard little thumps and a voice say, "What is this?" I turned and saw Mr. Pie with a surprised look on his face.

"I made breakfast," I said, "What are you doing up so early?" Mr. Pie looked at me strangely. I just remembered that he lived on a farm. He kind of had to wake up early. "Never mind, stupid question. So, what do you think?" Mr. Pie looked at the food on the table and back at me. "Do you mind waking the girls? I need to get Sue for this." He began walking up the stairs without waiting for a reply. I walked down the hall and knocked on the door. "Girls, it's time to get up. Breakfast time!" I heard stirring on the other side of the door and then steps.

I opened the door and the three fillies eyes widened when they saw me. "We thought you had to leave!" Inkie exclaimed. My heart stopped for a solid three seconds at that moment. I have to leave today... That was all I could think of. I tried not to look sad, for the girls' sake... knowing if I let my mask down, I'd burst into tears. "Right... Well, breakfast is ready," I said, walking back to the table glumly. Mr.Pie and Mrs.Pie were already at the table discussing something quietly. Blinkie sat beside her father, then Inkie sat beside her, then Pinkie followed. Which left a seat beside Pinkie. I gingerly sat on the seat, not wanting it to break. Silence followed.

"So," Mrs. Pie said, "Clyde tells me you made this breakfast for us." I glanced over at Mr.Pie, who was shoveling pancakes into his mouth like no tomorrow. "Well, yes. It was the least I could do for you letting me stay the night." Clyde sent a glance her way in a told-you-so manner, much to her obvious distaste. "I also noticed the dishes were cleaned and floors were swept. Was that your doing?" Her eyes were narrowed to slits, as though she might strike me. Part of me wanted to cower like a child; the other wanted to make a snappy comeback."Well, I'm a bit of a neatfreak," I said, poking at my pancakes,"I know it wasn't my place to-"

"It wasn't," she snapped.

See, I don't like being snapped at. And mother of Pinkie or not, I will not stand for any crap, pardon my French. But before I could give a lashing retort, Blinkie stood up. "She was trying to be nice, Mom!" She said defensively.

"Yeah! Don't be mean!" Inkie argued.

Even Pinkie stood alongside her sisters. "Can't somepony do something nice without you criticizing them about it?" She was jaw-dropped shocked, which I just loved. But, I know how horrible it feels to be yelled at for merely staitng your opinion. And let me say, it is not fun. "Girls," I said sternly, "despite the issue, you do not, and I repeat not, ever talk back to your mother like that again. You understand?" The ponies stood there for a moment, stunned, then sat down. Mrs. Pie was just as, if not more, stunned, but she look a little impressed. Despite her being rude, I was willing to stand up for her. Something tells me that was rare for her. Mr. Pie looked extremely uncomfortable with the situation.

"So, I never caught your name," he said, trying to steer away from the awkwardness. "My name is Caroline," I said, sending him a grateful look. He raised his eyebrows. "Caroline? That's an uncommon name from around here." Because I'm not from here... I thought to myself. I started laughing, which took everyone by surprise. It took me a moment to fully compose myself. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I find that so funny..." I said, trying to regulate my breathing again. Breakfast was eaten in total silence.

After I finished my plate, I stood up. "Is anypony finished?" They all raised their hooves high. "Alright then. Who wants to help me clear the table?" As soon as I said that, the girls had started to gather the plates and glasses. Their parents looked bewildered by their daughters new found love for cleaning. After the dishes were cleaned and put away, Clyde put his pilgrim hat on. "It's time to get the rocks from the south field to the east field," He said, walking to the door. You can imagine my shock at his comment. "Rocks?" All the ponies in the room looked at me surprised. "This is a rock farm," Mr. Pie said, pointing his hoof out the window. I looked outside ans sure enough, there were piles of rocks of different sizes and colors everywhere. No wonder they were depressed; their lives are more depressing than mine. The three fillies looked at each other, then at their father. "Dad," Pinkie said, "what about Caroline?" Mr. Pie looked at me, as if he had genuinely forgotten I was there. "Oh," he said, "I have no problem with her staying. It's your mother who needs to decide."

My jaw dropped farther than Mrs.Pie's jaw at his response. He likes me? He doesn't mind me staying? "I promise, Mrs. Pie, I'll earn my keep! I'll cook, clean, work, anything! Just- please?" All three fillies were looking expectantly at her, holding their breath. He glanced over at his wife, and she sighed. "I could use some help with cleaning the house once in a while..." she muttered. And with that, I hugged her.