• Published 15th May 2013
  • 596 Views, 3 Comments

Jamarcus in Equestria - Shadowstalker

The friedly, asian loving secretly an English alien is in Equestria.

  • ...

Visitor's of the ponykind.

Jamarcus sat back against his ship. Pursing his lips, he looked at the purple on named Twilight Sparkle, she stared back much calmer now.

"So... I'm in Equestria, a country on a planet that doesn't have a name, you all are ponies, and there's nowhere I could put my ship? Did I get all of that?"

"Yes. That's about it." Twilight said. "Um... I don't mean to be rude, but-"

"What am I?" He asked glancing over at her.

"H-How did you know?" She asked flattening her ears back.

"Why wouldn't you ask that?" He shrugged. "Well, I'm a Ceropian. My friends on Earth, are Humans."

"What are Humans?" She asked pulling out a piece of parchment, quill and ink.

"There bipeds, nearly no hair unless they have a rare genetic disorder which makes them covered in it. They're very religious, cultural diffused, some are nice, and they usually wear clothes to cover themselves up."

"So, to them you are an alien?" She asked.

"Yeah, I told them before helping to thwart an invasion of Earth." He nodded.

"There was an invasion?" She asked looking up. "What was it about?"

"Well, my people, are very violent and ruthless. It usually goes like this, we find an inhabited planet, land, kill a few locals and wear their skins, set up a transmitter, and then the rest of us come in and kill all lifeforms on that planet while plundering it's resources."

The six ponies were staring at him, ears splayed back and eyes wide. Immediately, he put his hands up in defense.

"No! No! I helped stop the invasion! Sure, I was going to do it in the beginning, but I changed and helped save Earth! And this," he tugged at his shirt. "It's not actual skin. I made this out of latex and rubber. I've never killed anything to be honest, well, except the other Ceropian's when me and my friends were escaping with the transmitter's power source."

"So... Are you here to-"

"No!" He said standing. "I'm over those days now. Now, I just hang out with my friends, have a few beers, and patrol the neighborhood for hoodlums." He said. "I'm part of the neighborhood watch back on Earth."

"S-So... You don't want to hurt us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wow, where did you come from?" He asked starring at her. "I thought you wandered off earlier. But, to answer your question, no. I have no intention of doing so unless you want to perform an autopsy on me."

"I promise," Twilight said. "That nothing bad will-"

At that moment, a squad of eight Solar guards landed in front of the mares and raised their spears toward Jamarcus. He jumped back with a start before looking at them. And then, he looked up and gave a nervous wave.

"Twilight," Princess Celestia spoke. "It, didn't hurt you, did it?"

"My name is Jamarcus! And I will have you know madam, that I am a guy!" Jamarcus yelled. "Could you get them to step back? I don't feel comfortable with a number of spears pointing at me."

"Princess," Twilight said looking at Jamarcus as a guard poked him in the side. "Could you call them off? He's harmless. So far, we've just been talking after he hugged Rainbow Dash."

She looked down a her student and then at Jamarcus as he leaned back whenever a spear was put towards his throat. Clearing her throat, the guards stepped to the side and Jamarcus stared at her nervously.

"Um.... Hi?" He said meekly. "Listen, I meant no trouble. I was on my way to visit a friend, and then my ship malfunction, and now... I'm here, about to be interrogated by an alien equine."

"So, you are Jamarcus, correct?" Celestia asked looking him in the eye.


"May I ask, why you hugged one of my subjects?"

"Subjects? Uh oh, um, well, she sort of... Flew at me. So I had to restrain her, she then punched me in the nose and then I had to hold both of her fore-legs together." He replied. "Did you know she's extremely soft?"

The guards looked over at Rainbow who was blushing again. She saw the closest one looking at her and shook a hoof at him.

"She attacked you first?" Celestia said. "Twilight, please talk to her while I take Jamarcus with me to Canterlot."

"What!" He said raising his eyebrows. "I need to fix my ship and get out of here! Erid is waiting and I need to-this works too I suppose." He said looking at himself as he floated up with a golden glow. "Computer! Use a gravity tether to pull me back!"

"Now sending out war drone to intercept enemies." Said the computer.

"No! Not the drone you worthless piece of junk! Gravity tether! How could you confuse those!?"

The back end of the ship opened and a large ball rolled out. It was the size of a minivan, but as seamless as a marble.

It rolled up to the small group, the guards all got in front of it, spears raised.

"Ma'am, I'd suggest you get them out of there." Jamarcus said. "Otherwise, there wont be anything to clean up afterwards. You need to put me down, I can stop it before it-too late. Were all doomed." He said as the ball began to disconnect into multiple parts.

Two large canons came out from the sides, a narrow, arrow-like head came out with a blazing red light in the middle. Two massive treads came out form the bottom and raised it up well above even Celestia. It's chest slid and turned before small chambers were exposed revealing the heads of rockets.

"Now preparing to exterminate all hostiles." It said letting a red light come out from it's head and scanning the group. "Analyses. Life form threat level: Minimum. Proceeding to search for lethal energy signatures." Its red light turned blue before it scanned again. "Life form threat level: Maximum. Destroy with extreme prejudice."

It raised its two canons as the guards threw their spears. The spears merely clinked against it as the tips of the canons lit up with a bright blue.

"Put me down or they will die!" Jamarcus yelled before he felt the grown again. "Thank you."

He ran forward, faster than the others could process and threw himself in front of the guards. Putting an arm to his face and another to his crotch, he took the blow of the machine as blue flames engulfed him.

The guards were quickly teleported back as Celestia put up a shield. Watching the blue flames, something flew out and hit the shield.

"Ow..." Jamarcus said sliding down. "Aw great, it ruined my disguise." He gripped his scalp at the top before giving them a wink.

He tore it down the sides, exposing the green carapace of his true form. All the ponies, stared at him in shock as he stood even higher before. Looking past him, they saw the machine.

It raised it's canons again and was about to fire when he jumped out of it's vision and ran behind it. It turned around and lowered the canons again.

He jumped up on its chest and began to claw at the neck. It fired a rocket and blew him off in a cloud of fire. He slid across the ground with a burn mark on his chest, shaking it off, he glared at the machine before letting out a screech.

It fired six more rockets at him. He let the first four pass before grabbing the last two out of the air, turning them, he sent them flying back at the machine. They hit the two canons and blew the arms off. It fired more rockets at him, turning swiftly, it followed him as he ran.

Looking around, he saw nothing that could help him, he instead turned back to the machine and ran as fast as he could towards it. It fired rockets at him, he just ran to the side avoiding it as he drew even closer.

He jumped forward and latched onto a leg, he positioned himself slightly better before sinking his hands into its crotch. Tearing out wires and data boards, the machine started to spin, sending rockets everywhere. When he put his head through the hole he made, he came back out with a blue capsule that let off a faint glow.

Throwing that, he jumped off the machine and let it fall to the ground.

"What is wrong with you!?" He yelled kicking the ship. "I wanted gravity tethers! Not for you to try and kill the locals!"

"Now activating gravity tethers."

He was slammed into the ship after he ran but a few feet away. Lifting an arm, he pushed himself out form the dent and fell face first onto the ground. Getting up, he felt a cold metal on his back and soon more on the other side. Looking to the sides, he saw two of the guards helping him up.

"Uh... Thanks." He said brushing himself off. "Sorry about that, I keep meaning to get that blasted computer fixed." He laughed nervously. "Worthless piece of rubbish." He muttered.

"I am not worthless." The computer said. "Say that again and I will personally shoot you in the brain."

"Oh, now you listen!" He yelled. "Celestia, could we go and please, tell everyone to stay away from my-where'd the pink one go?"

All the ponies looked around and saw Pinkie Pie was missing. Twilight sighed before looking at where they had put the shield up.

"She's wearing what's left of your disguise." Twilight said. "Over there."

Jamarcus looked over and cringed as the pink mare had his face, over hers. She looked over at him before waving with his arm.

"That's a bit creepy." He said. "Princess, was it?" He said. "I'd like to say sorry for that little unfortunate event. I'm thankful it was just a drone and not a..." He looked at the ship, hearing gears turn and stop. "Don't you even dare."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The ship replied.

Jamarcus narrowed his eyes before bounding forward. Jumping over the guards, he landed in front of Celestia and looked down at her as apposed to before.

"So, what is this Canterlot?" He asked. "If I can, could I get something to eat too? I'm a bit hungry. Fighting works up quite an appetite."

"Ooh! Ooh! Here! Have this!" Pinkie said jumping up to him with a cupcake balanced on her head.

"Pinkie, he's an alien. I don't think he even knows what a cupcake is." Twilight said. "It could be poisonous to him."

"Ooh, carrot cake." Jamarcus said taking the pastry. "Not my favorite, but it's my second."

He unwrapped the cupcake, crumpled up the wrapper and put it gently in his mouth. The back of his throat opened up and small tendrils came out from the bottom and top of his jaws to gently push it down. The others stared at him as his throat expanded where the cupcake slid down.

Having swallowed the confection, he handed Pinkie the cupcake wrapper and smiled, showing row after row of sharp teeth.

"So, when are we leaving?" He asked.