• Published 25th May 2013
  • 3,924 Views, 77 Comments

Dashaloo Days and Scootabow Nights - RGLloyd

Rainbow Dash promised to take the rambunctious Scootaloo under her wing on the whim of pride. However, when Scootaloo's repressed emotions come to surface, Dash finds there's more to the little filly than fun and flight training.

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Meet Dad

The two story house was a humble abode. It had two windows upstairs and a workshop that was situated behind the house at a diagonal with a catwalk leading to it from the upper level. Dash considered briefly what purpose the shop held but focused on the door in front of her. Scootaloo tried the doorknob but it didn’t budge. She knocked three times rapidly. "Daddy! It’s me!"

Dash snickered and ribbed Scootaloo in the side. "Pfft…’daddy’? Really?"

"Mmmm…" Scootaloo shot Dash a narrow-eyed warning and flank-bumped her, a feat that almost sent the poor filly bouncing off the porch if it weren't for the quick reaction of a blue hoof to steady her mid-stumble.

Dash giggled and ruffled Scootaloo's mane. "It's taking forever for someone to answer the door. You sure he's home?"

"Yeah, just be patient." Scootaloo stared at the door expectantly. Soon creaks and whines could be heard from the other side as the timber of the home gave way to something…large.

The creaks grew louder, followed by intermittent shuddering thumps that sent the myriad of bobbles and chimes on the porch swaying and clattering. Creak, squirrr…creak, yeurrraa, creak, thump…shudder…clatter…silence. Dash held her breath, not quite sure what would be on the other side of the door and backpedaled apprehensively as the noise stopped.

Scootaloo looked up and giggled. "Relax, it's just my dad."

Dash shot her a 'mare, you crazy?' look as she took a calming breath. The doorknob jiggled; a myriad of locks slid into place followed by a creak as it opened slowly.

An enormous white stallion with red hair and hazel green eyes filled the doorway. His brow looked permanently furrowed and angry. His muzzle curled down into a slight disapproving frown as he eyed Dash, the red mane adding to the ferocity of the gaze. His eyes slid down to a grinning Scootaloo who was rocking back and forth excitedly. "Hi Daddy! I'm home."

"Aww…welcome home sweetheart!" Dash almost fell over from shock as a bright and cheery voice emitted from the grumpy looking ogre of a stallion standing before her. The enormous head bent down and battered Scootaloo around in what Dash hoped was a playful nuzzle. She let out a quick burst of breath she hadn't realized she was holding as Scootaloo giggled, reared up, and headbutted her dad's nose. "Oomff…haha! You’re growing so fast." His voice switched to a low grumpy growl as he turned. "Git in here, you two." Then he slowly…slowly thudded one hoof after another across the room.

The house seemed to want to cave in around his massive bulk. Each step bringing another shudder, rattling pictures, causing the floorboards to creak, and the walls to moan. Dash flitted in apprehensively behind Scootaloo. The front room was quaint with a large sectional couch, in various states of disrepair, that wrapped around a large square ottoman in the center. Bits of leaves and twigs were strewn across the floor at random, leaving the place as a whole screaming for a good cleaning. Dash trotted lightly across the floor, following Scootaloo closely.

"Relax, have a seat Rainbow Dash. You are always welcome in my house. My name is Grinder Thundershanks," the stallion intoned grumpily. "Don't mind me! If I git in yer way, just give me a good hoof to the head and I'll move." He chuckled methodically at his own joke as he awkwardly crawled up onto one section of the couch which happened to be a large chaise lounge. It squeaked and groaned underneath his bulk, and Dash got a much better view from the side to see exactly how large he was. Like Big Mac…just…a lot bigger around the mid… Her eyes slid down to his forelegs. Huge jointed metal pipes were strapped to the outside of each foreleg, held together by thick springs and resistance brackets. They curved up and twisted around inwards into padded supports that hugged his chest. The gentle smile that played across his muzzle defied the angry brow and intensity of his gaze as he locked onto Dash. "My joints are bad. It's hard to move," he intoned in a deep guttural drawl with a look of…

Jolly grumpiness? Dash mused.

"Wow, sorry to hear that. Uhm… I…well…you are really young, what the hay happened?" Dash shrunk back as Grinder guffawed loudly.

"I like you. Straightforward, no dancing around what's really on your mind. Always irritates me when somepony can't just come out an' say it." He clopped a hoof onto the ottoman. "Scootabee! Grab our guest here some..." Scootaloo came around the corner carrying a tray with cups of tea before he could finish. "Outstanding! Good job, sweetheart!"

"You know me, Daddy. I got this." Scootaloo grinned and gingerly hoofed a cup to Dash. "I heard you fell again." Scootaloo got straight to the point.

"Oh, you know your Daddy always…"

"Bounces, yes. I know you bounce. Never broken a bone. Always standing strong." Scootaloo spun around on him, causing the large stallion to recoil reflexively. "Would you be more careful? You had me worried sick! Where does it hurt? Do you have bandages this time? Did you pull anything? Have you been eating? There’s like three dishes in the sink…" Scootaloo trailed off.

Grinder looked downcast. "Why you always worried about me?" He ran a hoof through Scootaloo's mane. "You got so many other things to worry about like… who you’re going to play with, and what stunt you want to pull on your scooter, and learning to fly. You see sweetie, I do bounce. Right back up, and you don't have to worry because I take care of myself. Everypony around me freaks out when I stumble or fall. But I don't break… the things I fall on break." He chuckled, playing off the tension with a joke as he playfully jabbed at Scootaloo with a hoof.

She batted it away. "Be serious, would you?"

"Sorry," Grinder mumbled.

"It's okay." Scootaloo hugged her dad's neck, most of her body disappearing as a massive foreleg wrapped around to gently hug her back. "Just try not to go up the stairs too often." She jumped down, and trotted over to the kitchen. "I’ll do some dishes and get to work on lunch." She glanced into the trash. "That's what I thought, you haven't been eating right! Did you take your medicine? Are you in pain?"

"Ah’m fine, little filly, but I could go for some food."

"I'm sure you're starving. Ugh, and you’ve been drinking those energy drinks again. Mom said those can kill you! You see? You see why I can't leave the house?" Scootaloo glanced around the kitchen corner and glared daggers at her dad.

"Sorry, sweetie. I know, I know. It's just hard to stay awake sometimes. You know I like to write…" He trailed off as he reached for a teacup that was four times larger than the other on the platter. Scootaloo whipped back around into the kitchen with a growl. Grinder gulped at his tea. At the end of the cup he took a deep breath, and let it out in a long guttural sigh. He locked back onto Dash, who jumped having forgotten she was even in the room. "Would you relax? I won't rip your head off or anythin'." He chuckled darkly. "Doubt I could catch you."

Dash laughed nervously, trying to steady her hoof as she sipped tea from a jittery cup. "It's all good. I'm cool, no problem over here!"

"So, uhm…yeah, about my legs." He clattered the metal contraptions against each other. "I was injured in service to her majesty Princess Celestia. Long boring story short, I stepped on an explody thing…it sent me flying…tore out my ligaments, and cracked some cartilage, broke a tooth…blahblahblah… A year of rehab later, and then I came home with an honorable discharge and got these things put on my legs to help ease the pain so I wasn't popping pills three times a day. I hate medicine. Half the time it doesn't work and you feel sick off it. The other half it works great but it turns you into a zombie. What's the point of that?" He clattered his pipes together and grumbled. "Isn't one, I tell you! Rather run around with this here metal than deal with fool doctors anymore. Had enough of ‘em!"

"Daddy! You're rambling again!" Scootaloo called from the kitchen.

"Oh, sorry dear! Thanks for catching me." He cleared his throat. "So uhm, yeah, uhm… Hi." A pained look crossed his features. "What was your name again?"

Dash did a double take, her brain churning trying to catch something she was missing, but replied curtly. "Rainbow Dash, Mr. Thundershanks, sir."

"Ahh yes, I've heard about you! Scootaloo goes on and on. Poor things completely enamored with yah." He let out a jolly round of laughter, his belly shaking mirthfully, as Scootaloo's head popped around the corner.

"DADDY!!" Dash snorted into a hoof trying to keep her cool as she looked sideways at Scootaloo's indignant glare centered on her father. "Hey, don't make me come over there and hurt you!" Scootaloo threatened, shaking a hoof.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Grinder took a deep breath and settled back into place with a chuckling sigh. He stared at a wall for a while, completely zoning out.

Dash cringed under the silence taking another uncomfortable sip of tea. The sound garnered the stallions attention. "Hey! Right, forgot you were there. Sorry about that…uhm…" His brow furrowed deeper as he circled a hoof in the air in thought.

Is he trying to remember my name? "Rainbow Dash?" Dash ventured forth, a look of honest concern crossing her features. "Uhm...you ok, Mr. Thundershanks?"

"What? Yeah, of course. Haha! Right! So!" He clanked the metal pipes together on his legs. "These big metal contraptions, I went and threw ‘em on after I was injured in service to her majesty, Princess Celestia. I was…"

"Already covered that topic, Daddy!" Scootaloo called around the corner.

"Oh…dear. Sorry about that." He paused. "Hey, have you done your homework yet?" He barked sharply.

Scootaloo jumped and peered around the corner. "What? No…it’s—"

He cut her off. "How many times have I got to tell you: homework, then chores, then play! You have straight A's but don't think I will let up on you for a second. Git in there and git busy!" His gaze was intense and commanding, ruthlessly cutting through any argument. Dash held her breath tensely.

Scootaloo looked back in calm defiance. "It's summer break, Dad. Relax, I passed."

"Oh, then yes, great job Scootabee! Proud of ya, play all you want." Grinder was silent for a moment then reached into a bag next to the couch and pulled out some bits. "Sorry for barking at you, sweetie. I'll leave some bits on the ottoman for ya. Go buy some cupcakes later." He plopped the bits down on the ottoman, and turned to Dash. "So, tell me about yourself there Rainbow Dash. You’re a celebrity around these parts, and my daughter is quite enamored with you." He chuckled as Scootaloo let out a vehement sigh from the kitchen, and rounded the corner with some daisy sandwiches and bits of cut up apple on a tray.

"Well, you know, being an Element of Harmony, the fastest flyer in Equestria, and a hero tends to do that to a pony." Dash polished a hoof against her chest, but jumped in surprise as Grinder let out a riotous laugh.

"That's right! Say it how it is! I like that! Ponies is always dancin' around what they mean and never have the guts to jus' say it out loud." Grinder continued laughing, jiggling merrily, with those angry eyes.

"Daddy, you're being too loud. Bring it down a bit." Scootaloo shook her head in embarrassed exasperation. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash…I…"

"OH! Right, Rainbow Dash! I've been looking forward to meeting you for such a long time now." He clattered his legs together. "I used to be a real athlete like you, till I earned my pipes here. Have I told you the story of how I earned my pipes in the service of her majesty, Princess Celestia?"

Dash stared slack jawed at Grinder. Her gaze flitted over to Scootaloo who was staring down and off to the side. Actions that weren't lost on the stallion’s sharp wit. "I see… Hah! Of course I have. I'm just playing with you…" He laughed off the awkward silence. "Hey sweetheart, you need to stop fussin' over me." He rubbed a hoof through Scootaloo's mane. "It’s all good, right Scootabee? No worries." Grinder rolled off the couch and stretched. Then he cringed and dropped to the ground without warning, letting out a sharp grunted gasp.

"Daddy!" Scootaloo shot to his side. Dash jumped up, setting the teacup down, she trotted over swiftly.

"Mr. Thundershanks, you alright? What happened?" She offered a helping hoof, wondering if she even could help if he accepted it.

"Don't worry about me." His breathing was labored. "Ah’m fine. Just a hip popping out of place. Let me catch my breath." With that he shuddered, standing up slowly, and then -CRACK!- the offending hip slid back into its slot. "Ahh, there we go, all better." He leaned over and kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. "Your Daddy's doin' just fine. Stop worrying so much. You got more important things to do in life than fussin' over me." Grinder nuzzled her on the neck and ran a hoof through her mane, mussing it up. "Now go on out and play. It's time for my nap." He grabbed the sandwiches, popped one into his mouth and tossed the plate with the cuts of apple onto his back. Then he plodded slowly, awkwardly, clunkily to the stairs. "Why don't you spend the night at a friend’s house? You haven't done that for a while, right?"

Scootaloo gritted her teeth and choked back a sob. "Right, Dad! Have a good night. I'll be staying over at Dash's tonight."

"Oh right, I just met her a while ago. She is an awesome filly. I really liked her. Give her my regards!" He called down the stairs. Clunk, thud, clank…creak…grumble. "Stupid stairs! You won't win this time! Bring it on! Yarr…hahaha!"

Scootaloo closed her eyes, fighting an internal breakdown when two blue forelegs wrapped around and pulled her back. Dash nuzzled her neck and cheek. "Hey, little sis, I think I get it now."