• Published 17th May 2013
  • 4,543 Views, 183 Comments

Crossover Into Chaos - dabestgamer

A crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. After an encounter with strange individuals, Twilight finds herself in another world...

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Turn 29: Jailbreak

“How long have we been here…?” the green-haired boy wondered, looking around the cavernous walls and the bars in front that held him in. He remained slouched against the wall, staring with great concern at the cell across from his, where a green-haired girl with an appearance not unlike his own was lying down with her eyes closed. “Luna…”

Leo’s thoughts were interrupted by his stomach growling. He looked up at his sister, her hands on her own stomach as well.

Footsteps were heard approaching from down the hallway to his right. Leo stared at the hooded man just outside his cell. In the palm of his left hand, the thin figure held a large tray. Placed upon it were two plates, each with a loaf of bread and a glass of lukewarm water.

Leo glared at the man as he slid a plate and a glass through the bars. “Bread and water again? Is that all you’re giving us? It’s not even a meal.”

“Deal with it,” replied the figure, sliding Luna’s share of bread and water into her cell. “If you do not appreciate my services, you can simply eat nothing.”

“Just you wait. When we get out, you’ll be sorry.”

“I’ve heard that one before.” The man held the empty tray under his arm and turned toward the path from which he entered. “Without your Decks, you’re nothing but talk, child.”

Leo groaned as the man walked away.

“We’ve had nothing but bread and water since we’ve got here, and it’s barely enough to keep us going,” he thought. Leo then glanced at his twin sister once more. “Hang on, sis. I’ll get you out of here soon. I promise.”

“Can ya knock it off, Rainbow?” asked the cowpony, glaring at the cell across from her. “You’ve been tryin’ to bust through those bars for the past few days. They ain’t budgin’.”

“It’s better than sitting around doing nothing!” Rainbow Dash rebutted. “The longer we stay here, the less chance we have of getting Fluttershy back!”

“Agreed, darling,” replied Rarity from a third cell. “But it will not do any of us much good if you keep getting bruises like that.”

The pegasus groaned as she rubbed the sore parts of her body.

“Shame my magic won’t be able to help, either,” the unicorn continued. “It seems these cells are enchanted with a spell I’m not familiar with.”

“Don’t worry! I’m sure Twilight will be here soon!” Pinkie replied, bouncing in her cell.

“You’ve been sayin’ that for the past few days, too,” Applejack said.

“Do you really have to be so negative, Applejack?” Rainbow asked.

“Ah’m just tellin’ it like it is. Besides, in case ya haven’t noticed, we’re in a cave that’s who-knows-where. Twilight’s gonna have trouble just findin’ us.”

Silence filled the room.

“Ah’m sorry. Yer right. Ah guess ah’ve just been lettin’ this all get to me. Ah’m sure she’ll reach us eventually.” The others nodded in agreement.

“I do so hope she arrives soon,” Rarity spoke. “I’m actually getting used to these dirty, dusty rocks. And I don’t like that one bit.”

Hoofsteps were heard approaching from the hallway. Five unicorns of various dark manes and coats appeared in the pathway.

“What do you want?” said Rainbow.

The stallion leading the group had a pitch-black mane and dark blue coat and appeared to be dragging himself forward. He glanced at the four trapped mares before pointing his hoof at Pinkie Pie. “Her,” he said.

Two of the unicorns approached the pink pony’s cell, dispelling the bars. The last two materialized hoofcuffs that restricted Pinkie’s movements.

“Hey!” Pinkie shouted. “I didn’t do it, I swear!”

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Rainbow shouted.

“Let ’er go or you’ll be sorry!” Applejack added.

“You’ll be joining her very soon,” the stallion replied, motioning for the others to follow him.

Rainbow continued ramming the bars before her. “Don’t you dare!”

“Perhaps you would all like to join us for the ritual?” the stallion asked, breathing heavily.

“Ritual? Ya can’t mean…” Applejack began.

“How dare you do something so unsightly to innocent ponies!” said Rarity. “Just who do you think you are?!”

The bars before the white unicorn faded. In an instant, she found herself hurled against the wall.

“Rarity!” the others screamed.

“You don’t speak to me that way,” said the stallion, his horn glowing. A small blast of magic struck Rarity’s horn.

“Wha… what did you do to me?!” Rarity asked.

“A simple disabling spell. You’ll be coming with us, too,” the stallion panted. Hoofcuffs materialized around Rarity’s hooves as she was dragged into the corridor.

“Let them go!” Rainbow demanded.

The stallion stared at the pegasus. “So I guess you two will also be joining us. The more, the merrier.”

In a matter of seconds, all four were being pulled along by the five unicorns—with Rainbow’s wings constricted by a large brace.

The group entered a room where four humans stood, two males and two females. The walls were decorated with electric consoles and machinery that were undoubtedly recently installed.

“I thought you were just bringing one of them, Stone Wall,” said a female human.

“It seems they still don’t know their place, Celena,” the stallion replied. “I thought another demonstration for them would remind them of their place and what will soon be their fate.”

“Fine by me. At least we get to try our new way of performing this ritual.”

Pinkie Pie was shoved into the center. “Ow!” she shouted. “Hey! Do you really have to be this mean?”

Celena stepped forward, raising her Duel Disk and placing three cards on it. “Time for the Ritual to commence! Come, Dissonant Battler, Disharmony Rush, and the Tuner Monster Disharmony Cell!”

A small goblin, a griffon, and a sphere surrounded Pinkie Pie while her friends struggled to break free of their hoofcuffs.

“If our modifications to our Duel Disks have been done right… we shouldn’t need to have you unicorns around to perform the ritual. Now to see if it works.”

“No!” shouted the three friends. Pinkie looked around frantically at the monsters approaching her, unable to move.

“I tune my monsters together!” Celena declared. Her Disharmony Cell transformed into a black ring, gently lifting Pinkie Pie. The other two monsters faded, replaced by seven black stars that lined up vertically above and below the pink pony. “When life's light grows dim, your delighted self fades into the chaos!”

A pillar of darkness engulfed Pinkie, along with the ring and stars. “Pinkie!” her friends cried.

“Synchro Summon!” Celena continued. The darkness faded and the summoned creature itself began to fade, its essence absorbed into a card the woman held.

Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity stood horrified. Another of their friends has been torn away from them and sealed into a card.

“Looks like the modifications work fine,” Celena grinned, passing the card to one of the male humans.

“Then, shall we move onto the next ritual?” he asked.

“Maybe we should, Drystan. Shall we, Stone?”

Stone Wall nodded wearily. “The unicorn is next,” he stated. Two of the unicorns shoved Rarity forward.

“Ow!” Rarity reacted. “This is not how you treat a lady!”

A new group of silhouetted monsters appeared around her.

“Oh, dear…”

“Rarity!” shouted Rainbow and Applejack.

Rarity struggled to activate her horn as she was lifted by two dark rings, lining up vertically with six black stars.

“You’re wasting your energy,” Stone Wall stated. “Your magic has been disabled by my spell.”

“Fargone soul, consume the light of harmony that stands before you!” Celena continued, as Rarity’s horn began to glow brighter. “Synchro Summon!”

Rarity shrieked as she was engulfed by a dark pillar. A large burst of magic shot out in every direction.

As the summoned figure faded into another card, the room began to shake. The recently-built consoles in the room began to let out a shower of sparks before bursting into flame.

“But why?” Celena asked. “I thought you disabled her magic.” Stone Wall had already collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.

“He must’ve used too much of his magic!” said one of the unicorns.

“But that means—” Celena was already pinned against the wall by Rainbow Dash, the force of the blow causing her to drop the most recently created card.

Too slow to react, the unicorns were kicked to the side by Applejack.

As Drystan turned away, he was tackled by the pegasus. “Let’s go!” Rainbow shouted to Applejack, the former’s teeth clamped down onto the two cards which now contained their friends.

“After them!” Celena shouted. Three of the unicorns sprinted after the fleeing ponies while the fourth remained to tend to Stone Wall.

“What was what?!” Leo exclaimed, feeling the tremors. He let out a small gasp as the bars before him vanished. “They just… disappeared? Luna!”

He ran to his slumbering twin sister.

“Luna! Wake up!” As the rumbling continued, he placed his sister’s arm over his shoulders and lifted her up onto her feet, slowly walking her out.

“L…Leo…?” she moaned.


“What’s… happening?”

“Not sure, but I’m gonna get you out!”

“Okay…” She placed her hand over her stomach. “I don’t feel so good…”

“Hang in there, sis,” he said, continuing onward.

Small chunks of debris fell from the ceiling as Applejack and Rainbow fled down the hallway, the latter quickly stopping to pick up an empty saddlebag to place the cards in.

“Where’s the darn exit?!” said Applejack.

“If we can’t find one, we’ll make one!” Rainbow Dash replied, speeding up towards the wall at the T-junction in front of her.


Rainbow collapsed onto the floor after failing to break through the wall. “Ow…” She sat up, rubbing the sore parts of her body.

“Ya should’ve listened to me when I told ya to stop rammin’ the bars earlier.”

The pegasus groaned. “Let’s just g—GAH!”

“What th—OOF!”

A burst of magic had struck Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Did you two really think you could get away from us?” asked one of the female unicorns. Their horns activated, dragging Rainbow and Applejack towards them, until they were startled by a chunk of debris that landed just in front of them.

The two friends quickly rose to their feet and started down the hallway once more.

Rainbow felt a tug on her tail, stopping her in her place. She glimpsed behind her, seeing one of the unicorns with her horn active.

“Rainbow, let’s go!” Applejack shouted.

The pegasus squirmed, her body still sore. The cowpony glared at the unicorn, ready to charge at her, until another chunk of debris landed in front of her.

“Applejack!” Rainbow shouted, hurling the saddlebag towards her friend.

“Ah’m not leaving you behind!” Applejack replied. She started towards Rainbow, only to be stopped by a large billow of smoke followed by the walls caving in between them. “RAINBOW!”

“Just go!”

Applejack began to tear up, hesitant to abandon her friend. Unable to reach her, the cowpony picked up the saddlebag and fled.

Rainbow squirmed as the two unicorns pinned her down.

“That was a pain,” Celena said, approaching. Drystan and the other two humans followed shortly behind. “Too bad you couldn’t get away.”

“Kiss my flank,” the pegasus replied.

The woman scoffed. “Take her away. We’ll deal with her shortly. The rest of us will evacuate immediately.”

Upon Celena’s command, the unicorns lifted Rainbow and carried her away as she demanded to be let go.

As she turned away, her eye caught something partially concealed by a piece of rubble. “Drystan!” she called out upon retrieving the object.

Leo stepped onto the smooth, tiled floor.

“Guess we’re out of the caves,” he observed. He scanned the hallway and the rooms around him, watching smoke drift out of some. He became wide-eyed as he saw hooded four-legged creatures in a panic far in front of him. “Who are—forget that! We need to get out of here!”

“Wait…” a voice said.

“What is it, Luna?”

“I hear… the voices of my friends… the Duel Monster spirits…” Luna answered.

“Where are they?”

“Not sure… but they’re close…”

Leo continued forward until he felt his sister’s hand grip his shoulder.

“What is it?” he asked.

“That room… on the right…” she replied.

“Got it.” Leaning his sister against the wall, Leo peered into the room. “There they are!” In one nearly continuous motion, he quickly grabbed their Duel Disks containing their respective Decks and their Duel Board gear—skateboards and protective equipment which allowed the twins to Turbo Duel without requiring a Duel Runner.

Luna glanced tiredly at her Duel Disk as she held it in her arms, smiling. The image of a small yet round furry creature with two large eyes appeared before her.

“Kuri kuri!” it said.

“I’m okay, Kuribon,” she mumbled as the monster vanished. “I’m glad you’re all safe…”

After donning his helmet, knee pads, and arm pads and connecting his Duel Disk to his Duel Board via cord, Leo helped his twin sister onto her Duel Board and put on her safety gear. He then got on his own Duel Board before slowly traveling down the hallways, gripping Luna tightly.

They entered a large room that was vacant aside from the pieces of debris that littered the vicinity.

The twins came to a stop as they saw a man standing before the only unobstructed doorway.

“Wait… you’re—!” the brother spoke, recognizing the individual. “You’re the guy who kept giving us that awful food!”

“This is as far as you go,” the man said.

“Get out of our way!” Leo demanded.

“No, your path ends here.” The man raised his Duel Disk.

“If that’s how it is…” replied Leo. After detaching his Duel Board’s cord from his Duel Disk, he leaned his sister against a wall behind him and placed his helmet and Duel Board beside her. “Fine by me! I’ll take you down and get my sister and I out of here!” Leo raised his own Duel Disk as he glared at the man. The two Duelists drew five cards.

“My name is Drystan,” the man bowed. “Providing service to others is my one of my professions. Now, it is to serve as your guide… on your path to Tartarus.”

Author's Note:

I swear. Writing Pinkie is like an art or something. :pinkiesick:

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