• Published 28th May 2013
  • 4,998 Views, 76 Comments

Patches - Fireydude

What if Season 3 ended differently?

  • ...

Chapter 10 - A discussion with Luna

8:40 pm [Golden Oak's library]

"What do we need to discuss exactly Princess Luna?" Twilight asked the blue alicorn, thankful she was using a regular tone of voice. While she still had that quirk where she still somewhat spoke in a 'ye olde' fashioned manner of speech , she definitely seemed to have come a long way from the 1000 years out of touch princess who saw indoor voices as a foreign concept.

"Firstly, is thine meeting with my sister.." Luna sat on her haunches and allowed the lavender unicorn to do the same; "I'm glad she was able to let thou and those five friends of yours know of the comet I had encountered. It makes it easier as there's more of a chance that we shall learn more about it, especially since thou art quite the scholar as Celestia tells me.."

"Oh, um… Thank you princess.." Twilight did her best to supress the urge to allow a blush be seen on her face as she coughed a bit into her hoof to clear her throat; "But that's not the only thing you've come to talk about, right?"

"Ay, thou art very correct in presuming so.." Luna nodded her head a bit; "Give me leave to bring us both to the next topic at hoof... Celestia hadth also taken the time to let me know of something very interesting. Apparently, after the night of the comet's sighting had ended, one of your friends had made a discovery.. Now, would that friend of yours happen to be Fluttershy?"

Twilight nodded slowly, knowing where Luna was going with this.

"And if I were not mistaken, I believe that discovery was a boy of an unusual species, am I correct?"

Twilight nodded; "His name's Alan, he's something called a 'human'.. I did some tests on him before we were summoned to Canterlot, is it okay if I showed you the notes I've taken?"

"By all means young Sparkle.." The alicorn stood up to her full height on all fours, while the unicorn did the same.

Twilight slowly walked to her lab, with the princess following behind. With a simple glow emanating from her horn, Luna lit up the lab so Twilight could see her clearly during their conversation, since she didn't have the same adaptations for seeing in the dark as she did (being the princess of the night and all). Twilight gave the notes from the first test she'd done with Alan by levitating the paper to Luna, who read what her sister's student had written up on the boy.

"No magic detected... Except for traces of the cloaking spell thou casted upon him multiple times.." Luna looked at Twilight inquisitively; "I take it to... How does one put it.. Smuggle him over to the castle?"

"Y-yes, if you put it that way.. We didn't know how anypony else in Ponyville or Canterlot would react to him. It was the only way I could think for us to get him into town and out without him being discovered, plus I didn't want him to be freaked out from everypony staring at him." Twilight said without a hint of deception in her voice.

"Duly noted.." Luna put the paper back as she levitated another piece of paper, though something intrigued her; "Similarities with apes?"

"Appearance wise, he's somewhat ape-like, though much more upright in the way he stands... Oh, he also has hair only on the top of his head, eyebrows aside.. Just to be a bit more thorough, I did a quick test at 7:30 pm by using one of Alan's hairs as a sample. His species seems to apparently have similar genetics as apes, though he looks a bit more like a chimp, given the color of his skin and all. In terms of his body structure , I'll have to borrow some equipment from the hospital for further physiological research. I'm sure Nurse Redheart will allow me to if I ask.."

"Does he have any contagious diseases we should know about?" Luna smartly asked, not wanting to miss such a crucial detail.

"None that I know of, though when Fluttershy found him, he was developing a fever, likely in the early stages of a flu. Thankfully, she had him drink some special herbal medicine and it quickly faded away within minutes.."

"I'm presuming the recipe of this 'medicine' was taught to young Fluttershy by Zecora?" Luna raised an eyebrow at the unusual speed of which the boy had recovered from his illness.

"Probably.. He didn't seem to suffer from any adverse effects, and from what I've seen, he seems to be a healthy young boy. Well, I'm guessing he's at least as healthy as a colt his age would be. I still don't quite know the standards of human health, since Alan's much too young to actually know stuff like that, being a six year old and all.." Twilight clicked her tongue as she looked at Luna's face, which had a shocked expression on it.

"Six?!" Luna kept her voice to a low whisper, keeping herself from shouting; "Where art his parents?!"

"I. don't. know! None of us know where they are.. They probably got separated from him or something.." Twilight sighed sadly as her ears drooped a bit; "Alan must've been frightened, waking up alone and not knowing where he was... That poor kid... "

Luna placed a wing on Twilight's withers gently, having a sad expression of her own, and asked; "Since it will likely take a while to find his parents, will Fluttershy look after him until then?"

"Yes, he's over at her cottage as we speak.." Twilight nodded firmly.

"I'd like to see the boy for myself. Does this sit well with thou?..." Luna gently asked; "I hath no desire to force thou into this.."

"No, it's perfectly fine..." Twilight nodded; "We'll have to be quiet however.."

"Of course Twilight..." Suddenly, with just a slight light blue glow of her magic generated from her horn, Luna easily teleported herself and the studious young unicorn out of the entire library.

8:55 pm [Fluttershy's cottage]

In that instant, the two were relocated right in the living room. Right in front of them, Fluttershy was reading the latest issue of "Wild Life Aficionados Monthly", a magazine she'd recently subscribed to after learning about it from somepony in town when they arrived, and upon hearing the unmistakable sound of teleportation (but more silent), she looked up and placed it on her table, keeping it open so she wouldn't loose track of what she was reading. Upon seeing who was with Twilight, she gasped a bit in surprise.

"P-princess Luna? What-" The young mare asked softly, not wanting to wake little Alan up.

"I already know of thine guest, young Fluttershy. Thou have my sister to thank for that.." Luna put a hoof up, silencing her a bit; "From what Twilight's told me, he's no different from any of the foals in Ponyville, or Equestria ."

Fluttershy smiled with relief; "Thank you.. I was a bit worried.."

"I'm sorry if we're intruding.." Twilight said to her.

"It's not a problem Twilight, at least I have a bit more company tonight.." Fluttershy replied in good humor.

"Is the child asleep?" Luna asked raising a hoof inquisitively; "I asketh since I hope we have not disturbed his slumber.."

"I checked on him half an hour ago, he's sound asleep. He also has Angel with him, it's one of the most adorable things I ever saw in my life. He's like a little guard-bunny~" Fluttershy giggled at the image; "Anyway, why do you ask?"

"I wish to see him Fluttershy. I shalt not to wake the boy up, lest he wake up frightened, and mistake me for a boggart coming to abduct him.." Luna calmly said to her with sincerity; "If thou wouldst be so kind as-"

"He's up in the guest room..." Fluttershy replied immediately; "Though I'm not sure how Angel will react if he sees you..."

With a slight bow, Luna then left the living room, and silently went upstairs. She then emanated some light from her horn, and used her magic to find the guest room (having not been inside Fluttershy's cottage before) by tracking the child by the small traces of the cloaking spell that was still on him.

After gently pushing the door open, she walked into the room without making any noise. Though this didn't stop Angel's ears from twitching as they were picking up on her soft hoof-steps. Opening both of his eyes, the small white rabbit stood on his hind legs and looked at the alicorn, understandably with a look on his face that said: "If you try to hurt this kit, you'll have to answer to me, got it?"

"I hath no ill intent, little rabbit.. You have my solemn word as a princess of Equestria that no harm shall befall him in any sort of manner. I merely wish to have a good look of him, without awaking him of course" Luna whispered to him, not wishing to wake said boy.

Angel nodded without loosing his look, satisfied with the answer, and leapt off of his sleeping spot without even taking his eyes off of her. Luna stifled a chuckle of amusement, though admittedly, she had to respect his vigilance. Not everyday you see a little white bunny stand his ground against something bigger than himself while guarding a child, especially when that something happened to be an alicorn. As she looked away from Angel and turned her attention towards the boy as he slept blissfully, unaware of what had occurred between Angel and herself. Looking down at his sleeping face, Luna smiled gently at how peaceful he looked, not to mention how huggable he looked for an ape-like creature that only had hair on the top of his head. After very softly rubbing one of his freckled cheeks with a hoof, Luna used her telekinesis to carefully and gently lift him out of the bed without disturbing him in even the slightest. Her eyes widened a bit at the sheer size difference between herself and the little one before her, though she brushed it aside as she also had to fight the urge to squeal out at the nightshirt he was wearing. It was definitely easier said than done when you considered the fact that the nightshirt was too big for him, since, after all, that's kind of a rule of cute when it came to how adults usually see children. In fact, there's a little scientific/math equation for it..

Child minus Height plus Clothing-too-big-for-him/her = ADORABLE

Anyhow, as she finished up, Luna silently and gently placed the boy back under the covers without him ever being the wiser. As his head peaked out and rested against the pillow, Luna softly and playfully ruffled his hair as she reached her head down to him. She gave him a nice soft kiss on his left cheek, and just to be thorough, she gave him another on his forehead; "Rest well little one... ".

As if he heard her, Alan's sleeping smile grew bigger, while Angel's expression softened u- Wait, gotta remember, he's not supposed to be a softie, he's supposed to be tough an' terrific. Still, he supposed having a softer side wasn't too bad. As Angel smiled at the alicorn that left the room, and closed the door behind her, the little rabbit yawned as he proceeded to climb onto Alan's chest, and curl up again to join him.
Downstairs, Luna had rejoined with Twilight and Fluttershy, smiling with eyes that were as soft as the latter's.

"I hath never seen a boy as tiny as he..." She said to them both.

"You should see him compared to Spike.." Twilight replied humorously.

"And neither of thee mentioned how snuggly he actually looked. He quite honestly reminded me a of a plush toy I used to have as a little filly, save for the lack of fur on his body.. " Luna chuckled as she recomposed herself; "I can promise this... I look forward to him meeting me. If not awake, than at least in his dreams, should he need help with nightmares..."

Fluttershy smiled at her; "Good to know your highness... "

"A little to the right..." Karen smiles as she kept her camera still.

"Like this?" Harold shifts a bit in his seat, wearing a santa hat, a red and green plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of bright red trousers held up by white suspenders, and a pair of black boots that come up to his shins. As he does so, he's keeping little Alan from falling off of his knee.

"Yeah, stay like that..." Karen put a mouth to her hand as she muffled a laugh; "Oh god, Alan looks so freaking cute right now.."

"Well, it helps he gets his looks from his old man. Isn't that right mon petit assistant?" Harold says with a grin as he looks down at Alan, who's decked out in an elf costume. Coupled with his size (not even being that much over a foot in height), he now looks even more like one of Saint Nick's little helpers.

"M-moon p-p-eh-teet.." The toddler tries to repeat his dear old dad, though without success.

As he chuckles in amusement, Harold softly instructs his boy; "Stay still for me and Aunt Karen kiddo.."

The instant Alan did, his Auntie Karen successfully took their photo in a flash with her digital camera and looked at the photo; "Looks great!"

Harold stands up, with the bitty toddler in his arms growing sleepy by the minute; "Thank you for letting us stay at your place for Christmas Karen, and.. for everything.."

"Anything for you and my surrogate nephew..." The woman says as she takes Alan from him into her arms; "I'll get him ready for bed, you can make some hot chocolate if you want..."

"Thanks.." The man smiles as Karen carries the little guy out to a nursery she had set up for him. Once she's out of sight, Harold slowly walks to the brightly lit fireplace, and looks at a couple of photos above it. One photo has Karen holding one year old Alan in front of Cinderella Castle, a photo Harold had taken when the three of them went to Disneyland in Florida during the summer (it was worth the humidity, and occasional mosquito); another has Alan riding on top of Harold's head; and the third, has shrunk Harold's smile. It's a photo of Daisy and Karen, where Daisy was giving Karen bunny ears on her head while Karen had an arm around her shoulders.

Harold wipes a tear from his right eye as he whispers to the photo, or rather, Daisy..; "Joyeux Noël ... Mon bien-aimé..." Harold then looks out the window, where the snowfall outside is guaranteeing a white Christmas, almost as if he can see her, and her loving smile.

If she's there, than he'll let her in. Just so he'd have the chance to feel a hand as warm as his caress his face. After that..

And especially after that..

He'd embrace her, not wanting to ever let go, for fear of loosing the one he loves again..


Author's Note:

Give me leave to = "Allow me to" (Again, shakespearian phrase)

Withers = shoulders (For those who don't know basic horse/pony anatomy. I know I said they were shoulders in previous chapters, but I'm trying to mix it up a bit..)

Before anyone points it out to me, yes, I know the dates are different than what I've previously written.

This is because I thought I could complete this story and write multiple episodes of the spin off by december. However, this was a lapse of judgement, and I will be sure to NOT overestimate my writing speed.
Also, that whole "if you hurt this kit" bit I wrote? I didn't misspell "kid", that was intentional. See, as it turns out, baby rabbits are called kits, just like how baby foxes are called that, I'm not making it up. The reason I know about this is because, well, I have "Watership Down" to thank for that. Seriously, watch the movie (or the tv series if you want) and read the book, it's quite fascinating. :D

Anyways, the vector with Angel can be found here: http://dogkids-wiki-of-wonder.wikia.com/wiki/File:Angel_from_mlp.png

Ps: Merry Christmas guys.. :)