• Published 25th May 2013
  • 3,924 Views, 77 Comments

Dashaloo Days and Scootabow Nights - RGLloyd

Rainbow Dash promised to take the rambunctious Scootaloo under her wing on the whim of pride. However, when Scootaloo's repressed emotions come to surface, Dash finds there's more to the little filly than fun and flight training.

  • ...

When Words Fail

Why is she running away from me? Scootaloo watched in innocent heartbreak as Dash bolted down the street. She looked sick, maybe she needs to go home? Her brain somersaulted around, filing through a myriad of fleeting excuses only to find a dark murky pit of self loathing at the end. No… No excuses… She's ditching me… On some level Scootaloo could hear Applejack drawling at her, but she rejected the kind words. Couldn't bring herself to care. I did this, it's my fault of course, why wouldn't she run? I’ve hounded her every day for flying lessons ever since the campout. I'm clingy, obnoxious, and emotional. I tried everything I could to take over her life… Her voice came out squeaky, tears streaming down her cheeks as she scuffed a hoof viciously into the ground. "It was too soon. I shouldn't have dumped my problems on her like that…" Scootaloo gritted her teeth as she gazed forlornly through squinted tears, praying Dash would come back with some lame excuse.

Applejack bit her lip and threw her forelegs around the broken filly. "Aww, sugarcube, this ain't your fault!"

"Get off of me!" Scootaloo bucked at Applejack, turning on her. "I didn't ask for your help! I don't need it, from you or Dash!" She glared daggers at the older mare who backpedaled in shock as the little filly adopted her father's overbearing commanding attitude. "She's always ditching me! Why would I think that maybe we had grown closer and maybe I meant something in her life finally from just spending a couple of nights over? I get it now, okay? You can't just step into another pony’s life and expect to be the best thing that ever happened to them! All I wanted was a sister! I wanted Dash, but I can see now that I don't need her, okay!?" She took a deep calming breath. "I can take care of myself just like I always have. Stop fussin' over me, and just leave me alone!" Scootaloo turned and trotted down the street.

Applejack, reaching out a hesitant hoof, could only watch helplessly as the filly trotted off. "Oh Celestia, theres no words to fix that..."

Dash bolted through the streets of Ponyville, making a beeline for Sweet Apple Acres. She has to be there! Applejack wouldn't have let her wander off, not in her condition, because…that's what a big sister would do. She gritted her teeth and grinned into the wind that whipped past her muzzle as her hooves beat the road into submission. Faster! Stupid legs! Running is so slow!

Dash thundered on, dodging through the crowds of evening ponies, sending more than a few spinning or stumbling back. Scootaloo does this all the time, she mused, racing through the streets. Maybe it would be fun to join her for once. Training aside, we could just run, race, and dodge everypony unlucky enough to get caught in our path. She would have chuckled if she didn't have to focus on breathing. Her head lowered and she pressed forward harder, thoughts of the future fueling her resolve.

The sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon, casting its golden rays across the groves of apple trees as she came up to the outskirts of the farm. She leapt over the fence, too anxious to find the gate, and weaved in and out of the trees, chunks of dirt flying out beneath her hooves. She rounded a hill; the farmhouse looming just over the next sent renewed waves of determined energy through her legs. Energy that was blasted out of her…

Applejack appeared from the trees. Dash saw the orange streak as it beelined for her, but she was moving too fast to dodge as the enraged mare slammed into her ribs, sending her flying. Dash instinctively rolled into a ball and tumbled into a tree, knocking the air out of her. Shaking her head she quickly regained her bearings and rolled to her hooves. Applejack was there, muzzle to muzzle she stared down Rainbow Dash, who, not being one to step off, glared defiantly back.

"I reckon' yer feelin' better?" Applejack hissed through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, besides a sudden pain in my side I'm doin' alright!" Dash shot back vehemently. "So uh…what's up with you, huh? Anything new?"

"Oh, just workin' out some frustrations, thought I'd git a few chores done, buck some trees just for practice seein' as it ain't applebuck season an' all. Then I saw a chance to maybe feel a whole lot better plowin' into your sorry flank!"

"Huh, glad I could help! You, uh, wanna give me some good enough reasons or are we going to settle this the hard way?" Dash growled menacingly.

"I'll git to the point then. Bein' a big sister is a big deal. You cain't just run off and leave a filly in the dust like that. Scootaloo was really hurtin'." Applejack bit her lip, taking a deep breath, forcing through the pain of her next words. "Look, I gotta know and you gotta answer, ‘cause this isn't some competition or game where yer dealin' with a finish line. This challenge never ends, and it will always be there demanding attention. You cain't just give up an’ walk out on this one because we’re talkin' ‘bout a little filly's heart! Bein' a big sister means opening yer heart and puttin' yer feelings on the line no matter how painful it is." Applejack bristled as tears built up in the corner of her eyes, her voice raising to a shout. "An if you cain't be that then say so here, an’ call it off now before you really buck up, an’ hurt her bad! Before you go an do somethin' you cain't ever take back. Because I'm warnin' you, Rainbow Dash, it don't matter how much you try an’ deny it, that kind of pain and regret will follow you around fer the rest of yer life and hers! Are you ready for that commitment? Can you really be there for her? Can you honest to goodness truth be the sister she needs!?"

Applejack's words washed over Dash in a torrent of heated emotion, sending her hackles rising reflexively with indignant anger. It was a direct challenge, egging her on to push back, to fight, to come out on top and prove that no challenge could ever stand in her way. With a deep breath, Dash stepped forward as Applejack held her ground.

Applejack was prepared for a fight, she knew Dash wouldn't respond well to a direct challenge, and her heart sank as Dash stepped forward with a look of anger and pain wrinkling her muzzle. A moment of eternity passed as she held her breath, waiting for Dash to make the first move, her heart pounding mercilessly in her ears. Then…her legs about fell out from under her when Dash threw her forelegs around her neck and hugged her tight. "That must have been really hard," she whispered into Applejack's ear.

"Eeeyah…k-kinda was…" Applejack stuttered in shock.

"Thank you." Dash let out a cleansing breath fighting down her hackles. "It means a lot to me knowing how much you care."

Applejack gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut. "Aww, shucks… Dash, when did you get to be all sappy?"

"Don't let it go to your head." Dash nuzzled Applejack's mane. "I'm just givin' you my answer."

Applejack wrapped her neck around Dash's and squeezed back, breathing a sigh of relief. "Dawww… At this rate I'll end up callin' ya' sis." She let Dash go and backed up, leveling an intense stare at her. "But I ain't the one who needs the convincin', Dash. You gotta find that filly and fast! An’ it can only be you! She ain't gonna listen to nopony else. That little ball of pain and misery needs you somethin' fierce right now."

Dash nodded, taking in a deep breath. "I'm on it!"

Dash dragged her hooves forward, one at a time. Her fur was matted from sweat and caked with dirt from a fruitless evening of frantic filly searching. After leaving Applejack she had searched everywhere from Scootaloo's home to the clock tower. In the end there was only defeat. It feels like I never went to sleep. I might as well have just left the Wonderbolt Academy I'm so tired. She clopped up slowly to her cloud home. A buzzing up ahead irritated her. Bees? Humming bird…no… Sounds like… She listened intently, willing the familiar sound of that buzzing to make itself known so she could be irritated at it directly. The buzzing reached a feverish pitch, turning into a hum… Then it halted followed by a thud, and an exasperated dramatic sigh.

"Stupid wings! Dash, I'm gonna fly up there!! I'll prove it!! I will fly!! Then I won't need you!"

Dash stopped short, looking up, pain spreading through her chest as the words stung through her. Scootaloo launched into another round of strained flapping, her wings blurring as they hummed. She slowly lifted off the ground, inch by inch, until the inches widened to legspans. She pushed, leg by agonizing leg, she pushed, her wings flapping at a maddening pace, she pushed. Just above her loomed Dash's cloudhome, the edge of the walkway inches away from the filly's outstretched hoof. Her muzzle was pulled back, strained, sweat dripping, and her teeth gritted. Her eyes shone with an inner determined unwavering fire. Then, with the finality of one whose dreams had been crushed, that fire did waver. Exhausted, her wings refused to flap, and the ledge defied her. Hoof outstretched, pleading for that last few inches, she watched in pained silence as the gap widened, questioning if it was worth trying anymore. She closed her eyes, the frustration balling into a feeling of imploding agony in her chest as she waited helplessly for the ground. I hope it hurts! she screamed out mentally, hating her wings, hating Dash, hating herself, and hating the ever present sick ball of emotions that was roiling through her stomach, clenching at her chest, and pounding between her eyes.

The ground came up to meet the little filly defiantly softly. It folded around her, cradled her, comfortingly nuzzled her neck. Confused, Scootaloo stared up at Dash. "You ran away."

"I came back."

Scootaloo squirmed, trying to break Dash's hold on her. "You hurt me!"

"I'm sorry."

Little filly hooves beat against Dash. Striking out at every weak point they could find. "I don't believe you! You're always sorry for something!"

"I know, but I won't run away anymore."

"Liar!" Scootaloo thrashed around. "Let me go!"


"LET GO!" Scootaloo screamed at her, bit and kicked, bucked and wracked.

Dash winced, taking in the pain, she squeezed harder, holding tight. "I won't let go! Never again!"

Scootaloo froze, sinking deeper into Dash as wings blocked out the starlight. Her mouth played out another round of defiance, but her breath fell soundlessly from her lips. For a moment she lay there, in the cushiony softness of Dash's chest, and took in the sound of halting breaths. Drips of water fell upon her ears, sending them into little surprised fits of twitching, and cascaded down her cheeks. Her neck craned back to stare up at the outline of Dash's muzzle against the darkness, her ears falling back like channels for the torrent of tears that pattered against her. They felt cool, and comforting, tickling a little as they slid down her ears, gathered at the tips, and dripped down her back. Scootaloo watched silently, felt Dash's gentle sobs roll through her, and the staccato bursts of breath that played down her mane.

Burying her face into Dash's neck, the pain in her gut rolled up her throat and burst out violently in a scream of agony. All the pent up frustration wracked through her in ebbing sobs. Dash winced and pulled her tighter, etching the filly's torment into her heart. The moon crawled across it's zenith slowly as Scootaloo's pain played out through long wracking sobs and wet sniffles matting Dash's coat. Exhaustion creeped through the little filly as the haze from crying so hard settled over her eyes, accompanied by the absence of weight on her chest. Slowly Scootaloo gingerly stretched up, kissed Dash on the nose, and nuzzled her cheek. "The pain's gone now," she murmured groggily.

Dash nuzzled her back and sighed through a sniffle. "Yeah, mine too, little sis."

To be continued...here!

Comments ( 33 )

What you change in the update?


Last three chapters were edited by Unknownlight. I just finished reviewing them and posted the updates. :twilightsmile:

2726999 Nothing was actually changed; the chapters just went through "clean up" (correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, awkward word choice, etc.) You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two versions unless you looked at them side-by-side.

Only if you aren't standing on top of them...or if the idiot in your crosshairs triggers one. Besides a good chuckle, the works done for you, it saves a round, and that means early chow! It all adds up to be 200% more efficient! And efficiency is eevveerryytthhiinngg... :pinkiecrazy:


Yick. I'm hoping you aren't speaking from experience... :twilightoops:


O'righty then! That is exactly what I wanted to hear about the changes. I was trying not to really change the story in any way noticable, but make it flow smoother and less jittery. Also, I added a lot in there about her physical state and discomfort for leading into the plotline, short as it all may be. Overall I added or changed close to 600 words. I felt it was just enough. Any more I feared may be too much. :moustache:

Next, you are the third person to say that about my sound effects. I'll fix it. :fluttercry:

DUDE! Flufflepuff...right? Link time! :raritystarry:Flufflepuffly! Everyone, pay homage with me!

3129735 I, think that's much better, personally. :twilightsmile:


Awesome, thanks for all the help. I really appreciate your critiques.:twilightsmile:

Holy Fk. This was awesome. I can't wait to see the sequel.

3300391 Yep! Poke'ref's for the win, gotta catchem all! :raritywink:


Awesome! I'm glad you liked it.:pinkiehappy:

Thanks! I remember pouring hours into each one of these chapters. :rainbowlaugh:

I originally wrote this story for my daughter who was having some difficulties in life. I usually write hardcore combat, adventure, and gore but she loves sad stories with heavy D'aww, so I kinda just went for it. :pinkiehappy:

Firstly, thank you, Unknownlight for editing those chapters, because I just read the story, and it flowed so smoothly, I was completely unaware it had been cleaned up. Secondly, thank you RGLloyd for this wonderful little story. I had a feeling you were drawing from real experiences, because it's right there in the text, and it leaps off the page, that somewhere is hurt, and pain, and you describe it quite well. As someone who stresses constantly while taking care of his own mother, and father, I connected instantly with Scootaloo, and her need to decompress.

For what it's worth, I'm glad you wrote this story free of your normal avenues of combat, and gore, as I don't read such stories (that's no offense to you, I don't read them at all, from anyone). So you've got another fan here, and hopefully you will write more stories like this. I think you have a knack for it, just as Unknownlight seems to know right where to poke and nudge. Great work, great story.

3335735 Wow, thanks, I really appreciate you leaving such an awesome comment on my work. This fic does have a special meaning for me, and my daughter. So, I am really happy that it came across so clearly. The sequels however, I'm just doing for fun, and maybe because my daughter asked with big pouty eyes. :rainbowlaugh:

3335884 - You're welcome, and pouty eyes? That's all the reason you'll ever need. :twilightsmile:

3336140 Then I accept my doom with open arms and D'aww in my heart. :rainbowlaugh:

3336143 - If you're going to accept doom, that's probably the most efficient way to do so. :pinkiehappy:

3345472 Hehe, I'm glad you like it! Watch out though! :rainbowderp:
Don't think it's all fun and silliness, or else the feelz will getcha'... :pinkiecrazy:


:rainbowhuh: Who?

Awesome story! Very touching and adorable. I'm glad Dash finally stepped up to being a big sis! :rainbowkiss::scootangel: I will have to check out the sequel. :raritywink:

3354317 Wow, from all the times I've done edit passes through this, how did I miss that? Thanks! :applejackconfused:

Glad you liked it, and I hope you enjoy the others.

4002674 Squee! Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

4002685 lol dat squee. Really good story. On to the next. I go:coolphoto:.

4003653 Sorry dude, the next is still under construction :pinkiesad2:

4003664 Dashaloo Days: Angry Flight Training < this one? and if it is it don't mada i read any way AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME :flutterrage:

4003980 No Wonderbolt Flight training was pulled down and is being redone :rainbowlaugh:

5661200 I had originally planned to run two stories side by side. One was Dashaloo, and the other was Starlight which explores the relationship between Twi and Celestia which is a close yet guarded mother/daughter scenario. I tried to revolve them around each other while keeping each story separate in it's own right, but everything became too confusing because certain aspects of each story didn't make sense without reading the other. ie... FAIL! So I was going to combine them.

Problem was that life became hectically crazy. I went through a lot this last year and everything has changed. I just got back to a point I can write somewhat each week, so I wanted to finish my stories.

This fic is just as great the first time as it was the second.

5661610 Yay, I'm so glad that it has replay value! :yay:

Comment posted by PonyofEntropy deleted Oct 10th, 2022
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