• Published 17th May 2013
  • 2,031 Views, 111 Comments

The Thirty Minute Dash - Esle Ynopemos

Nopony's faster than the Dash!

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Bonus #1: Griffon's Aria [Slice of Life]

((Prompt: Re-imagine one of the songs from the show as having been sung by a different character in a different context.))

This day is gonna be perfect. I haven't had a day like this since we were young.

Yeah, it was a long flight to get to Ponyville—geez, Dash, I don't get what could've possessed you to move from Cloudsdale to a lame place like this—and I'm still a bit sore from it, but Dash was cool and let me crash at her cloud last night.

She doesn't ever let me down.

We're gonna hang today, just the two of us. It'll be just like old times. Gilda and Dash against the world. We'll show off our latest moves, and keep having little races to this cloud or that tree until Dash finally admits that I'm faster than she is. She'll talk about the Wonderbolts, and I'll show her the application I'm gonna send off to the Skytalons when I get back.

Heh, and then we'll sneak into the local weather's cloud cache and swap out all their cirruses for thunderheads. The weather manager won't know what the hay happened!

Wait, shoot, I forgot. Dash said she was the weather manager in this town. Well, that just makes it even better. I can finally get her back for that trick with the greased perch.

We can talk about the old days back at Junior Speedsters. Big dreams and bigger egos. We can talk about the blockheaded filly who was so full of herself she thought the class's only griffon needed her to stand up for me, even though I was like twice those bullies' size. About that time we both got sprained wings, and one of us carried the other back to camp anyway. We can argue about which of us was actually doing the carrying, and which of us was a weepy little pony blubbering about how she'll 'never fly again.' We can talk about... about how I never told her this before, but the time I spent with her was...

No. Be cool, Gilda. This is Rainbow Dash. She doesn't go in for any of that mushy emotional horsefeathers.

Anyway, yeah. Today's gonna be perfect. I've got Dash all to myself all day, and if anyone or anything tries to mess with us, they're gonna be sorry.

Huh. What's this? There's some pink dweeb down there groundside yelling for Dash. She better just stay out of the way.


This day is gonna be perfect! Days like this always make me feel young.

I've got all kinds of neat pranks that me and Dashie can pull. It's going to be so much fun!

Oh, hey! That doesn't look like Dashie. She doesn't even look like a pony at all! I wonder if she wants to come pranking with us?

Comments ( 6 )

Surprised to see this in the latest updates list!

Also, poor Gilda. I'd like it if she came back for a redemption episode. Not that she really needs redeeming.

4409989 Yeah, I don't know if you're tracking the others, but I've been posting the last few entries that I wrote toward the end of TMP's run and hadn't gotten around to posting until now.

Gilda's one of those characters whose complexity comes more from headcanon than anything else. Judged solely on her presence in the show, she's a pretty flat jerk. She only becomes interesting when you start asking why she might be that way.

To be fair, she was being a total bitch. I get being annoyed at Pinkie but she also stole from Applejack and completely lost her temper at Fluttershy over an honest mistake.

Very sweet and sad. I love Pinkie's insertion.

Sweet. I'll have to keep that in mind, in case I ever make that omniship story I'd like to. I'm trying to think of ways to make that work, though I plan on playing some of it by ear (and for laughs). Mostly I'm stuck on how to get them all to agree to it without breaking character.

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