• Published 15th May 2013
  • 597 Views, 3 Comments

Jamarcus in Equestria - Shadowstalker

The friedly, asian loving secretly an English alien is in Equestria.

  • ...

Take me to your fashonista.

The ponies, Celestia and Luna, along with the elements were all staring at Jamarcus as he slept in a hospital bed. Every one in a while, Pinkie adjusted the stool his feet had been propped up on whenever they began to hang off.

"Celestia," Twilight said undoing her spell so her wings came into view. "What was going on exactly? When I came in?"

"I know what it looked like, Twilight, but I assure you, I was only checking his memories." Celestia said. "You must acknowledge his anatomy is quite different than ours. When he said Luna choked him, he said she constricted his intestinal tube. I assume that means where his throat looks to be, is actually a part that is for ingestion."

"So... You weren't giving an alien head?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow!" Twilight and Rarity shouted. "That's not something you ask a princess! Or any mare!"

"Hey, it would make for a heck of an alliance." Rainbow said in defense. "Pinkie, take that off, it might be specist to him."

Pinkie took off her black goggles and antennae hat. Frowning, she looked back at Jamarcus and tilted her head. Looking at his face closely, she took out some smelling salts and put one under the two slits she thought were his nose.

He snorted and slowly sat up, yawning and stretching he rubbed his eyes. Giving a final yawn that ended with a crack, he opened his eyes and pulled the covers up slightly to his shoulders.

"Oh dear god, it wasn't an alcohol fueled dream after all." He said. "Hey, when did you get wings?" He asked nodding towards Twilight. "You all aren't going to start growing extra limbs too, are you?"

"Well, I was actually turned into an alicorn." Twilight said. "I'm the princess of friendship."

"Friendship?" He snickered. "Really? No offense, I know it's your thing but, friendship?" He put a hand to his mouth as he chuckled.

"Oh! Please don't move!"

He suddenly found himself pushed down by a pair of butter yellow hooves, looking up he saw Fluttershy holding him down with a jar tucked under her wing. Not saying anything, he watched as she took the lid off the jar and dipped her hoof in. Putting it on his burn, he flinched from the sudden cold but relaxed when a surge of relief went through him.

"Thank you for that, now," he said getting up. "I'm guessing some of you have some questions that I would rather get out of the way now. So, shoot."

"Um..." Applejack stepped forward. "Is there another one of ya in that ship of yours? Ah heard ya talkin' to somepony else in there."

"Oh you have a little southern accent! You all just keep getting even more adorable when you do something!" He said. "But, no. That was the computer. My A.I. I programmed it myself, but when me and the others went to Earth... It went a little buggy."

"So, there ain't nopony else in there?"

"Not unless my friends snuck on, then no." He shrugged fiddling with a tongue depressor. "Depressor's, I always hated these things."

"Um.. Excuse me? Jamarcus?"

He looked to his side and saw Fluttershy shaking next to his feet. Tilting his head, he leaned down and made her squeak when he picked her up and set her down next to him. He then began to gently scratch her down her mane.

"Yes? You have a question too?" He asked.

"Y-Yes.. Um, what do you eat?" She said before she stopped shaking and laid her head down. "C-could you get behind my ear?"

He stopped momentarily. Sliding his jaw to the side a few times making clicking noises as he did so, he put his other hand under his chin in thought.

"Well, I eat, vegetables, fruit, grain, I can't eat garlic though." He said shaking a finger at Pinkie. "It's nothing genetic in my species, I'm just allergic to it." He shrugged. "But don't worry, I mainly eat fruit and vegetables, occasionally grain. Meat always left a sour taste on my tentacles." He said pulling back his lips in a grimace.

"How fast are you?" Rainbow asked flying up to him.

"Faster than a grown horse." He replied standing. "My species is meant for hunting and killing. We need speed and stealth on our side.Well, we don't because we have crazy strong muscles." He grinned.

She nodded before sitting back in the group. Twilight cleared her throat and stood up, she had a slight green tint to her face as she looked up at him.

"You said that the other invaders, they killed inhabitants of planets and wore their skins, right?"

"I can already see where this is going." He sighed. "Yes, but I do not wear skin. My disguise was made from latex and rubber. I'm not skinning anything. Really, that's just disgusting and barbaric."

There was a large sigh as he stopped, looking around he saw he was in a white room with a large window to one side. Walking over, he pulled back the shade slightly and winced from the sudden rush of light.

"Did I sleep all night?" He asked. "I could have swore the sun was past halfway in the sky when we got to the castle."

"You did," Celestia said. "I'm sure it was a very tiring day you had. Is there anything we may get for you? Food? A drink?"

"How about some clothes?" He asked. "I don't think the locals will appreciate a clawed, sharp toothed alien walking around. I'd rather be one with some style." He grinned.

"Leave it to me!" Rarity said walking up. "I'm sure I can make something or you. Even if you are... Green."

"I am not green," he said. "I'm more of a brown mixed with black. My blood is green though. And, well I never told Franklin about this, but when we were trying to hold Fleetrock down, he said it came on him and he got some goo in his mouth. I never told him it really was what he thought it was. We secrete mating fluids from two places."

"Oh, well that's interesting." She said blushing lightly. "Come along then, I'm sure Sweetiebelle wouldn't mind an alien coming into the boutique."

"Rarity, are you sure that's a good idea?" Twilight asked. "Wouldn't the town be thrown into a panic?"

"Twilight, dear, we have Discord roaming around in town." Rarity said flatly. "Do you honestly think that having an alien in Ponyville will do anything? The worst that will happen is that he'll just be stared at."

Twilight considered this. Looking back at Damarcus, she then looked to Rainbow Dash and an idea hatched in her head.

"Damarcus, you said that your race is incredibly fast," she asked letting a smile begin to form. "How fast exactly?"

"How about we race through the city and to the town?" He suggested. "A light jog will do me some good."

"Can I race too?" Rainbow asked excited at the prospect of racing an alien.

"Yes Rainbow, you can race too." Twilight said. "Pinkie? Do you want to race-"

"I can serve ice cream for the one who wins!" She said. "I can throw a big party and even have a big cake!" She said barely keeping herself, and failing, on the ground.

"Ice cream?" Jamarcus said. "Would there happen to be chocolate?" he asked curiously with a roll of his wrist.

"Yepper doodles!" Pinkie grinned.

He looked over at Rainbow, a sudden predatory look on his face that made her wings lock up momentarily.

"Get ready to eat dust." He said baring his teeth in a wicked smile.

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