• Published 17th May 2013
  • 4,543 Views, 183 Comments

Crossover Into Chaos - dabestgamer

A crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. After an encounter with strange individuals, Twilight finds herself in another world...

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Turn 25: Breaching the Castle

“Of course,” Twilight sighed. She and Fluttershy were crouched on a hill near the castle doors. Four armored dogs stood at its entrance.

“Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy spoke.

“What is it, Fluttershy?”

“Is it just me or do these dogs seem a bit… different?”

The alicorn examined the canines guarding the castle. “They definitely don’t seem to be the same as the dogs that those humans ordered around…”

“I feel like we’ve seen them before.”

“Well, duh. They’ve been all over Ponyville since the night they invaded.”

“No. I mean… before that…”

Twilight glimpsed at the patrol once more. “You might be right. But right now, we need to get inside. We’ll worry about them later.”

“O-okay… but how we will we—” Twilight placed her hoof on Fluttershy’s muzzle as her horn began to glow. A brief flash lit the area. In the next moment, Fluttershy could see the inside of the entrance hall. “Oh… right.”

“Let’s keep it down,” the alicorn whispered.

“Okay,” Fluttershy whispered back.

“First, we’ll need to find out where they’re keeping everypony captive.”

“Are you sure they’re here?”


“Then where do we start? I don’t exactly remember a dungeon ever being in here.”

“You’re right about that. It just means we have to—” The echo of a nearby door came from their left. The two ponies quickly lifted themselves off the ground and took cover behind the opposite of the main staircase that faced the entrance. Footsteps were heard approaching the entrance hall.

“That was much more trouble than it was worth,” said a deep, male voice. “If the townsfolk keep revolting like this, there will hardly be any room to keep them locked up.”

The footsteps traversed the staircase upwards and to the right. The ponies poked their heads out to catch a glimpse of the man holding a large ring with several keys on it.

“At the very least, we found another potential candidate,” the man continued. His voice trailed off as another door opened and closed.

“Candidate? What does he mean by that?” Fluttershy asked. The two ponies stepped out from behind the staircase.

“I don’t know, but we can’t worry about that right now. Let’s go.”

“But where?”

“I think I have an idea where everypony is.” Twilight ran towards the hall the man had entered from, with Fluttershy flying shortly behind.

“Latrose, you called?” the man asked, stepping out onto the large balcony high up on the castle.

The other hooded man stood at the edge, looking over the railing towards Ponyville. “Carnis.”

“Yes, sir?”

“It seems our subordinate has failed us.”

“You mean he ran his mouth too much?”

“It’s pathetic. I’m now certain the Signer and those two ponies are on their way here, if they haven’t already arrived.”

“With all due respect, Latrose, I’ve already had an encounter with the princess in the town square. The magic that was provided to us was sufficient enough to prevent her from breaking today’s captives free.” Carnis twirled the key ring on his index finger. “Without these keys, she can’t hope to free anyone.”

“You might be right, Carnis. Still, they can’t be allowed to roam free.”

“Then I’ll add to the dungeon patrol. If the Signer arrives, I’ll deal with him personally.”

“In that case, I suggest you have the native dogs step up security.”

“Those Diamond Dogs and their sorry excuse for workhounds? I don’t think we should trust those bumbling mutts.”

Latrose turned towards his colleague. “Carnis, we’ve already lost our subordinate due to his own incompetence. We already gave him a chance to redeem himself and still he made things worse. As punishment for his failures, we had no choice but to eliminate him.”

“Eliminated? But that means…”

“Yes… unfortunately, it means that his power in this town has completely diminished. It hurts our control over these ponies, but it’s better to not have some idiot constantly blabbing everything he knows to flies on the wall… or even in front of his face.”

“I hardly agree that such action needed to be taken, Latrose.”

“We’re almost at war, Carnis. We can’t give the enemy any kind of advantage.”

“And yet you think I cannot defeat the Signer, which is why you asked me not to have my monsters guard the captives?”

“Call it insurance.”

Carnis scoffed. “I’m offended, Latrose.”

“As much faith as I have in your ability, Carnis, you know as well as I do that we do not accept that kind of failure from anyone. Not even you.” Latros glared at his colleague.

“Fine.” Carnis turned towards the castle and headed inside. A single armored dog approached him. “Here, take these keys. If you manage to subdue her, lock her and that pegasus up immediately.”

The dogs nodded with a low growl as Carnis continued into the castle.

Yusei turned his Duel Runner onto a hill as he approached the castle and pulled to a stop. He quickly removed his helmet and grabbed the binoculars from the seat compartment.

“They’re all heading inside… and they seem to be in a hurry…” he noted, observing the castle entrance. “Don’t tell me…”

Placing his binoculars back into the seat compartment and putting his helmet back on, Yusei boarded his Duel Runner once more and made for the open castle doors.

Twilight and Fluttershy went down the hallway checking the green checkered doors on opposite sides.

“Hello?” Twilight called out.

“Is anypony in here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Apple Bloom?”

“Sweetie Belle?”


“There are so many doors… how will we ever find them?”

“This is where he came from. They have to be around here,” Twilight answered. A muffled voice came from near the end of the hallway opposite of where they entered. “Did you hear that?”

Their ears perked up and twitched upon hearing the voice again and turned their heads in the direction of the source. “Do you think it’s them?” Fluttershy asked.

“Come on.” Twilight and Fluttershy opened the door at the end of the hallway to a pitch-black room. The alicorn’s horn began to glow, illuminating the room. “Hello?!”

“Twilight, is that you?!” a young female voice called.

Fluttershy responded, “That sounded like…”

“We’re over here!” another female voice spoke.


Fluttershy and Twilight darted to the cage containing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

“Are you all alright?” the pegasus asked with a concerned tone.

“Well… we’ve been… better,” Scootaloo answered.

“Where’s Big Mac?” questioned Twilight.

“My big brother’s over there,” Apple Bloom pointed across the hall.

The two ponies looked over to see Big Mac on his side.

“You okay, Big Mac?” Twilight asked.

“Nope,” he replied weakly.

“Who else do they have here?” The glow on the alicorn’s horn grew brighter. Twilight and Fluttershy gasped as they saw several cages lining the hallway with Ponyville citizens captive within them.

“This is horrible…” Fluttershy shuddered.

Walking past a few of the cages, they could not help but notice the condition of the townsponies. Many were exhausted or hungry; others were crying or angry.

“You must be Princess Twilight,” a male voice said.

Twilight turned towards the voice’s owner. A dark gray unicorn with a black mane and whose cutie mark resembles a metal heart with several bolts along its outline stepped out of the shadows. His coat and mane easily reflected the light from Twilight’s horn.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before,” Twilight stated. “But with that sheen… you must be from…”

“The Crystal Empire, yes,” the stallion finished. “The name is Steel Heart.”

“Wait… you’re the one I saw in the town square.”

“Yeah, that’s me. Tried to help out those fillies there. Didn’t go so well.”

“I’d hate to interrupt, Twilight, but…” Fluttershy interjected.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy pointed to the last cage at the end of the hallway. The alicorn became wide-eyed as she rushed over. “Spike!”

Twilight pressed her hooves against the cage as the young dragon groaned, tears welling up in her eyes as she noticed a few of his injuries. “Five more minutes…”

“Spike! It’s me! Twilight!”

“I said five more minutes, Twili—TWILIGHT?!” Spike sprang up and rushed to the bars, tears running down his checks. “It’s really you! You’re really here!”

“I’m so glad you’re okay! You’re not hurt, are you?”

“Not that much. Where have you been, though? It feels like it’s been a few days!”

“Well… I’ve had… an interesting adventure…”

“Twilight, I don’t mean to be rude,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, “but could you please get us all out of here first and catch up later?”

Twilight blushed. “Sorry… stand back, Spike.”

Spike saluted as he moved to the back of the cage. The alicorn’s horn lit up, along with the lock on the dragon’s cage. A sudden force pushed Twilight away.

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy spoke, helping her friend up off the ground. “That looked an awful lot like what happened when…”

“When I tried to rescue Apple Bloom and the others before? Yeah,” Twilight finished. “These cages must be enchanted somehow.”

“You mean you can’t just rip the locks off the doors?” questioned Scootaloo.

“The enchantment is pretty strong. I could try to force the locks off, but I don’t think I’d be able to break all the locks. The only other way to open them would be with the right keys.”

“Uh, Twi?” Apple Bloom spoke. All turned their heads toward the room’s entrance to see several armored dogs.

The alicorn sighed. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

Yusei rode into the entrance and brought his Runner to a halt.

“So this is Twilight’s castle,” he thought. “I guess it’s to be expected since she’s a princess, after all.”

“So here you finally are, Yusei Fudo,” a man’s voice said.

“Who are you?” Yusei called back, removing his helmet.

The hooded man stepped out from the stairs that branched to the right from the staircase before Yusei.

“My name is Carnis,” the man stopped at the top of the staircase at the branching point.

“Carnis?” Yusei mumbled. “Didn’t that other man mention that name?”

“You might have heard of me before. I wouldn’t be surprised, considering how much that buffoon you defeated likes to talk.”

“So you’re the ones who’ve taken over this town?”

“You could say that.”

“Let them go. While you’re at it, release our friends as well!”

“‘Our’, you say? You must mean the other Signers and the Elements of Harmony. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“You have no business interfering with the lives of everyone who lives here!”

“Same goes for you! You have no business interfering with us!” Carnis raised his Duel Disk. “Especially not after what happened.”

“What are you talking about?” Yusei asked.

“Ignorant, huh? What a surprise. In any case, I can’t allow you to continue getting in our way.”

Yusei glanced at Carnis’s Duel Disk. “Where are they?”

“Huh? You mean the princess’s friends? That’s not your concern. After all, you won’t be reaching them anytime soon.”

“Wrong,” Yusei replied, detaching his Duel Disk from his Runner. “Twilight is my friend… and you won’t be allowed to have your way with them!”

“Who’s going to stop us? You?” Carnis sneered.

Yusei raised his Duel Disk. “I’ll do everything in my power to save them and my friends as well!”

“Interesting… your Duel Disk and your Duel Runner are fully functional… It must be one of the benefits of being a Signer. Fine, let’s have some fun!”

Both drew five cards from their Decks.

Yusei (LP 4000) VS Carnis (LP 4000)

“It’s my turn!” Yusei declared, drawing a sixth card. “I Set a monster in Defense Position and end my turn.”

“My move, then,” Carnis stated. “I Summon Rogue Brute!” A large canine wearing dark armor and holding a club appeared before him.

Rogue Brute
LV: 4
ATK: 1900

“Did he say ‘Rogue’?” Yusei thought. “It’s the same set of monsters that his ally used…”

“Rogue Brute’s monster effect!” Carnis continued. “Once per turn, I can discard one card from my hand. This turn, all of my “Rogue” monsters gain the ability to deal piercing damage! In addition, I activate the effect of the Rogue Emissary I just discarded!”


“When this card is discarded to activate the effect of or by the effect of a “Rogue” card, it gets Special Summoned in Defense Position!”

Rogue Emissary
LV: 3
DEF: 1000

“That monster…” Yusei mumbled.

“Battle! Rogue Brute, attack the Set monster!” Carnis commanded.

The large canine swung its club as the face-down monster revealed itself.

Shield Warrior
LV: 3
DEF: 1600

Yusei’s warrior was smashed by the dog’s blunt weapon.

1900 – 1600 = 300

LP: 4000 – 300 = 3700

“I’ll Set one card face-down and end my turn,” Carnis concluded.

“My turn!” Yusei declared. “I activate the Spell Card Tuning! This lets me add a “Synchron” Tuner Monster from my Deck to my hand! I’ll add Quickdraw Synchron to my hand, then I have to send a card from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard. Next, by sending a monster from my hand to the Graveyard, Quickdraw Synchron can be Special Summoned!”

Quickdraw Synchron
LV: 5
DEF: 1400

“Now, I activate the effect of Quillbolt Hedgehog from my Graveyard! Since I control a Tuner Monster, I can Special Summon it!”

Quillbolt Hedgehog
LV: 2
DEF: 800

“I tune Level 5 Quickdraw Synchron with Level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog!”

5 + 2 = 7

“Gathering feelings will now become a new force! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Blaze on, Nitro Warrior!”

Nitro Warrior
LV: 7
ATK: 2800

“Battle! Nitro Warrior, attack Rogue Brute!” Yusei commanded. “Dynamite Knuckle!”

“Not so fast!” Carnis interrupted. “I activate a Trap! Resource Mine! This switches all of my “Rogue” monsters to Defense Position!”

Rogue Brute
LV: 4
DEF: 1300

“Next I draw one card.”

Nitro Warrior’s fist slammed into Rogue Brute, vanquishing it.

“At this moment, I activate the effect of Nitro Warrior!” Yusei continued. “When it attacks and destroys a monster in battle, I can change one of your Defense Position monsters to Attack Position! Then Nitro Warrior can attack that monster as well!”

Rogue Emissary
LV: 3
ATK: 500

“Go! Dynamite Knuckle!”

The smaller canine monster was vanquished at the hands of Yusei’s warrior.

2800 – 500 = 2300

LP: 4000 – 2300 = 1700

Carnis chuckled.

“He’s unfazed by that amount of damage?” Yusei wondered. “I Set two cards face-down and end my turn.”

An armored dog charged at Twilight and Fluttershy, swiping its paw at them. The pegasus flew into the air while the alicorn ducked out of the way and fired a burst of magic from beneath it. The impact from the blast hurled the canine into the ceiling before it fell limp to the ground.

Twilight stepped forward as the next dog charged towards her. Using her horn, she tosses the dog behind her, crashing into Spike’s cage.

“Whoa!” Spike collapsed. “Hey! Careful, Twilight!”

“Sorry, Spi—whoa!” Twilight narrowly avoided another swipe at her head. Backing away, she fired another magical blast.

Rubbing his head, an object’s shine caught his eye. He glimpsed at the dog before him to see a ring with keys attached to its waist. “Well, well, well,” Spike grinned, snagging the key ring.

Just as he was about to test one of the keys, he felt his arm jerked forward by the dog attempting to reclaim the key ring.

“Hey!” Spike shouted.

“Spike?” Twilight said, turning towards the dragon engaging in tug-of-war. Before she could make her way over to him, two of the dogs obstructed her path while the remaining two stood at the entrance.

“It’s my turn!” Carnis declared. “I activate the Spell Hound Pack! This card lets me Special Summon a Level 4 or below “Rogue” monster from my Graveyard! Rogue Emissary!”

Rogue Emissary
LV: 3
ATK: 500

“Next, I Summon the Tuner Monster Advance Party Rogue!”

Advance Party Rogue
LV: 2
ATK: 400

“A Tuner Monster?” Yusei mumbled. “It’s coming…”

“I tune Level 2 Advance Party Rogue with Level 3 Rogue Emissary!” Carnis continued.

2 + 3 = 5

“From the depths of the gem-filled mines you have traveled, emerge from the darkness beneath the surface! Synchro Summon! Come forth, Underrogue Hound!”

A large canine with many spikes in its armor emerged in front of Carnis. It removed its large flat blade from its sheath and let out a mighty growl.

Underrogue Hound
LV: 5
ATK: 2400

Yusei glared at his opponent’s monster.

“Yusei Fudo…” Carnis said. “This is as far as you and your friends go.”

Author's Note:

Insert obligatory author's note here. :derpytongue2:

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