• Published 17th May 2013
  • 2,033 Views, 111 Comments

The Thirty Minute Dash - Esle Ynopemos

Nopony's faster than the Dash!

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12: Everypony Could See It [Romance]

((Prompt: Everypony was surprised to see them kiss.))

Nopony was really surprised to see them kiss.

If you asked anypony in Ponyville, they would tell you it had been a long time coming. The sweet pink baker who was never satisfied unless she was surrounded by smiles. The confident athlete who feared nothing and would go to any lengths for her friends.

All of Pinkie's friends could see that she was absolutely smitten with Rainbow Dash. And she was friends with all of Ponyville, so all of everypony could see it. They could see the way she lit up when Dash was nearby. They could hear the joy in her voice when she described the pegasus's daring maneuvers to anypony that would listen. They could see the way she bounced just a little higher and smiled just a little brighter whenever she was thinking of her.

And they could see that Rainbow Dash could see it, too. They could see how she held onto her grin just a little longer than usual when she spotted Pinkie. They could hear the tiny nervous cracks in her voice when she spoke to her. They could see the way she played up her bravado just a little bit more when she knew Pinkie was watching.

Everypony knew it was just a matter of time before something like this would happen. Pinkie was hardly the type of pony to hold these sorts of feelings in, and they figured the only reason they weren't already listening to her shout it from a mountaintop was because she didn't realize it herself yet.

That could only last so long, and when she did say something, they knew Rainbow Dash wouldn't turn her down. Somepony as fiercely loyal as Rainbow Dash would surely at least give her a chance, even if she didn't want to. And most ponies agreed, she really wanted to.

Everypony could see this kiss coming from a mile away. Which was why they were all surprised...

It happened on a busy, bustling Tuesday. Crowds of ponies all stirred about the marketplace, keeping to the shady areas to escape the midday heat. There, in the middle of the market square, there before the eyes of everypony, that was where they met together.

Ponies are, by nature, a very social and gossipy bunch, and so as they saw the familiar pink and blue coats draw near one another, a collective hush settled over the throngs of onlookers.

Pinkie stood on the sun-baked cobbles, looking up into the sky. Rainbow Dash slowly descended from above, wingbeat by wingbeat, until she stood on the ground facing her.

Pinkie leaned forward and whispered something in Dash's ear. The nearest onlookers strained to hear what was said, but for once, Pinkie did not make her voice carry.

A small, inscrutable smile formed on Rainbow Dash's lips. She leaned forward to whisper a reply.

Pinkie's eyes widened, and she brought her head back to face Rainbow. Her mouth opened as though asking a question, but no sound came out.

In response, Dash simply shook her head. The same, tiny smile that Rainbow had worn now spread to Pinkie's face. Rainbow brought a hoof up to gently cup Pinkie's cheek, bringing their lips slowly towards one another.

Nopony was surprised to see them kiss. Everypony agreed that it was bound to happen. Destined, even.

But everypony was surprised that they only kissed once.

Dash withdrew, and without a word, shot into the air, a contrail of swirling wind left in her wake. Pinkie Pie stared up into the sky, watching the rainbow speck grow smaller and smaller. Finally, when there was scarcely anything left to see, Pinkie's gaze fell back to the earth. A wide, wide grin was set into her face, and she sang a merry tune as she bounded out of the marketplace.

She left a swath of confused ponies in her wake, trying to puzzle out just what had taken place before them.