• Published 28th May 2013
  • 5,003 Views, 76 Comments

Patches - Fireydude

What if Season 3 ended differently?

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Getting to like you!

10:05 am [5 minutes from Ponyville]

“Are you absolutely sure this will work?” asked Fluttershy as she walked alongside Twilight with Spike on the unicorn's back, and Pinkie bouncing on Fluttershy’s right.

“Of course it will Fluttershy! Twilight’s so awesometacular when it comes to magic remember?” said Pinkie in between bouncing.

“Er, thanks Pinkie..” Twilight nervously chuckled; “Anyway, neither you nor Alan have anything to worry about. The cloaking spell will make sure that nopony in town will be able to see him.

“And I should know! When she tested it on me a couple of days ago, I didn’t turn visible until she deactivated the spell, it was so cool! I mean, she even mastered it in about half an entire day!” Spike added with enthusiasm.

“Well, yes.. but even then it still took hard work, and further testing to even know if I truly mastered it. Besides, the spell only turns an intended target invisible, not the unicorn that casted it in the first place.” said Twilight.

Spike shrugged his shoulders at everything Twilight said as he then turned his head towards a supposedly empty space that was currently occupying Fluttershy’s back; “Hey Al, you holding up alright there buddy?”

“Um, yeah..” Alan’s voice replied from the ‘empty space’; “It’s a little weird... But it feels kinda nice."

“Good to hear!” Spike smiled; “It means the spell’s doing what it’s supposed to do.”

Later, the sound of Ponyville’s busy streets could be heard as the five casually went into town, everypony being too occupied with their own business to direct any of their own attention towards them, though Pinkie did give an occasional enthusiastic wave of hello towards a few citizens. With the currently invisible Alan riding on Fluttershy’s back, his arms, wrapped around Fluttershy’s neck, seemed to tighten it’s grip a little bit more as his eyes darted about while looking at the ponies that they were passing, of course it wasn’t hurting Fluttershy in the least thankfully.

Alan snapped out of his thoughts as amongst the citizens of the town, he saw two particular ponies passing by the still bouncing Pinkie. The first of the ponies was an average sized adult earth-pony stallion with a dark blue coat, an electric yellow mane with matching mutton chops to go with it, the same hazel brown eyes as Alan, and on his flank was an empty blueprint as well as a golden hammer. The second pony was likely the pony’s son, as the young earth colt had the same mane and eye color as the older stallion, the biggest differences between the two being not only that the coat was the same shade of blue as Alan’s garment, but there being both a blank blue print as well as a silver hammer.

Out of the corner of Spike’s eyes, he saw something falling right beside Fluttershy as it reflected sunlight off of it brightly. While the yellow pegasus didn’t seem to have notice it, Spike’s left brow was certainly raised upon seeing it. Making a mental note to himself, Spike’s eyes then kept its focus straight ahead as the three mares walked.

At Rarity’s boutique/house, the white unicorn (and Element of Generosity of course) was telekinetically placing a tuxedo on one of her numerous mannequins, possibly to sell to a client. As she finished up, the sound of her doorbell ringing reached her ears. The sophisticated young mare checked her coat, mane, and tail (in that specific order) for a few moments, not wishing to have either of them in an uncouth and ill kept manner when possible guests/clients are visiting. Feeling satisfied, she walked over to her front door to see who would possibly wish to see her. As she opened her door, she smiled upon seeing Twilight, Pinkie, Spike, and Fluttershy and in her usual formal manner of speaking greeted them; “Why hello darlings, how very nice of you all to stop by! Oh please, do come in.”

“Thanks Rarity!” Pinkie bubbly replied as they all came in, with Rarity closing the door behind them. Spike then slid off of Twilight’s back as Rarity then directed her attention towards him.

“And I see you’re still as handsome as ever Spikey Wikey.”

The white unicorn then kissed the purple dragon on the forehead, who may as well be made of putty as he nearly melted to the floor with a goofy smile on his scaly face, and hearts in his eyes. It was only thanks to Twilight’s telekinesis that he didn’t collapse right there, who gave a chuckle as she levitated him onto a couch for him to rest on while in his ‘lover boy’ state of mind.

“So tell me girls, what brings you to my humble abode? Is it something that I could do to help?” asked Rarity.

“Um, yes.. If you want to..” Fluttershy replied.

“Well whatever it is I’ll be glad to be of help! Just tell me what it is.” Rarity responded back.

“Oh, okay then, thank you.” Twilight smiled a bit and then continued; “We need your help designing some clothes for somepony that we recently met…”

“Hmm? Is it a stallion or a mare?” asked Rarity.

“Well, he’s technically not a pony, but he’s close to your sister’s age. Anyway, we also need to get him cleaned up since he’s rather dirty.” said Twilight.

“I see.. Well where is he? I simply must see him if I wish to be of some assistance.” said Rarity.

“He’s right here in your boutique actually. I simply casted a cloaking spell so no pony in town would scare him and in case it’s also vice versa. Just um, wait one minute..” Twilight sat on her haunches as she reached her forelegs out towards the empty space occupying Fluttershy’s back; “Alright, down you go..” she then lifted the invisible object off of the pegasus and carefully placed it on the floor.

Do I really have to be seen?” Rarity’s ears perked up at the soft boyish voice, and from how it sounded, it seemed Twilight was correct about his age.

“I’m sorry honey, but you have to be. Rarity won’t be able to help if she can’t see you.” Fluttershy responded to the voice.

“We guarantee, she’s not going to hurt you.. Now hold still.” Twilight’s horn gave off a magenta colored glow as the invisible object now had the same glow surrounding it in an aura like fashion.

Then, in just one-fourteenth of a second, Alan became visible once more. Rarity gasped with delight in her eyes as the boy appeared before her; “Why hello there little one! And just what is your name?” she then sat down on her haunches in order for her better interact with the boy.

The child looked downwards with his eyes moving about again as he mumbled and shook nervously with his hands in the pockets of his garment.

“Oh there’s no need to be scared of me dear, you can trust me. Didn’t the others just guarantee this to you?” Rarity’s voice became a bit softer as she attempted to comforted him.

Pinkie gently placed her left fore-leg on Alan’s right shoulder; “It’s okay kiddo! Remember back at the cottage? Just tell her your name loud enough so she can hear ya.”

Alan looked up at the Pink one, who rapidly nodded with encouragement and a smile on her face. He then turned his attention towards Rarity who simply gave him her own gentle smile while waiting for the boy to introduce himself. With only a bit of hesitation in his voice, he answered; “It's um..Alan Banc..

Rarity continued talking with the boy after his introduction; “Well thank you darling, that wasn’t too bad now was it?” Rarity gently patted him on the head then asked him; “Oh, and may I ask what the name of your unusual garment is? I’ve never seen anything like it before, and my curiosity has been rather sufficiently 'piqued' as it were.”

Um.. They’re my overalls..” Alan replied.

“Overalls you say? Fascinating ..” Rarity’s horn glowed blue as she levitated a notebook and a pencil over to herself with ease and started writing down some notes on the ‘overalls’.

Er.. How did you do that? I saw Twilight do something like it back at Fluttershy’s cottage..” asked Alan.

“Hmm? You mean my telekinesis?” Rarity replied.

What?” Alan asked in confusion.

“Telekinesis darling, it’s the ability to move objects without touching them through the power of one’s own mind by using magic.” Rarity explained as she was writing down her notes on ‘overalls’.

“It’s the most basic ability that all unicorns learn, even foals can use it. For us, using telekinesis is as easy as you blinking your eyes or using your hands.” said Twilight to Alan.

“Some ponies believe that a pegasus-” Fluttershy looked at the boy, who was once again confused; “That’s what type of pony I am Alan. Anyway, some ponies believe that a pegasus is able to fly thanks to a similar type of magic, with our wings helping us steer and stay airborne. We can even control the weather in Equestria with it..” she giggled softly as Alan’s jaw dropped a bit in amazement.

“Oh! Oh! Me next!” Pinkie said so gidily; “Most earth ponies don’t do stuff like that, but boy do we have a natural green hoof! Oh, and I have this thing I call my ‘Pinkie Sense’, which is how I got to Fluttershy’s cottage, and that’s how I found you, and now we’re here and-”

“I do believe he gets the gist of it Pinkie..” Rarity interjected while continuing with her notes; Though what she didn’t mention, thankfully, is her other rather inexplicable ‘abilities’.

After a little while, Rarity finished with her notes; “Alright, that should just about do it. Now Alan, I’ll need you to remove your clothes so I can take your measureme-” Rarity stopped in mid sentence as she looked Alan’s blushing face; “It’s alright dear, there’s nothing to be embarrassed of, now then, on with the measurements..”

Alan was now standing on a platform stripped of his clothes, with the only piece of clothing he had on was this strange white lower garment with an elasticated waistband at his waist, the front and rump areas being covered, and a flap on the front of the garment. The blush on Alan’s face had actually gotten deeper to the point where his face now resembled a cherry. As Rarity was using her measuring tape on him, the other three ponies (along with Spike, having recovered from his brief bout of love-sickness) looking on, with Pinkie being the most confused out of the spectators.

“Why’s Al wearing that white thingy?” Pinkie asked quietly.

Spike gave her funny look at the question, while Twilight replied in the same tone of voice; “I’m guessing that what he’s wearing is some type of garment that he probably wears underneath his regular clothing most of the time. I suppose they’re ‘under garments’ or ‘under wear’ , at least if they’re what his species calls them anyway.”

Pinkie blinked in confusion; “Well why would they even wear them? I mean, yeah some ponies wear clothes, but I’m pretty sure we’ve gotten along without having to wear undies.. I think I made up my new favorite word~” she giggled.

Spike gave Pinkie an even funnier look at her nickname for the garment as Twilight tried think of a way to explain the reason in words Pinkie could understand (since it was Pinkie after all..), thankfully Fluttershy, with her zoological knowledge, was there to save the day as she started whispering something into Pinkie’s ear, after which, Pinkie stared at Fluttershy.

“Wait, so you're saying monkeys and apes don’t-”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Meaning that Al doesn’t..”

Fluttershy nodded again.

“So he wears that thing to..”

Thrice again Fluttershy nodded, to which Pinkie responded; “Ohhhh..”

Rarity continued to make the necessary measurements as the boy felt goosebumps develop on his bare skin; "Mhmm, yes.. Yes I do believe I can make this work.. There now Alan, I'm all done with measuring. You were very helpful in cooperating despite your eh, shyness in exposing yourself. I for one, believe it was very admirable." Rarity leaned down and kissed him on his cherry red cheek, then turned to the yellow pegasus; "Alright Fluttershy, you may take him upstairs to get him bathed, in the meantime, I shall start working on his new attire. After I've finished, I will help you groom his hair before he gets dressed." Alan slowly walked over to Fluttershy, who simply led him up the stairs to Rarity's bathroom as the others looked at the fashion diva, who seemed to be in the zone as it were.

"Now then darlings.. Shall we begin?"

Author's Note:

So yep.. There you go.. I wanted to make it longer, but it's getting late and I wanted to wrap this chapter up as quick as possible, so.. Yeah, sorry..
*Discord appears in a puff of smoke*

Discord: Well, so this is your Fimfiction account eh?.. Hmm, interesting..

Me: What the He- Discord what're you doing?!

Discord: Oh nothing much.. Just interested where this story is going, checking out all the nerdy little bronies on this site, the usual..

Me: You're kind of interrupting me in the middle of my notes Big-guy, so could you please get out of here?

Discord:.. Did you just try to tell me, the Spirit of Chaos, what to do?

Me: Uh..

Discord: Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't we?..

Me: Oh no, nononononono!!


Me: *Head turns into horse's head* …

Discord: Now you truly are a 'brony'~


Discord:Oh how I enjoy being me~